I didn’t have any specific plans for tonight’s dinner.
I knew I wanted to use the leftover sweet Italian sausage from Tuesday night. I would typically chop it up and throw it into some pasta sauce and serve it over a bowl of noodles, but since I had marinara meat sauce in today’s lunch, I wasn’t feeling that option.
How about a quesadilla!?
I packed two whole wheat tortillas with shredded Mexican cheese, sweet Italian sausage, spinach, sweet corn and cilantro.
Ryan and I both agreed that the addition of the fresh cilantro and sweet corn took our ‘dillas to the next level.
One of my all-time favorite vegetables, roasted green beans, served as our side.
Last week when I briefly posted about the Thundershirt that my mom purchased for Sadie to help with some of her anxiety, many of you were curious and intrigued and requested a follow up post about how it worked on Sadie. Here we go!
Sadie gets a bit anxious during car rides sometimes, especially if it starts raining or we drive over a bridge (really!). Her little body starts to shake and she starts to get all huffy and pants heavily.
When I left St. Pete to make the two-hour drive to Ocala on Sunday, there were some serious clouds in the sky, so I put Sadie in her Thundershirt to give it a go.
Not only did it start to pour as I was driving, but it was thundering like mad as we were driving over a bridge. A double threat!
I kept looking over at Sadie, waiting for her to start shaking.
She didn’t.
She panted a little, but it was nothing dramatic or especially huffy.
I was shocked! It really seemed to work.
I must add that Sadie’s anxiety isn’t extreme. I’ve heard some crazy stories about dogs tearing into things and completely freaking out at the sound of fireworks or other “triggers” and Sadie’s anxiety is much more mild.
Still, I am very pleased with the calming effects the shirt seemed to have on her!
And on that note, I’m off to go cuddle the little lady right now…
This looks delicious! Especially since it was just thrown together last minute. Quesadillas are the jam!
P.S. I was on Pinterest today (TOTALLY addicted) and I found your picture on there! Someone pinned your pre-wedding picture. I thought you’d like to know you’re famous 🙂
how neat!! 🙂
Good to know for when we get our own doggy!
Dinner looked delish…. think i crave green beans now!!
My best friend’s dog is terrified of loud noises. Like pants, sheds, shakes, the whole nine yards. Her mom puts ear muff type things on her and it helps a lot too!
I’m thankful that my dogs haven’t had the problem yet. *knock on wood*
ahahahahhaa I saw that pin too! also, does that shirt work for 3yo boys?
Oh my goodness we purchased a Thundershirt for my little Sheltie last week! He has such crazy anxiety during thunderstorms and knowing that the hurricane was going to hit New Jersey we knew we had to be prepared! Definitely worth the money!
My dog has really bad car anxiety. Every time we slow down he thinks we are going to stop and he starts going mad crazy, whining really loud and running around all anxious. I don’t know what he thinks, like we are going to leave him for dead somewhere. I definitely want to try the the Thundershirt. I’m willing to try anything! 🙂
i don’t know what is is about the car! when sadie was a puppy, she’d puke! it was crazy! she’s much better now (she actually gets excited to get in the car), but when it rains or we go over a bridge, she gets all squirrely.
She looks so freaking cute in that little shirt! ahhh!
Great idea to put it in a quesadilla– i love how any type of meat leftover can turn into a quesadilla for the most part!
My parents have a Coton de Tulear and the breed has notoriously bad separation anxiety. After seeing the shirt on PBfingers we went out to get one.. and it has been working so well! She has been so much calmer and there is a seriously long list of things that used to send her off her rocker such as:
– separation from my mom
– the car’s turn signal (yeah, road trips were not fun!)
– people running down stairs
– dogs barking, seeing other dogs
– strollers, bikes, motorcycles
oh i’m so glad it’s working for you guys! and the turn signal thing made me laugh. poor little girl!
oh and sadie can’t stand skateboards!
So is this shirt like a compression shirt?
Haha taking the college-style quesadilla to the grown-up level! Love it!
aw I hope charlie never needs one of these, but good to know they are out there! I live right under the L in Chicago so hes been conditioned to loud noises from day 1
Good to know about the Thundershirt! I’ve been looking to get one for my dog who freaks out during thunderstorms and fireworks. She gets pretty bad so I’m thinking I might have to give it a try. Love your blog!
My dog used to get SO nervous in the car. The day we brought him home and he was just a puppy, I think his tummy was nervous/he was carsick b/c he puked an ENORMOUS pile of puke all over my sister’s lap, where he was sitting for the ride. I had to pull over b/c I was laughing so hard, I was crying. 🙂
So does the shirt work because it would be the same as you hugging her? I”m glad it is working out!
Yes! Apparently it’s like swaddling a baby… but for dogs.
Where did you get your thundershirt? I’m curious!
I think my mom ordered it online.
Great quesadilla picture- it looks so delish and cheesy- yum!!
Quesedillas are one of my favorites. So delicious and cheesy. I’d never thought to add corn. Good call!
Do you think the thundershirt would work with separation anxiety? My boyfriends brother has a dog that hates, hates, hates when it’s parents leave (she is a rescue dog). They have tried everything but nothing seems to be working.
P.S. I need to start making quesedillas at home…that looks amazing!
the website says it helps with separation anxiety, too!
