You better believe I’m taking full advantage of BodyPump classes while I’m in Jacksonville. My parents’ gym had a lunchtime BodyPump class on the schedule today, so I worked at home through the morning before heading out for a mid-day break to work up a sweat.
After I set up my little station, I sipped on water as I waited for the class to begin. The instructor asked whether or not anyone was new to BodyPump and one woman timidly raised her hand. I expected the instructor to walk over to the woman and give her an overview of the class to make her feel more comfortable, but she kept her microphone on and asked the woman her name from the front of the room. Once she knew her name, the instructor then said, “Uh oh! Everyone watch out for Caroline! She’s new!”
That was it. She didn’t give Caroline advice or tell her what to expect from her first class. She didn’t tell her what equipment she needed. Nothing! I’m sure the instructor thought she was being playful, but I instantly felt awkward for Caroline and could tell other members of the class felt a little uncomfortable. What if this was Caroline’s first group exercise class ever?
Thankfully the woman next to Caroline helped her figure out what weights to grab, so she wasn’t too lost. Still, it was a rather awkward start to the class and I’m just glad Caroline was a trooper. I hope she didn’t feel too singled out!
Lunch today was a tuna salad sandwich served on toasted Ezekiel bread with a sliced apple and sugar snap peas.
Nice and filling.
Question of the Afternoon
- Have you ever felt really uncomfortable in a group exercise class?
The most uncomfortable I’ve ever felt during a group exercise class was when I took my first hot yoga class at a real yoga studio. Yikes. I was waaay out of my element. I’ve also felt really, really lost during a step aerobics class, but I just laughed at my lack of coordination and kept stepping and tried my best to pretend I knew what I was doing.
That is not a way to welcome someone into class. At least in my opinion. As someone who has done group exercise before but is still severely intimidated by it, that would probably be enough for me to just get up and leave. If I don’t feel comfortable, why stay?
I felt a little out of my element during my first Bikram yoga class too..but by the end of class I felt great and was glad I tried it. Poor Caroline! Sounds like it must’ve been so uncomfortable for her, makes me sad. It takes a lot of courage to walk into your first group exercise class alone!
One time in college, my friend read the group fitness schedule wrong. We showed up for boot camp and we were instructed to take out shoes off and the small class started to do plies. It obviously was not boot camp. We felt rude, but we left the class because it wasn’t something we were interested in.
That’s so funny that you post about this today – I went to my first bodypump class this morning after a several month hiatus and our instructor asked who was new and I decided to raise my hand because I wanted to let her know that I tore my tricep muscle at the last bodybump class I did and that I was nervous to use too much weight. The instructor went around and talked to all of us individually and she was great – telling me what amount of weight I should expect to use, but to go decrease if it was still too much. She also made sure to let us know before every exercise, just how much weight to add or decrease based on our warmup weight!
Long story short – had this instructor singled me out like yours did, I would have been HUMILIATED!! And possibly not have wanted to return! I was shy enough using the light weights that I did today. Shame on her, I say. I’m sure she didn’t realize what she was doing, but shouldn’t it be part of her job description to go talk to the newbies? For safety if anything.
I’ve been to a few spin classes where the instructor doesn’t take the time to ask if anyone is new and you can tell that there are people who have never set up their bike before. I have seen people who don’t know to raise the bike seat and handlebars, which is so dangerous and uncomfortable!!
Poor Caroline! I’ve never had an awful fitness class experience, but one time after a treadmill class I was taking, the instructor handed me a towel and said, “It’s okay, I sweat a lot and drip on the treadmill when I run too.” Yikes!!
As an excahge student in Belgium I decided to take aerobics class at the University gym in the middle of semester. Except the gym was handball court packed with 200-300 well coordinated students with a hard coreography practiced for 2 months. And the class was in Dutch. Did I say I was all over everybodys feet? At least I thought: well, no one knows me…Untill I steped on a toe of my labmate 🙂
Eeeek! I can’t said I would go back to that class if I were Caroline!
sandwiches are the best 🙂
Oh that is SO sad. Poor Caroline 🙁
And it makes me LIVID. As a BP instructor myself, that is a HUGE no-no. You always welcome new people & help them out. Hello?!?! They have to know what to do! Ugh. One of my biggest pet peeves ever with instructors. Those who know how to lead a class & be kind to all should lead classes, and those who are just rude & won’t welcome new people need to step down. Sorry. This is just a matter of the heart <3 It makes group x look bad when instructors do stupid things like that!! 🙁
In other news, I am loving 84!! How are you liking it?
i know! it seemed very, very out of character for a les mills instructor. i’ve been taking bodypump for years and have never seen an instructor act that way toward a new participant.
i really like 84 – especially the jump squats!!!
