Now for your regularly scheduled blogging…
It’s official. My breakfast bagelwich has transcended breakfast and is now acceptable for every meal. As demonstrated by the fact that I wanted to dig into my lunch at 9:30 a.m., just knowing that this bagelwich was waiting for me had me looking forward to my lunch all morning.
I topped a toasted Thomas’ cinnamon raisin bagel thin with two slices of muenster cheese before microwaving it for 15 seconds (my work doesn’t have a toaster oven). After adding a smear of raspberry jelly to one half of the bagel, the sandwich was ready!
Zucchini slices topped with Italian dressing served as my side.
I’m just waiting for the day when I’ll finally get sick of this bagelwich. I’m not sure it will ever happen.
No Sweets: Week One
A couple of you have asked me how my no sweets throughout Lent commitment is going. Thankfully it’s going very, very smoothly. I think this is due, in large part, to the fact that I basically gave up desserts and didn’t swear off sugar entirely.
While I cannot have ice cream, I can still have yogurt with honey and berries. Though I cannot have a milkshake, I can still have a protein-packed smoothie.
Since it has only been a week, I haven’t been faced with too much temptation, but I have noticed a couple of random changes I’ve personally made since forgoing sweets:
- I chew more gum. I’m already a gum-chewing addict, but I’ve added a couple more sticks into my daily gum-chewing habit.
- I eat more nuts. After dinner, when I might otherwise eat something sweet, I’ve been enjoying nuts… and lots of them. I went through an entire jar of nuts by myself last week in three days. Let’s just say I wasn’t stopping at one or two portions. I’m now trying to be more cognizant of eating nuts in more reasonable amounts, not just mindlessly munching on them like it’s cool.
- I crave more fats. I’m not sure if eliminating sweets (and therefore some added fats) from my diet has sparked this, but I find myself really craving greasy foods like buttery popcorn. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but bring on the butter! 😉
If you gave up something or added something positive to your life for Lent, how are things going for you?
Before signing off for the afternoon, I must leave you with a link for the most hysterical pictures of Basset Hounds running. Click it. They’re awesome. (#40 is my favorite!)
Glad it is going well! I gave up weighing myself, and it is really helping:)
I gave up meat. and Omg, I’ve been cravings foods I don’t normally crave like Philly cheese-steaks and burgers. lol
Isn’t is crazy how our body makes up for the depletion of one thing with a craving for another? With giving up Ice-Cream, I have been quite surprised that I haven’t gone crazy yet! I am just getting more diversity in my after dinner sweet which usually consists of an apple and dark chocolate. Odd, but good.
No sweets is going well for me – tomorrow will be the first big temptation though. We have a reception for work and there will be amazingly good red velvet cupcakes!!
I actually gave up eating my hubs food…good for me and him!!!
ooooh that would be hard!!!
sounds like your doing well!! im just focusing on getting sugars from natural things like fruits and such.. i do crave more nuts and plant foods though- interesting!
I don’t do lent..but I’m glad that the no sweets is going smoothly for you!! I don’t know if I could handle not having dessert after dinner!!
Good job on the non sweets thing!
And seriously, I have to try that jam and cheese combo!
yes you do! get on it, marina! 😀
this year instead of giving up something I decided to make sure I eat at least 3 servings of veggies everyday and 2 servings of fruit. the fruit part is really easy for me, but i sometimes struggle with the veggies part. so far though i’m 7 for 7! i’m hoping to make this a habit…
I didn’t give anything up for lent, but if I had to, it’d be soy chai lattes! Mmmn! 😉
I seriously just laughed out loud at that link and had to send it to everyone i know. who knew that one type of dog running could be so hilarious.
isn’t it amazing? i sent it to ryan at work and he emailed me back saying “wow. that’s a whoooole lot of dog.” 🙂
Glad to hear the no-sweets challenge is going well! Aaaaaand… you have me craving popcorn!
I gave up drinking (diet) soda. I really, really wanted one today and every other day, but reading this reminded me to stick with it!
By the way, the other night I was craving something sweet, so I had some 94% fat-free kettle corn. It satisified me to some degree.
