Cream cheese!
I nabbed this little tub of Philadelphia spinach artichoke cream cheese at the grocery store yesterday. It was a total impulse buy, but one I’m glad I made because it is so flippin’ tasty!
The taste reminds me of spinach artichoke dip and was the perfect addition to my roasted eggplant sandwich.
On the side of my sandwich, I sliced up a green pepper and enjoyed a stick of Sargento Colby jack cheese.
Not too shabby!
Time to work, work, work. I hope this day goes by quickly because I have a hot date with my friend Laurel to attend a hip hop dance class this evening. (I dream of being able to shake mah tailfeather.) This should be interesting!
Of Possible Interest
- Real Friends vs. Blogging Friends: My guest post on Hollaback Health ( <– This is an awesome site that provides wonderful tips for all you healthy living bloggers out there.)
- Gym Tips for Exercise Newbies (
- Worst Fad Diets of 2011 (
Hip hop dance class?!?! That is amazing. Can’t wait to hear all about it!
true story.. I have a sort of hip hop obsession. I can’t take my eyes away from the so you think you can dance screen when a hip hop/krump/cool jazz dance is performed!
unfortunately, this girl chose to tap dance for 5 years. my skillz are a little different.
ah, hell. we can be hip hop thugz in our dreams, right? 🙂
mmm… I’m seriously craving cream cheese now… YUM. I love the onion and herb and vegetable varieties 🙂
Spinach and Artichoke Cream Cheese? That seems perfect/amazing/incredible! I’m going meat-free in 2011, so I bet that it would be tasty stuffed in mushrooms or something. Thanks for sharing!
That cream cheese looks amazing!! I love roasted eggplant! I need to put it on a sandwich. Yummy!
Have fun at the hip hop class! That sounds like a blast!! 🙂
OOoo that cream cheese flavour looks awesome! I’ve never seen that one up here! *fingers crossed* it comes to Canada one day soon!
I would be so awkward in that hip hop dance class. It would be hilarious!
I love that cream cheese too! Hip hop is the best– have fun 🙂
I need to get some bell peppers, stat! These look really fresh and delicious.
Have fun at the hop hop dance class! I love trying out new dance moves.
Oh boy that cream cheese looks good! I love spinach and artichoke dip
um. i want that cream cheese asap. also, im in love with your roasted eggplant lately.
videos of hip-hop dance, please.
A hip hop class sounds so fun!
Yay!! so happy you’re taking a hip hop class! I did five years ago and now I’m HOOKED! 🙂 p.s. now I want a cheese string…i looovveee cheese..(Random fact, my parents used to call me Muffy the Mouse from the kid show Today’s special b/c I HAD to have cheese everyday as a child.) Back to work myself…..can’t wait to hear about your class! Go J-Dawg (your thug name LOL!)
Oh I LOVE the hip hop class at my gym! It is so much fun and such a change from all of my other work outs.
I would love to attend a hip hop class! Maybe I’ll seek one out.
Let us know if there were any awesome hip-hop workout songs that we should incorporate into our playlists!
Ryan and I went to the gym on a Tuesday night a few weeks back thinking we were going to a Body Attack class only to find out we looked at the schedule wrong and were actuall at Body Jam. I thought for sure Ryan would duck and run but we stuck it out and had a blast! I love dancing for exercise! Have fun!
Love dance classes…they make me happy!
This link has to do with changing the Starbucks label you blogged about earlier. It’s really funny
that must be a new flavor…i’ll have to try that!! and thanks for your sweet comment this morning 🙂
I’m excited about my workoput today as well!
I have never herd about that kind of cream cheese but I love spinach and artichoke dip so I’m thinking this is a must-try!
I absolutely love Zumba myself – a chance to shake my butt around and have fun without worrying about difficult choreography!
I love your article on HollabackHealth! I’m curious: what made you decide to start a blog? And now that you’ve been doing it for a while, what are your favorite parts about it?
I love cardio-dance type classes! The Y I work at has one that I used to attend alllll the time, but now that I work late hours, I can’t make it to the class anymore 🙁
Question for you…I know you’ve probably answered this a bajillion times and it’s probably posted somewhere, but what kind of camera do you use? Is it the one that was broken a little bit ago and you had to get all of the moisture out of? I ask because it takes GREAT pictures… I love the depth in the last picture of your sandwhich. I am wanting to look into a new camera this year I think, esp. now that I’ve started my new blog!
i absolutely love my canon s90! that’s the one that’s currently being repaired though. 🙁 i also love my nikon d300 (which is the one the took all the photos from today and yesterday). it’s amazing, but i need to learn how to use it!! there’s so much to learn!
I have been looking for hip hop and other dance classes in Orlando! Where are you taking the class? let us know if it was a good one!!
i love the combination of spinach & artichoke!! that would be epic with some smoked salmon and capers on a bagel 🙂 yum!
Bagelwiches make the best lunch!
great guest post 🙂
Wow a hip-hop dance class! Sounds FUN! Shake that bootie Julie! 😛
And I loved your guest post by the way! 🙂
ahh im so jealous- i LOVE hip hop classes! i used to dance for 7 years- I MISS IT so much- have fun and shake that THANG
I love cream cheese! Need to try that flavor!
i took a hip hop yoga class in 7th grade and only 5 people came so we got to make up our own dance to “Shoulder Lean” and a bunch of other hip-hop/ghetto rap beats. It was pretty much the highlight of my middle school career.
Mmmm that cream cheese sounds delectable! I love their seasonal cream cheeses too 😀 Or maybe I’m thinking of another brand…but someone has a pumpkin spice cream cheese that’s to die for 😉
Enjoy your day!
Oh man that cream cheese looks amazing! I love cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches, I’ve never tried it with eggplant! I’ll have to add that to the shopping list. 🙂
I have the greatest news ever! I work at a bank that is dog friendly, we have treats and prizes for all of the dogs that come in, and the first week of every month is dog week, we have a raffle for a gift basket for a’s really fun..wellll….today a vizsla came in!! She was so cute! Her name was Sophie and she was much smaller than I thought and so soft and sweet and wiggly! I was proud to know what breed she was, thanks to you and Sadie!!!
I have never seen that flavor of cream cheese before – I am now on the hunt for it!
Yum-that cream cheese looks so good! Can’t wait to pick some up at the store and try it. Your whole lunch looked awesome.
Those sandwich thins look awesome! 🙂 I love using those and piling lots and lots of veggies in there with laughing cow cheese! YUM