I called it after dinner yesterday.
A repeat of last night’s turkey bacon, spinach and tomato sandwich for lunch today!
It was simply too good not to eat again.
Piloxing and the Ideal Group Exercise Instructor
Before lunch today, I headed to the gym to take a Piloxing class. I’ve taken Piloxing one other time at my gym and had a blast, so I was excited to try it with a new instructor today.
The instructor who taught today’s class also teaches the TRX class I’m currently loving, so I had a good feeling about her going into the class. She definitely didn’t disappoint! Today’s class was significantly more challenging than the first one I took and featured more cardio and boxing than Pilates which left me nice and sweaty!
My experience in today’s class reminded me yet again just how different the same exercise class can be with a different instructor.
At our old gym in Orlando, I had a handful of instructors whose classes I always looked forward to because I loved their enthusiasm and the way they pushed me out of my comfort zone.
These are the traits I look for in a quality group exercise instructor:
- Energetic (but doesn’t try to get class participants to hoot and holler by saying things like, “Are you feelin’ it… C’mon, I can’t hear you!?!)
- Does the majority of the workout with you
- Selects motivating music with a great beat
- Does the workout at the hardest level, but shows modifications in case class participants need to take it down a notch
- Educated and shares their fitness knowledge (describes what muscles you’re working, etc.)
- Starts and ends classes on time
What do you think?
Question of the Afternoon
- Describe your ideal group exercise instructor!
I agree – the instructor can make all the difference in a class. Starting on time really gets me off on the right foot. A lot of the time I feel like exercise classes take up too much time (longer than my 3 mile run at least), so when they start late I’m always annoyed. I also like it when they do most of the class along with you.
Thank you for your encouragement. You are a blessing to have in class I love your energy, enthusiasm and education. You are a shining star. I used to live where you visited in Switzerland. I look forward to getting to know you more! I will see you either early 5 am in the morning or 8:30 Piloxing.
God Bless,
i’m so excited you commented, meredith! thank you so much! loving your classes… you definitely have a fan in me! 🙂
HAhaahhaa, I am dying at” Are you feelin’ it” …. I hate corny phrases like that in classes!
Haha, I know I hate it when the instructers asks, “Can you feel the burn?! I want you to scream!!” and whatnot.. So annoying! 😛
I hate personal stories while leading exercise. Seriously…not the time or the place.
haha! i actually like them b/c they distract me! note to kelly: never take a jazzercise class. i feel like all of the instructors tell personal stories!
Good to know!! I guess I should clarify that I just don’t like personal stories that have nothing to do with the workout. I had this Body Pump Instructor once who was a guy and all he talked about throughout the entire hour was his wild and crazy guys nights on the town filled with alcohol and random women. It was so irritating because I thought it was so obnoxious!
I’ll only do it when teaching my classes if I think it will get people laughing! I seriously hate when the class has zero reaction to anything I say — crickets can be brutal! But TMI is definitely over the top. 🙂
All of the above plus I really like when they go around the room and fix your form or comment on form. I know some people dislike that but half the time I don’t really know if I’m doing it correctly and I want to be! I love how I notice an immediately difference sometimes when an instructor changes my form slightly!
I agree! I have seen some TERRIBLE form (and I am no expert– it’s that bad) and I wonder if a lot of people get offended when they are corrected! I’ve started telling instructors before class that they are more than welcome to correct me all they want!
I was seriously considering posting about this today! Spin instructors have to have a GREAT, recent playlist, good energy and STAY ON THEIR BIKE – I hate when they get off and command you. I had one who even turned up my resistance, which really upset me! They have no idea how hard you’re working.
I agree with your list (music selection is a BIG one for me!) but also love an instructor who is a little goofy/willing to laugh at themselves.
When I teach group fitness classes, I make sure not to tell any cute stories!
i totally agree with your list! the being on time thing is especially important to me. i hate when i show up for a class and have to wait around for the instructor to get there and/or set up.