Oooooh jump squats! They will be the death of my BP instructing. It’s so hard to jump, count, and breathe at the same time! Great workout though!
I teach BP, too, and I try to identify new people before classes so that we can go over weight selection and moves. If I know someone is new, too, I’ll make sure to demonstrate the moves before starting each track. Definitely a lesson to show up early to class! My gym is pretty small, though, and it’s easy to know the regulars. It’s such a bummer that the instructor didn’t handle it better. I think some instructors have bigger personalities and might not have realized that it could have been taken differently.
Ironic timing – I’m doing my very first hot yoga class tonight! My husband and I are trying it together and I’m a bit nervous. Just hoping to come out alive.
Wow, I have a feeling — based on the actions of the instructors at my gym — that the Les Mills people would be HORRIFIED to hear that!
Oh that is a little harsh, you’d think she’d figure to help her being it was her first time or why was she really asking who was new?! That’s sad, hopefully Caroline wasn’t too bothered and it won’t ruin her chances of wanting to go again, at least her neighbor was helping her! I would have felt so awkward if I were her!
During college, I went through a Zumba phase, and I always felt awkward when the classes began; I felt like I needed to warm up before busting a move! And I would get really self-conscious if I couldn’t execute the moves exactly right. Luckily, my nerves lasted about 10 minutes, and I loved the classes after the initial awkward beginning. 🙂
Poor Caroline! I am not sure I would have stayed through the class if that were me. That instructor needs some gym manners. Playful or not, some people (especially in a gym) are really sensitive. Ek! Thankfully she had a good samaritan next to her.
Long story short, yes! My college roommate and I took a step aerobics class together and she completely fell off her block. But of course, she was such a good sport about it and we literally laughed until we cried.
I had just joined a new gym and I was trying to make it to my first yoga class after a late day at work. I must have read the wrong schedule because I ran into an intense body toning class just before they started. The instructor didn’t really talk to me much, just helped me grab the things I would need and placed me in the front of the room. I had no idea what I was in for and I definitely didn’t eat enough for that kind of workout. I ended up walking out halfway, afraid that I was going to pass-out. When the class ended, I went back in to get my stuff and the instructor just said “see ya”.
I hated that! No are you okay? No thanks for coming? No will we see you again? It makes me feel like it kind of made her think that I can’t get through the class, and really having to leave a full classroom early from the front of the room was embarrassing enough. I never went back.
My zumba instructor always does that too. She doesn’t necessarily do it in an awkward way but I can see how it might be uncomfortable for someone who is pretty quiet. I hate getting picked out of a crowd but thankfully I’m a regular now. Poor girl, I wonder if she’ll come back!
No one ever learns by being humiliated. What a teachable moment for all of us.
I still feel uncomfortable at crossfit sometimes…but its a great workout so I just need to forget about it!
I, too, took a step aerobics class for the first time once. I obviously didn’t know the routine but I was doing my best, and the instructor kept telling me to lower my step down a level on the microphone because I was struggling, and kept saying “man you guys are a hot mess back there!” referring to me and my mom who were laughing as we clumsily tried to get the routine until she wouldn’t just let us be. It made the class pretty irritating for me because she made us feel like outcasts, but we continued on and once she let up, it was more fun. Regardless, I felt like maybe a positive attitude or a ‘don’t give up, you’ll get it!’ would’ve been a lot nicer….
Omg that is awful! Poor Caroline, I bet she’ll never come back, ugh. I have to say I am impressed by your compassion and empathy for her, that speaks volumes about you!! I wish all people were that thoughtful:) You should start teaching body pump at your gym!
