After the work day was over, I resisted the urge to plop my booty on the couch and take in several episodes of Glee. Instead I got a much-needed haircut ($5.99 at Great Clips, baby!) and then Ryan and I entertained Sadie with a trip to the dog park.
It felt good to be out and about and Sadie was happy to be at the park with her complete family. Though I think Sadie still has a good time when just she and I go to the park, there’s no denying that Ryan has the better arm for fetch… and she knows this.
At least she knows she can come to me for cuddles!
Plan B Dinner
As Ryan, Sadie and I drove home from the park, I told Ryan about a new recipe I was excited to try involving haddock, a type of white fish. Unfortunately when we arrived back to our apartment, I realized I forgot to lay out the fish to thaw. Dinner fail.
Since we were too hungry to wait, we enjoyed grilled Aidell’s chicken and apple smoked sausage with roasted kale, cauliflower and broccoli instead.
Not a bad plan b dinner!
Blogger Conferences
Before signing off for the night, I have a couple of fun announcements to share!
Healthy Living Summit
First, in August, I will be traveling to Philadelphia for the Healthy Living Summit (my first-ever blogger conference!) where I will be joining three fellow bloggers (Brittany, Courtney and Heather) to participate in a panel about the negative side of blogging… how to handle negative comments, mean-spirited emails, snarky tweats and media backlash. I promise to try to say something more valuable than “kick the haters in the shins.” I’m a little nervous about public speaking, but I’m even more excited about meeting some fantastic people! Healthy Living Summit tickets go on sale tonight at 8 p.m. Last year they sold out within 20 minutes, so get ‘em while they’re hot!
Urban Running: Blogger Summit
In early December, I will be traveling to Las Vegas (Vegas, baby!) to speak at the Urban Running: Blogger Summit, an event organized by the amazing and hysterical SkinnyRunner. I will be speaking about blogging and a whole bunch of blogging-related subtopics. I’m already nervous just thinking about it, but can’t wait to put together a presentation… and party it up in Vegas. I may also be running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas half marathon in conjunction with this trip!
That’s all for now, folks.
Off to watch The Bachelorette and throw things at the TV whenever Bentley gets any face time.
Congrats on your speaking dates! Can’t wait to attend both! 🙂
oh i’m so glad you’re going! i am nervous though!
You will do wonderfully! It’s natural to be a little nervous! 🙂
Ahhhh Sadie is so cute! Why have I never roasted kale?? I’ll be at HLS too girl, I can’t wait to hear you speak and meet ya!
I’m hoping to make the Vegas trip! Also, it seems Bentley is going home tonight…after being the world’s biggest douchebag. I’m pretty excited to tear him up on your FB page tomorrow 🙂
The conference sounds like loads of fun! I’m going to check if I can get some tickets!! I bet your going to be fine, just speak slowly. Sometimes we tend to speak to fast when we get nervous!! xoxo =]
I have definitely forgotten to thaw many varieties of fish one too many times! Glad you had a delicious back-up on hand.
I was really wanting to go to HLS but my boyfriend is graduating from MBA school the same weekend – not sure he’d appreciate me choosing HLS over graduation 😉
Love the sausage & veg! good combo of both worlds 🙂
You’re gonna do great at HLS!! I wish I could go but I have a family vacation that weekend….
Congrats on your speaking engagements! Very exciting. If I wasn’t in save mode right now, I definitely would consider going to the HLS. Maybe next year. I’m off to watch the Bachelorette as well. Enjoy the rest of your night and hopefully this will be the last night of Bentley we have to see.
What fun trips you have this year. I might be able to go to the December event, the RnR in las vegas was my first half marathon race and it is a lot of fun. You will enjoy it if you decide to run it.
YES to $5.99 hair cuts. I am ALL about getting the cheapest possible haircuts. Now.. I have a woman I used to babysit for.. who is a pro.. do it for me for free. Its kind of nice 🙂
Hey Julie, congrats on speaking at the HLS this August. I am speaking as well and I can’t wait to meet you! 🙂
Great plan b dinner!
Sounds like your new ‘job’ is allowing you to have so many more opportunities, congratulations!!
Congrats on the speaking event!! You’re going to be great!
Woot woot Philly represent!!!!
Congratulations on the blogger conferences! They sound like so much fun and I would love to go to one. Unfortunately, I’m from Canada and the trip would be quite a hike for me.
We had hotdogs today as well because we didn’t feel like cooking anything fancy. It’s funny that we had similar dinners!
I’m glad you’ll be speaking at both of those events — I’m planning on going to both! Just bought my HLS ticket 🙂
What does Ryan do when you watch the bachelorette? My hubby goes off into another room and gets on his computer.
He will watch too… but he’ll sometimes hop on his laptop to check to reclaim his manhood.
Jarod sits down with me but “pretends” to check sports on his computer. I know he’s watching when he says “what did she say?” or “wow, that guys a loser” (<Bentley) ha ha! P.S. I really want to go to the event in Las Vegas in December– maybe see you there 😀
I am a teacher and even though I could do a lesson for a zillion 11 year olds I still have THE. HARDEST. time speaking and presenting in front of coworkers!