All valid points! I’m an instructor and hope I do all of these things 🙂 Definitely guilty of the telling personal stories though. I thought everyone liked that? Haha.. . . guess not.
I love when instructors go around and correct form as needed without making me feel like embarrassed!
As as instructor I have learned it is very important to walk around anc check form–even from a spin bike! Its good for the class to know you care and are paying attention (and not just getting your own workout in!)
THAT is my pet peeve–instructors who use class time for themselves and forget to check in on the entire class.
I’m sure I would love having you as an instructor :)!
I agree with your list, and as a spin instructor myself, I think I would meet your qualifications! haha. I think different classes require different types of instructors though — for example, like Caitlin above, as a spin instructor, I do not need to go around adjusting people’s form – I stay on my bike. However, with yoga, I think it’s important for the instructor to periodically walk around and observe/help with form. I also try to keep personal stories to a minimum, and the ones I do tell usually relate to cycling or some kind of athletic activity.
After going through teacher training, I realize that you DON’T want an instructor staying in front and doing the whole workout with you. You want an instructor that walks around, views the class from all angles and can help correct form and encourage everyone, even the back of the class. Although I can see why most people are more comfortable having the instructor stay in the front doing the whole workout, it’s more beneficial to you if they are more actively watching and supervising. My two cents.
I agree with Julie on wanting the instructor to do the majority of the class with the group. Yes, I feel it is very important for the instructor to walk around and correct form however, I get a bit irritated when the instructor stands around and tells us what to do as opposed to doing it himself. I’ve been in too many spin classes where the instructor stands next to the bike while teaching. The only time is doesn’t bother me is if the instructor lets the class known he’s injured or something along those lines and can’t actually participate. Seeing the instructor work with the class is highly motivating to me! Soory to vent… I guess I’ve just taken too many classes with poor instructors! 🙂
I often wonder what people think of me as an instructor but I think so long as you are energetic, friendly, make them work hard and challenge themselves and always praise their accomplishments, people are bound to like you. 🙂
Any instructor that doesn’t play techno music is A-ok in my book! ; )
In all seriousness, I agree with most of your points, especially about the instructor doing the workout with you. I always find that to be a huge motivator.
I totally agree! I also love it when istructors say, you should be feeling this in your abs (or some rendition of that) and explains how to do the motions so you get the best results
As an instructor, I totally agree with all your points! I hope I do these things 😉
I actually like sharing about why they do certain moves, and bringing in some more info on that. I try to correct form by noticing what people are doing, and saying out loud (in general) what to check for (i.e. check your knees, are they over your mid-foot? etc.) I feel like that’s important, and form can be checked if you stay in one place and do the exercises with the class.
I love a good beat too! I had a spin class where the music was horrible…..I wanted to die. Hah.
It’s really annoying when instructors ONLY do the easiest option too. That is way lame sauce. Just my two cents 😉
I am in Ocala also! I was so excited to find a fitness/health blogger in my small town. Which trails in Ocala can you take your dog on a walk? I thought most trails were not dog friendly.
I like reading posts like this because as an instructor myself, I like to hear your feedback! I also think someone who walks the talk is pretty essential. I could think someone is great when they teach their class, but if I see them smoking or eating crap for food outside of the gym, they lose a lot of credibility!
I like when cycle instructors explain how hard you should be working. Like, “for this interval you should be really uncomfortable and breathing hard… For this interval you should feel the road but be able to talk to our neighbor, etc.” I also like instructors who are really challenging and push the class. And ones who keep the pace moving! I never love standing still for too long between exercises.
I’m an instuctor and I agree with all things except – I was taught to not teach the class at the most advanced level but at the intermediate level. This of course depends on the class / exercise – but the reason is that beginner students will follow whatever the instructor is doing – and will often push themselves further than they are ready for. This can lead to injury / burnout (i.e. you will never see that person in class again. ) I always start with the intermediate level – then show a modified beginner and then the advanced. Advanced students usually know how to advance a move and will begin with that advanced move right off the bat. I teach a class with various levels and this seems to work well for everyone.
