The sun starts to rise in Charlotte just before 6 a.m. which makes waking up early to exercise 10,000 times easier. Waking up to total darkness is brutal so when even the tiniest bit of sunlight shines through, it helps a lot!
Today’s class went well and basically killed my core. In a good way!
And for anyone looking for a barre workout you can do at home for free, my best friend Laurel (whose birthday is today!) texted me this morning about this YouTube video and said it was a good one:
- Full Length Barre Workout with Jessica Smith
Just sharing the love!
After Pure Barre, I headed home to make myself a smoothie for breakfast.
I blended the following ingredients together:
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- 1 banana
- 2 handfuls fresh spinach
- 1 cup strawberry Greek yogurt
- 1 spoonful almond butter
- Vanilla almond milk
Simple and simply delicious!
Describing Yourself In One Word
I swear Ryan and I talk about the most random things on our evening walks with Sadie. Lately a lot of our conversations have centered around finding a more permanent place to live. (Ryan and I are seriously considering buying a home – our first!!! – and we drove around with a realtor for five hours on Sunday. We are feeling hopeful but trying to remind ourselves to be patient.)
Anyway, last night I remembered a rather thought-provoking session I attended at Wanderlust that I meant to talk to Ryan about following my trip. The session centered around self-love and being the best version of yourself. We were encouraged to think about one positive word we think someone who loves us might use to describe us. This immediately made me curious about what Ryan would say and I finally remembered to ask him last night.
His answer? Vivacious. He also said “joyful” and both answers made me smile. I wasn’t sure what he would say but I appreciated the words he chose. (I definitely didn’t see “vivacious” coming!)
Ryan asked me to describe him in one word next and I copied him and shared two words: Loyal and adventurous. He’s always up for anything (which is one of my favorite things about him!) and he is a very loyal person.
I thought this topic might make a fun question of the day, so now it’s your turn…
Questions of the Morning
- What positive word(s) do you think your loved ones would use to describe you?
- What positive word(s) would you use to describe someone you love?
Ohh thank you for the barre workout! I know what I’m doing when I get home from work. 😀
I want to ask Josh how he would describe me in one word. I would describe him as pure-hearted. I’m not sure if that’s actually a word, but he is the most loving, kind person I know.
I’ve played this game a lot with others. They always describe me as responsible and tenacious. I’m not sure if those are things I would want to be described as but oh well.
I think those are great! One of my best friends, Carrie, was voted “Most Responsible” in junior high and wasn’t sure what to think either, but I honestly thought it was AWESOME. I think a reliable, responsible person is often someone very thoughtful, too. 🙂
I think my friends would say kind. They’re always telling me I’m so kind (or sweet) for the little and big things I love to do for others.
I would use the word strong to describe my husband (and probably funny!! Ha Ha!)
We just got our first barre studio here where I live! Yay.
My daughters middle name is Joy which is so fitting because of the joy she has enriched my life with.
So now I’m going to ask hubby how he would describe me in one word! Hmmm, I hope the word isn’t cranky =)
LOL!! I’m sure it’s not! 🙂 Also, I love your daughter’s middle name. So pretty!
I bet my husband would say cranky! lol
What a fun game! It’s fun to think of the different words I would use to describe all my best friends…one is loving, one is ebullient, one is thoughtful, one is committed, one is kind. All great words, but all different, I think. Now I just need to tell them 🙂
I also LOVE Jessica Smith. Can’t wait to check out this video!
I think the word I would get the most would be responsible or dependable. And I would probably describe Greg as fun. He always makes me laugh and wants to have a good time.
So doing that Barre workout!
I think most people would describe me as sweet. People tell me that, so i guess that’s what they would say. For a loved one, i’ll choose my brother, and i’d say he’s independent.
Your smoothie looks awesome!
I’ve had people refer to me as a firecracker. I’m not sure what to make of that one 😉
Sounds like you are a good time to me! 🙂
Oh wow, that’s a fun question to ask. I’m going to ask my husband tonight! Stay tuned!
I would describe my fiancé as positive!
I’m having a similar smoothie for breakfast as well!
I think others would say I’m dedicated/determined. When I set my mind to something, I do it. I am constantly setting goals for myself because I love the feeling I have after reaching them.
I would describe my mom as someone with a servant-heart (2 words?). She’s always putting others before herself and goes out of her way to help! And it’s always unselfish…never expecting anything in return.
What a fun idea! I’m definitely going to have to ask my husband this one tonight and see what he comes up with (knowing him and his sense of humor, his first response will probably be “random” before he comes up with something more loving and caring to say about me. Men!)
My word for my husband would definitely have to be “Big-hearted”. He seriously is one of the most caring people I’ve ever met, to everyone he knows. He is always genuinely invested in hearing about how other people are doing, and will follow up if they’ve been having a rough time to check in on them! What a guy!
Buying a home is such an exciting experience! It sounds like you must love Charlotte if you are already planning on a permanent residence. Do you miss anything about Ocala?
