As I’ve said on the blog before, I’m pretty sure Ryan is Sadie’s favorite.
You see, when I go out of town, Ryan and Sadie are best buds. As he said in his first guest post, they do just about everything together. I think that my time away from the house is when Ryan solidifies his role as Sadie’s favorite. I mean, I can’t compete with someone who makes the dog her own burgers and plays Frisbee with her for hours on end.
Well, when the new year started, I told Ryan that this year would be my year to be the favorite.
Mommy 2012!
Let the campaign begin!
Now, whenever Sadie does something to show preference toward one of us, we yell out, “Mommy 2012!” or “Daddy 2012!”
Imagine my chagrin when I turned around on our evening hike yesterday and saw this image.
“Daddy 2012!”
I will keep trying. I’m not going down without a fight.
This morning I made myself a big bowl of chicken for breakfast to share with Sadie.
Mommy 2012!
Just kidding… though I think that would help my campaign.
Breakfast was two pieces of French toast made with two eggs, milk, cinnamon and honey wheat bread.
I topped off the French toast with a sliced banana, chia seeds and syrup.
Not a bad way to start a Friday!
Question of the Morning
- Do you notice or have you ever noticed your pet or previous pets playing favorites? Were you the chosen one or was it someone else?
If you are/were the “chosen one” please share your tips on how to steal the crown from those currently reigning.
Cute post! My dog likes certain people for certain things. For example he knows that I always cave and give him a treat when he sits by the treat cabinet so he’ll always do that when I’m in the room!
Random question: What program do you use/how do you put those speech bubbles on your photos? I don’t like my current method, since it leaves the speech bubble opaque and ruins my pictures!
microsoft paint!
we have a chocolate lab and a yellow lab… our yellow lab totally favorites my husband through and through, except when i take him on a run, then i’m all of a sudden his favorite for about 45-60 minutes of the day. 😉 our chocolate lab just loves any attention anyone will give her, so she’s easy to win over. i usually win at being her favorite. 🙂
I am the reason our family even has a dog but of course she loves my dad the most. She always waits for him to come home after a business trip and will listen only to him. She will even refuse to go on a walk with me if he is home. – haha.
We have three dogs. One is clearly so attached to me it is as if my husband doesn’t exist. The other mostly does her own thing and mostly attends to us equally.
The third dog is actually both of our favorite. I know, you’re not supposed to have a favorite but we do. She used to be attached to me, but over the past year, hubby has brought her over to his side(that’s only if her grandma’s not around; then she’s all for grandma) and I hate it!!
honestly, that’s one of the reasons i am apprehensive to get another dog. i KNOW sadie will always be my favorite. 🙂
Tals just has me so there are no other choices, but I have a guy friend that she loves! I think if she could choose, she would maybe go with him….I think it’s cause he is more dominate or something!
My big pup loves me more than anything – except my husband…If I sit next to him on the couch, she (all 60lbs of her) will launch herself into my lap and force herself between us and alternate between kissing him and “biting” my ears and chin. Then she gets my wrist in her mouth and trys to drag me off the couch! Lovely little monster. I would also appreciate any campaign tips.
My dogs love me more (although my hubby would disagree) but my male pit/hound mix esp loves me! I saved him (he was wandering around in the middle of the road and homeless) and he is forever greatful! My lab resue is spoiled rotten and I’m her “play buddy” because I chase her all around. Both of my dogs protect me more than my hubby and freak out if anyone they don’t like comes near me. Dogs are the best
Not gonna lie, the first thing my eyes were drawn to was the “Mommy 2012!” ahhh! I thought you were announcing something haha!!!
I’m also loving all these pet names! Ginger, Roxanne, Spanky, and Nacho are my favs!!
haha! no baby updated around here for a while! 😀
In my parents’ house my mom is definitely the favorite! When my boyfriend and I finally get a dog I plan to be #1 but I have a feeling it will end up a little more like your situation.
My dog definitely plays favorites with my husband. I can tell she loves him just a little more than me. It used to bother me (a little), but then I realized that dogs are pack creatures. It is in their nature to have one pack leader. If there are two leaders, it throws them into chaos. So I guess Ryan is Sadie’s pack leader. 🙂
Haha Mommy 2012 is cute….you need to campaign more when you are home with sadie during the day and ryan is at work. All if fair in love and war.
There’s just something about girls and their daddies…
Haha! Sadie is so cute- those pics/captions seriously made my morning. What a lil stinker!
So cute! It didn’t matter what I did with our last dog, my husband always was the favorite. I am already brainstorming ways to make our new dog like me best : )
My little dog loves my fiance. He follows him around the house… Lays beside him… If I try to take them for a walk he looks at my fiance to see if he is coming too. If not, he will not go. He use to do that with me. It makes me sad. I rescued him and he doesn’t even love me anymore :'(
Both of our dogs absolutely adore my husband. They actually lay by the door and cry when he leaves EVEN IF I’M STILL THERE. I was hoping our second dog would be a mama’s boy, but no luck. Totally in love with Dad.
this made me laugh out loud!
