5 Things I Miss
Family + Friends + Play Dates
I’m lumping all of these together because, without a doubt, what I’ve been missing most over the course of the past nearly two months is social interaction with our people! We’ve canceled plans to see family on three separate occasions and not seeing them for several months is just plain hard! I’ve also really, really missed regularly seeing our friends. Though I’m used to being home with the boys, I’m not used to isolating ourselves like this and really miss connecting with my friends in person. We’ve done the whole Zoom thing a number of times but nothing replaces in-person conversation and I’m craving it! I also miss watching my boys have a blast with their friends and seeing them just be kids during their various activities and play dates.
Preschool for Chase
On one hand, I know I’m very lucky to only have to worry about school for Chase and the daily school activities his teacher sends our way are optional, low-pressure and simple compared to what so many of you are going through when it comes to educating older children and multiple children. On the other hand, I JUST MISS PRESCHOOL! I miss feeling good about dropping Chase off at a place he loves four mornings a week. I miss the confidence I have in knowing his teachers are pouring their amazing knowledge and expertise into my child. I miss his preschool stories and excitement over the various lessons. I miss the socialization for him with his classmates. And, selfishly, I miss not having to worry about educating my child beyond reading and fun, play-based activities at home.
Boot Camp + The Gym (aka my 45 minutes of “me time”)
This one feels so silly to include but, if I’m being honest, it’s something I miss every single day. I didn’t realize just how much having someone else watch my kids so I could get in a quick workout in the morning did for my sanity. It gave me time to truly focus on my workouts and myself and let me put being a mom and everything else going on in my life on hold. Now I feel like whenever I choose to work out, I’m neglecting something else and it’s not a good feeling even though I know exercise is important for me, my health and my sanity.
Distraction-Free Work Time
Like so many of you out there right now, I’m struggling to balance working from home and everything else. I feel like every day I am failing in some area. If I get in a workout in the morning, I feel instantly behind on blog stuff. If I use my pre-pandemic 5 – 7 a.m. time slot to work, a workout likely isn’t going to happen at all and I just don’t feel like I have my normal level of energy all day long. (I don’t even need a workout to be crazy hard — just the simple act intentional movement by myself without juggling kiddos does so much for my sanity!) And then when I try to dedicate Ryder’s nap time to work, I feel bad because this means that I’m likely neglecting Chase’s preschool assignment for the day because Ryder’s nap time is often the only time I can give Chase the undivided attention he needs and deserves during his “school time” without a grabby 22 month old making things 10,000 times more difficult and serving as the ultimate form of distraction. I’ve had to work at night more often than before which is such a struggle for me because my body and brain are both dead the minute the kids go to bed. It’s a daily battle and makes me feel very fortunate for my usual work schedule which, while still a crazy mix of motherhood and blog work, feels much more manageable than what’s currently going on over here! Oh and don’t even get me started on the seemingly endless cycle of dishes and the state of our house at 4 p.m. every day…
The Ease of Running Errands + Quickly Grabbing Food Out
Remember when we could just pop into the grocery store or Target for x, y, z or swing by a local restaurant for lunch and not give it much thought? I miss that a lot! Now it feels like every trip needs to be incredibly intentional, grocery shopping needs to be planned and well-thought out, any food we want from a restaurant needs to be pre-ordered, etc. None of this is horrible but it does remove some of the joy from piling into the car, running around town or grabbing food on the fly from a favorite restaurant on a Saturday afternoon. When all of this is over, I definitely won’t miss relying on my phone and the internet for most of our needs.
5 Things I Don’t Miss
Rushed Mornings
There’s something lovely about having absolutely nowhere to go every morning. Without the pressure of getting everyone out the door by 9 a.m., we’ve eased into a more laid back morning routine and it often involves pancakes, French toast, lots of stories, cuddles on the couch, unstructured playtime, etc.
Doing My Hair + Makeup
Okay so I wouldn’t say I’m exactly spending hours on my hair and makeup every day in my usual life (far from it — I’m a top knot + 5-minute makeup routine kind of girl normally) but I’ve put on makeup exactly four times in the past seven weeks and took the time to do my hair twice. While I admit I always feel better about myself when I spend a little time getting ready, it’s been nice to forgo the usual beauty routine. I am still sticking with my usual super-basic skincare routine (Amara Vitamin C Cleanser + Thayers Witch Hazel Toner + Rosehip Seed Oil) and embracing the fresh face look!
