I had such a wonderful day in Denver and was fortunate enough to spend most of it with this cute little lady!
Meet Sully, my best friend Michaela’s sweet goldendoodle puppy! She is just about the friendliest puppy in the world and I had so much fun taking her out and about this afternoon.
But backing up a bit…
I spent a few hours with Michaela and her husband Kyle this morning before they both had to head off to work a little after 9 a.m. Michaela and I took Sully for a walk, sipped on some coffee and ate breakfast at their place before I had to say goodbye. I am so glad I was able to see Michaela even if it was for less than 24 hours. I miss her so much and wish we lived closer. I told her this morning that seeing her is awesome but is also reminds me how much I miss living right across the street from her like we used to when I lived in Palatine, Illinois. We definitely make the most of any time we have together and I hope we’ll get to spend more time together soon (hopefully to meet up in Chicago to see our friend Leah’s baby!).
After Michaela and Kyle headed to work, I had a few hours to kill before a car was coming to pick me up and bring me to Boulder. I noticed that a Pure Barre studio was located within walking distance of their place, so I decided to take the 9:30 a.m. class at the Cherry Creek studio.
Everyone at the studio was quite friendly and before the class began the instructor said she was going to debut some new exercise sequences in the class. Oh my gosh the thigh work we did in today’s class was killer. Easily the hardest thigh work I’ve ever done in a Pure Barre class which was a good thing, but also quite challenging at the time!
Once the class was done, I chatted with the instructor for a while and she was kind enough to point me in the direction of the local mall where I headed to pick up a few cooler-weather clothes since I forgot my jacket at home and wanted to grab a sweater or something since the high in Boulder tomorrow is 63.
The Cherry Creek mall had quite an upscale feel, but I was able to find some less-expensive stores and headed into H&M and then Forever 21 for the first time in a billion years. That store overwhelmed me just as much today as it did years ago, but I exercised some patience and combed though the racks of clothes and ended up finding more things to try on than I expected. I walked away with a few new tops, including a gray sweater with a scarf-like cowl neck for $25 and some long-sleeve crop tops that I think will help some of my summertime high-waisted skirts transition into winter.
My walk back to Michaela’s place took me by a Whole Foods, so I decided to grab lunch to go and hit up the salad bar and grabbed some kind of a chocolate oatmeal square to dig into on the walk home.
I made it back to the apartment within 30 minutes, but about halfway through my walk, I looked down and thought my leg was bleeding!
I couldn’t figure out how I cut myself and I didn’t feel any pain. And then I felt like a total fool when I realized my lunch was leaking. The shredded beets I put on top of my salad soaked through the side of the carton and bag and dribbled down my leg as I walked. Somehow the beet juice ended up on my leg and the lightweight pullover I had tied around my waist. I’m hoping it will come out somehow!
By the time I made it home, I was quite hungry and ate my salad and a KIND bar before taking Sully on a walk around a local park.
We had such a fun time together and she is such a joyful little puppy who wanted to say hello to everyone.
We stopped a lot becuase apparently Sully is a people-magnet right now and a lot of people wanted to pet her and say hi which made her the happiest dog in all the land.
Eventually we had to head back so I could grab a quick shower before my car to Boulder arrived. And that brings us up to date! I’m currently blogging as we drive to Boulder (this post will be published when I have internet access again) and I’m looking forward to some fun out and about tonight! Thanks so much for your Boulder restaurant recommendations. I am definitely planning to check out The Kitchen and hope to pop into some other hot spots you guys recommended as well! Thank you!
I think you were in Cherry Creek, not Cherry Hills! Glad you got to explore Denver!
Woops!! You’re right! I’ll edit the post!
Oh no hope you can get the stain out! Beet juice? It just gets everywhere you don’t want it!
Glad you got to explore and have fun in Denver even if it was a short trip! Such a cute dog! Not cuter than Sadie, but super cute. 🙂
Sully is quite adorable! My brother and sister-in-law live in that same area – it’s lovely! I don’t know which park you went to, but Washington Park isn’t too far from that area and it’s gorgeous. I can never get enough of the Rocky Mountain skyline when I’m visiting! Have fun in Boulder 🙂
My parents have golden doodle, who I’m ridiculously attached to, and he’s the friendliest, sweetest dog ever! Sully sounds like she’s the same way!