I think I am our dogs’ favorite and my husband thinks he is the favorite. Any time they do something that shows preference towards one of us, we point it out to the other. In particular–my beagle does this thing where he rubs his neck on your face. We call it “giving hugs.” I used to always get hugs, until I moved to a different state for a year . Even though I came back almost every weekend and have been back for 2 years, I have not had one hug since.
My husband gets hugs all the time. Grrrr….
Our one dog loves my fiance the most, because he’s technically his dog. I have won his affection though, by taking him on long walks on Saturdays when my fiance works. We just rescued another dog a few months ago and I am definitely the favorite!! Henry (the dog) is still a bit skittish and I don’t think my fiance is as gentle and soothing as I am. I also think he has a fear of men in general, so I WIN 🙂
our dog was my husband’s K-9 for a long time before she retired. So she has really preferred him. However, once I started popping out food dropping crib midgets, we were almost invisible.
Kids 2012
We have two dogs (from the same litter) and kind of joke that one (Lance) favors me and the other (Jackson) favors my husband. However, I really want to swap that, because Jackson is the cuddler. I get so jealous when he cuddles up to Greg!
My dog Buddy is RIDICULOUS with my dad; he is pretty much his shadow. He sits next to his chair in the living room, waits for him on the landing of our stairs when he leaves, and sticks his nose under the door to the garage when he comes home. It is pretty cute to watch, but I do get a bit jealous 🙂
Every time my bf and I come home we do a contest to see who my pup Charlie gets more excited to see. Whoever loses has to take him out to pee. I ALWAYS win.. probably because hes my dog and my bf is only around part of the week.
We have an American Bulldog and a Pitbull. The pit, boozer, follows me around everywhere! He even sits outside the bathroom to wait for me. Lola, our Bulldog, is a total daddy’s girl….Until Grandma comes around. Then its like she’s not even our dog!
I feel the exact same way!! I had to beg my fiance to get a dog and when we finally do the dog is obsessed with him! I agree that it is because he is in the house more than I am. But it still drives me crazy!
Hahha both our cats think im the favorite, and my husband is always upset by this. I tell him, “All you have to do is FEED them once in a while!” LOL thats the only reason i’m the fave… Mommy’s here!!! Dinner!!!
When I lived with my mom and her dog, my mom always thought that I was the favorite. And now when my husband and I go to visit, HE is the favorite … probably because he plays with Sophie for longer periods of time without tiring out!
Ha, I’m pretty sure I’m the favorite with our dog Hunter. But I think it’s because I spend more time with him. Hunter will always get better handouts from “dad” though!
My husband was easily the favorite in the beginning! I think it’s because our breeder was a man so she had natural preference. However, she always weasels her way onto the bed (and under the covers) in the middle of the night, and she ALWAYS chooses my side. I think I’m gaining ground. 😉
So we have a very similar situation as you and Ryan, but reversed roles. I work outside of our house and my husband works from home. When we got our first dog, I was worried that he would favor my husband because he spent more time with him all day during the day. But then it seemed like he always favored me more and still does! So I wonder if they just get so “used” to the person at home being around, that they seem to favor the other more when both are there?!
Now we got a second dog and he has a bit of attachment issues (rescue dog) and he clings to the hubs more so it works out…
I had a chihuahua that we rescued from the local animal shelter in Austin. (Aptly named Elvis…he sings!) Elvis was MY dog. I took him on rides and he went everywhere with me and loved everyone.
Then I left for college…and somehow he and my dad became besties. And what’s so funny is that Elvis is now a grumpy old man, much like my dad. When I puppysat for my parents the other week, I truly felt like I was on Elvis suicide watch! He missed my dad THAT MUCH.
I have my own puppy, and she loves me the most (of course) but she’ll go to my mom for snuggles when we visit. Who can resist Granny snuggles!?
hahahahah – i love that your dog’s name is elvis.
Lmao this made me laugh. I had to comment because I have the same problem with my dog. I think they think that the male is the head of the household. If it was between my brother, my mom, and I, my dog would go to my brother first, my mom second, and me last. I just scratch his belly for hours on end so he ends up coming to me more haha
We have two small dogs, and our little poodle mix Sadie seems to love my Boyfriend best, she lays in his lap with her little arm on his leg and looks at me like “my man..ha!”. Our little min pin and I went to obedience training together and that seems to have made a bond between us that I am her fave. lol… I have noticed her going to him for cuddles more lately. hmmm…is he smearing bacon on himself????
My mom is usually our dog’s favorite…unless she goes away for an extended period of time! Whenever that happens Sophie will ignore my mom for about a day after she returns and only wants to play with me. Sooo funny!
Ha, I have complete faith that this will be your year! lol
so I wanted a girl dog for the longgggggest time but when we found a breeder we liked, she only had 3 boy frenchies left and I was sad. Jon, my husband, grew up with about 8 dogs (his mom was a trainer and groomer) and said that almost 100% of the time, the dog clings to the master of the opposite sex. And now I am seeing the truth in that! Our frenchie, Ernie, loves my husband dearly but he is my little shadow and my little baby. He has to be by me all the time and sleeps in my arms at night. And same goes for my sisters dog who is a girl and obsessed w her husband!