I think my husband and friends would describe me as passionate, independent, and determined. I would say my husband is very affectionate, intelligent, and easy-going. One word is too hard. 🙂
We are definitely loving it here!! I am missing friends from Ocala but we were more than ready for a change. 🙂
That is great to hear. Change can be so exciting – glad it is working out for you!
I’d describe my husband as loyal/dependable. And I honestly have no clue what I’d be described as! I get cheerful a lot! But I think my closer friends would probably throw the word “snarky” in there too 😉
I am very intrigued by barre. I was wondering if you could give more info on how barre fits in with more traiditional strength training. Does it require at least 48 hours between workouts the way lifting weights does? Can it replace strength training? How do you incorporate both barre and strength training into a fitness routine? Have you noticed any increase (or decrease) in your strength since doing barre? Thanks!
I was reading through comments and saw yours–I had all these questions too and had a lot answered at the following blog (that Julie tweeted about last week)…she is getting into barre instructing and has some very recent posts on barre basics to read in the meantime 🙂
Do a lot of legwork on your own on Zillow and Also, got to tons of open houses even if you don’t like the house. We do this all the time in the neighborhood we eventually might move to and it has helped us determine what streets we don’t like (due to narrow streets with parking on both sides which drives the Mr nuts), what area we want to stay within (like there is one street we won’t even consider looking past because the neighborhood takes a down turn even if it’s still in the fancy pants zip code), stuff like that. Good luck in your search!
My husband constantly describes me as thoughtful and/or underappreciated because of my thoughtfulness. 🙂 I would describe my husband as supportive, loving, dedicated, handsome which means I’d describe me as lucky!
Ohhhh buying a house is SO exciting! Praying it all goes well for you guys. Trust me, I know how craaaazy the whole process can be. At least you don’t have another house to sell – that already takes away a ton of the stress.
I love the topic of conversation you and Ryan had on your walk. I’m going to have to ask Cody what word(s) come to mind when he thinks of me. I’ve received encouraging and determined from others in the past. I would describe Cody as optimistic and fun – he always makes life more exciting, so I’m pretty happy I get to spend it with him. 🙂
I once had a friend tell me I was loyal, which was something I had never particularly realized about myself until she said it, but the more I reflected on it, the more I saw it to be so true throughout my life. I really value loyalty, so her saying that meant a lot to me!
Buying a house is an amazing experience! Definitely check out and go to a lot of open houses. You’ll quickly realize that pictures can be deceiving and that it’s best to check it out in person. We’re on our third house in not quite 5 years, we move around quite a bit for my husband’s job, and you learn a lot going through the process. Best of luck house hunting but try not to rush and you’re gut will know when you’ve found the one 🙂
One word my mom always uses to describe me is sassy and i have to say the shoe fits! Thanks for sharing!
That is so fun! I think my family would describe me as loving!
I know this is super random but my husband and I are on vacation in CA now and one of the bartenders here looks EXACTLY like your husband, Ryan. haha I will have to try to get a picture of him (without seeming TOO creepy) to send you. 🙂
Haha! That’s awesome!
We would always do this at my school, each year we would have to pick 3 words that best describe us for people to get to know us better! My mum said I’m kind-hearted and upbeat, which fits me perfectly since I’m always smiling and laughing and wanting to help people! I would describe most of the people in my life as positive and understanding!
“Passionate” is probably one that my family and close friends would use. I do things wholeheartedly or not at all, and I’m not very emotional in the typical sense but I feel deeply. “Independent” is one that I’ve gotten before, as well, since I’m very much a do-it-by-myself kind of girl and I’m so comfortable being alone (but I do love time with my friends, too!). Great question!
I have the hardest time with these things! If I were to pick two words, I’d have to choose faithful and kind. I asked a friend and she said conscientious and caring,
Great blog post! I started my day with Pure Barre,, too! Why is it so addictive? I love the idea of the one or two word affirmation…will share that today with my granddaughter, Sarah. She is a college junior and is sometimes very hard on herself…..perfectionist! I always enjoy your blog…keep em coming!
I love that you are going to share the positive words with your granddaughter!! I’m sure they will make her smile!
I think if I had I would be either genuine or dependable… And I’m excited to try out that youtube video, as I really have no idea what pure barre is, but continue to hear good raves about it.
You’ve always been patient, so I can see a beautiful house coming in your near future!
I just went to my first Barre class a few weeks ago and loved it! Thanks for the home workout! Hmmmmm I think I’d be described as…..pensive….is that a positive word?.Ok how about determined?
I’d describe the Caveman as…..adaptable. Ha!
Thanks for sharing that video! I’ve never taken a barre class, but love barre youtube videos. I would probably describe myself as compassionate which is also the same word I would use to describe my fiance.
I would describe my husband as thoughtful and strong. Not strong in the sense of huge muscles, but strong mentally and emotionally. He is definitely the rock of our marriage 🙂
Went to my first barre class today on my lunch break; loved it! That smoothie also sounds great, and I have nearly everything already in the fridge to make it!