All of the “Noise”
I’m not sure how to put this one in words but one thing that has been kind of nice during this time of social distancing is the lack of noise from outside activities, commitments, obligations, etc. I miss a lot of these things but there is something to be said for eliminating every source of outside entertainment to make you really notice and appreciate little things like sunny days, backyard sprinkler splash pads, laughing kids, made-from-scratch cupcakes, etc. There are certain aspects of social distancing that appeal to the homebody in me and reiterate in my mind the fact that we don’t need a jam-packed schedule to have fun and enjoy life.
Dog Mom Guilt
You guys, Sadie is living her best life right now and it’s making my heart so happy! During normal life, she gets lots of love and a walk every day but she is THRIVING having all of us home 24/7. Any dog guilt I have in my usual life related to Sadie’s outside time and extra exercise has gone out the window! She’s looooving the hours and hours we spend together outside and enjoying multiple walks every day. I’ve also noticed that she’s embracing her big sister role more and more. We always joke that Sadie’s love for our children is a bit unrequited and that she longs for the days when she was our “only child” but I’ve noticed Sadie wandering over to the boys for some love and cuddles and she even seems to enjoy it when Ryder or Chase take the leash to lead her on a walk. Progress!
Not Seeing Ryan Until After 6:30 p.m.
During a usual work week, Ryan leaves the house a little before 7 a.m. and is often not home until close to 7 p.m. Even though Work from Home Ryan is still very much tied to his computer and phone all day (he has a temporary office set up in our bedroom), seeing him pop into the kitchen for lunch or join us in the front yard for 10-20 minute breaks a few times a day is so nice! And lately he’s been able to wrap up work at a decent time so we have a couple of hours together as a family before the boys go to bed which is the BEST. I know working from home is not ideal for anyone who usually works from an office but we’re both embracing the small perks of this otherwise strange working arrangement.
5 Things I’m Grateful For
Our Jobs
It’s not lost on me or Ryan for one second how fortunate we are to have jobs right now, let alone jobs we can do from home. We truly talk about this every single day and keeping our hearts set on gratitude for the work we have to do has been central to the way we’ve been handling the adjustment that comes along to working from home with two kids in the mix.
Spring in Charlotte
In the five years we’ve lived in Charlotte, I can honestly say I’ve never appreciated just how wonderful spring is in our hometown until this year. With outside being the only place we can go every day, I find myself feeling grateful for our mild climate, mostly sunny skies and temperatures ranging from 60-80 degrees. No quarantine is ever ideal, but if it was going to happen at any time of year in Charlotte, this is a decent one for us because spending time outside is so darn appealing! I also love how Chase seems to comment on the weather now, too, and notice how beautiful it is outside. Clearly Ryan and I talk about this a lot because it is definitely rubbing off on him! 
Various Ways People Are Connecting and Helping
From generous donations and picking up groceries for a neighbor to writing uplifting messages on the sidewalk with chalk, drive by birthday parades for kids and social-distancing visits from teachers and more, it’s really awesome to see so many people caring for each other so well right now. It seems like most people want to do something to help right now and I love this “we’re all in this together” attitude.
Brothers + Our Family Unit
I’m grateful for our family every day but WOW do I have another level of appreciation for our family unit right now. Chase and Ryder are BFFs and even though brother battles occur every single day (and oh my gosh to they kill me sometimes), every single part of my heart is so grateful they have each other through this time of isolation. Ryder looks to Chase for his primary source of entertainment and play and no one makes him laugh harder than his big brother. Chase clearly relishes his big brother role and seeing our boys run around, laugh and play together every day is the best.
File food under things I’m grateful for every day! I know we’re lucky to be able to feed our family mostly healthy food as well as have access to grocery delivery and take out. Though feeding our family can admittedly feel never-ending, it’s also been a source of joy for me when I take the time to find new recipes to try and fun treats for us to make together, like homemade ice cream and glazed doughnuts.
Questions of the Day
Your turn!!
What are…
- 5 things you’re missing right now?
- 5 things you don’t miss?
- 5 things you’re grateful for?
This is an excellent post, Julie and one I can definitely relate to, without question! For me, I miss members of my family, visiting my local library, browsing and shopping inside stores with ease, grabbing a coffee from a local cafe and enjoying it while relaxing inside and so much more. With that being said, I’m very thankful for my family, health and the ability to have strength to get through the day and be able to help others when I can.
