Yes it’s still in the 80s outside, but it’s never too hot for the crock pot!
Tonight marked our first crock pot meal since moving into our new home.
I am still not over the wonderful feeling I have while preparing dinner in our new kitchen. One month without an oven, stove or other kitchen gadgets sure made me appreciate the things I typically have access to on a daily basis.
Our inaugural crock pot meal was BBQ chicken sandwiches.
Served on a hotdog bun for some summer fun. (Fall doesn’t officially begin until September 23.)
On the side we ate parsnip fries, prepared the same way I make rutabaga fries, only I didn’t peel the parsnips. Easily one of my all-time favorite veggie sides!
A great crock pot kick off meal if you ask me!
Hole in the Wall
Last night as Ryan and I were relaxing on the couch floor, he was flipping through the channels and stopped immediately when he stumbled upon a game show.
“Have you seen this?” he asked me.
I looked at the screen, assessed the silver jumpsuits worn by the players and said, “Absolutely not.”
“You have to watch this.”
So what was the show? Hole in the Wall.
The players literally have to contort their bodies to fit through the hole in a moving wall.
How is this even a show!?!?
…And how can I get on it?
Those are some seriously snazzy jumpsuits. A Halloween idea, perhaps?
Question of the Evening
- If you could be on any game show, what game show would want to be on?
Since I’m pretty sure Legends of the Hidden Temple and Guts are no longer viable options (oh how I longed for a piece of the Agro Crag), I think I would choose to be on Don’t Forget the Lyrics, the show where people have to complete the lyrics of songs for money. I feel like I know the words to a lot of totally random songs, so that would probably be my best bet. I don’t know how I’d get around the actually singing part of that show though…
Hahaha what the heck? I can’t believe that is on TV!
i know!! it’s ridiculous.
Legends of the Hidden Temple was my FAVORITE show!!
I always wanted to be on Slime Time Live, and I even had some friends who made it into the studio audience! Needless to say, I never got my slime fix 🙁
being a contestant on don’t forget the lyrics is one of my nightmares!!! i hate singing and know absolutely zero lyrics. i get embarrassed just thinking about it!
oh gosh! the singing part would terrify me. i would just want to write down the lyrics or something!
Ahh I LOVE Crockpot meals! So easy, delicious, and mess-free.
I’ve always wanted to be on the Price is Right…an oldie but a goodie! 😉
whattt that is just bizarre!
Ha Legends of the Hidden Temple was great. I always show a clip of that show to my students because I teach them about Olmec in class.
Hahaha! That show is so funny/random! I’ve only seen it a few times but it would be a fun one to be on.
OMG! My boyfriend’s close friend is the host of that show! hahaha. Small world, huh? I’ve always thought the jumpsuits were a lil’ bit much.
ah! so crazy! you and your bf should totally go on!!
baahaha! I get nervous just thinking about that! I consider myself as more of a writer than a TV personality. 🙂
I have seen that show! Lol!! I always want to change the channel but it’s so funny I can’t!! Another funny one is wipe out!! If you haven’t watched that, it’s a must!! I die laughing at that stupid show!
Does anyone remember Double Dare?! I wanted to be on that show SO BAD. 🙂
omg i LOVE THAT SHOW. this isnt funny, ok actually it is, but once i saw an episode where the guy was HUGE and the cutout was, well…not. he tried so hard to get his body in the shape but he ended up ripping half of the wall down and then falling backwards into the pool. one size does not fit all, afterall…lol
A teacher friend of mine has his students (high schoolers) convinced that he was on GUTS and has a piece of the Agro-crag.
I also have a fantasy in which I have enough money to buy an old warehouse and turn it into a replica of the GUTS set. I figure we could probably make enough money from 20somethings who want to re-live their childhood to make it a viable business option. 🙂
Ditto. I think I would break a leg…
I haven’t seen it on TV here, but Ellen (Ellen Degeneres Show) used to show it all the time last year or the year before. It was huge over in Japan or China someplace. Ellen thought it was hilarious and actually had it as a game on her own show with audience members participating.
I’d want to be on like Wheel of Fortune or something – seems safer 😉
That is insane!! I’ve never heard of that!
And What game show would I be on? NOT hole in The wall.
Haha I first saw that programme for the first time when I was running on the treadmill at the gym, then started laughing which resulted in me *nearly* falling off the treadmill. Possibly the stupidest show ever but pretty entertaining….
Ha what a funny show!!
I’ve always wanted to be on Wheel of Fortune! And ever since I was a little girl I always pretended I was Vanna White and pretended to walk along our faux stage and turn the letters, ha! 🙂
That’s hilarious! There are so many random shows out there!
I’d totally be on Price is Right. I always pay attention to the cost of things so I think I could accurately guess that stuff.
hahahaha that looks like a HILARIOUS game! I have to find it next time it is on.. . wow!
I would definitely choose Minute to Win It. I looks like so much fun to do the challenges and look like a total goof-ball in the process.
or Wheel of Fortune, I get so excited when it comes one! 🙂
Yay for breaking out the crock pot. I cannot wait for cooler weather so I can make my chili, love that stuff!
I didn’t know you didn’t have to peel parsnips! That would definately save some time 🙂 Is it more nutritious with the peel…and does it taste ok? I would kick some butt on Name That Tune (and no singing necessary)!
they taste totally fine! they just don’t look as pretty. 🙂
Legends of the Hidden Temple?! GUTS?! I just need to move to Ocala so we can be best friends already, haha!