It’s interesting that you said that you crave more fat. I used to have a MAJOR sweet tooth (still like my sweets) and was fat phobic. Once I added more fat into my diet my sweet tooth diminished. Glad your challenge is going so smoothly! 🙂
Hahaha I’m having the SAME issue with nuts. I polished off SO many marconas and pistachios this week. I’ve decided to put them in a bowl before eating, so that I don’t just mindlessly dig in and end up eating like two cups worth!!!
I’m glad it is going well for you — I know that when I cut out sweets/desserts I eat more “dessert-like” foods, like fruit and nuts!
I am totally a gum chewing addict as well. It can be an expensive habit, but it does help me not to crave snacks as much. Your bagelwich sounds lovely.. isn’t it great when you’ve got delicious lunches to look forward to!? 🙂
I gave up Facebook and it’s been a real challenge. When I have some down time or feeling a bit bored I can’t check to see what’s going on with all of my friends and family. I truly am a fb addict, but since giving it up for a week I have noticed I’m on the computer much less and have spent more time reading blogs.
That’s what I look like when I run.
I bet those fellow Shamrockers are excited to run with me nooooow!
omg that basset hound link is hilarious!!! thanks for sharing hahaaaa =)
I too, am giving up sweets so I’m really interested in your thoughts as you do the same. thanks for sharing!
And , hello super woman!
Today on my blog, I blogged all my eats, and that’s no easy feat! I had no idea how time consuming it is. Def have a whole new respect for what you do!!!
I’m so glad to hear that giving up sweets is going well for you, and it’s very interesting to read about the changes you’re noticing in your cravings. This may seem like a strange question, but about how much gum do you chew every day? I’m a gum addict, too, so I’m just curious! What’s your favorite type? I’m a Trident layers (the strawberry citrus) and Extra Strawberry n’ Bananas girl all the way! 🙂
a lot… i’m really not sure how much b/c i buy gum in bulk (the 60-pack containers), but it’s a bunch!
Thanks for the Hounds – perfect cap to my lunch today =)
Nuts have been killing me, too! I gave up meat this year, and have definitely found myself reaching for the nut jar WAY more often than I usually do. Other than that, though, I think Lent has been going easier than I imagined it would; the only real meat craving I’ve had was right after I ran a 5k on Sunday, but other than that, I’ve barely even been tempted! I’m glad that you’ve found so many great subs for your usual sweet treats — do you think you’ll end up being one of those people who realizes that many of the sweets you eat are overly-sweet by the end of the 47 days?
haha i doubt it. for some reason i’m not sure i’ll ever be someone that finds a dessert “too rich” or “too sweet.”
That’s never happened for me either. What is is dessert that is “too rich or sweet” Does it exist??
I gave up eating out so I don’t pack my lunch or don’t eat breakfast, no visiting the cafeteria for me! It’s made me budget my time better in the morning and it’s saving me from frivolous spending when I’m out and about (no Starbucks!). So far, so good! 🙂
i gave up chocolate for lent- like pure chocolate bars- and I havent noticed how much I snacked on squares “oh just one here, one there” throughout the day. its eye opening!!!
I also gave up sweets and I agree – I’m craving more fats and am eating a lot more nuts! I’ve been on a cashews kick and am loving it…but must do something about my portion sizes!
I actually didn’t give something up this year, I decided to give time to reading my bible instead! It’s awesome, and a perfect way to end every day 🙂
We have a daschund who looks like a shorter, quite skinnier,she is often picked on like Sadie for being too thin-although she is perfectly healthy, version of this and I totally recognized all these crazy faces 🙂
my boyfriend has been stealing my bagelthins while i am at work because “they make amazing pb and j’s.” everyone loves bagelwiches!
