After buying admission tickets we were given super awesome neon green stickers to wear on our tour of the farm.
Super Cool Stickers
While waiting for additional group members we had fun entertaining ourselves!
Ryan and His Piggy
Farmer Julie
On the Farm
First up was milking a cow. Did you know cows eat approximately 20 pounds of food each day!? That’s a whole lotta hay.
Me and Ellie the Cow
I loved petting all the different animals and holding a duckling and a lil’ baby chick!
Ryan and His Favorite... the Goooooat
Baby Chickie
Baby Duck!
I don't know who's cuter!
It was tough ranglin’ a duck, but we both managed to catch one.
Quack, Quack
Donald, is that you?
(How cute is the little girl at the bottom left of that picture?)
The ostrich was huge (they apparently have a brain the size of a pea!) and made me a little nervous.
Our day down on the farm was wonderful. We picked up our pumpkins and stopped by Whole Foods for a yummy (and a little too filling) lunch. Now part two of Ryan’s secret date is about to begin (with a scavanger hunt!!!), so I’m off to get ready.
Happy Weekend!
[…] with a card that told me a bit more about the date. The card said we’d be spending the day at Green Meadows Petting Farm(we’re huge animal lovers) and then I would partake on the “greatest scavenger hunt of […]