Good afternoon, lovely friends!
Have you heard about National Bad Ass Hair Day? Well, it’s today! And it’s pretty awesome. Read on for more information and a fun giveaway opportunity, too!
National Bad Ass Hair Day is all about celebrating your natural beauty, your look and style and your hair in a way that makes you feel amazing. It’s OGX Beauty’s lighthearted way of saying that there’s no such thing as a bad hair day. It’s a day where bad hair days are transformed into bad ass hair days.
National Bad Ass Hair Day aims to encourage women to embrace their hair for its uniqueness and beauty, even on days when you might want to hide your mane underneath a baseball hat. For the past few weeks, women have been spreading the word about National Bad Ass Hair Day via social media by uploading pictures of themselves and adding the hashtag #badasshairday when they feel most bad ass.
The pictures flooding in aren’t of women leaving the salon. They’re not images of women right before a fancy event or a wedding. They’re real pictures from real moments that occur in every day life. An image of a ponytail right after an awesome workout. Tangled locks on the beach. A mom who just hair her hair styled by her adorable daughter.
To celebrate National Bad Ass Hair Day, OBX Beauty is encouraging women everywhere to participate and share photos from real moments that capture them when they’re having fun and feeling most like a bad ass.
To get in on the fun, you can upload a photo to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and add the #badasshairday hashtag. By doing this, you’ll be entered to win tons of fun prizes from OGX Beauty!
I’m also joining in and spreading the word and would love to offer one of you guys a prize pack of hair care goodies, too!
OGX Beauty Giveaway
One PBF reader will receive the following OGX Beauty items:
- Sheer Hydration Leave-In Mist: Lightweight mist that infuses moisture and shine to your hair. Great for heat protection, detangling, anti-frizz or anti-static treatment, or just for shine.
- Anti-Breakage Serum: A blend of of coconut oil and silk wraps protection around each strand of hair to prevent breakage. (I need all the help I can get with this!)
- Shampoo and Conditioner: You choose what kind you want to try! (FYI, the coconut milk and cherry blossom shampoos smell incredible!)
- Intensive Hair Masque: An indulgent deep conditioner created to help prevent split ends.
- Creamy Hair Butter: A unique blend of argan oil, silk amino acids, soybean oil, coconut oil, and shea butter extract helps moisturize hair and create soft, shiny tresses.
To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment below telling me about a moment in your life where you recently felt like a bad ass! Maybe you ran a race last weekend? Or totally nailed a presentation at work? Let me know!
I will randomly select a winner this Friday.
Good luck!
Disclaimer: While OGX Beauty has provided promotional support for this post, OGX Beauty is not sponsoring or administering the giveaway on this blog.
I felt bad ass when I worked out everyday of my vacation at the beach last week! That’s never happened before.
going for a stellar morning run then dominating in court – def made me feel that way!!
I recently completed my doctorate degree!. Hearing someone call me doctor felt pretty badass!
My husband is a tow truck driver and recently had to work until 5:45 am and then get up again for work at 7. I got him out the door with hot coffee, Pb overnight oats, and a packed lunch and then got my 4 year old to preschool with hair and teeth brushed and a cute outfit AND healthy lunchbox and still got myself to work on time 🙂 And then came home and made a brand new recipe and it was delish! (I’m not a cook so this was huge for me!) Sometimes it’s the simple things that make me feel like a badass!!
I feel like my hair is bad ass when im working 12 hour shifts as a nurse. My hair always starts pretty and polished and half way through the shift I am so busy taking care of little kiddos it always ends up crazy!
I feel like a bad ass every time I work on my Camaro. I can’t wait till I have all the upgrades finished so I can drive her again. I am interested to see how much horsepower I’ll gain 😀
My hair after my longest pre-half marathon run this weekend!!!! 10 miles! My hair wasn’t looking it’s best but I felt great!
My son has been wanting a new battery in this electric tooth brush for a few weeks and I kept telling him we needed to have dad do it. Finally I just did it myself – searched all over in the tool box for the right screwdriver and dug through all the junk drawers for the right batteries. My son was so happy and was pretty proud of me for doing it since dad hadn’t done it yet!
I recently felt like a bad ass for completing an 8 week fitness program! It kicked my butt, but I didn’t give up and now I feel so much stronger because of it!
I started jumping rope again, the last time was over 15 years ago!
Just juggling kids, husband, work, home, friends is enough for any woman to feel like a badass!
I nailed my first job in my career field after graduation!
Ashleigh | Mermaid on the Move
I recently ran my (2nd) half marathon; after slacking on training I was super nervous, but it went great and I’m already signed up for another!
I feel like a bad ass after a long run!!
