Aaand just like that, I’m back after an all-day training yesterday.
Once I arrived home in the early evening, I spent a few hours crafting away. (I’ll be sure to share the project with you guys soon!)
(Yes, that plate was leftover from last year’s Friendsgiving party.)
I know it may sound a little bizarre, but jamming out to my favorite Pandora stations and working on a craft project totally relaxes me. If the project is really difficult, then I can spiral into a world of frustration, but, for the most part, I really enjoy getting crafty.
Of course, many of my craft projects end up looking like this…
But at least I have fun working on them!
The highlight of my morning meal was Italian sausage.
After I sautéed onion and spinach in a pan with olive oil, I added sausage and eggs to the pan. Once the eggs were scrambled, I transferred the eggs and sausage to a bowl and served it with a toasted English muffin on the side.
This was quite a filling breakfast and I have a feeling it will easily hold me over until it’s time to eat my morning snack.
Off to work!
Question of the Morning
- What is one hobby you enjoy that relaxes you?
walking outdoors – does that count? i love being outside and i love moving. i like walking by myself, with my dog, with my husband, or on the phone 🙂
Absolutely!! I love hiking. It definitely relaxes me. 🙂
I love reading! And I miss your book club 🙂
Lol, that cake-pop photo is essentially me anytime i try to recreate something on pinterest:) doing crossswords relexes me, does that count? its not really a craft…
As much as a I fight it sometimes working out really relaxes me. The hardest part is to getting started when I really do not want to but once I do and finish I am in a much better mood and usually my head is all clear!
Totally agree!
I love to read an actually organizing relaxes me too!
Doing fun crafty projects is something that relaxes me for the most part too. But I really love baking or grilling with mom!
Your breakfast looks delicious!
I find that cooking or baking relaxes me especially when I’m in the kitchen by myself. It gives me a chance to just take a step back, reflect and making something amazing to eat 🙂
Your breakfast definitely looks amazing! Reading and baking are 2 of the main ways that I relax. I find them to be so calming.
Haha! You may have gotten this picture from there, but the blog Pinterest Fail is quite amusing if you haven’t seen it already:
Haha that cake pop comparison cracked me up. I’m the exact same way with baking…I turn the music on, the oven on, and go. It’s like I totally zone out and my worries just melt away
I love to read and find it addicting and relaxing, but oddly enough folding laundry is up there. I love the smell and the same motions over and over are cathartic! ( insert shame here hahah)
I wish I was more crafty! I love to read or bake in order to relax. Often a good run does the trick too.
Exercise helps me to get to my relaxing mood, but usually organizing something or doing a little project will do the trick too! Reading is a given since just reading 4 pages can sometimes put me to sleep.
Hahaha that sheep pop totally made me laugh out loud at my desk! I love decorating cupcakes…LOVE it. Even though it’s so messy I just love to sit and create different flowers and bright colors with icing. The weird part is that I don’t even eat them afterwards, I just like to do them for other people. I come from a long line of cake decorators so I guess it’s in the blood
Running of course is my number one hobby that helps me relax… but I also love doing crafty projects! Knitting, sewing, scrapbooking… all of them are awesome 🙂
Grocery shopping or wandering around Target or TJ Maxx totally relaxes me. Although it isn’t good for my wallet, lol!
can’t wait to see what you’re crafting! i like reading- that totally helps me relax!
I like to listen to music (not pandora cause I don’t really know what that is) but internet radio stations while doing crafts or random stuff that relaxes me. But it’s funny – if I turn on house music while I’m trying to do something relaxing I need to shut it off within a few mins. It gets my body jammin’ and I can’t sit still, ha hahaa
I would say reading and listening to music for me! Those are my favorite things to do to relax me.
Crafting and reading cook books are my top two!! 🙂
Crafting def relaxes me because its the only thing I’m focused on. I love putting together photo albums
I love ding crafts too – especially with my sister! Can’t wait to hear about your lastest project. If it includes glitter, it must be good! 🙂
I wish craft projects could relax me, but crafty I am not 🙂
However, cooking really relaxes me. Sometimes, I just enjoy being in the kitchen with nowhere to go and just cutting, chopping and slicing for hours. Making roast veggies is one of my favorite things to do! And I use Pandora too. The country stations of course!