I love the crock pot!!! Bahah that show looks sooo weird!!
Does anyone remember Supermarket Sweep? I used to love watching it and even had dreams about being on it!
yes!! i would love to be on that show!
I totally had a plan if I were to ever find myself on that show. lol
Oh me too! Strategy was key! And it always bugged me how people would waste time making the coffee! What were they thinking!
I don’t know if it counts as a game show, but I would LOVE to be on the Amazing Race. Sadly, it’s not open to Canadian residents 🙁
Supermarket sweep! I would Love to be on that show 🙂
This definitely originated from a Japanese game show, you can find clips of it on youtube, they’re hilarious!
Oooooh I loved this show, watched it on the time!! SO GOOD!!
haha wait! isn’t that originated from the Japanese show? I love how funky the Japanese people are~sometimes too creative 😛 but that’s still cute.
That show can’t even be real!
I would be on wheel of fortune, as long as my mom could be my partner! She watches it every night and ALWAYS gets it right before they do!
You named my choices!!! Guts or Legends of the Hidden Temple for sure!!! Although I’d love to be on Wheel of Fortune too!
I could not be on any game show! I get so nervous under pressure!
Bahahah that show is hilarious looking!
But if I could choose a game show I would totally be on Shop Til’ You Drop!!! hehe
haha oh my gosh, what channel was that show on? That is hilarious.
it was on cartoon network. i read about it when i was writing this post and apparently it “failed” among adult audiences at first. shocking, i know! 🙂
I have seen that show (hangs her head in shame) with Keith.
I LOVE Don’t Forget The Lyrics…that one is so fun! I also like Million Dollar Drop but I think that was only on one season before it got canned.
Believe it or not I have actually been on two game shows: Slime Time Live (when I was in middle school) and just this past summer I was on the Price is Right! They were both a LOT of fun, but I made a fool out of myself both times (especially on the Price is Right where I was constantly jumping up and down and turned bright red!)
If I could be on another game show I would want to be on WIPEOUT! I can’t help but crack up whenever I watch that show! I’m sure I could easily keep up with the tradition of making a fool out of myself! =P
that is awesome!!!
Wipeout. Hands down
I just want to know if I’d be able to complete it and not flop all over the place
Oh wow…you brought it BACK. Legends of the Hidden Temple was my fav. In college my roomie and I tried to get on Wheel of Fortune but I honestly haven’t watched it since then. I don’t even know of other game shows now…not sure if that makes me lame or cool.
Legends of the Hidden Temple and Guts were my dream as a child. Maybe Double Dare too!
My hubby and I want to be on “newlyweds” so bad! We actually made it through to the third round, submitted a video and then did not get picked. 🙁 bummer for us.
that would be such a fun one. how cool that you made it so far!
Love the newlwed gameshow.
Bahah- the Agro Crag! I loved that!!
I’d be on Wipeout because it sure looks like fun. Anything with obstacle courses! …or kids jeopardy… You know so id have at least a slim chance 🙂
HAHA I’ve never seen that show but it looks both funny & ridiculous!
If I could be on any show I’d definitely pick Wheel of Fortune!!!
Actually, I might have to change my answer to Super Market Sweep! Did you ever see that show?!
good choice!!
I adored Legends of the Hidden Temple when I was a kid but I always got so mad at the people who could not put together the silver monkey together, come on people, its three pieces of a monkey, seriously
oh i know. i think i saw someone actually win like ONE time.
i think i would want to be on “who wants to be a millionaire” but who knows how well I would do!
How have I not seen this show before!? If I could be on any show it would be Xtreme Elimination Challenge..I think the American version is called wipe out…its basically an obstacle course that you are 99% likely to fail but it is always so funny!
haha omg that show looks hilarious! and legends of the hidden temple was the best game show ever 🙂
That’s originally a Japanese game show. I used to watch it for laughs when I’m really stressed about school haha.
Omg haha…what station is that on?? I’m pretty sure I would make a huge fool out of myself :D. And legends of the hidden temple would have been amazing to be on!!!
cartoon network 🙂
Gah. That makes me want a pulled pork sandwich now! I’ve never thought about doing it with chicken but that’s a really good idea!
Also? GREAT question. I think I’d want to do some sort of Survivor and Real World/Road Rules Challenge. Either that or GUTS because let’s face it, a chance at the agrocrag would be a chance of a lifetime 🙂
Was that an American show?? It’s totally a spinoff from a Japanese TV show that calls the game “Human Tetris”! I grew up in Japan and they have all sorts of kooky talk shows/games/etc like that. Search “human tetris” on youtube–i guarantee you’ll go hysterical!
It’s not on anymore but I would still love to go on Family Double Dare! That was my all time favorite and my mom even bought the at-home edition for us all to play since I loved it so much!
I would like to go on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader. I feel like I MUST be, but I’d also be afraid of embarrassing myself. WAIT–NO! Family Feud for SURE! My very favorite :O)
ohhh! great one! i would LOVE to be on are you smarter than a 5th grader.
Omgosh! I remember that show but I can’t believe it’s still on TV. Seriously, the things people would do for money.
I made spicy BBQ pork in our slowcooker yesterday! I am pretty sure we’re going to be eating it for weeks now though.
I know it’s not on anymore, but I think I would have rocked at Pyramid! I also think that I could hold my own in Jeopardy minus the fact that I know very little US history! If it was a Canadian version I think I could do it though.