We are so thrilled to share that we are expecting a baby in the beginning of September! I am 19 weeks pregnant and my belly is getting harder and harder to hide!
This baby is one we hoped and prayed for and love so much already. To be completely transparent, after our third miscarriage, I began to worry about whether or not I could emotionally handle another pregnancy or loss despite such a strong desire in my heart to have more children. This pregnancy has come along with no shortage of anxiety but thankfully we had a wonderful appointment at maternal and fetal medicine last week and now, nearly halfway through my pregnancy, I’m beginning to let myself believe we will be having another child. It feels good to let myself dream of the moment Chase and Ryder meet their little brother or sister in a few months. Adding another child into our chaos feels exciting, intimidating and right.
As for how the boys are handling the special news, they are thrilled! Well, technically Ryder just says, “baby” over and over again and doesn’t really get it but around 15 or 16 weeks, Chase asked if there was a baby in my belly because it was already so noticeable. He’s now all in on brainstorming names for his little brother or sister. (His latest suggestion for a boy was Flipper… and Ryder which might get just a little confusing. For a girl, he’s suggested Gigi, Sparkle Pants and Runner “so she will be really fast.”)
I’ll share more about my first and second trimester (so far) in an upcoming post and am happy to answer any questions you may have about this little one, how things are going so far, our plans in the coming months, etc. Just let me know what you’d like to read about in a followup post and I’ll be happy to address everything soon.
Thank you guys so, so much for following my life and my family and giving us such an amazing outpouring of love and support over the years. I know so many of you have been reading since the early days when Sadie was our only baby and I am so grateful for your continued love and kindness. I cannot wait to introduce you to the littlest member of our family in a few short months!
I cannot ever share a pregnancy or baby-related post on this blog without thinking about those of you reading from a place of longing, loss or pain related to miscarriage, loss of an intensely loved little one or infertility right now. My mind and heart changed deeply after we lost three babies during pregnancy and I know that pregnancy announcements in particular can be just plain hard to read when you’re hurting. I hope and pray my news doesn’t cause you pain right now but if it does, I get it. The longing for a baby and the pain of loss is horrible and unfair and heartbreaking. I’m thinking of you and holding a space for you in my heart.
Congratulations!! I had a suspicion this announcement was coming! So happy for you and your family. I’m one of the long-time readers (since the Orlando days!) and I feel like we’re old friends at this point! Prayers for you for a healthy and stress-free pregnancy!
Congratulations! I’m pregnant with our second and due in November. Crazy time to be expecting but it’s made it easier to hide it. Can’t wait for your first trimester recap.
Congratulations!!! So happy for you!!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! Your boys are so adorable and I know this baby will be a blessing whether it’s a girl or boy.
Congrats! I’m 21 weeks along with my first and it will be fun to follow along with your journey. 🙂
I’ve been following you forever and I’m so happy for you. You seem like a wonderful mother. Congratulations!!
Congrats! They both look so excited.
Congratulations to you and your family! I’ve also been a reader since the early days, and am so happy to see your family grow! God is good- wishing you a healthy and joyous pregnancy and birth!
I’ve been one of those readers from your Sadie-only days, blogging 3 times a day, you and Ryan’s relationship transforming, and more! I am THRILLED for your family!!! Your baby is God’s plan from everything leading up to this point!
Congratulations!!! Such wonderful news for you and your family! ❤️
congrats! I’m so so happy for you and your family. this is such exciting news!
i’m pregnant too, and due in July. It’s a crazy time to be pregnant, hang in there mama!
Yay Yay Yay!!! Congratulations! Wishing you an easy, stress-free pregnancy.
I am so so happy for you Julie, we having been praying for you and your sweet family since your last miscarriage. Will continue to keep you in our prayers!!
So happy for y’all!!!
Congratulations!! I’ve been following your blog for years and as I am about 13 weeks pregnant with my first, I keep going back to reference your weekly pregnancy updates and find them so helpful and fun to read. You deserve the best and I look forward to reading more about your newest addition!!
Congratulations!!! I was excited to see this pop up on my insta feed!! Wish you a healthy pregnancy and a healthy momma and baby!
So, so happy for you and your family, Julie! I’m due in September as well…although I’m pregnant with twins so they will likely come early so it may be August! They’re our first and second and it’s so exciting and scary at the same time!
I seriously teared up reading this – I’m so thrilled for you and your sweet family! Our boys are also three years apart, currently just turned three and 10 weeks old, and I love reading about your life with two kids. I have my sweet baby asleep on my chest now and I’m so happy you have found joy after sorrow. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and postpartum! Can’t wait to read along.