Thanks for linking to my post Julie! And SAME on play dates (missing) and my husband’s shorter work hours (loving, and will miss when this ends!).
I really love this exercise, Julie! Your selections are so understandable. We can be very appreciative but also sad at these changes.
5 Things I’m Missing:
1) Twin sister dates out in the community.
2) Coffee shop visits.
3) As you said: the ability to casually shop.
4) The feeling of safety. I believe this sense of vulnerability will stay for some time.
5) Not having to wear a mask all day at work. It gets suffocating at times.
5 Things I Don’t Miss:
1) Losing sight of the simplicity of life. As you said, this has opened our eyes to the spring weather, home, family.
2) When our world was more polluted. Something that has given me hope is to read about how the Earth is thriving while we stay at home more.
3) Traffic. When more people had to stay at home, commutes were a lot easier.
These three are all that come to mind right now.
5 Things I’m Grateful For:
1) Our jobs! Matt & I are thankfully doing well financially.
2) Time spent together.
3) Our spring weather
4) Seeing communities support each other.
5) The lessons learned
Great topic Julie! Haven’t sat down to think about it much so I’m going to just list whatever pops into my head.
5 misses: Family visits, Mom’s group at church, attending church in person with my church family, walking into Target and feeling that relaxed atmosphere where I can take my time and don’t need a mask, kids being able to do their usual activities with friends.
5 don’t miss: constant work stress (I’m furloughed so work every 3 weeks and when I do it’s been crazy busy), kids school stress and constant information , constant running for kids activities, cost of gas, cost of kids activities!
5 Grateful: – I have so much to be thankful for but my quick 5 are our family time together, slowing down to do more projects/cooking at home, stable enough income to handle 2 furloughs and still be able to thrive and support our usual causes, Being able to still spend time with our local family.
It’s interesting to see how feelings about some things change over this period of time. I feel like in the beginning I was much more stressed and sad about being furloughed and missing my work friends. I love what I do, but I also tied my identity to it a lot too, which freaked me out to be off. Now I’m enjoying being off more. I am certainly excited any spot of good news we get about possibly going back, but I’m starting to enjoy my time off too! Same thing with the kids school- at first I felt (self-imposed) pressure to keep them on track and now I’m like – pretend it’s summer! Anyway, wishing we had more nice weather in Wisconsin but I know it will come this way too eventually!
Julie- the photo of the two boys in the Jeep is a keeper! Too cute brother love!
5 is hard so I’m changing it to 3 for each category ha.
Things I Don’t Miss:
1. Early Morning Alarms
2. Commuting
3. Traffic After Work (It will take 30+ minutes to go 6 miles….)
Things I Miss:
1. My Workout Class!!!
2. Friends
3. Sitting at Restaurants
Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My Job (truly don’t take that for granted)
2. My Dog
3. Being Able to Support Local Businesses (It’s not lost on me that I have the income to help local businesses that I love right now)
This is an excellent post and I agree 100% with everything you said!
5 things you’re missing right now?
1 – running around to all the soccer games on the weekends and see how much fun my daughter and her friends have playing together
2-hanging out with all our friends every weekend/week nights
3-working in the office. I am fortunate to still have a job and have the ability to work from home, but I love my office and love my coworkers and miss seeing them daily
4-the freedom to just leave and go where we wanted and when we wanted.
5-me time. my drives to/from the office, my lunchtime workouts, all of it was my downtime. I miss that 30-45 min
5 things you don’t miss?
1- getting up super early to get ready before the kids wake up
2-wearing anything but leggings, this is amazing!
3-fixing my hair every day – I’m all about the “throw my hair up” route these days
4-the crazy schedule. while I love going to games and running around, we realized how much we actually DO run around and this has made us realize that we need to find time to slow down every once in a while
5-stressing out about how I am going to get everything done every single day. I definitely think that is taught us how to reschedule and restructure our crazy days
5 things you’re grateful for?
– my family
-my neighbors
– my friends that setup zoom calls and cul-de-sac 6ft apart meetings
-my job
-the beautiful weather that is allowing us to get outside and appreciate the little things
Julie, this is a great post!
5 Things I miss:
+Seeing our church community
+Running over to a friends house/family member’s house
+ Going to town without fear of germs
+Play things (parks, museums etc.)
+Teaching my wonderful 2nd grade students
5 Things I Don’t Miss:
+The hustle/bustle of life
+Driving 15 minutes each way to drop our 1 year old off at daycare
+Stress at work (now I am teaching from home)
+Rushing in the morning
+Being tired after a day of work/house chores etc.
