Alongside a sliced red pepper, I made myself a goat cheese and honey bagelwich on a toasted sweet wheat Alternative Bagel with pear slices.
The honey I used on this bagelwich came from the most adorable tiny jar of Dickinson’s pure honey that I snagged from yesterday’s fancy brunch because sometimes I take things.
The little jar of honey is now resting in my top desk drawer. I’m planning on using it in my afternoon cup of Greek yogurt with some chopped pecans. I’m not gonna lie, I also see several “honey fingers” in my future. 😀
I drizzled the honey over top the goat cheese using a fork that I licked clean.
Great little sandwich! I wasn’t feeling anything too savory around lunchtime, so I welcomed the sweetness of this lunch.
And now, just because I’m curious…
Who do you want to win the Super Bowl? The Steelers? The Packers? The Orlando Magic? 😉
I honestly don’t care at all. If I had to choose, I must say the Packers are calling to me. Maybe it’s because they’re from Wisconsin and I like cheese? Really I should find out who the underdog is, because I usually root for them.
The hubby and I are HUGE Steelers fans, so this is another exciting year for us! (And by the way, they are the underdogs, so you should DEF root for them 🙂 )
Packers. I hate the Steelers. It’s not really fair of me, but I just have horrible memories of Pittsburgh- I spent a year at Carnegie Mellon and was really unhappy there, so even their sports teams are just kind of ruined for me!
I’m in the same boat as not really caring about either team. I think my dad said The Packers are considered the underdog? I guess I’ll be rooting for them!
Your lunch looks like a yummy cheese tray in sandwich form! I’m so in love with the Alternative bagels that I’m having my mom ship me supplies all the way from Florida!
I don’t especially care who wins the Super Bowl…my dad does though. He’s planning on setting up the projector so that he can watch it on the wall! =D
That sandwich looks yummy!!!!
Haaaaa sometimes I *take things,* too, when it comes to ballin’ food buffets. No shame, girl!
And thanks to you, I am now a huge fan of the honey/goatcheese spread… (my boyfriend loves it, too!)
Packers — all the way!
I lived in WI from age 0 to 18 so I have to root for them.
My hubby is a Steelers fan..the tension will be awesome!
That sandwich looks amazing! I have like ten of those tiny things of honey, apricot preserves, and jams in my apartment that I’ve “borrowed” from fancy brunches and hotels. Ooops! They’re so convenient and delicious! 🙂
I don’t care too much, but I think I’ll root for the Steelers. I have family in Pittsburgh, so I’ll go black and yellow for the day.
Go Packers! Hard to say living in Bear country! 😉
I have to try this goat cheese/honey combo. I love goat cheese with anything that’s sweet! I do have to say GO MAGIC this weekend! We’re going to the Wizards/Magic game on Friday…cannot wait to sport my Orlando Redick Jersey. (Even if it’s a St. Patrick’s Day themed one…) As far as the Superbowl goes…Steelers maybe?
jj married one of my sorority sisters! 🙂 i’ve heard only good things about him as a basketball player and a person. you should wear his jersey with pride!
You’re kidding me?! That is so awesome! We named our dog after him. Different spelling though – Reddick … my fiancée is a huge Duke fan and we knew too many dogs with the name Duke already. I just remember hearing a story that he got a tattoo with his Grandma and knew he had to be a fun guy haha.
He is hot hot hot!
I love the Super Bowl, but none of my teams are playing. 🙁 Oh well, the commercials are the best part anyway. 😉
false. the food is the best part… then the commercials. 🙂
That sandwich looks delicious! I don’t really care about the superbowl either. I guess if I had to choose I would go with the Packers. That is only because there is a huge divide across my state, PA. I’m from the Philly area so we love the Eagles here and hate the Steelers. 🙂
I’m a Dolphins fan, so I don’t care too much either. But I know some annoying steelers fans, so maybe I’ll go with green bay? Hehe
haha you sound like ryan… but he likes the bucs.
YUM! I love to eat goat’s cheese with blueberry jam…so good! and pear always goes well with cheese.
i’ve never even seen a game of american football (blasphemy?) but i’ll go for whoever wins 🙂
Julie! I must say I am disappointed….the Packers beat the Chicago Bears…and since you do have some Chicago roots….you should vote for the Steelers to whoop some Packer butt!!! That’ s all 🙂
i know, i know… but i also got really annoyed w/ some “fair weather” bears fans. you know, the kind that could care less about football and then all the sudden their facebook pages are all about it? yeah, i’m a bad bears fan, i know. i never really cared about then when i lived there. i was much more into basketball & the bulls. those are my boys. 🙂
Definitely the Steelers! Go Black and Yellow!
oo delicious sammie!!! okkkk i dont get football over in england.. so im going to make a completely lrandom pick… the PACKERS?!.. did i choose right?
One of the highlights of my summer was discovering honey lavender goat cheese in Maine – I’m gonna have to make your dip one of these days.
Out of allegiance to a long ago flame from Wisconsin, I have to go with the Packers. His love of cheese curds is still to endearing for me to root for anybody else.
My teams are usually the Colts and the Saints (last year’s SB was AWESOME!). And when they lost I liked the Falcons, since Matt Ryan is so good and dreamy. Now I honestly don’t care. If you made me choose, I’d also go with the Packers. Stupid Ben Roethlisberger!
Ummm I don’t follow football WHATSOEVER but I guess I should touch up before the big game this Saturday!
