House update: Still nothin’.
Unfortunately the house we drove to see in Ocala this afternoon wasn’t a good fit for us.
The kitchen was recently upgraded and the home was pretty and spacious, but had too many rooms!
It was a split-level home and had four bedrooms upstairs and four random rooms downstairs (aside from the kitchen) and we were a bit confused by the layout.
Plus, we don’t have nearly enough stuff to fill that house!
So it’s back to the drawing board… kind of. You see, I haven’t been able to get the first home we saw on Monday out of my mind. When I mentioned my lingering thoughts to Ryan, he shared similar sentiments.
Ryan and I both loved how open and bright the house was and were psyched at the idea of a pool.
Plus, the size was perfect and it has a ginormous yard that’s ideal for Sadie.
We actually drove back by the house and around the neighborhood before driving home. We clocked the time it takes to get from the house to the gym and it’s right around 15 minutes. The grocery store is more like 10 minutes away (not 20, like we originally thought – thank goodness).
It is a little off the beaten path, but it’s not in the boonies and is seriously gorgeous. I would be so excited to live there!
We are now working with our realtor to see if the landlord will reduce the cost of rent or help out with lawn care and then we’ll go from there. Should that home work out, it still wouldn’t be available until mid-August, so we have Uhaul booked for tomorrow and will be moving all of our stuff into storage tomorrow at 10 a.m.
When we arrived home from Ocala, I was starving!
A package was waiting on our doorstop and when I opened it, dinner was staring back at me.
I received a box of Fiber One Honey Squares cereal as a sample through the General Mills Pssst! program (anyone can join!) and immediately poured myself a plastic cup full of cereal and topped it with almond milk. (All of our bowls are in boxes.)
Honestly, I think I ate half of the box. I kept filling and refilling my cup. I have a serious problem when it comes to portion control and cereal and ate and ate and ate. Ooph.
Sometimes cereal for dinner is just what the doctor ordered. It tasted delicious and I loved eating a cold meal on a hot night. Yum!
Back to packing. I will be so happy when this move is o-v-e-r! The packing up of things is the worst part. I actually think unpacking is kind of fun, so I’m glad I have something to look forward to in a couple of weeks!
that cereal looks so good!! I hope your housing situation works out. i might have to move 2-3 hours away in a month, and am already feelin’ the stress. AH!
I love cereal for supper! Yum!
Good luck – I hope you get the housing situation all figured out 🙂
I’m all for the pool house! I hope y’all get it! And cereal for dinner is always a good idea. 😉
Good luck with getting the house sorted! After ages, I had cereal and milk for breakfast this forgotten and man I forgot how delicious such a simple combo can be!
that first house you looked at looks absolutely stunning, and cereal for dinner? I had the same yesterday 🙂 speedy, simple, and sometimes totally necessary! xyx
If you get the house with that beautiful pool, I will visit. It will be awkward and I will be that strange chick you barely know, but I swear it will be fun. In fact I’ll start look at plane tickets now!
But…think of how many rooms of shit you could have in that house!
Hahaha that’s exactly what we are afraid of!!
I could see how it’s hard to get the image of the pool out of your head. So pretty (I’m pretty sure I left a comment saying how much I loved it before if that shows you anything haha).
And now you essentially have an entire dog park for Sadie! Just add a few sticks 😉
…Oh that house, I knew you loved it. For some reason, I could tell through the post. Like I said earlier, you’ll adjust! It will be a huge deal for a few months and then it will be second nature and you’ll be glad you have the space. Hope it all goes well!
From my house to the gym it takes me about 10-15 minutes without traffic. Really isn’t bad. I think you should do it! 🙂
I had the same thing sitting at my door step this afternoon! I actually really like it! So tasty!!!
Hope you get the house you really like!
Love cereal for dinner! And good luck with the house! It looks absolutely gorgeous 🙂
For what it’s worth, I’ve lived pretty far away from everything basically my entire life. It’s a solid 10 minutes to the grocery store, 20 minutes to downtown, 30 minutes to the mall, church, and my high school. While I definitely like the convenience of living close to the store and being able to walk to church when I’m away at college, I wouldn’t change living a bit off the beaten path for anything. I think living where I live was an absolutely perfect place to grow up. I’ve had some great conversations on car rides into town that I probably wouldn’t have had if I had had less time. It’s just something to think about 🙂 Good luck with the decision making!
Oh my gosh, I hope you’re okay with all that fiber!! I know from experience (I’m looking at you, Fiber One bars) that the sugary deliciousness can deceive you into thinking the fiber won’t affect you…
let’s just say I was deceived. 🙂
word. i had 2 Fiber One bars today because it was PB chocolate and it was sooo good. After like 45 minutes—it got kinda uncomfortable…no bueno.
Yum! cold dinners are the best on these redic hot days 🙂
Sorry nothing is coming through! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the house you love though!
When I lived in my dorm room in college, I would have cereal in a cup all the time. It was super easy and made eating healthy my freshman year more manageable!
Ooh thanks for the heads up! I just joined Psst too. 🙂
Hope the house works out! It sucks that you’ll lose some of the convenience you enjoy now, but it seems like what you could gain (like an awesome indoor pool! and no mice!) may outweigh the sacrifices.
I saw an ad for that cereal the other day. I’ll have to try it soon.
