Today I will be researching:
- Cruises
- Charleston, South Carolina
- North Carolina mountain getaways
- Puerto Rico
- New York
- Italy (???)
As always, I’m definitely open to suggestions! I’ve already checked out a bunch of the hotels you guys told me about in the comments section of my post last night and a bunch of them look amazing!
We are planning to postpone our St. Lucia trip until next year. We were really looking forward to visiting the island and still hope to make it out there within a year… Perhaps for our one-year anniversary? 😀
Until then it’s crunch time to find a replacement honeymoon in 48 hours. Ready? Go!
It’s been a while since I’ve busted out cold oatmeal for breakfast! Last night I enjoyed a small bowl of oats after dinner as my evening snack and saved the remaining oatmeal for my morning meal.
I paired the leftover cold oatmeal with a cup of Greek yogurt and a sliced Gala apple.
The thick yogurt paired perfectly with the pillowy texture of the cold oatmeal and the sweet crunch of the autumn apple.
This breakfast was pretty darn filling!
It was great post-workout fuel after an awesome BodyPump class this morning.
Question of the Morning
If you had to plan a honeymoon in 48 hours, where is the first place you would look to visit?
If you end up going to Italy, email me and I’ll give you some suggestions. That’s where I honeymooned just a few months ago. Cinque Terre is absolutely stunning and definitely my favorite part of the trip. 🙂 Congrats!
I would loooveee to visit Europe, anywhere, really..there’s so much history and it’s GORGEOUS!
if i only had 2 days to plan i’d go on a cruise because then i wouldn’t have to plan! 🙂
Such a bummer st Lucia is out! If I had to plan my honeymoon over in 48 hours I think I’d choose Hawaii or whistler canada! Whistler is probbably beautiful this time of year- I’ve oy been when it’s totally covered in snow! There are wonderful hotels/ resorts, great restaraunts, fun things to and it’s a beautiful place to relax. You fly into vacouver which is a beautiful place also! Hawaii is a wonderful fool proof vacation!! Can’t wait to see where you decide! This is selfish but hope you blog while you are gone! 🙂 love reading your posts!
I’d go back to Paris. Great food, romantic walks and beautiful cozy hotels 🙂
Wherever you decide, I hope you have a wonderful time!
Congratulations! You should definitely check out La Jolla, California. There is a reason it is called The Jewel. I live here and it is paradise!
ITALY?? pack me in your luggage! You won’t even know I’m there!
CHARLESTON! I’ve gone to the Vendue Inn multiple times and it is amazing! Free wine tasking/snacks, bikes, southern breakfast, cookies and milk and your room key gets you in the front of the line to a beautiful rooftop terrace bar! The made my anniversary extra special! If you go to Charleston make sure you visit the French quarter!
Good luck! You looked beautiful at your weddding!
Congratulations on your marriage! I can’t even imagine how disappointed you are about St. Lucia..I am very into tropical vacations (love cruises) but last April, my boyfriend begged me to go to Nashville, TN for a weekend. We had a blast! We rented a car and saw the sights – mostly plantations with gorgeous areas to walk – and had tons of great food. We stayed at the hermitage and it was beautiful (join iprefer before you go to get extra upgrades or benefits). Really a great hotel and the service was impeccable – you’d walk into your room at night and classical music would be playing. We also saw the grand old opry, which was an experience (even though we’re not country music fans). The downtown is fun, too!