I have a request…. would you ever consider doing a post on your daily snacks at the office? I am on the brink of getting my first job after graduating (peanut butter fingers crossed!) and am at a loss of what types of snacks to keep me fueled basically from 7am-6pm including a trip to the gym! Thanks 🙂
i dont care one iota about the superbowl!
but i do care that that honey bagel sammie looks delish 🙂
I usually just root for the team that has an animal as the mascot, which is neither team. Now I don’t know who I want to win.
I usually root for the underdog too =) unless my patriots are playing! <3 I can't help being a boston girl!
Am I allowed to have my own SuperBowl?! And then the RAVENS will DOMINATE the other team…it would be particularly AWESOME if they DESTROYED the Steelers. I HATE (& that’s HATE with a passion) the Steelers. I can’t even look at Ben Rolisberger (I have another name for him, that’s just not blog appropriate! haha)
I hope that the Packers blow them out!!
Ok, sorry, I think you just saw a small side of my crazy, intense passion for football..please forgive all of the large letters & intense words 😉
GO! PACK! GO!!!! Yeah—my family looooooovveees the Packers lol When the hubby doesnt know what to get me for a present for a holiday, I get a Packers jersey 🙂
Your lunch looks amazing. I love cheese and honey together….actually my mom is Swiss and the Swiss do this quite often with their foods and it always so yummy. I don’t care about the super bowl at all–had no idea who was even playing! My husband cheers for the underdogs usually too, though 😉
The combo of pear, goat cheese and honey sounds perfect!
I’m definitely a Packers girl. My dad grew up in Wisconsin and has always been a big Packers fan.
hahaha – I like your thinking…Wisconsin because of cheese.
And I love love love goat cheese. TJs has a blueberry-vanilla goat cheese that is awesome!!!
I am so excited to see all of these Wisconsin gals coming out of the woodwork 🙂 Go Pack Go!
PACK ATTACK! I’m a true Wisconsinite!
(Cheesehead alert) 😉
Packers all the way! What can I say, I’m a Wisconsinite!
Yay Packers! I’m a Wisconsin girl too. But it’s funny because my boyfriend looks a lot like Big Ben – seriously people are always telling him that. So I joke saying that it will be hard for me to be cheering against him. I’m soooo excited for the game!
Steelers probably- i’m for the underdogs, too:)
L.A. doesn’t have any football teams so I don’t really pay too much attention to football until it’s Super Bowl time. I root of for the underdogs too.
I want the L.A. Lakers to win…j/k!
Go Pack go! I think I would be disowned if I said anything but that 🙂 My dad’s side of the family is from Green Bay (I grew up there), so there’s a lot of pride!
I’m going for the Packers because we have a friend that plays for them…AND I like cheese 😉
yuuum, pears! I’ve been on a slight pear binge recently since my dad got some awesome harry and david pears in a big gift basket for his recovery!
am i talking more parents’ pantry shopping? maybeee..
Despite having gone to school in Wisconsin, I’m from Chicago, so definitely the Steelers! Isn’t your fam from Chicago? You can’t betray the Bears!!! 😉
That honey looks mighty tasty…
That sounds great! I love goat cheese in sweet dishes.
I still haven’t quite decided who I’m rooting for, I don’t really care for either team.
I don’t really care which team wins the Super Bowl. I like football, just neither of them are “my” team. I did have a dream two nights ago that the Packers won though, so I guess I’ll cheer for them just so I can say that I *knew* it was going to happen. haha 🙂
Usually, I would say I don’t really care…but….since marrying my husband, I have to care because he is a total cheese head. 🙂 We are rooting “Go pack go” for sure. 🙂
Packers! Aaron Rodgers and Desmond Bishop went to Cal, so automatically Packers. It is nice to have former Cal players on winning professional teams since the current Cal team is not doing well!
Steelers all the way!
Packers! We live in Indy so we support our Colts, but My grandfather and my dads best friend ( also Neighbors), have passed away the last year and they were both the biggest Packer Fans around…even had their own cheese head hats…so guess it Go Pack!
I’m going to go with Packers too since the Colts are out! My mamaw passed away in May and was a HUGE Packers fan. When my Papaw, who was a huge Bears fan, passed away, the Bears won the next SuperBowl. Coincidence? I think not 😉
Pear and honey is one of my all-time favorite combination of flavors – so light, refreshing and has the perfect amount of sweetness!
Pears, honey, and goat cheese go so well together! 🙂
What??? No fashion post today??!!! 😉
Mmm, looks delicious!!
oh dear at all of the packers fans. it is going to be a tough sunday for you :'(
To say that football is big in Texas might be an understatement, so as a Dallas girl (and born and bred Cowboys fan), I just had to make sure you had the low-down to make your favorite pick for Super Bowl XLV!!!
1. The Steelers are NOT the underdogs. At least not in Texas they are. The Steelers hold the most Super Bowl wins at 6. Two of which were over us Cowboys. Needless to say, it stings a little. The Steelers won their last Super Bowl title in 2009.
2. The Packers have 3 Super Bowl wins, and have not won a Super Bowl since 1997. In fact, the last time they even advanced that far was ’98.
3. Pittsburgh had a pretty stellar season this year at 12-4. Green Bay did ok at 10-6.
So there you have it! I don’t think it’s very hard to see who I’ll be rooting for come sunday 😉 Green Bay all the way!!!
PACKERS! 🙂 Wooohooo!
Steelers are not the underdog, I think the Packers are, BUT I also know that they are both highly competitive teams!