Well, during my research, I stumbled upon the symptoms of osteoporosis, one of which is stooped posture.
Kind of like mine.
Which seems to be getting worse every single day I work at my desk job. Pretty soon I’m going to look like Quasimodo.
I think poor posture is just one of the many ailments that plague desk workers on a day-to-day basis. According to an article from Health.com, the hazards of sitting at a desk all day include, “back pain, repetitive stress injuries, obesity and even an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.”
How peachy!
In the article, the author suggests stretching your legs and moving around for five minutes every hour. Though I tend to become a lump in my chair, not moving unless its snack or meal time, lately this has changed. I owe my more constant movement to my latest initiative…
Drinking more water!
Chugging more water fights dehydration but also fills up my little bladder so I have to get up to pee all… the… time. Now I’m hydrated and moving around every hour or so. Win! We’ll see if I can keep this up. My relationship with drinking more water is a rocky one. I’m gold for about a week until I forget and go back to living my desert lifestyle.
I did make sure to hop out of my chair and stretch my legs in the break room while I prepared my lunch.
Today’s meal included a shrimp salad wrap made with broccoli slaw.
The grapefruit I snagged on my walk this morning served as my side.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could pluck every piece of fruit we enjoyed fresh off the tree, bush or vine? Sign me up!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this afternoon!
P.P.S. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your nominations for the Women’s Health magazine blog roll. You guys make me smile. 🙂
I have a desk job too and I’m always having to remind myself to correct my posture – I always start to hunch over and I have stop that!
Random question but do you ever feel awkward eating your lunch at work? I have the luxury to eat my lunch at home since I live so close, but sometimes I eat at work so that I can do errands instead on my lunch break, and when I do I always tend to feel awkward, like people are watching?! I know I’m crazy…just wondering if you ever felt the same?
Water is also super great when I’m in my architectural studio. I drink my waterbottle in a hour get up to use the bathroom and fill my waterbottle again. Its a wonderful cycle.
This post is SO true! We recently started a “10,000 steps” program at work with the goal obviously being 10,000 steps a day. I was SHOCKED the first day when I left work and how few steps I actually took! Thank god I’m in the middle of training for my first half marathon! 🙂 I’ve been using the water trick to get more steps too…and the receptionist that sits near the water cooler regularly comments on my insane water consumption (and sometimes my frequent bathroom trips…sorry i have a small bladder lady! get off my case! :o) )
LOVE your blog julie..i stumbled upon it this week and i’m hooked!!
To get myself to drink more water, I am using this website (http://habitforge.com/). You get an e-mail everyday asking if you completed the new habit you were trying to establish the day before. My habit is to drink 60oz of water everyday. Nothing like a pesky daily e-mail to whip you into shape!
I am trying to drink more water too. Why is it that I can never seem to remember to do such an important everyday “chore”
hey Julie! My aunt works in an office too and she was telling me that her and some of the other workers bring in big medicine balls to sit on! I guess it helps with posture and you can even do some exercises at your desk! 😀
I have had a hump since I was kid, so I’m seriously worried about it getting worse. I really want to get an exercise ball to sit on while I’m at my desk!
I didn’t read everybody’s comments so someone might’ve already said this. Since starting my job in August, I’ve noticed changes (negatively) in my body composition in spite of increased exercise. I spend an hour sitting in the car & most of my day at a desk. So I started standing at my computer. I elevated my keyboard & mouse on a 6 inch box & put my monitor on a binder so it angles up towards me. It’s been different & I’m sure my coworkers think I’m crazy, but I’m burning more calories standing than sitting & am improving my posture. (And since you seem to love heels as much as I do, bring a pair of flats to keep at your desk) Give it a try for a week!
Will you look at this picture and tell me if I have poor posture?
https://twitter.com/paultheuglydog/status/334079682674847745/photo/1 Does my back hurt because I slouch or because I am so fat?