Having my baby sans epidural. I felt like (and still do) a bad ass! It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Oh and I just started mountain biking so that makes me feel pretty bad ass too! 🙂
I’m a medical student and recently gave my first heart exam on a patient. It was so cool to see my year of studying put into practice!
I felt like a badass after I finished my strength workout today. It was hard and i was a sweaty mess but I felt STRONG!
I recently felt like a badass when I gave birth, naturally at a birthing center, to my baby girl! It was the single craziest experience of my life and I definitely feel like I get some major respect from people when I tell them that! (But I feel like all moms are badasses anyway!)
I’m running a 8k race this weekend at 18 weeks pregnant and feel pretty bad ass about it!
Recently I worked several 10 hour days at my crazy job! I was so proud of myself for working so hard at a job that has you running around all day – it feels like a workout!
Logging my fastest 5K!!!
I ran 5 miles on the beach this past weekend!
Definitely have moments at work! I work in higher education and recently gave a presentation that went really well and secured funding for an upcoming project in fall!
I felt badass after signing up for my first half marathon and beginning my training this week! 🙂
I feel like a badass just reading everyone else’s badass comments and stories! Love that feeling of empowerment. Girlpower! 🙂
I felt like a badass on Monday. Some friends and I went out to Lake Mead (Las Vegas) to go wakesurfing. I have done ZERO balancing sports in my life – actually ZERO sports – and I hate cold water. But I dived on in to try it anyway. I felt badass. And you know what? I couldn’t get up on that stupid board to save my life!! But I wasn’t going to leave without feeling what it’s like to wakesurf. So my boyfriend jumped in that water and we got up on the board together. It was a great moment. We sailed on the wave for over 2 minutes. I loved every second. My hair was a mess afterwards, but I felt like a million bucks 🙂
I do not like speaking in front of people. Recently, I have been asked to run a few meetings for work. I hate doing it, but the feeling afterward knowing I was in charge is awesome!
I felt like a total bad ass when I landed my first full time job just days after graduating college! Feeling very thankful!
I felt like a bad A$$ the day I had my son, my hair told its own story LOL
on a particularly good run in the city today!
I felt bad ass this past weekend when I took my first solo vacation – to Disney World!
I recently felt like a badass when I conquered my PTSD!
I felt like a “bad ass” when I would nail a family photography shoot with young todlers. They move so fast it can be hard to capture good photos:) and when clients tell me they loved the photos that is icing on the cake:)
I felt bad ass when I finished a full year of not only teaching but coaching two sports!
Jumping out of bed for a cardio session at 6am makes me feel badass!
After every workout!
I feel the most badass when I recover patients in the ICU right after their open heart surgery. As a Cardiothoracic ICU nurse I know just how critical these patients are and how they can go from bad to worse really quickly. It takes a lot of hard work–but seeing how happy and grateful they are when they wake up makes it totally worth it.
Managing to safely (and calmly) get a car with a overheating engine into the city and to a repair shop. It decided to act up right in the middle of a 2 hour drive. Although my boyfriend was the driver, it was definitely a journey and took some serious teamwork!
I coach Girls on the Run and on Tuesday we ran 3 miles in the rain! The girls loved it and it was so much fun! I definitely felt like a badass after that run!
I felt like a bad ass the other day when i ran 5 miles at an 8:30 pace…something i havent done for OVER A YEAR. I dont know where it came from but i was so happy and proud!!
I feel most like a bad a$$ (<– ha I can't even type a bad word!) when any of my kiddos ages 6, 4, & 2 act a little naughty in public. Sounds crazy, I know, but I am such a rule follower so I guess maybe I feel like I am playing out my naughty side through them somehow.
I met with a new client and totally landed a contract with them! It was a pretty badass moment.
rocking my TED support stockings with my tennis skirt on my walk to work!
I squatted twice while holding my boyfriend on my back ! After he didn’t think I’d even be able to hold him!
I’m training for a marathon and feel pretty bad-ass after every long run!
I felt like a badass recently when I cooked an elaborate, multi-course meal and had everything done at the same time! Oh, and the fact that it was all gluten-free and dariy-free and that I turned my family into believers!
I just moved to France and have had quite the adventure finding a job. After throwing myself into learning French, I recently went 3/3 with job interviews that turned into offers – including one offer that followed the MOST embarrassing interview I’ve ever had. Never felt so badass in my life!
Work has gotten pretty hectic lately… so leaving work every day feeling like I’ve done my best to get as much accomplished efficiently as possible has got me feeling like a bad ass 🙂
Mine has to do with work- I had two customers approach my owner and tell them they don’t know where they’d be without my assistance!
I felt pretty badass working out since the end of March and noticed I was trimming up so I signed up for a half-marathon with 2 of my sisters! We’re a badass family!