That is so cool how that shirt works! I just got a kitten today :). My very own pet!! So pumped!
My mom has a shih tzu and she has HORRIBLE anxiety. When she goes crazy, I put her on my lap and start putting the thundershirt on her, she immediately plops down and becomes dead weight. It relaxes her SO much.
hey girl! love your blog and especially the name! Love all the big green monsters and smoothies they are making my mouth water! haha- hope to hear from u soon!
Mariel from Pureglow16*
My dog has the same problem. It’s an anxiety thing – he’ll be very restless, whine and shake a little. He’s just a little guy and I feel so bad! Does Sadie wear clothes often? Oliver only wears sweaters when it’s really cold out, so I’m not sure if wearing this would freak him out?
we only put her in clothes in the colder months to keep her warm, but she never seems to mind!
My puppy boy is super scared about the car and my girl is scared all the time… I might have to invest in one of these for them!
She is so cute in her thunder shirt! My coworker has one for her dog and she swears by it!
I’m so glad you posted about the Thundershirt. I’ve seen it advertised and wondered if it really worked. Sadie is so sweet 🙂
I bet the cilantro and corn really did amp up that quesadilla! Sounds so good!: ) Also glad to hear that the Thundershirt helped Sadie!
How exactly does that shirt work? That’s cool!
it “hugs” the dogs – apparently it’s very comforting… like swaddling a baby.
Wow that’s incredible – I’ve never heard of that but I guess it’s the same concept as swaddling a baby!
And she looks extremely sharp in it! Love it!
ooo you just reminded me how much i love quesadillas!! need to get me some tortillas!
love sadies shirt btw!
Sadie not wearing a seat belt? 😉
Seriously, just imagine you have to break real hard. She would fly against the dashboard and could break her neck.
I think there is really something to it to keep pets safe in the car (carrier, special trunk).
you can buy harnesses and barriers on the ASPCA web site, but it looks like that pic was a pre-gas pedal snapshot! 🙂
I have to say that I ordered the shirts after seeing your post about Sadie getting one. And it seemed to be a thunderstorm deterrant at first. Everytime I put it on the dog, the storm disappeared. But we did get one on Mon and Annabelle’s anxiety was reduced. It wasn’t gone completely. But she didn’t hide, pace or pant. Just looked a little afraid. And as we get some cold weather here, we think they will be great little sweaters to wear on walks during the winter.
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….
Oh that looks so yummy right now! Too bad our pantry is bare haha. Literally because I just moved into my mom’s house and she likes to eat out a lot.
I can’t believe the thundershirt worked that well! I’m always so skeptical of things like this but maybe it is worth a try. I think I’d put it on Ginger for walks b/c kids, skateboards and bikes FREAK her out!
That thundershirt is amazing! So happy it works for Sadie! Nothing like a happy little dog!
How creative for a easy, yummy, quick meal! I’m always down for creatively using up leftovers too.
Good to know about the Thundershirt. I might just have to check into one of those for our pups!
That’s so neat about the Thundershirt! Glad it is helping!
That’s so funny, because I was just going to tweet you today to ask about the Thundershirt!
Now, my only question, will it stop my dog from chewing things? 😉
haha somehow i doubt it…
I told my friend today that I wanted to get a thundershirt for anxiety haha. Since we are counselors in training, we are a bit peeved we didn’t invent these…I mean…I could be raking in doggy dollars for these bad boys! If only I knew that dogs had anxiety, too. Sadie pulls it off quite well 😉
I know you have probably already answered this but what kind of tortillas do you buy?
tamxico’s whole wheat!
sometimes quesadillas are the best meals ever. you can never go wrong with melted cheese, a warm tortilla, and some other yummy fillings!
aw Sadie looks so cute in her Thundershirt. How does it actually work?
I feel like a thundershirt for dogs is the equivalent of a wonderbra for women.
That’s great that Sadie’s Thundershirt works, I’m sure it’s a relief to see her stressfree 🙂
I <3 Sadie and her floppy ears, ugh she's too cute!
the thundershirt looks awesome…. can you by chance tell me what size sadie wears? she looks about the same size as our dog and I’m guessing a medium, but just wanted to see if that matched up. thanks!!
After seeing that picture, I immediately was craving that meal except without the sausage and the addition of… jam? Jam and corn… Eh, but jam, corn, and cheese is kind of making me hungry right now??? Is this wierd for the sweet/savory combo? Lol
I know it’s not just for doggies fashion, but that thundershirt is so darn cute on her!
Corn has become an addition to many of my meals lately, a great on top of a salad- especially TJ’s Fire Roasted Corn, mmm! That’s awesome the Thundershirt worked, yay 😀
Very cool! Thanks for keeping us posted on the thundershirt. I’ll have to keep that in mind for some of my friend’s with dogs. I’m glad Sadie isn’t scared anymore. 🙂
I have a 2 year old pomeranian and he has the WORST anxiety ever!! In thunderstorms he’s usually okay but his social phobia is pretty bad. We had a BBQ last summer with about 5 people in our house and it stressed him out so bad that I had to bring him to the animal hospital. When he gets anxious he pants like crazy and starts to run a fever and becomes dehydrated. Do you if the shirt is good for anxiety in general or just storms? Maybe it can do some good for him
Thanks for this post anyway though cuz I will definitely be looking into it! 🙂