5 Thing I’m grateful for:
+Paychecks for both my husband and I
+This precious time with my son
+Being healthy
+Warm spring weather!
+More time to read/reflect/exercise
Love this so much. I relate to every single one of these so much, as we’re in a very similar boat. Thanks for a great reminder + solidarity.
Love this idea! Here are mine.
5 things I miss:
My kids going to school and having that structure
Seeing friends and family
Vacations- we have had to cancel two trips so far…
Easy casual shopping
My gym!
5 things I don’t miss:
Waking up early and having to get everyone out the door
Packing lunches
Doing my hair everyday
Juggling all our different activities
Grateful For:
Two steady paychecks
My kid’s relationship with each other and them entertaining one another
Extra workout time since I am not commuting into work
Zoom chats and distanced driveway visits
Wine! Yes, I said it 🙂
Omg I love this so much! I have been looking for some silver linings in all of this and it is nice to read things like this. So here are my lists:
5 things I miss: visiting my family and friends, especially my goddaughters who are 4 and 5, restaurants, the gym ( never thought I would say that, but working out at home isn’t the same even with the right equipment), shopping thrift stores, running out for things in a pinch
5 things I don’t miss: leaving my dog every morning, 1.5 hour round trip work commute, rushing in the morning to get everything in, spending extra money on things I really don’t need just because i happen to see something ( looking at you Target), wearing work clothes
5 things I am grateful for: My health and the health of my fam and friends, my jobs ( i am able to wfh with my FT and teach my PT online), at home delivery people and services, nespresso coffee ( thank you) and having time to do things around my house I don’t normally get to do.
Ok sorry so long =)
When this whole thing started, I had a TERRIBLE attitude about it and while some things about it really are terrible, there are so many things to be grateful for through all of this and I appreciate this post so much! I resonate with all of your things you miss, things you don’t and things you are grateful for. If I had to pick a top choice for each category, I would say I am so grateful for my job and the availability to work from home as needed so I can spend more time with my kiddos. I do not missed our rushed mornings at all and I do miss social interactions with all my favorite peoples 🙂
Great post! I have a kindergartner, and I am especially sad for her that she is missing the end of such a sweet year with her friends and awesome teachers. Most all, I am sad about her missing kindergarten graduation!!! Is Chase missing preK graduation this year? And if so, has his preschool come up with any cool ideas for doing it with social distancing in mind?
What a lovely post! I completely agree with you about not missing the “noise”. I have mentioned to my husband a few times that life feels much simpler, and I am really enjoying that. This is definitely something I will mourn as we transition back towards normal.
This is a great post and you really nailed so many of the things I miss or don’t miss – all the weird revelations that come with this time. I miss: seeing my friends, Mom & toddler playdates, casually shopping or visiting a restaurant. I don’t miss: going into the office, feeling overscheduled, traffic. I am so grateful to have a home and family unit where we all feel safe and loved. This time has really made me appreciate the small things and soak in the time with my husband and son. I love our walks and time outside, and watching my toddler (also 22 months old) squeal at the sound of an airplane.
I just loved this! What a great blog post idea to document this crazy time.
My list:
5 things I’m missing:
1 – PreK for my daughter, and not being able to see the little graduation ceremony they were going to have
2 – Travel (we had saved forever to go see my in-laws in Hawaii in April, then we had to cancel)
3 – Going out to eat as a family
4 – Being able to take all the kids to doctor’s appointments (although once I’ve made arrangements for the other kids, I’ll admit that it’s super nice to just have one kid to worry about while there!)
5 – Meeting with other people for church on Sunday (right now we’re doing at-home church)
5 things I’m not missing:
1 – Guilt for my homebody ways. (I’m usually one to want to stay home a lot, but I often feel pressured to leave more often than I’d care to personally.)
2 – The normal winter sickness that usually plagues our house. (We’re super grateful to not have been affected by COVID-19 health-wise, and we’re also grateful that this last winter was almost entirely free of the usual colds/flus/sickness that we usually get thanks to quarantine.)
3 – Wrangling the kids to get us all ready for 9 a.m. church. (Since we have church at home now, our Sunday mornings are much more leisurely!)
4 – Certain social obligations. (I’m an introvert, so having an easy excuse to avoid some of the social obligations I try to avoid anyway? Kind of awesome!)
5 – The kids’ expectations that we’re going out every single day to do something adventurous away from home. (They’ve really learned to love spending time here, which I’ve loved on so many levels!)
