Take note: If you call someone’s office phone and they don’t answer, don’t just assume they took an early lunch break and drive over to meet up with them anyway.
Lesson learned!
At around 11:30 a.m., I drove to Marion Senior Services in hopes of meeting with the volunteer coordinator to discuss ways to get involved in the Ocala community with senior citizens. I spoke with a woman at my gym yesterday who distributes meals to people in need and when I expressed interest in volunteering, she directed me to Marion Senior Services.
I popped in late this morning only to find that the volunteer coordinator doesn’t work on Fridays. Bummer.
The woman behind the front desk encouraged me to come back on Monday and handed me a volunteer application for me to fill out in the meantime.
I had lunch plans with a friend this afternoon, but she had to cancel at the last minute. I was already standing in the shopping plaza when I found out she couldn’t meet up and when I turned around to head home, this lovely sight greeted me:
Downpour! You know it’s summer in Florida when the skies are sunny one minute and the next minute there’s a torrential downpour. Yikes.
I noticed a Starbucks within walking distance and since I could get there by walking underneath an awning, I stopped in for lunch and a misto.
Table for one, please! (Pretty sure no one would want to sit with me anyway. I look like a creepy serial killer in that picture. That’s what I get for trying to take a discreet picture in Starbucks.)
I initially thought about ordering a hot panini, but for some reason a cold turkey and Swiss sandwich sounded great.
I added mustard to my sandwich and ate it while blogging away and emailing with some of you fine people! (I had my laptop on me in my tote bag, thankfully.)
The Strangest Thing in Your Purse
Now, since it’s Friday and I’m pretty sure we all love a good laugh on Fridays, I wanted to share some of the responses I received from a question I posted on the PBF Facebook page this morning.
The question: What is the most random thing in your purse right now?
I said that a rogue sock is the strangest thing in my purse right now. Thanks to static-cling, it ended up on my shirt earlier this week and I didn’t noticed it until I got in my car and stuffed it in my purse where it remains.
Your replies cracked me up:
- Tiny jar of jam
- Rocks
- Can of cat food
- Ketchup
- Rogue sock (Seriously! I’m not the only one!)
- Stress ball in the shape of a boob
- Catnip mouse
Since I laughed at every response on the Facebook page, I wanted to open up the question on the blog this afternoon…
Question of the Afternoon
- What is the strangest thing in your purse right now?
Aside from my rogue sock, I also happen to have three Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper chapsticks in my purse. My all-time favorite!
How fun! I have a small purse but weird things still seem to appear. Right now I have a chip clip!
On a side note, I have never heard of floss card but love the idea, my hubby would love this! Can you purchase them somewhere?
Kudos to you for expressing interest in volunteering with senior citizens!
I just looked in my purse and the strangest things I found are a binder clip (which I promptly removed) and a mini bottle of Purrell in a zip loc bag so it doesn’t explode all over my purse! lol I also found a lone stocking in my purse a few days ago, which apparently got stuck to something and found it’s way into my bag.
The strangest thing in my purse right now is a miniature measuring tape about the size of a silver dollar. It was my dad’s that he used whenever back before I was born. I have little trinkets from my parents and my papa with me at all times, which include a laminated Truvia packet that my mom wrote “You’re such a sweetie” on.
I have a pair of gloves in my purse. Which I guess isn’t so strange with the sporadic Boston weather, but it is almost July lol.
I’VE TOTALLY HAD THE SOCK THING! Worse, I actually had a sock stuck to my ass because of static cling… I’m just so cool, I know.
Strangest thing in my purse right now though? A McDonald’s pokemon toy… this is especially strange considering I’m not 12 and furthermore, I don’t actually even eat McDonalds…
i have a rock in my purse!! i always carry it! my now husband and i were at the beach skipping rocks when i turned around and he was on one knee. ht erock i carry is the rock i was holding then.
but surely the strangest thing i carry in my purse is a knee sock..that holds and protects my camera
haha i actually intentionally keep socks in my purse! But no one rogue sock, usually a big thick pair for movie theaters/ airplanes when my feet get cold! My friends always laugh at me when I pull out my “movie socks”…but it gets so chilly in there!
I have a straw donkey to – abt 6″ high…it even has little clay jugs on each side of it’s saddle (daughter #1 toy) and a fuzzy llaama toy from daughter #2 … Excellent distractions if we get a little cwazy while out.
(Ditto for 7 different lip-balms which are great distraction …
For some reason I have my university I’d card in my wallet…and I graduated in 1990!
The only strange thing in my purse right now is a Hello Kitty bandaid, never know when you need one and at least it’s a cute one.
Alas I also have a rogue sock. I take socks with me when I go for my IV Iron treatments at the hospital and somehow I have lost one sock (I KNOW RIGHT-THAT IS SUPPOSED TO ONLY HAPPEN IN THE DRYER) so I only have 1 in my purse.
a tiny bottle of Cracker Barrel syrup!
Shampoo & conditioner haha Don’t ask me why??
I have a slip-leash (I do not own a dog lol I work at a Veterinary hospital), a pine-cone (no idea) and a VIP card for a slurpie place in Florida in my wallet (We went 10 years ago! lol)
Time to clean out the purse! This was a funny post!
If a backpack counts sort of like a purse, then I’ve had mini screwdrivers (Philips and flathead) in there!