I’ve had amazing luck with Oxyclean– it really does work like the commercials say! Haha. Good luck. 🙂
Always, anita
Ha!! Thank you for the rec!
Your friend’s dog is so cute! I’m glad you weren’t actually hurt. It must have been surprising to look down and see what you thought was blood.
That dog is SO CUTE! Ahh!
I’ve always wanted to go to Colorado, luckily Blend is in Boulder this year!
Sully is just about the sweetest looking pup! I can see why people want to stop & meet her 🙂
Aw, why isn’t that so convenient that the barre studio is right beside subway?
Julie try carpet cleaner spray to get out the beet juice – I’m a beet-a-holic and have successfully removed stains on my clothes with Resolve carpet spray 🙂
That is one cute puppy!! I am dying to try pure barre!
Getting to visit and catch up with old friends and seemly picking up right where you left off is the best! Denver looks like am extremely walkable city from you pics and recap. Is that the city??
Again, I miss living in Colorado so much! Also. I LOVE THAT DOG. Goldendoodles are my favorite, especially puppies! Ahhhh!
OMG you should have stopped into visit me at Boulder Running Company Cherry Creek – it’s right outside the mall!! It’s the biggest run specialty store in the US – it’ll knock your sticky pure barre socks off.
Funny that you talked about being overwhelmed because I TOTALLY agree. Forever and H&M are the most overwhelming clothing stores ever! But if you can find something there, it’s great!
What a cutie! I saw Sully on your Instagram page! I love Denver- I went there when was just a little tot!
Oh my goodness! I live right by where you were today – I’m right down the street from Cherry Creek! I hope you enjoyed your day in Denver : )
In your Forever 21 link, you posted a tank top and not a cowl sweater! 🙁
I’d say hit up the Tea House, Shine is delicious, and Snooze is great for brunch. And ifyou want to get together for a barre class or trail run, let me know! 🙂
First of all, I’m moving to Denver in one week and love getting your tips! I’ve been reading several blogs describing how great Denver and the surrounding area are – sounds like I’m going to have a great time!
Second of all, as a new blogger, I LOVE seeing that you’re from Palatine – my hometown, as well! It’s great finding fellow suburbanites rockin’ the globe. 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration!!
My husband and I bought a house in Cherry Creek last year. We love it so much! So glad you got to explore the area a bit 🙂
That puppy is ridiculously cute, what a great way to spend the day!
Oh no! That’s the sort of thing I would do – panic I’d cut myself! I hope you manage to get the stain out. I think beetroot is supposed to be quite difficult to get out. :S
Looks like such a cute puppy and cute town. Have a great trip!
haha that is actually hilarious about the beets! I hope the stain comes out! Gosh I love beets but they really are such a mess!
Well hello!!! I didn’t realize you were in Denver yesterday! I just moved to Denver 2 months ago and live VERY close to Cherry Creek and the family I nanny for is in Cherry Creek. Such a cute area 🙂 Hope you enjoy Boulder! We have only made it out there once, but thought it was amazing!
Hi there! We have a mini golden doodle – they are wonderful – however — you cannot go for a quick walk ever, they want to stop and chat with everyone. He is a people magnet! I think they all are because they are just so friendly!! x
Cute pooch! We have the same kind in our neighborhood but he only has 3 legs!
I totally understand why Sully is such a people magnet. I don’t think I could pass her by without giving her a rub! What a cutie!!
You might not want to let Sadie read this post… she might get super jealous of all the puppy-love.
The bloody leg/beet thing totally sounds like something that would happen to me.
Yes! Love Cherry Creek Mall! My family is all from Denver and love going to visit AND shop!!!! Looks like a fab day!
That is the cutest dog ever! I think goldendoodles and labradoodles are so cute!!!
I was JUST in Cherry Creek yesterday, hanging with a friend who is local, and saw the Pure Barre studio! I’d never heard of Pure Barre until you started going, so I immediately thought of you. LOL It’s a fun little area, but man! Too much construction right now!