I don’t like when the instructor has a few ‘favorites’ in class that you can tell go every week. If you are a new-comer to a class, it makes you feel like the outsider.
I completely agree, an instructor can change the whole mood of a class. I think their personality is key and everyone doesn’t have to be the same. Yesterday I took a Zumba class where you could hear a pin drop, even tho she had other great traits that changed the class.
I completely agree with everything you said!! I’ve had a couple of great instructors recently at Lifetime and it makes all the difference!
The music needs to be good, the instructor needs to be energetic but not overly so (it’s a very fine line between energetic and annoying), and they need to be loud. I’ve attended some classes where I couldn’t hear the instructor, made it super hard to follow along.
I once had a Zumba instructor who, prior to class starting while we were all waiting for the previous class to clear out, was yawning and talking to one of the class participants about how wiped out she was from her day job. Once the actual class started, her exhaustion showed – she frequently bailed on the moves and would just shuffle back and forth telling us what to do, and took a LOT of water breaks.
I can’t say I ever went back to that particular Zumba instructor again…
as a Zumba instructor who also works full time and only teaches zumba part time at night… if you are going to have that conversation, #1, make sure the whole class doens’t hear you (as yes, there are people who religiously come to my class now that i’ve developed close friendships with) and #2, do not let it affect your performance! I am sure that was really frustrating that you knew she was tired AND she slacked teaching the class. that is not how it should be! Instructors need to take the class seriously as it is also a job and people look forward to these work outs 😉
I am a Zumba® Instructor and I agree with mostly everything you said. Personality is everything. I smile and cheer through almost every song..although I hope my cheering isn’t annoying, but it is part of Zumba (I am sure most of you know what I am referring to), but I have found that smiling and looking ALIVE is key. My class reponds well when I am showing how great of a time I am having. I also do the entire class with my class; I snag sips of water when I can. I also DO NOT STOP in between songs and this we learned in the Zumba training that you have your playlist set before class and you do NOT stop the music in between each song. It drives me crazy when instructors are unorganized and are shuffling after each routine to find which next song they are going to do and in the process they are stopping the class (sorry to offend any other zumba instructors out there, but that is just my opinion!). I also make points to say “ok this dance move is working the abs, hold them tight!” I think they like knowing that although it is a dance type class, they are still getting in a toning work out as well. Lastly, I do often turn around and face my class so I can connect with them more but like I said, I never stop doing the routine; I do every single move the entire class. Oh and music is so, so important.. it has to be fun and upbeat and things you as an instructor like yourself, bc if you don’t like it, guarantee your class won’t either, haha. I could seriously go on and on about this 😉
I think that good music is one of the most important qualities! Also, the volume of the music really matters. I’ve been to spin classes where I could barely hear the music, which isn’t very motivating, and also ones where I literally had to cover my ears because they were playing the music so painfully loud. I also agree with you, that corny phrases like “are you feeling it?” or “I can’t hear you! Say it again louder!” are really annoying. I love an energetic, knowledgeable instructor who varies things up so that it feels like the class goes by quickly!
Youthful enthusiasm is a must for me. Not just that crazy enthusiasm that makes a person annoying and def not the instructor who fitness is their life and they are super serious about it…..but that laugh at yourself when you have an oops moment or smiling because it is just fun.
Julie, now that I’m a member @ the Y & always go to the Downtown Orlando one, I HAVE to know your favorite instructors- BodyPump especially. I have my favorites & I’m wondering if yours were the same!!
Donna is my absolute favorite- she is SO sweet & always talks to me about my pregnancy…and makes sure that I’m not going too crazy with the weights.
I’m SO picky about the group instructors that I like…. There was one at my gym who would always play the air guitar with her barbel and it INFURIATED me for some reason… I stopped going to all her classes because of that stupid air guitar.
That is hilarious! WHY!?
Hahaha, you’re kidding?!! That is hilarious!