Grateful for:
1 – A job (for now).
2 – Our library’s new pick-up service
3 – My neighbors, who are going even more out of their way to serve us and everyone around them
4 – A home I love spending time in
5 – Gardening
I love this post – it’s such a good way to be mindful and thankful during this time of uncertainty. I am missing going to church and being in community with others! I definitely don’t miss rushed mornings getting out the door for preschool! I am so grateful for this extra family time with all 4 of us together at home all day long!
Don’t feel bad at all about Chase’s education right now. I also have a 4 and 5 year old and my friend who is a kindergarten teacher keeps reminding me that they will be just fine! The important thing is just letting them play and be kids. Take the time to do special things with them right now and this will be a memorable time for them. Making sure they feel loved and everyone is in a good emotional and mental place is way more important than school work. Keep up the good work mama!
I live in NYC and have definitely been feeling cooped up in my apartment. I want to go back to enjoying my amazing city! But with that being said, I’m grateful that my fiancé and I are both healthy and employed. Ditto on the extra puppy time, too—our dog has been loving all of the extra attention and walks!
Definitely missing family at a time of exciting changes- your new baby. I’m in a similar boat as you- 4 year old, 2 year old and I’m 21 weeks. Unrelated but curious as to what vehicle you guys are considering upgrading to accommodate the baby?
I miss simple interactions in public! In the midwest we are beyond inclined to strike up a conversation in public over anything- at the dollar store checkout, in the grocery aisle, picking up prescriptions. If you’re wearing a marathon shirt or a vacation tee- someone will ask about it. This has stopped all-together and people whisper when they say ‘excuse me’ and hurry by. It’s so quiet and so weird. Illinois will be one of the last states to reopen, I hate not having an end date in sight.
This was a great post! I feel that I would’ve said the same things as well! We are in a similar stage of life. I really miss friends since my family lives in another state. I’m glad my kids really enjoy the simple things and they’ve been doing so well with all of this.
Such a great post! None of your reasons are silly – they all make sense! Of course we miss the little things in life because they help to make our days happy. 🙂 I am so glad you shared all of this because it is so relatable! Definitely don’t worry about Chase academically. I know it’s so sad for our little ones to miss out on the fun of preschool, but Chase is obviously very smart! My older son only had one year of preschool and then half day kindergarten…and yet he’s done fine in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade.
I’m thankful for…
1. Not having to wake up to an alarm Monday-Friday
2. Starbucks drive thrus, the best season ever of Survivor, and Bachelor related podcasts
3. Income and being able to feed my sons
4. Not having a full time job…I have an insanely active 4 year old (his climbing and jumping antics could get him on the show, Ridiculousness, for real). I can’t even do dishes without five interruptions! I would be in huge trouble if I had to WFH with him at home too!
5. The nice weather…some days I am thankful for rain and a “try to catch up” day, but overall, getting outside each day is key to our sanity!
I’m missing…
1. Routine and structure
2. My neighborhood rec center and exercising there while reading magazines! (I get Us Weekly and People and am now 20 issues behind…10 weeks of no reading!). Of course I do keep up with my favorite TV shows so… priorities!
3. Seeing friends and family and daily positive interactions (the days when we are all grumpy and/or sleep deprived are SO hard!)
4. Private speech for my four year old (his teacher was the best and I got to spend 45 minutes in the waiting room each week…so relaxing!)
5. Full day school for my nine year old and preschool 3x a week (on a good week!) for my 4 year old. Having both children in school allowed me to go to appointments, work out, try to keep up with laundry, and just have a little me time…which I really miss
6. Wearing normal clothes…there’s no time to stand in my closet and choose an outfit. I just keep wearing althleisure wear!
What I’m Not Missing
1. My husband’s commute
2. Comparing myself to others…I always felt like social media made me feel like everyone was always having more fun than us… jam packed weekends of fun activities and gatherings, and it seemed like someone I know was always at Disney World, when my boys have never been. There is a sense of peace knowing we are all kind of in the same boat, just in terms of trying to entertain our kids at home!
I totally forgot…I so miss shopping at Target and Home Goods/TJ Maxx! 🙂
I relate to the dog mom guilt SO much!! We have a 9 month old puppy and while I’m usually able to run home for lunch every day for 15-20 minutes I know my girl is loving having me home every day with her. I feel so much less guilty working all day when she’s cuddled up next to me!