Glad it’s going well! I think when I eat less sweets, I crave them less over time. When I eat more, I want them all the time!
glad it’s going well!
i haven’t given anything up for lent, but my friend gave up facebook. hahaha. she’s going through major withdrawls! lol.
interesting combo on the bagel thin…i wouldn’t think to put jelly with muenster, but i’m definitely intrigued…
also, i recently saw your contribution to the women’s day post about healthy living tips. very cool! if you don’t mind me asking, how did you wind up getting selected for that?
cheers! have a fun st. patty’s day tomorrow : )
the author of the piece emailed me saying she actually reads my blog and saw my post about working out in the morning, which inspired the article. then she asked if she could include tips from my post and i said sure! it was really neat and i’m glad i could be a part of it!
I just now stumbled across your blog and I already love it! You’re giving me inspiration on what to make for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow.
I’m actually from Orlando, raise there but moved to DC 3.5 years ago. Hope you like it down there!
And that’s awesome you’re giving up sweets for Lent. I’ve resolved with God to just adopt healthier eating habits, so I feel good from the inside out. 🙂
I’m chewing gum like its going out of style! I chewed on 3 consecutive sticks this morning and my jaw was stiff afterward! Right now, I’m loving Wrigley’s Extra Key Lime Pie flavor.
you have to power through the pain!!! 😉
Those pups are ridiculous! #38 is my fave.
So glad to see the no sweets thing is going well (you’re so much stronger than I am), but I do have to say I miss seeing your yummy looking sweet treats around the blog!
Cheese and jelly NEVER gets old! I love those hounds, SO CUTE!
I agree! When I gave up dessert for Lent, I ate way more peanut butter, and craved junk food like french fries and potato chips.
I gave up gum and chocolate…surprisingly gum has been a lot more difficult than chocolate. I chew close to a pack a day, so it’s been a big challenge!
I did not give up anything for Lent. I do think it would be incredibly hard to give up sugar though. I eat sugar every day whether it’s in yogurt, cereal or desserts!
I can’t believe you gave up “sweets” in general! I just gave up ice cream and caught myself eating a spoonful on the very first day of Lent, oops! It has been going well since then but my candy consumption is way up, oh well though, you have to enjoy life. 🙂
Good luck for the next 33 days!
I gave up sugar for lent and it has been surprisingly easy. I have so many temptations because there are ALWAYS cookies, cake, donuts, caramel corn, and candy at work, but it really hasn’t bothered me. I gave up all forms of sugar, including fruit, so I haven’t been replacing my sweet treats with anything like that. But let’s be honest, fruit will never be a substitute for fro yo and all the other sugary stuff I like. Like you though, I have been chewing gum like crazy. I’ve always been addicted to gum…but yesterday I chewed so much, my jaw hurt. I think I need to slow down with that!
I gave up chocolate for Lent, thankfully not all sweets, but I have just found replacements. I now love Luna Bars for dessert!
i gave up chocolate. it’s a rough life right now lol
interesting what giving up sweets does to change your cravings!!!
I gave up sweets as well. My definition of that includes ice cream, candy, pastries of all varieties like cake, cookies, etc. It is going really well so far. Enjoying protein smoothies and cinnamon raisin ezekiel bread with pb, cinnamon, and banana instead! 🙂
I tried giving up using naughty language…I was doing well, until my drive home last night when road rage took over…drat! Oh well, I’ll just start fresh today!
I gave up worrying for Lent. Meaning instead of worrying about things I can’t control I’ve opted to just pray for them. I’ve honestly felt so much less stressed since doing it. It’s amazing!
I too gave up sweets for Lent and things have been going fairly well. I haven’t noticed any specific different cravings…(though I have been drinking more decaf coffee at night) but I have noticed a plethora of opportunities to eat sweets…way more than normal. 😀
So Weird! I decided to give up sweets for Lent too and I have the exact same cravings as you! It’s really hard to avoid temptation considering I am a freshman in college. I have been chewing way more gum and downing peppermint lifesavers, I have put a dent in my emerald dry roasted almonds, and as for fatty foods…helloooo bacon at breakfast!
The whole replacing one thing with another happened to me before when I gave up sweets for Lent in the past. I decided to to an overall more mindful eating approach (aka, not eating 12 cookies in a sitting) to try to make a lasting change. So far so good! 🙂