Oooohhh Caroline! Gosh, that sounds horrible! I haven’t tried group exercise yet, but I’m sure my first time will be just as bad as hers!
Wow that is terrible! Body Pump is a pretty complicated class, and if you are not a veteran weight lifter, it can be kind of dangerous! My worst experience ever was a step aerobics class, too. I am pretty coordinated and athletic, but I could not keep up at all. At one point the teacher was trying to discretely single me out in the front of the class to show me the basic moves that everyone else already knew, and the woman next to me had the nerve to say, in a nasty tone, “She is doing that for you, you know.” I was so embarrassed.
Oh my goodness, are you kidding me?! That seems almost cruel! So much for support and encouragement, huh?
Your enthusiasm about body pump makes me really want to try it!! I’ve taken a yoga class once and was so intimidated! I was definitely new to it, and I know the instructor was just trying to be helpful, but she was stepping on me toes, pushing/pulling on me, and even said “yea, it’s not easy, is it?” I was so embarrassed! That was my last class 🙁 haha, I shouldn’t let one bad experience ruin yoga for me, though! I’m sure there are other instructors that I’d feel more comfortable with 🙂
Ugh! As a new BodyPump instructor this makes my blood boil! We are taught in training how to welcome new participants and advise them on their weight selection. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING. It is so important to make new people feel welcome, prepared, and confident. Group Exercise classes can be intimidating; especially one with a barbell! Ahhhh! I hope Caroline comes back and finds a better instructor to take classes from!
I finally went to my FIRST BODYPUMP class EVER! I went during lunch time too. I was nervous at first, but thankfully my instructor was super helpful and even helped me set up my equipment. I also thought of you & how much you love BodyPump which helped me move out of my comfort zone! Thanks Julie!
PS I loved it! That was my first group fitness class. I never knew that they could be so fun!! I have always just stuck to running.
I’ve only been to zumba, but I don’t like it much tho. It was awkward every time I went lol. I wish there was a body pump class in my area and a friend to go with. It sure is popular!
Like you said, the instructor was probably trying to be playful but still, she should have known better. Group exercise classes can be very intimidating and I think extending a helpful hand would have been more appropriate!
I once took a hip hop class and while I love to dance and have pretty decent rhythm I am not the best with choreography. It takes me a few times. Well, it seemed everyone in this class was able to pick it up but me….even the “older crowd”. I decided not to go back, lol!!
Last night I was uncomfortable. I decided to go to an interval class. I had no idea what it would be like. It was as bad as middle school PE for me. We had to pair up with someone and then they did wall sits while we did the circuit. I’m a very slow runner and just starting to get into shape. I felt so bad for my partner. Her legs must be very sore. They kept having to wait for me to finish to move on to the next part of class. Ugh.
My first “meditational” yogo, which btw I thought was a regular yoga class and my PHONE kept going off and the ringtone was WAY too obnoxious for those meditating!
This is why I am so intimidated to try new fitness classes which is so sad! I don’t think it is right to single people out like this and, unfortunately, it has happened to me on two separate occasions. Luckily, my “piloga” instructor has redeemed my faith in group fitness because she was so sweet by coming up to me to introduce herself at the end of the class and really make me feel comfortable!
So I REALLY want to try body pump but that is exactly why I haven’t. Any suggestions for a newbie? (You know, besides talking to instructor before they have a chance to single me out?)
It would be hard for me (because I HATE confrontation) but I would totally report an instructor like that. That’s just not appropriate.
I’m glad someone was there to help her; too bad more people didn’t or call the instructor out for that rudeness. I hope people from the class spoke to her during and after to give her encouragement.
I went to a pilates class where the teacher was constantly calling people out for their form. It really bothered me at first. Then once she had us sitting, knees together, and she wanted us to put our feet flat on the floor. Well, I have a belly. So it was either feet flat on the floor or knees together, but not both. She kept saying, “knees together! Knees together!!” so I finally had to yell, “I’ve got too much going on right here (pointing to my belly) to do both. So do you want my knees together or my feet flat on the floor?” I kept going, because I refuse to let instructors intimidate me. I eventually came to realize that this was just her style because she truly wanted everyone to reap the benefits of having the right form. But I would have never known this if I gave up.