Congratulations!!! I teared up reading this. I am a long-time reader and cannot tell you how happy I am for you and your family 🙂
Yay! So happy for you all. Been following since some time soon after you were married.
Oh my gosh! Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you and your family.
Oh Julie !! This is just the best news ! I know the anxiety you’re feeling and so glad it’s starting to become easier . Our angels are never far from our minds are they?! Sending you so much love and thank you for sharing with us! We could all use some good news right now !
Congratulations Julie and family, this is wonderful news! I’m think you Julie a lot, just wondering how things were going for you.
I due in September as well with my first though I’m two weeks behind you.
I look forward to reading you trimester recap posts!
Congratulations Julie!! I am so overjoyed for you and your sweet family.??
CONGRATS! Such wonderful news-I’m so happy for you and your family!!
Congrats!! Such exciting news. You all are in my prayers. Also, please tell Chase I vote for the name Runner. Call me crazy, but I honestly like that name:)
Congratulations!!! So, so happy for you and your family!!!
Congrats! I’m a long time reader and this morning I was thinking about you, your family, and your losses as I comtemplate whether we will try for our another baby (my daughter is a month younger than Ryder, so you were a big resource during those first few months of new motherhood). I’m so happy that we get to “meet” another member of your adorable crew! Sending happy thoughts to you, the baby, your boys, and Sadie!!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I had a hunch this was coming and have been keeping you and your family in my prayers. You are such a good mamma and I can see you with a gaggle of children! I’ve cried with you over your 3 heartbreaks and I cant wait to celebrate your bundle of love. You deserve all of the happiness and joy God has planned for you. You are a wonderful family, and Thank You for sharing your life with us!
Congratulations Julie, Ryan, Chase and Ryder! I’m a long time reader and couldn’t be more excited for you! I feel like we’re old friends 🙂 Thank you for always taking us along in your family’s journeys. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Congratulations!!! As a long time reader I love watching your family grow! So happy for you.
A couple weeks ago when you mentioned your family had pizza for dinner and you said you were craving mozzarella sticks.. I thought hmmm… I wonder if Julie is pregnant.
Congratulations to all of you. So happy to hear of a new little one on the way. How sweet for your whole family. God bless. Looking forward to seeing pictures and reading wonderful details of new life. Hugs to you and your loved ones.
So happy for you and your family!
Congrats!! I wondered if this was coming soon! So exciting!
Congratulations!!! This has seriously made my day reading this happy news! I have been a latecomer to your blog (found it last year before I had my baby girl in July and binge read it) so have been following avidly since then. This news is such a beautiful blessing amongst everything that is going on right now. Hope you’re feeling good and keeping safe and healthy and what wonderful news!
Aw, I’m so glad you found me!! <3 I hope motherhood is going well for you and your little girl so far!
I’m a longish time reader, about 6-7 years. I’m sure Sadie’s looking forward to being a big sister again! Happy news for sure 🙂
Congratulations!! Such a beautiful family you have, I so enjoy what you share on your blog! Prayers to you for a healthy and joyful pregnancy.
I am sooooo happy for you!!! Congratulations!!
Ive been reading since before you were married, so I am so very happy for you. Prayers for a health pregnancy and birth. I am also rooting for a girl. Ill stay tuned to find out!
How exciting! I recently re-found your blog after several years… Sadie WAS your only baby the last time I was here! Congratulations on your growing family!
Omg Julie congrats!! So excited for you and your family!
I love following along with your journey as a mother and family!
Congratulations!! long time reader Many blessings to you and your growing family
Oh how awesome. Congrats!!!
Sparkle Pants! Hahaha!!! 😀
Congratulations!! I have a 7-week old named Angeline, and we call her Gigi, so I support chase’s baby name choice!! ?
That was definitely the clear winner from all of his suggestions! I love that name, too!
Congratulations!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Julie and family,
My heart leapt for joy upon reading this! Congratulations!! So very, very, very happy for all of you.
Congratulations!! Thought maybe we would have an announcement when you said you were going through Ryders baby clothes to donate. Been reading you for years!! I had cancer at the time of your trip to Michu Picchu. Your blog became part of my daily routine to keep my life as normal as possible. Gosh another life time ago!!!! Have a safe and happy pregnancy!!!
The paragraph at the end of the post gave me chills and is so thoughtful and CLEARLY from the heart. Thank you for the kind message and congratulations to you all! Such sweet news.
Congratulations to you and your family on such exciting news! I’m sure your little boys are so ecstatic to have another little one to play with! I’m pregnant as well with my 2nd little boy and I’m wondering how you’ve been feeling? Also, how have you been handling pregnancy with all the craziness of Covid going on right now?