I am a fitness instructor and I agree with all of the above! I think music selection makes the biggest difference — I have so many people tell me they love my classes because I don’t repeat the same playlist week after week like some other instructors do. I also like to have “theme” classes to keep things interesting, ie 80’s class, 90’s class, etc. This week I’m doing a summer themed workout playlist, and next week is going to be a Michael Jackson tribute!
My idea fitness instructor is one who truly cares about their clients and the workout! I like it to be challenging but with modifications. At the gym I go to, our teacher is super easy to talk to and is always mindful of any previous injuries we have had. Its so nice to be able to come to a workout class and be instructed by an enthusiastic teacher who also plays awesome music 🙂
I NEED good music!!
Completely agree with your fitness instructor qualities! I’m going to add one additional… no partner stuff!!! I HATE when the instructors make us pair off to do partner exercises! I don’t get a great workout & I feel completely awkward. Maybe I’m antisocial, but I like to workout solo 🙂
When do the smoothie bowls come back?!?
i’ve been having them as a morning snack lately, actually, but should bring them back for breakfast. i love ’em!
and they must look the part!
I hate when they are condesending and talk to you like a kindergartener. I’d rather them yell at me then give me “teacher talk”.
I can’t even believe this, but I’ve never taken a group exercise class before! I’m currently in the market/process of upgrading and switching to a better gym. I’m hoping to have time to get it done this weekend!
Definitely agree with the good music! And I also like that if you are new to a class, they recognize that and make you feel welcome! One thing that has been driving me crazzyyyy lately with my body pump class- one of the instructors sings along with the music!! So annoying!
oh man. Maybe its different for Zumba but I sing to EVERY SINGLE SONG… I can’t help it. the whole class sings, lol!
A great instructor must have a killer playlist! Plus if it’s a Zumba class I always think its awesome when they incorporate their own moves into the songs…it makes me sad when I can pull up the exact routine on YouTube after the class.
Some amazing feedback! As an instructor, I also try to meet students where they’re at – i.e. if they’re having a particular issue or want to focus more in a specific area.
Thanks for sharing!!
For me, proper cueing is KEY. I hate when an instructor’s cueing is off. Makes the entire class fall apart and the workout is never as good as it is with someone who know what they’re doing!
lunch looks good… i love weight watchers string cheese!
I agree with all of your requirements-especially the one about starting and ending classes on time. A lot of people have places to go after class (like work or school) and it can be hard to do when class goes over.
Also I hate doing things with a partner, especially since I don’t generally bring one and I can get somewhat self-conscious. I prefer to work alone to stay in the zone. 🙂
I totally agree about the partner thing! That’s why I’m so hesitant to joing my local outdoor bootcamp… from the looks of the pics and videos on their website, a LOT of the exercises they do involve partnering up. UGH!
You’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head with your description, I agree on all counts…nothing worse than a class starting late and I hate when an instructor takes it easy on the class and doesn’t take part themselves either.
My personal pet peeves include instructors who yip, scream “Ay-ay-ay!” or make some really personal noises during the class. Especially at 6 a.m. And the worst is when they time the music incorrectly and scream at you to “make it to the top of the hill” or do additional reps after the music goes off. I’m much more motivated by a loud bass beat than the sound of my classmates huffing and puffing.
All I can think about are qualities that I DON’T like in an instructor. I take bodypump classes 3 times a week & hate instructors who are late/spend too much time in between tracks OVER explaining things (if you’ve never taken a class before then knowing the right form is essential, but usually this happens when everyone in the class has been there several times before). The worst is instructors who aren’t comfortable with choreography – so we end up missing reps (once an instructor made us miss at LEAST 20 reps of the bicep track. it was not enjoyable), or instructors who scream UP! DOWN! UP! DOWN! Throughout entire tracks. I can’t stand it. AHHHH.
You definitely hit on some key points with a good instructor. ANd I’m taking notes because I’m hoping to get my personal training and group fitness instructing certificate within the next year! 😉
I agree… I find this especially true with spinning and the music selection the instructor picks… there is a man instructor at my gym that is an amazing cyclist and his classes kick my butt, but his music selection is horrible and I find so hard to endure the entire class because of this.