Good afternoon! Things around here have been all about the recovering patient today.
To those of you who took the time to comment on my morning blog post and share a little bit about your experiences surrounding ACL surgery: Thank you!! Ryan and I read through them together once I got off work at the gym and they were very helpful. Biggest takeaways: Listen to your physical therapist and don’t do too much too soon. I think Ryan will struggle the most with the second piece of that advice since he’s always one to want to push himself, but it definitely sounds like it pays to be patient. Thank you for weighing in!
Once I was done teaching spin and working at the gym for a few hours this morning, I drove home to see Ryan but made sure to grab a little something for us to eat for lunch first.
Chipotle had to happen again today. I told you guys it’s my latest pregnancy obsession and I was happy Ryan was on board for his and hers burrito bowls this afternoon. Plus a side of chips and guacamole! (Side note: Any other Chipotle die-hards out there feel like their chips have changed for the better recently? This could also just be the fact that I am loving all the salty foods 10,000 times more these days and just appreciate them more…)
After lunch, I opened up my laptop and sat on the couch with Ryan for the remainder of my lunch break. I typed up this blog post and then had some work I needed to get done on my computer. I got caught up while Ryan broke into the first of three Redbox movies I picked up for him.
I have zero interest in two of his requests (The Hobbit and Fast and the Furious 6), but we’re hoping to watch The Imitation Game together when I get home from Girls On The Run this evening. My mom had great things to say about it and my hopes are high.
And since the vast majority of our weekend will likely be spent on the couch, if you guys have seen any great movies lately via Redbox or Netflix, please let me know!
Now it’s time to head out to GOTR! Enjoy your evening!
The Imitation Game was one of the best movies we saw last year. Enjoy!
Julie, I’ve been reading your blog for many years. I just wanted to share a story. When I was pregnant with both of my children, I could not get enough Mexican/spicy foods. Now, my kids (14 and 11.5 – she would kill me if I didn’t add the half-) love spicy, flavorful foods. When my daughter was just over 1 year old, we ordered some barracho beans from Trudy’s ( a local Tex Mex place here in Austin). She ate the whole bowl! I laughed when I heard you loved Chipotle and had changed your sweets to salt. I was just the opposite, salt to sweet. Sent my husband out for store bought cupcakes….
Did you see Whiplash? I thought it was quite interesting.
What about Chef? One of my favorites!
Okay, maybe I live under a rock, but I had never even heard of Whiplash! I just looked it up on IMDB and it looks awesome! Ryan played the drums in high school & I think he’d love it. We’ll definitely try that one out. Thanks!
I’d say Whiplash is awesome, and most definitely worth a watch. J.K. Simmons won Best Supporting Actor for his role.
It’s a bit depressing…. a teacher abusing a talented student… Not sure about if this movie is any type of mood lifter.
I’d recommend Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt 😉 (Netflix streaming, hilarious)
Julie, I didn’t see Whiplash but heard great things and the actor won the OSCAR so i’m sure its good..also BOYHOOD is excellent (Oscars in that too) and AMERICAN SNIPER WAS AMAZINGG!!
I second Whiplash – very intense and a great story.
Imitation Game is really good! So is Whiplash, The Theory of Everything, and Foxcatcher.
Bloodline on Netflix is awesome! We were hooked immediately and watched the last seven episodes on Sunday (…it was raining all day! 🙂 )
looking into this! thanks!
I LOVED The Imitation Game! What kinds of movies have you and Ryan been liking/trying to watch lately?
we honestly haven’t been watching ANY movies lately! we’ve been really into documentaries on netflix when we’re in the mood to watch something together! so, basically, any movie recommendations are welcome right now. 🙂
I haven’t seen anything new in a while, but I’ll keep thinking on it! I’ve been super into TV lately and started watching Netflix’s new Daredevil series. Already better than the Ben Affleck movie but it’s pretty violent! I’m a PG sitcom kind of girl, so it is a bit startling.
If youre loving documentaries, I watched Blackfish twice. Its a tear jerker but so interesting and really got me fired up about the conditions of animals at seaworld. Also, the Joan Rivers documentary (Piece of Work) on Netflix was great- you really saw how hard she worked for the career she had! (and this coming from someone who had zero interest in her career prior). also Morgan Spurlock’s Inside Man series is on Netflix and really great! I have “Last day in Vietnam” on my documentary radar right now too- it was just released.
I also second the reader above who mentioned Chef! so sweet, i watched it twice.
I ate so much chipotle with my youngest (he’s now 15 months old) that I joke we should name him burrito bowl. They also do amazing kids meals when you get to that point!
Ha!! I seriously want it for lunch and dinner every single day right now…
12 Years a Slave. It’s rough to watch, but very good.
I second Whiplash
I loved the Imitation Game, too!
Now I want Chipotle and I completely concur about the chips!!!
