Another three weeks have come and gone and I’m popping in today with my latest pregnancy update. We’re just about two weeks away from our baby’s due date and this entire pregnancy has passed by in one big blur. I cannot believe it’s almost time to meet our baby boy or baby girl! Just in…
PBF Baby #3: Pregnancy Weeks 31-34
Hello to my favorite internet friends! I hope you’re having a great week so far. I am checking in this morning with a pregnancy update. At 35 weeks pregnant, I officially feel like I’m in the homestretch and plan to continue these semi-regular updates until our little one is here. Just in case you’re interested…
Our Family is Growing!
Chase’s Birth Story: Part Two
Chase’s Birth Story: Part One
These past five days have been nothing short of incredible. Incredibly exciting, exhausting, emotional and so beyond anything I ever could have imagined when I first found out Ryan and I were expecting a baby boy this summer. Chase Robert Fagan shocked everyone when he decided to arrive two weeks early and ever since I…