Some of the most meaningful experiences I’ve enjoyed during the wedding planning process occurred unexpectedly.
A memory I will treasure forever involved my mom bringing out an old folder full of papers and notes to share with me.The folder, labeled in my grandmother’s fantastic handwriting, included page after page of diligent notes and details about my parents’ wedding.
When I opened the folder, I smelled my grandmother’s house.
I was instantly transported to her kitchen in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I imagined myself sitting in one of her hard chairs, with one leg curled under my body, eating one of my grandmas’ gigantic sugar cookies.
My favorite find in the folder was the correspondence between my mother and grandmother. They had a note pad they would use to write questions or ideas to each other whenever the other one was out. The person who was away would then respond in the notepad when they arrived home.
I loved reading my mom’s words and picturing her as an excited bride-to-be. It was also humorous to see my grandmother’s lengthy paragraphs full of questions and my mother’s one-word answers. 😀
The bond between a mother and a daughter is unlike anything in the world and I am so grateful to have my mother with me during this unforgettable time. She has been beyond helpful and I will treasure the memories we’ve created together throughout the past year forever.
Mother Daughter Baking
My mom and I made some more memories tonight while making the classic peanut butter Hershey kiss cookies.
I think I ate my bodyweight in cookie dough. Phew!
The cookies will make a debut at our wedding reception, so we made a ton. Let’s just hope I don’t eat all of them before Saturday!
Now it’s time for bed. I am pooped!
Aww, what an amazing thing to be able to look at! This makes me realize the importance of keeping things so that you can one day show your children or so that you can look at to reflect on good times in the past! 🙂
I love these cookies– how many are you making in total??
What an amazing find from your grandmother! You must be so excited for the big day- can’t wait to hear all about it!!!
Yummy cookies 🙂 Share the recipe?
And I am so glad you got to experience that with your mom! IN my parents wedding album, I just see my mother’s handwriting about who gave what gift and if she’d sent the thank you notes out yet (we are list makers in the family!)
Enjoy every moment! 🙂
What wonderful words you wrote about your mom 🙂
My mom lives in another country and she is joining me on my wedding journey planning soon. She will be spending time with me to share in the mother-daughter wedding activities.
Even if she is miles away, I feel her support wholeheartedly and she’s a quick phone call and text away.
#1 – those are one of my FAVORITE cookies
#2 – In July, I was looking through old pictures and memorabilia at my fiance’s parents’ house. I found all of this old wedding stuff of my in-laws including their announcement in the paper (back when they did little articles on every detail) and a “memory book” from my future mother-in-law’s mother. Apparently she would always write down these great narratives on different events. She died in 1986 and it was so neat to read her perspective on my in-law’s wedding.
What a wonderful post. That folder is such a good idea, and such a bonding opportunity!
Truly, mother daughter bond is amazing, and I am so happy my mom is always there for me
Now this is a perfect way to start the wedding weekend! 🙂 Enjoy love.
That must have been so interesting to read! Its so important to save stuff like that! Cookies look delicious. Idon’t blame you for eating so many. I would have done the same!
This is beautiful! Have a happy wedding weekend, Julie!
that is so amazing about the notes. must have been so fun to read.
those are my family’s cookies. when my mom bakes, its those. and i too hope to have them at my wedding.
enjoy these days! so exciting!
Oh my gosh, I can only imagine how special a time this must be for you and your mom. Enjoy every moment of it!!
Oh my goodness. What a great thing to have.
Things like this are exactly what I want to have for my children. My mom hasnt had much to “pass down”. I want books, recipes, all kinds of stuff that can retell a story with out words <3
That is so incredibly sweet that you were able to go back and look through your mom’s wedding plans.
Those cookies look delicious!
I went to Gettysburg College 🙂
I’ve been to the Altland House, I live in PA!
What a treat – the wedding plans folder (well, the cookies, too, I imagine!) … that must have been amazing to be able to read through that! Cherish all these moments – and best wishes for a wonderful day – the countdown is on!