I often make it a point to talk to new people in classes that seem to be lost. Sometimes it can make all the difference for someone that lacks “gym” confidence. =)
That is mortifying! I have two similar experiences one at body pump and one at step. I was called out by two different instructors in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing I haven’t been back and I love the type of workout I get from body pump I just don’t want to be embarrassed or scared I’m going to do something wrong.
WOW, that was kinda crappy of the instructor. You would think she would have given the new person a quick overview of the process. Honestly, I feel super awkward in most group fitness classes because I’m SO uncoordinated. I did BodyPump and it was ok, I did a cardio kickboxing and felt out of sync. I guess I’m a loner when it comes to the gym!
There is that delicious Ezekiel bread again! And I love that you toasted it for a sandwich. I actually really only prefer the texture of it when it is toasted. It just tastes about 10 times better that way.
I hope somebody mentioned that to the manager – not exactly the way to inspire someone to work out!
I definitely felt out of place at my first spin class when I wasn’t given any instruction about how to set up the bike, how to turn the resistance up, etc. It was a very cult-ish studio in NYC and I left thinking I hated spin and didn’t try again for over a year. Turns out I love spin, just with the right instructor and with some help to get set up!
This girl can’t Zumba. Tried and failed miserably and went back again and again. I have decided three times and no luck, it won’t happen again.
I took a Zumba class once. I am so incredibly uncoordinated. And everyone there knew all the moves and everything! I had to laugh at myself to get through it, but it’s not cool when other people were laughing at me! Needless to say that was the last one I ever took. I do love bodypump though!
That’s such a weird way for an instructor to act. You think she’d want to really make this woman’s experience good so she’d come back.
That is EXACTLY what makes people like me terrified to try new group classes. I hate that! 🙁
This is so similar to my first ever experience with body pump! The instructor asked who was new but then just went on her way setting up for the class. The lady next to me told me to get a set of the lightest weights and everything else I needed. During the legs track I believe I was asked my name then she announced to the rest of the class that I was slacking by using a little bit of weight. At the time I was 250lbs and it was my first experience with any weight lifting/ group exercise class.
oh man, for something like Bodypump I’m sure we’d ALL want some instruction, including myself. And now that I think about it I have taken an aerobics class when I first went to college for elective credits, and here I was thinking that I never experienced group exercise, hahh! That class was def. fun but hard for me simply because of the coordination. All the dancey stuff always confused me as I’m super bad at dancing and moving my body, but the cardio part wasn’t too bad thankfully, or else I wouldn’t have passed the class 😛
I was going to a spin class with one of my friends one night and we followed the procedures – sign up half an hour before and show up five minutes early (we were there about ten minutes early). When we got there, the instructor had already let everyone on the waiting list in and there were no seats for us! As it turned out, two of the other women in the room were also instructors and were so kind as to give us their seats – one went up on the center seat while the instructor for our class walked around while she talked – because they didn’t sign up. The instructor spent the rest of the class making my friend and me feel awkward and apologizing to everyone else for the confusion and the awkward situation of her walking around. She would not let it go – even though it was her own fault for letting them in too early…after class she even told us not to her spin classes anymore…
I took one group exercise class, knowing it was going to be a challenge for me but unaware of how hard it would actually be. I was towards the front which was probably a bad idea in the first place and half way through felt like I was going to pass out if I didn’t get a drink of water and cool off. I was so embarrassed stopping during the exercise and walking out to the hall way for a drink and tried to sneak back in like nothing ever happened but I am sure that everyone was looking at me! It was super embarrassing that I couldn’t keep up.
I have NO shame so I don’t really get embarrassed (lucky me). If I’m new to a class I don’t bother waiting to be asked if I need help I go ahead and ask first. If I was Caroline I probably just would have taken it as a joke and asked what equipment I needed. It would be really unfortunate if that was her first group class ever though. 🙁
In Zumba I know I’m uncoordinated but I keep moving and make the most of it so I love it anyway.
It’s what you make of it I guess. I figure you’re not at the gym for anyone else, you’re there for you so who cares what anyone else thinks?