I bet you will do great. And hey, no one said you couldn’t have a pre-presentation martini to ease the nerves 😉
Good luck on both of the conferences! I wish I could go to either, but unfortunately college has left me broke this summer
I just bought my HLS ticket – can’t wait! 🙂
I wish I could go to the HLS, but I can’t afford it at this time 🙁 I hope you are speaking at the one next year, I would loveee to hear what you have to say and meet you!
Congrats on both conferences lady
What a great topic for HLS, wish I could be there to hear it. But, I’m really looking forward to Vegas in December. Good luck on both presenations, you will nail them!
That is so exciting that you are speaking at HLS! Congrats! I just got my ticket and I’m super pumped to hear everyone’s speeches and meet lots of people!
Looking forward to meeting you and hearing your speech in August!! You will do great and I know we will all enjoy what you have to say!
I just signed up for HLS! This will be my first conference and I hope I get to meet you!!! I wish I could afford to go to Vegas this year and run the marathon and meet SkinnyRunner 🙁
haha, I also get the $5.99 special at Great Clips. Actually, I have a 2 dolla coupon right now, so I’m going to have to hit that up! My hair is so in need of a cut.
I would LOVE to go to Skinny Runner’s Vegas marathon, but sadly I don’t think it will be happening.
Congrats on speaking, that is exciting!!!
I’ll probably be running the Rock N Roll Half in Vegas too! Soooo excited for it!
Good luck speaking!! I wish I could go.
(P.S. “tweats” should be “tweets”)
I’m so glad you’ll be at the HLS. I am going too! Cannot wait to hear your presentation. 🙂 And I hate it when I forget to leave my food out to thaw. It actually happened to me today, but I used the thaw setting on microwave…which still took forever. Plan B looked pretty good though!
Can’t wait to see you guys speak in Philly! Good luck~you’ll do great I’m sure!
I’m speaking at HLS, too! You have NO NEED to be nervous. Everybody there reads your blog and is supportive of you, and you know your subject matter, the #1 thing to make public speaking go more easily.
(I have to present to groups of 50-150 for my job about 40-70 times a year…email me if you are nervous)
Is your fish individually packaged? I usually buy the stuff from Publix and submerge my fish (in the plastic) in a pot of hot water right out of the freezer. It takes only 5 minutes to thaw.
Aw man! I wish I would’ve known that!
Ahhh i need to go! sounds like a ton of fun!
I bought my ticket tonight and am crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to make this year’s HLS my first ever blog conference too! It’d be fantastic to meet you!
I’m so glad you are coming to Philly! I will have to see if I can still get ticke
I think HLS sounds like great time. And I always forget to pull out the most pivitol piece of dinner.
Those sausages sound fantastic! Where ever did you find those?
Also, I have to admit Julie, I flip over to the other blog pages that you embed into your posts but your page always seems to excite me the most. You’ve got just the right amount of words and pictures to leave us hangin’ for more! 🙂
Ahhhh The Bachelorette!! I love that show. I never watched it before and it’s become my guilty pleasure.
Also, Sadie is the cutest thing ever. I love all your pictures of her.
I think that you are going to do GREAT at the conferences! I wish I could go to one. Maybe someday!
There is no reason to be nervous…everyone is just looking forward to seeing you! Everyone already loves you….you have conveyed your personality through words and pictures (which is not very easy to do to begin with) and you have been so well received already. You’ll be great! 😀
I just had a THICK smoothie that absolutely needed a spoon and it made me realize I had to check in on PBF!
I am glad I did, it is great to know that you are speaking about blogging! You will be fab, goodluck and congrats!
YAH for your upcoming fun, speaking assignments! Public speaking is SUPER fun 🙂 Promise!
I love plan B dinners sometimes, they usually turn out awesome!
Oh Julie, you will do WONDERFULLY at both conferences, i just know it! I’m super excited about HLS — i just decided today to sign up, and i was able to score a ticket! Wooo!
I would love to go to that Summit too! I just don’t think it’s in the budget (or schedule). I do want to try and go to the Foodbuzz one in San Francisco though.
JULIEEE!<3 my obsession with your blog is keeping me from studying for my test tomorrow that's worth half of my final grade for the year! =O
Haha hunker doooown! You can do it!!
I hate Bentleyy ahhh! I was cringing the entire time!
Cool Julie! I hope you video tape your presentations for all of us who can’t make it. And let me know if you ever come speak in the DC region!!!
I hope you threw some things at Will too! I wonder what next week will bring for Will — thoughts?
Wish I could attend the blogger summits 🙁 But I am looking forward to reading all about them 🙂
Pretty sweet lookin’ Plan B Dinner! Congrats on speaking at the conference! You’ll be fantastic
I’m so excited that you’re speaking at HLS, Julie! I will definitely be attending your session, and look forward to meeting you! I too would be a bit nervous, but I’m sure you’ll be just fine. Worse case scenario: you mumble jumble your words…and everyone still loves you anyways! 🙂
I’m so glad Bentley’s gone! Although I wish Ashley had given him the boot herself!
Haha yeah we’ll see how it goes! Looking forward to meeting you!