I drive 15 minutes to and from the gym everyday before work. It really is not as bad as it may seem. I often have a cup of coffee on the way and listen to my favorite tunes.
I think it’s a nice place to rent and if the landlord brings the price down–even better! Good luck on the house hunting. I know how frustrated you must feel. <3
That’s awesome! I’m definitely signing up for that Pssst! program!
I REALLY hope you guys get that first house – when I saw that pool the first time I was SO jealous. I think that you guys will be super happy there (even if it is off the beaten path) as will Sadie!!
Fingers crossed for you!
I LOVE that house that’s a tad off the beaten path. I say you go for it. It’s darn beautiful. And 10-15 minutes to get where you need to go – yes, it’s not a walk away – but not so bad in the big scheme of things 🙂
And that yard … Sadie would have a field day!
Good luck!!!
I hope that one works out for you guys. That pool would be sweet!
i have the same problem with cereal! once i open a box i eat more than half of it in one sitting!! Kashi GoLean cereal is one of the best, and frosted mini wheats are close behind…
That house looks gorgeous! I know what you mean about being further away from things though. I used to live right down the road from the beach when I lived with my parents, but now I have to drive 20 minutes to get to the closest one. Not fun.
I love cereal too, especially for a quick and easy supper! I think the fact that you can’t get that first place out of your head is a good sign, and you should just go for it…hopefully the landlord can figure out a deal for you guys:) I think the perks of a beautiful house, with an awesome pool and yard, will outweigh any concerns you have about traveling to the gym, and grocery store, etc.
Good luck with the move!!
I am with you on lacking portion control when it comes to cereal!
Also, I just signed up for Pssst, I’m so excited to see what may come my way 🙂
I do the SAME THING when I open a box of cereal! Little by little it goes down by the cup. Looks tasty though 🙂
Cereal for dinner. Sometimes that is ALL I want and there is nothing wrong with that!
I did the same thing last night with the same cereal…what is it about cold cereal and portion control?!
Too bad about the house situation — but 15 minutes to the gym isn’t so bad — you two are so dedicated to your workouts anyway, I don’t think extra drive time will stop you 🙂
The pool looks sooo pretty! it’s uniquely shaped too…
Good luck with that house! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that they lower the price!
Ugh, that IS a large lawn (as in mowing it). Do they have one of these tractor mowers that you could just use? If a service is doing it, it will definitely be quite expensive with this size. .
We are definitely trying to negotiate something with the lawn care… it is a huge yard!
I’m a member of Psst too! I joined when you advertised the site awhile back but never get cool free stuff like you do 🙁 How do you get the freebies?
I’m not sure! I just get “opt in” emails and always say okay!
Your tummy might be hurting later… that’s a lot of fiber haha! 😉 But I know what you mean about portion control with cereal. Give me a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and it’s allll over!!! 🙂
Man, that pool alone is worth the extra 15 minutes for me! Heck, exercise in the pool! Cereal for supper was a huge childhood favorite of mine.
Cereal = Love
I don’t like it in the morning for some reason, but I could probably eat a whole box in one sitting. Granola is ever worse.
Good luck on the house!!!
Moving is the pits. I feel your pain. The house in the photos is gorgeous and pool would be awesome! I hope it all works out with the landlord!
Ahhh moving – it never fails to be a nightmare! I’m sending positive spirit fingers your way!
That first house is gorgeous and while it may be a bit out there, it can be nice to have a lil oasis!
You are doing a great job as a Pssst spokeswoman…I def just joined as well 🙂 Best of luck with the moving/house hunting process. I just had to move across the country BLIND (and all by myself) and prayed to the Craigslist gods for the best. Things will always work out, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be extremely stressful along the way !!!! Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures 🙂
I say get the house you want and then start to invest (a bit at a time) in your own home gym equipment!!
I’m feeling it. I can see Sadie in that pool….I mean, if you’re gonna be in Ocala you gotta get used to driving anyway right?
Plus, driving to the gym and grocery can be combined and stuff to save gas!
You love it. It will happen. I know this!
I hate to say it, but you guys were spoiled with how close you live to the gym now! My gym and yoga studio are about a 10-15 minute drive away and you just get used to it! It’s kindof nice bc you can run some errands on the way home and knock a bunch out in one trip on the weekends. I wouldn’t call it a dealbreaker!!
10 and 15 minutes is nothing! that is super close, where I like it’s 35min to the nearest mall and about 15-20 to the grocery store, and about 25 to the nearest gym, and it’s not too bad!
I have the same problem with cereal it never fills me up so I eat like 3 or 4 bowls in a sitting!!
I live about 15 minutes away from my gym when I’m at my parents house and its really not that bad! Granted it takes a little more motivation then when I’m at school (my apartment is right next door) but if anything the ride home gives me a little time to cool down/get less sweaty before I hop in the shower lol..
Good luck with everything!
It will all work out! I’m glad you had cereal for dinner! way to cheer yourself I wish I had some!
That house with the big yard does look pretty amazing, but I understand your hesitation. I grew up in the country (about 3 miles outside of town), and I was always jealous of people who were within walking distance of things. But sometimes it’s worth it to have the space and peacefulness of the country.
That cereal is addicting! I totally finished a box off with my mom and sister on a two day camping trip… totally worth it. Yummy, crunchy, honey, fiber goodness. 😉