I know you said movies, but if you haven’t hopped on the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt train yet, get on it! I binge watched the entire season in two days (they are only 20 minute episodes). It’s hysterical! 🙂
Also love Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and just hopped On here to write that! It’s lighthearted and fun. Would be great for long afternoons on the couch!
Lol my husband had to force me to watch the first episode (the premise just didn’t sound funny to me), but I was hooked in under 5 minutes — it’s absolutely hilarious!
So… you’ve heard today’s exciting Chipotle news, right?! 😉
Rent interstellar!! It is amazing and should definitely hold both of your interest!
I would highly recommend Interstellar if you haven’t already seen.
I really enjoyed The Theory of Everything. On Netflix, I loved Short Term 12.
My mom is in her mid 50s and just had the same surgery. She is 6 weeks post surgery and working really hard on her PT! They have a vizsla too and he is not super thrilled about the lack of hiking they have been able to do so far this spring, but at least she will be ready for summer 😉 Vizsla cuddles are the best 🙂
I definitely recommend you guys seeing The Hundred-Foot Journey! Such a great movie!!!
Hope Ryan gets well soon! 🙂
That was a really sweet movie!
I was so hesitant/not interested in Interstellar, but it was an awesome movie.
Imitation Game = SO good, oh my goodness, I hope you enjoy it! Lots of love to the patient!
So funny- I am reading this while eating chipotle (chips and guac…yummmmm) and had just said to my co worker that I think the chips taste better because I can see more salt on them. Maybe that’s it??
maybe!? at least I’m not crazy!! 🙂
Ah man poor Ryan!!! Chipotle looks awesome, wish we had it in Ireland!
Magic City on Netflix if you’re into late 50’s glam
we recently watched The Way on Netflix. It’s an Emilio estevez movie. SO GOOD! Very inspirational and heart warming!
The Theory of Everything is really good! I’ve been wanting to see Imitation Game, too, though!
The imitation game is great! We recently were on trans-Atlantic flights so I’ve actually had time to see movies – we LOVED Argo! and The Theory of Everything, and American Sniper, and Wild (with Reese Witherspoon) was pretty good just slower but we liked the journey part. Get well soon!!!!
The Imitation Game is very good and surprisingly funny. You should check Friday Night Lights on Netflix. Best. Show. Ever. It’s not just about football and Kyle Chandler is some serious eye candy. 😉
My husband and I just watched The Imitation Game. We thought the first half was really great but got a touch slow later. Overall, still good. 🙂 I really want to watch The Theory of Everything. Also, we just watched Interstellar and it was AMAZING!! Highly, highly recommend it! Wishing Ryan a speedy recovery and extra Sadie cuddles!
My husband had two surgeries in the past year, so I can definitely relate to couch time and movie watching weekends. Wishing Ryan a very quick recovery! The Imitation Game was definitely one of the best movies of the year. Great story!
→ The Theory of Everything (the acting is amazing)
→ Interstellar (makes you think differently about space)
→ Wild (love Reese)
→ Exodus (lots of action)
→ Nightcrawler (for Ryan ☺ )
→ Maleficent (more on the lighter side)
Try Desert Runners on Netflix, it’s a fantastic documentary!!
I LOVED The Imitation Game! It’s amazing! I hope you love it.
Recent Netflix favorite: Ask Me Anything! It is a good independent movie. 🙂
I’ve heard good things about The Imitation Game! You’ll have to share how you liked it.
sending healing vibes to Ryan! Brett has had shoulder surgery the past two summers and last summer it was definitely tempting for him to jump back into things since i was pregnant but easing into it and resting really helped and now he’s back at it and getting stronger than before!
We are loving The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt on Netflix.
Did you like it right away? I couldn’t get into the first episode…
My boyfriend had ACL surgery last month and they took a graft from his hamstring also. He had a really hard time keeping the pain under control, but once that was figured out, it wasn’t so bad. Also, if you can get your hands on a Game Ready it might help a lot! It’s a really nice ice machine that pumps water into a wrap that goes around the leg; lots of professional athletes use them! The ice machine they gave him at the hospital didn’t work very well, and the game ready was a life saver for pain and swelling. There may be a way to rent one from a PT or something!
Have you tried Daredevil yet on Netflix?? It’s pretty good!
I LOVED Imitation Game! If you like Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock is on Netflix and each episode is about 90 minutes, so the length of a movie. My husband and I watched all of them in a weekend.
Also, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is Tina Fey’s new show on Netflix and I loved it, but I would also leave my husband for Tina Fey. Along that vein, 30 Rock is also there and since each episode is 22 minutes, it’s easy to stop and start as needed.
I absolutely LOVED The Imitation Game! I haven’t seen too many movies lately, so I unfortunately only have recommendations for TV series on Netflix. If you and Ryan are also into the crime drama, Blacklist and (the modern day version of) Hawaii Five-0 are both pretty good! If you guys are looking for something on the lighter side, I HIGHLY recommend Parenthood. I was immediately hooked the first episode in. I’m currently addicted to all 3 and am catching up on Netflix 🙂 All 4 shows are about 40-45mins on Netflix so you can easily watch 2 or 3 episodes for a “movie length.”
