- Dress: Free People (Nabbed from my sister’s closet while she was sleeping this morning… muhaha!)
- Gold necklace: Banana Republic Outlet
- Gold bangle: Banana Republic Outlet
- Gold sandals: Charlotte Russe
- Purse: Michael Kors
Closet Stealing
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I'd love to connect with you! I am always so grateful when you let me know you tried one of my recipes or workouts and tag me in your photos or updates. Thank you so much!!!
hahah I love you Julie! Its okay! I still clothes from my sis too sometimes ! Shes at college, why WOULDN’T I? 😉
That dress is so cute! I swear you always look so perfectly put together!!
I love Free People, just got a discountd tunic of theirs yesterday
Cute dress! 🙂
I love spring dresses that is so cute!!!
Oh and this morning I found the Ruelala app for my phone. I got SO excited (even tho I have yet to purchase anything I still look at it daily… )
Growing up, I hated it when my sister’s take clothes from my closet when I’m not arround
But now that we are all grown, sharing is caring 🙂
I love sharing clothes with sisters!!! 🙂
I’ve been only wearing my sister’s clothes since I’ve been home for Easter! So handy! 😛