I also read another blog, she has also just moved to Charlotte is working on starting a new website for the younger crowd! I thought that her blog post/new website might be something you would interested in!
You’re smoothie sounds really delicious! Hmm a few words that friends would choose would be funny, sweet, and a free-spirit.
I would describe my boyfriend loyal and adventurous.
Hi Julie! Welcome to Charlotte! My husband and I moved here exactly a year ago from Oklahoma City and we LOVE it! We had visited prior and knew that we wanted to live in the city. We bought a house in Chantilly, it’s a small neighborhood in between Plaza Midwood and Elizabeth. We absolutely love it. It’s a walking neighborhood close to lots of fun restraurants, bars, a new Harris teeter, etc. we don’t have kids yet but the area is full of young people and new parents. It’s a great spot! If you have any questions about being a newbie in Charlotte feel free to email me. Good luck with the house hunt!
Thank you so much for sharing, Amy!! I have heard such wonderful things about that area! Right now we are looking for a home a little north of the city to hopefully cut down on Ryan’s commute. I’m not sure where we will end up but I’m trying to enjoy the process!
Love that you’re part of the 6am Pure Barre club!! And I would say my husband would say I’m very trustworthy, and he’s the most loyal man I know :).
How exciting you might be buying your first home! My husband and I just did this in February, and it’s been SO nice! We have our first baby coming this month, and it just made us feel 1,000 times more settled to have a place to call home 🙂
I think my one word would be caring. I absolutely love to care for my husband, baby-to-be, our dogs, friends, family, other animals. It’s just my nature and it makes me so happy to help!
One word for my husband would be joyful or determined. He’s such a hard worker and always manages to balance work and happiness at home…something I wouldn’t be capable of with his crazy hours/own business to run!
I like to think that mine would be enthusiastic and life-loving but anyone that has met me on a cranky day might not agree with that haha
How exciting that you may be purchasing your first home! 🙂 Also, that smoothie looks amazing! I have been eating breakfasts at work for a LONG time and miss the opportunity to enjoy a smoothie breakfast. A work to describe my husband…hmmmm social, adventurous, and driven. Words to describe me? I Think Brian would describe me as passionate 🙂
This reminds me of a question I posed to my husband a few years ago. ‘If I were a vegetable, which would I be and why?’ He said ‘eggplant’ for me, because I’m ‘beautiful but tougher on the outside, but soft on the inside’ and I said ‘sweet potato’ for him. You two could give that one a try 😉
Love the barre workout, thanks for posting it!
Reading though the comments makes me feel like a terrible person haha — people’s first word to describe me is never “thoughtful” “loving” “caring” or “dependable”…it’s more like “funniest” “most sarcastic” “random” and “free spirit”. But I’d rather be different! 🙂
I asked my husband and he said driven- which is exactly what I would’ve guessed!
OK – I’m so obsessed with Barre right now – I currently live in Granger, IN and go to B Present studio: – the environment is very positive, encouraging and FUN! The studio allows online live classes, which i was planning on doing this coming week as I’m actually headed down to Davidson, NC – SO, then I saw your post about Birkdale and thought maybe I could try a class at Pure Barre! I went to their site and couldnt find the studio? (i’m coming into town to go to the Justin Timberlake concert saturday in Charlotte with my sister! Anyway, If you can share with me their specific studio contact info, that would be helpful!
That’s lovely that you get to wake up and exercise right when the sun peeks through!
I’m a single lady, but if I were to describe, let’s say…my brother, I would say he’s patient. He’s almost never in a rush, and he’s been so good at dealing with me whenever I need help with schoolwork or life problems!
My boyfriend would definitely be- sweet
My friends said I am “passionate”
My sister is loyal
My 2nd sister is reasonable
This is a fun post!
I think I’d describe myself as optimistic or strong.
Others would probably say dramatic or bubbly or cranky (depending on how much sleep I got the night before). haha 🙂
All of this barre talk is getting me excited for the transition when my gym membership ends in August. Barre time! 🙂 Also, this is a great conversation starter. I have a feeling Scott would describe me as something ridiculous. I’m interested to hear what it is!
haha oh gosh I am so terrible at picking one word! I bet most people would describe me as “responsible”– I think I got that a lot growing up! Kinda a lame description but pretty accurate, haha!
But that’s such a great quality to haveeeee!!!! I always wanted to be “responsible”, but it definitely takes me more work to be that way than many people. 😛
Oh, I love this! I definitely would describe my husband as loyal and compassionate. And…people who know me well often say that I’m encouraging or “easy-to-open-up-to”, haha, if that counts as one word! 😛 I think it’s so admirable when people are loyal! It’s one thing that this world needs more of, don’t you think?
Hey Julie,
Saw this on another blog and thought you might be interested:
My husband always tells me that I am very genuine. He loves that I am me no matter who I am with or what I am doing. I would say that he is perceptive. He pays attentions to those around him and is always trying to help others.
I hope you guys find the perfect house 🙂 And great word choice Ryan!