For my dog, the sun rises and sets with my dad. He sometimes just sits there staring at him, follows him everywhere, and is depressed whenever he goes on business trips. But when I come home from college I get a little tail wagging and that’s IT! Although we always joke that he HATES my mom. My dad is his best friend and plays with him, walks him, feeds him but I am the nurturer. He hates rainstorms so he always comes to my room during the night and whenever he is sick he comes to me too. But he will literally growl at my mom if she comes near us – it’s pretty funny!
Besides walking, feeding, and playing with her, I’m not sure how else you could raise the stakes. In my family my mom NEVER feeds or walks the dog by herself, while me and my dad do (and my dog is just plain scared of my brother.) so it’s easy to see why he likes us better. But it looks like you and Ryan share most of these responsibilities. Maybe try some tummy rubbing or some extra peanut butter and this might just be your year =]
LOL! i loved this comment. 🙂
My pup likes my dad the best! Haha 🙂
I’m not an animal person, so I can’t relate…BUT I can relate to that b-fast. YUMM
hahha this is too cute! I have allergies to my fiance’s cats, and one of them, Sheba, is really skiddish and jumpy all the time!! She’s very uptight about many things although she’s super sweet, and doesn’t let people do things like pet her with their foot and stuff.
However, I think she’s really smart and knows that something’s wrong with me. And so she lets me pet her with my foot all the time now, and I like to rub it in Greg’s face b/c she never lets him do that. I take that as a compliment from her and get so happy thinking about it haha!
That is so funny! Our dogs totally favor my b-friend. I often wonder if it’s because a male voice is more dominating and dogs are pack animals…they want a leader. I also think it has something to do with him taking the dogs for walks more often than I do (due to work schedules) but I make up for it by giving them more treats and sneaking in opportunities for them to lick out pb containers 🙂 I also give our white lab 1/2 of my banana every AM (the black lab’s stomach is too sensitive) and I let him lay in bed with me when I read.
My dog loves the Husband way more than me, and I have just accepted it. He loves me when John isn’t home, but when he is, all bets are off!
My fiance found his cat, Ears, when he was ten. SIXTEEN years later Ears is still around and it pains Wilson to admit that Ears may have grown to love me a little more in two short years. I can’t help it if I let Ears lick out the salmon cans or sneak chicken to him under the table or put catnip in his Christmas stocking. The best is when Ears will follow me upstairs at night to go to bed. Wilson will say “don’t forget who rescued you, Ears! Without me you’d still be on the side of the road in West Virginia!”
Oh yes….our dalmatian Lefty definitely plays favorites! Although I am with him more (hubby has 24 hr shifts since he’s a firefighter), when my hubby comes home, Lefty acts like he hasn’t seen him in YEARS! He howls and dances around the hubby, practically bowing down to him! Hubby doesn’t help b/c he spoils our big baby by cradling him in his arms (no joke!) and considers Lefty one of his ‘boys’ (we have 2 sons). So funny! For some strange reason, I don’t get that response from Lefty when I get home…but he will wait by the door for me…so I’ll take whatever I can get.
When I still lived with my dad MY cat liked him better. Now my cat likes my hubs better. I think it’s b/c the cat is a girl. She automatically likes guys better.
If that’s true, you might be fighting a losing battle with Sadie 🙁
Our family dog is a male lhasa apso and he actually strongly favors the women in the family over the men! He is a little dog, but he thinks he is a big protector! He stands between my mom and dad when my dad goes to hug my mom. If my brother jokingly beats up on me, the dog barks and goes nuts at him! If you need a protective dog little dog that actually can’t hurt a fly, get a male lhasa apso! 🙂
Just came here from the FF page–trying to make the rounds of many of my fellow ambassadors. And holy cow are you popular girlfriend! Nice job.
I have become my dog’s favorite after it had been my husband’s title. I just got lucky, though–I work from home and spend more time with him, so he’s gravitated toward me! Good luck on your conquest.
thanks so much for visiting!! 🙂
Our first puppy Zoey was a housewarming gift about 2 weeks after we bought our house and I wasn’t ready for a puppy at all. My hubby on the other hand had been wanting a puppy and loved her from day 1. Don’t get me wrong, I love her now, but Darrell has had the upper hand since Day 1.
Get a boy dog as a chum for Sadie… Typically girl dogs like men and vice versa, mine are total mummy’s boys 😉
haha I can totally relate that that! I think dogs just respond better to men because of their tone of voice, etc.
If you don’t already have one, you must order this.
The ol’ ball chucker. You will be able to throw much farther than Ryan, and with the ease of a flick of the wrist. Extra bonus? You never have to touch the slobbery, rolled in dirt balls with your bare hands!
i LOVE the chuck it! she’s been so into frisbees lately though. they need a chuck it that specializes in frisbee launching!