I also realllllly like working from home. I never want to go back to the office!
Sadie looks so happy as do the boys …
Love this post! As an elementary school counselor, I enjoy reflecting and thinking about all of the things for which I am grateful-such a great boost for my mental health or as you call it-your sanity!
5 Things I’m Missing:
1) Visits with my family and friends – the planned and spontaneous
2) My amazing colleagues and our students at our neighborhood elementary school
3) Hiking our favorite trails, planning day trips to the mountains and other fun adventures
4) Hair appointments – it’s getting out of control over here
5) All of the fun activities that come with ending a school year! (Field day, kindergarten registration, kids’ choir concerts, Spring Fling dance, 5th grade graduation, kindergarten camp, last day of school celebrations, etc.)
5 Things I Don’t Miss:
1) 5:30am alarm
2) Running a bunch of errands on the weekends only
3) Packing my lunch
4) Staff meetings. Lots of meetings. All the meetings. Now meetings set virtually seem more intentional and productive.
5) Wearing shoes (aka foot jail) I’m a former Florida girl who wants to be barefoot for life
5 Things I’m Grateful For:
1) Our jobs! My husband and I are both working and doing our best to support those who count on us at work.
2) We were able to purchase our beautiful new (and first!) home right before the shutdown happened.
3) Extra down time spent with my husband-cooking, playing games, talking because there’s no rushing around right now
4) Time to read again – every time I use my Kindle to download another great adventure – it feels like straight MAGIC
5) Sweet messages from my elementary kiddos letting me know they are okay and watching my coping skills videos and goofy Mo Willems read alouds <3
5 Things I Miss:
1. My husband (he passed away from cancer in January just before all this started)
2.Going out to eat
3.Killing time mindlessly at Target and Home Goods
4.Dinner parties with my friends
5.Hugging my nephews
5 Things I Don’t Miss:
1. Rushing into the office in the morning
2. Not seeing my dog all day when I’m at work
3. Societal pressure to do things when I don’t feel like doing them! (I’m an introvert)
4. Doing my hair and makeup
5. Wearing work clothes
5 Things I am Grateful For:
1. Not having to take my husband to the hospital for treatments during the pandemic. I hate that he’s gone but would hate for him to be suffering during this time even more.
2. Spending so many hours with my sweet little dog
3. Having a job that is not threatened by the pandemic
4. So many friends and family members checking in with me and keeping me company on Zoom
5. My health and a home gym to keep my sanity
I’m so sorry for your loss…
Thank you <3 It's been an incredibly strange year around here, that's for sure!
5 things i miss:
1: Zumba/ being at the gym.
2: The experience of eating out with loved ones.
3: Church!
4: Going to the local winery Friday nights/ sipping on wine and food, listening to live music. ( I’m 18wks pregnant right now, so A LOT of these feel like things id miss anyways… but it works 😉 i know you understand )
5: My husband being part of my prenatal visits/ultrasounds 🙁
A few things I don’t miss:
1: Feeling the need to be “busy” and doing something everyday with my 4.5 yr old when she gets out of school… home is enough right now, and I LOVE that.
2: Being busy as a family… i love our nights at home, even thou we are both still working, on my nights off, I work 4/10 hr days and i work nights, so having my 3 nights off entirely surrounded by home and family is wonderful.
3: the hustle and bustle of life in a large city. the streets are pretty quiet these days and its wonderful!
5 things I’m grateful for:
1: Both my husband and I are still working!
2: My daughters preschool has been open this whole time! (thank you LORD)
3: The health of our family, and unborn son. I can’t say this enough, God is faithful. We are all well.
4: Time! Time these days is so sacred, spending time together as just the 3 of us as we prepare for our baby boys arrival (early fall), I am soaking up spending time with my 4.5 yr old, watching her become this wonderful human being and really soaking her up.
5: Quiet: life is so much more quiet, i really REALLY love living a quiet life, and that isn’t always the case, but life just seems more slow, quiet and simple these days and man that really makes my heart so happy.
6: I’m adding a sixth darn it! The most important…. Scripture/ Jesus calling daily devo. It’s keeping me so grounded and rooted and keeping my anxiety away!
HI Julie!! Will you please share your ice cream recipe? I got an ice cream maker as a gift and am looking for a healthier recipe to do with my kids!!
That was a really amazing post! ever on this website. I ‘m glad that my kids just love the easy stuff and that’s what they did so well with. I really appreciate you, Julie.