So I just started reading your blog, and I realized that you went to UCF! So did I (and still do for grad school!) I actually teach classes at the RWC, so we’ve probably crossed paths before…small world!!
Peanut butter kiss cookies are a Christmas tradition in our family. Love them!
Those are my favorite cookies!!! I make them every year closer to Christmas — and a few other times throughout the year 🙂
My old roommate and I kept a notebook on the table and we’d write notes back and forth too — this was before everyone on earth had a cell phone and it worked well!
I love looking at my mom’s old things — stuff from her mom and her Grandma. It just instantly brings back memories 🙂
SO excited for you!!! I feel like I’m getting married!
I love Hershey’s Kiss cookies! Did you use the 3 ingredient peanut butter cookie recipe?
What a neat thing to get to look through! It makes me wish I was closer with my crazy family. 😉
That is so sweet! And I LOVE the peanut butter kiss cookies!
That’s awesome that your mom still had that to share with you! And those cookies look awesome! 🙂
thats so neat, what a cool thing to treasure forever! I love sentimental stuff like that. You are ssoo close btw! yay!
I bet your mom cried when she read this. It was so sweet.
GOOD LUCK on wedding day! Everything is going to go smoothly and you’re going to look beautiful and you’re not going to remember anything else but how your husband (HUSBAND!!) looked at you on that day.
That is SO incredible you have that binder. What a treasure.
And I’d say these cookies are a treasure, too:)
Those cookies look amazing!
My hat is off to you for doing so many things yourself! 🙂
WOW!! I know you can’t believe the day is almost here. My only advice (I know others have said this to you many times before) is to just relax and enjoy it. I have so many fond memories of my wedding day and I still think of them often. I took it all in and tried to remember every moment of the day b/c it was just so special. Marriage is tough from time to time but so worth it and I always look back and remember how happy I was on our special day and the good news is that our marriage has gotten even better as the years have gone on but we always remember the day we said “I do.”
Very brave of your to eat cookie dough before your wedding. I remember I was scared to eat anything that might make me bloated because my dress was a little snug to begin with. Congrats to you!
Awe my mom and I used to make these all the time! So yummy.
Those are my most favorite holiday cookies!!! I want to go make them now. Congrats on your weekend being oh-so-close! I cant’ wait to read your recap. 🙂 Enjoy the day.
I *almost* made those cookies yesterday!! They’re amazing, your guests will love them 🙂
those cookies are so cute, but the best part about them is knowing you and your mom worked together to make them. that’s probably going to be a really fond memory!
How lucky that you got to share their experience! I can’t wait to see pictures of your big day!
And I love those cookies! They are addicting…
I remember the first time I looked through my mom’s wedding album. I was so shocked to hear she didn’t pick out her own flowers, that she made her own dress, and that she didn’t even get a manicure!
Times have changed:)
That’s beautiful! It’s so special that you can immerse yourself into so many generations of wedding planning right before your big day:)
I love, love, love that you’re doing pb/chocolate cookies for your reception! I would leave a very happy guest from your wedding!
ooh, love those cookies! I am going to put them on the “Christmas” baking list.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on mother/daughter bonding. It REALLY made me miss my mom, but grateful at the same time.
Best of luck in the upcoming days, you’re going to be a beautiful bride.
That folder is such an amazing thing to have! You and your mother should continue on with it for your wedding. I’m sure your future daughter will appreciate it as much as you do! 🙂
Those cookies are quite stunning 😀
When I’m on your blog I get a picture of that same cookie where the website name goes… Hmm, I’m not explaining this right. Maybe you’ll still understand lol
That folder is so cool and must have been great to look through with your Mom! Best of luck with your upcoming wedding weekend!! I hope everything turns out just the way you guys want it 🙂
awww fun! are you gonna save your plans for the future? 🙂
after enjoying reading through my mom’s so much, i think i have to!
That’s so cute that your mom and grandma did that together!
Those cookies look delicious! I am guilty too of eating too much cookie dough. After seeing your last post and how sick you got I might not be doing that anymore though!