Since my mom was planning to be at our house around 9 a.m., after publishing my morning blog post, I headed into the kitchen to pack a lunch to bring with me in a cooler since my mom and I were planning to drive through lunchtime.
I packed chicken salad, a cup of strawberry banana Greek yogurt and an apple the size of my face into the cooler. I also packed a baggie of blue corn chips for dipping into the chicken salad.
I made my chicken salad by combining the following:
- 1 large chicken breast, shredded
- 2 tablespoons Smart Balance Omega Plus Light Mayonnaise Dressing (The company sent me this to try and I hate mayonnaise, but really like it! It reminds me of Miracle Whip which I actually do like!)
- 2 tablespoons mustard
- 2 tablespoons relish
It reminded me a lot of my BBQ chicken salad or curried chicken salad, but with less ingredients. Not too shabby for lunch out of a cooler!
And now for a nutty giveaway… Giveaway
A few weeks ago, I received an email from an account executive with
Knowing that I’m a peanut butter and nut-lover, he reached out to me asking if I would like to sample some of their nuts.
Of course!
I selected a pound of butter toffee pecans and have enjoyed snacking on them daily.
Pecans are my all-time favorite nut and the butter toffee flavor adds the perfect punch of sweetness.
I’ve loved eating them by the handful or stirring them into Greek yogurt, oatmeal or even pancake batter!
And now you have a chance to win a pound of butter toffee pecans.
To enter this giveaway, please comment below, telling me your favorite way to enjoy nuts.
(Keep it PG, please. )
I will randomly select a winner tomorrow.
Good luck!
nuts in trail mix=heaven!! also love pistachio cake- not many people know about it but it’s to die for
My favorite thing to do with nuts is mix them into ice cream. I love their crunchy texture against the soft ice cream. Yum!
I love any kind of raw nut butter…On top of my oats in the morning I love the texture in a creamy bowl of oats!
peanut butter!!!! hands down
I’ve been enjoying almonds roasted with a light coating of butter, cayenne pepper, sea salt, brown sugar, and rosemary. It sounds weird but is so good! Also those caramelly walnuts at froyo places are delicious.
Heres how I enjoy my nuts. I go to farmers markets in other cities hoping, nay, praying to find a local nut vendor marketing their products. I pickup the jars of nuts and read their labels. I write down the calories per serving and get down to crunching numbers to see how each vendor arrives at their nutritional “facts”. If the nutritional information is off, even by a single calorie, I let them know. I am so advanced with my nut stats it drives them crazy. They think I’m so brilliant and love to learn more about how they can improve the accuracy of their nut labels. Sometimes they even give me containers as free samples, but usually I buy from them. I like to tear them down but build them up through my purchases. Some say I’m nuts but most think I’m a hero. I love nuts so much that I believe in the integrity of their nutrition and will not tolerate others’ perpetuation of misinformation.
Please consider me for your nuts giveaway.
Found you!!! 🙂
I like them salty and alone! 😉 I don’t like nuts in anything…but I enjoy them in their lonesome!
I like nuts best in a trail mix with Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips and craisins!
i just simply love nuts as they are, in the mix with dried fruits even better!
I like to add them to fruit and yogurt parfaits!
Ohh my I could sound so like bubba from forrest gump right now and go on and on with ideas..but my hubby and I have been loving on pistachios a lot lately!! Yesterday I had strawberry ice cream with pistachios on top an in yogurt earlier in the day.
I love to put pecans in my chicken salad. I also put pecans in my homemade
Chex Mix. This is a neat giveaway.
Those pecans look amazing! I love pecans in salads, yogurt, or mixed in with dried fruit.
I love any kind of nuts topped on oatmeal or on my protein pancakes
I like to have nuts as a snack after a workout!
I love peanuts and peanut butter most of all, but am open to just about any kind of nuts 🙂 I think my very favorite treat is peanut butter & banana- cutting a banana down the middle the long way, putting some pb in the middle, squishing it back together and cutting it into little ‘sandwiches’. Yum, yum, yum! I’ve been snacking on peanuts, almonds, prunes and raisins lately. Delicious. I also want to try pistachio butter (my mom said she loves it) and get some cashew butter to expand my horizons.
I love to eat my nuts in the form of nut butters. I have a Vita-Mix and can blend my own, depending on what I feel like. Yum!
pecans on waffles drizzled with syrup are the bomb dot com.
My favorite way to eat nuts would have to be in a salad, especially with fresh fruit! Strawberry-Walnut salad with a Vinaigrette dressing is one of my favorite foods!
I love nuts in my Greek yogurt with fruit, salads, and granola. I have so many favorites!
I love nuts by themselves as a snack
my favorite way isn’t exactly the most healthy, but it’s delicious – it’s my mam-maw’s old stovetop roasted pecans recipe – they turn wonderfully buttery and salty with a little bit of pepper
I love making healthy bars with peanut butter, coconut oil, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, chopped pecans, and honey. Yum!
Raw cashews and sunflower seeds mixed together are a great snack!
Candied walnuts or pecans on a salad! Yum!
I love the nut + dried fruit combo. Almonds, cashews, or walnuts with dried cranberries or raisins are my favorite!
And I also love pecans roasted in the oven with honey drizzled over top.
Seriously!! I have a HUGE obsession with nuts, any kind. I love dry and honey roasted peanuts in my greek yogurt, salted almonds for snacking, pecans in my oatmeal and walnuts in my chocolate chip cookies. Oh and don’t even get me started on chocolate covered nuts! YUM!
mixed in my oatmeal, for sure.
I love cashews! I can eat those by the handfuls (more like face full) like a squirrel lolz!
My FAVORITE it actually ground up as nut butter but I also just love to eat them as is, on a salad or on top of yogurt. so yummy!
I love tossing peanuts (or almonds!) into the air them catching them in my mouth as I snack! oh to be a kid again 😀
In salads or in homemade trail mixes!
I love to eat nuts as a nice healthy snack whenever I need some protein!
i love them every which way. on their own, they make a great snack for class!
I honestly eat some kind of nut butter every single day and I love to snack on dark cocoa roasted almonds or walnuts in the afternoon.
i love nuts any way! on salads, in parfaits, as a snack… but not in cookies/baked goods. 🙂
I love using them to add a crunch to yogurt!
I love eating almonds w/ an apple. It’s the perfect snack
I love just eating them right out of the bag!
I love eating nuts plain. Just a handful and i’m good to go!
Peanut butter on top of an oatmeal raisin cookie. Bliss.
I love eating nuts by the handfuls! Yummm
Bahaha – keep it PG… too funny.
My favorite way to enjoy nuts is sprinkled on top of yogurt!
Handful of nuts + handful chocolate chips. Perfection
In salad with a pear and goat cheese…yum!
I, personally, prefer nuts on their own. I love the flavor but adding the crunch to other foods kind of throws me off.
I have a weak spot for nut butters, but sometimes a handful of plain roasted nuts is just as good! Especially when it’s on top of some yummy oatmeal. (:
I love nuts for my mid afternoon snack!
I love them ground into the best mush in the world I like to call peanut butter 🙂
I love snacking on them as they are. Also in butter form on fruit. Yummy.