Have you ever tried to microwave ham or Canadian bacon? Inevitably the meats seem to “pop” in the microwave.
Today a woman even asked me if I was making popcorn for breakfast! Um… no. But that’s a fantastic idea! 😉
I reheated a ham steak I had leftover from last night’s dinner and used it as the core of my breakfast bagelwich.
After spreading one half of an Alternative Bagel with Laughing Cow light Swiss cheese and heatin’ up the ham, I inhaled my bagelwich.
I ate this baby so quickly that when I was done I actually thought to myself, “That was good… I think. I don’t really remember how it tasted.”
Sloooow down, Julie!
Are you a fast eater or a slow eater?
I am a (lightning) fast eater. I really need to learn to savor every bite and take my time when eating meals. Sometimes I just get so excited to dig in that I inhale my food!
Poaching an Egg: Revisited
It was nice to see that I’m not alone in my poached egg failure, though some of you seem to have mastered the art!
Here’s a great tip Melanie shared yesterday:
“I actually found a great way to poach eggs You take some clingwrap (microwave safe) and lay it out over a small bowl, break the egg inside of it and then bunch it up on top, tie a knot in the top part of the clingwrap. Then you just drop it in the water, boil for 6-8 minutes and it comes out perfectly poached. Basically you’re making a little bag for the egg to go in – kind of cheating but it works!”
I love this idea and will definitely use it next time! I’m all for easy-peasy cookin’.
CSN Stores $40 Credit Winner
Thanks to everyone who entered the CSN Stores giveaway!
Using Random.org’s True Random Number Generator, the winner of the giveaway was…
Congrats to Laura who said,
“Awesome giveaway! I’d love a waffle makers…but I think I’d go for the Cap Barbell 40 lbs Dumbbell Set – Free Shipping! Wow!”
Please email me (pbfingers@gmail.com) with your mailing address!
I’m a fast eater too, especially when I’m hungry! I need to learn to slow down.
I do love a good breakfast sammie 🙂
Depending on the food….I’m usually fast!
I inhale my food. Then I am too full after and feel crappy. I have been working on this as one of my new year’s goals. Interesting poached egg idea. 🙂 Have a good day!
I’m a fast eater. Lately I’ve been making myself slooooow down and savor the food, and have ended up eating less.
Have a good day!
I’m a fast eater. People have told me to try putting the fork down while I’m chewing, but what good is that going to do? I’m just going to pick it right back up and keep shoveling! hahaha!
I am a much slower eater now than I used to be, but still quicker than I could be. When I was teaching it was the WORST! I had to eat breakfast at 5:30 in a rush before leaving for work, had 5 minutes to gobble up my morning snack, about 15-20 min to eat lunch and socialize, ate my afternoon snack in the car on the way to the gym, and was starving at dinnertime so always scarfed it. My eating is SO much more balanced now. I just stressed myself out reading how my days used to go. No wonder I don’t plan to go back to teaching. LOL
I’m a super fast eater…I try to make myself take drinks between bites to slow myself down.
I didn’t get to comment yesterday, but paoched egg are my fave way to eat eggs. It is definitely not easy, so I a cool little kitchen fnd….egg poaching pods. They are so easy to use and no mess!
Oh, and I’m a very fast eater, too.
I think I’m in between when it comes to eating speed, I think I can still slow down a bit more but I think I do ok.
I’m a super fast eater too and always make sure to pace myself when I’m with other people. When it’s just me and my husband though, we’re in an out of a restaurant in under 45 mins!
I am a fast eater and I am trying to SLOW DOWN! 🙂
I eat sooo quickly! My whole family does. During the day I always think about how I will slow down and enjoy my dinner, but then I forget about it when I’m eating! Maybe I need to write it on my hand 🙂
I always get so nervous when my food starts poppin’ in the microwave…i don’t want it to explode everywhere! Where did you find those alternative bagels??
i got them at publix (a grocery store in the southeast)
oh perfect! We have 3 publix in my town, thanks!
hurry up & get there! they’re buy-one-get-one-free right now!!!
def a fast eater but trying to slow down! haha! xx
Haha! I also inhale my food like crazy! I get so exicited to try it, that its almost always all gone before I know it :).
I’m a fast eater too! My boyfriend always gives me a look when I’ve finished my dinner and he’s barely started…oops…
I’m a slow eater. Always the last one done.
I can totally relate to your “lightning” eating! I’m a super fast eater myself! Today I actually wrote myself a reminder that says “Eat slowly…savor each bite” and placed it at the table. I really need to work on slowing down and not inhaling my food like it’s a race!