But, aside from all of that – I’m wishing Ryan a speedy recovery! <3
I had an ACL surgery (left knee) two years ago… So this is bringing back memories. It was a crazy time because a week before I was scheduled for my surgery my husband -who was then my fiance- broke his two heels (while skiing freestyle)… I went through the surgery anyway and he got a (major) surgery days appart, we both had to go to our moms since we couldn’t take care of each other. We did spend some recovery time together watching netflix! But it was a while ago… so the shows we watched are oldies now! 🙂 I have one advice, I did exactly as the physical therapist told me but a year and a half after the surgery I still was experiencing some resistance when running and with certain positions and exercices. I went to see an osteopath and she successfully helped with that. We never know if this advice can help; everyone’s body is different! I wish Ryan good luck with recovery! And with the baby! We also have a little one of our own now, going to be one year old in June. 🙂
Poor Ryan! 🙁 I’m hoping for a speedy recovery!
I just had Chipotle tonight, and now I’m kicking myself for opting not to get chips. What if they do taste better?! Now I’m missing out!
I’m with you on The Hobbit, but… I’m a sucker for all the Fast and the Furious movies. How are you going to be able to watch #7 if you skip #6? Hehe!
Noooo you should watch the Hobbit! It is filmed mostly in NZ and it is so pretty! The storyline is pretty good too :). Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Ryan!
with an upcoming surgery and a history of overdoing it, i actually had the surgeon include the fact that i’ll need him to (his words, from his perspective) “protect you from yourself.” when i had a prior surgery, one that is known for a crazy long recovery with 2-3 months out of desk work and a 6m mostly-recovered period, 1y till considered fully recovered for most, my now-husband actually emailed my dad (he was a surgeon and the doc who did the 1st one was in his practice) two-and-a-half weeks out to say “Please tell Cheryl that when she was told to walk they did not mean five miles.” (they meant one mile at the high extreme at that juncture…still more like around-the-block….though my first days home Bill sweetly “walked me” up and down part of our road…much like a neighbor walked her puppy at the same time)
My (unsolicited!) advice to a partner of a patient like that is to provide a LOT of reassurance that they WILL get there at some point, that they’ll get there sooner if they don’t aggravate stuff by over-doing it, and that it simply is okay to rest (i need some reassurance on the body image side, i imagine from reading that ryan would need more assurance that the break does not mean he’s not athletic and that he’ll get back in to the swing and to a high-level of fitness quite soon)
I highly, highly, highly, recommend the movie “Chef” on Netflix! Huge indie hit with great reviews from the critics! Funny, touching, and so well done. Dialogue is so real and SO good. Everyone I’ve recommended it to really loved it. My husband’s initial reaction to the idea of the premise was just okay, but he watched it with me and ended up loving it so much he bought the dvd. High praise indeed. So there you go. Hope you enjoy! (Bonus – if you’re a foodie you will EXTRA love it.)
This isn’t a movie but The IT Crowd is a great show!!
…The IT Crowd is on Netflix
Thanks!! Always looking for Netflix recs!
I’ve been out of the loop this week, but I’m glad Ryan’s surgery went well and Sadie’s been helping him recoup:) Not overdoing it is definitely key to a successful recovery – all my best to Ryan in his recovery!
As for movies – The Imitation Game, Wild and Whiplash are just some on my must see list, but lately there’s just been no time for movie watching!
I see you’ve already gotten a few suggestions for Interstellar, and I just had to suggest it as well! 🙂
I’m a total nerd and people haaaate watching movies with me because I’ll rip them to shreds, but I really had no major qualms about this one! I also read a peice by a physicist who worked with the writers and actors, and it made me excited to watch, haha. It’s got the science-y, action-y thing to it plus a cool, somewhat emotional storyline, so I think it’s a definite crowd pleaser!
But maybe you’ve already seen it…Lol. And I would feel so silly.
I’m thinking we may have to try this one!!
I’m glad Ryan’s surgery went well! You should definitely check out Bloodline on Netflix! We got hooked right away!
chipotle is good any time and all the time! 🙂
On Netflix: Chef (a really good father/son story…and obviously food, so yes!) and Cuban Fury (a comedy with Nick Frost, Rashida Jones, Chris O’Dowd….I can’t believe this was never on my radar!) and if you need a marathon show and like Marvel – Daredevil.
Ryan’s lucky to have you to help take care of him while he recovers! I love Chipotle! I’m actually hoping to have that for lunch today!
ugghh now my chipotle craving is through the roof haha, we don’t have it here (Bahamas) or any other Mexican restaurants really (other than sr frogs….). I love and miss Mexican food..every time I come to the states it’s my first meal! countdown to FL in june is on…
I watched marathons of friends, Gilmore girls and say yes to the dress and read about 6 books during my knee surgery recoveries, Happy restful weekend! 🙂