Hiking, long walks, hammocks, boat rides, rocking with Hailey, kisses from Koda… and if I’m being honest, awesome television like NASHVILLE 😉
I would have to agree, crafting totally relaxes me. It’s a fun new project, and I’m doing because I WANT to. That or reading. Reading always does the trick for me! Sometimes more than I intend it to haha but at least it relaxes me.
Right now painting furniture relaxes me. I’ve painted almost all of our wood furniture either white or yellow and it has really brightened up our apartment (which also really relaxes me). 🙂
Gardening relaxes me. I love being outside, and weeding or watering gives me the time to watch how the plants are growing.
Trail running relaxes me more than anything, although I do love crafting as well. I only try about 10% of the crafts I pin on Pinterest, but I could stay on the webstie for hours!
I actually enjoy editing my travel photos. It’s a good thing to, because I have tons of them! I used to scrapbook all my pics, but I am so behind. Plan to get back to that soon.
reading a good book that i can disappear into relaxes me, especially if it’s done outside on a nice day. playing the piano used to relax me … i guess we’d better invest in a keyboard 🙂
I love to crochet!
I wish I could say arts and crafts relaxed me…But I suck at them, and it ends up frustrating me. Music is definitely my outlet to relaxation. I play the piano, guitar, and sing. Writing my own songs, or even just learning covers of other songs really help me to relax.
hahaha! You must have a lot of crafts you don’t show us because every one you do show us looks awesome!
Things that relax me are cleaning, walking, painting my nails. I wish I would craft as much as I pin things to craft!
I SO wish I was crafty but I just dont have the patience! You always make the cutest crafts
Reading definitely relaxes me. I tend to just get frustrated with crafting because I have 0 artistic ability and it never turns out the way I want!
Lovvve crafting. My bank account probably does not appreciate the fruits of my labor as much as I do though. Thank goodness for Hobby Lobby’s constant sales!!
I enjoy birdwatching. I feed the birds and it is fun for me to watch all the different birds come by to visit. I also enjoy gardening. Something about being in nature that is so soothing and relaxing. Love it! =)
Your sheep cake pop made me laugh. “Nailed it”… so funny, but i’m sure it tasted good 🙂
Running! And reading … although with reading, I find that for the first 10 minutes or so, my mind is ALWAYS wandering. But once I get into it, it’s super relaxing!
Drew and I have recently been going fishing A LOT! It’s so relaxing. Even when I don’t catch a thing, I feel so much better at the end of the night. We have been going non-stop during any free time we have.
Going on long walks/hikes or listening to NPR relaxes me….and now I sound like I’m 70. 🙂 Or hot yoga!
Writing, reading, and scrapbooking (although, I don’t do it nearly often enough) all help relax me! And yes, definitely with Pandora in the background. 🙂 I’m not super crafty or artsy though – scrapbooking is about as far as I go!
Whenever I need to relax, I will either read a book, listen to music or go for a walk and stretch! 🙂 I love your egg scramble ideas. They always look quick, easy and filling!
I love crafting as well! Just the other day I broke out the good ol’ sewing machine and made these awesome no-slip workout headbands! Saved a bundle and now get to work out with a glittered-out hairstyle ;). Win win!
Reading and Scrapbooking (and working out…obviously)… nerd alert.. I know.
Needlepoint is my go-to- my nanny taught me how to do it when I was little. I’m not super-creative, but I can follow the heck out of a pattern!
I absolutely love to read. Once I get really into a book, I tend to forget about the world around me and just focus on the pages in front of me and sometimes it’s amazing how many hours go by before I realize what time it is. And I also love to bake. The thing I like about baking, is that, no matter how bad your day is, baking always comes out and always makes sense and very rarely comes out wrong. Not to mention you get to eat the finished product, which is always a plus!!!
Oh and one other thing, this may sound nerdy, but I love couponing. I’ve REALLY gotten into it lately. I love matching a coupon with a good deal in the sales ad or finding a bargain price and stocking up on it.
good morning, julie!
i definitely feel the same way about knitting. it sounds kind of strange but i just love it. and working out!