Well, here it is, it all its glory!
“It was a one-eyed, one-horned flyin’ purple people eater…” 😉
Such a pretty pepper! When I spotted the pepper at the Farmers’ Market, I knew I had to give it a try. I love green and red peppers and the description said the purple pepper was a sweet bell pepper like the red and green varieties, so I had a feeling I would enjoy it.
I was surprised to see that the inside of the pepper was white! Crazy… and crazy delicious!
I enjoyed the pepper along with cucumber slices and a bagelwich made with avocado, Provolone cheese and spinach.
I love this lunch. It was colorful, full of veggies and the addition of the avocado on my bagelwich made it seem a lil’ special. 😉
Of Possible Interest
- Check Out the Calorie Content of Your Favorite Treats from the Ice Cream Truck (FitSugar.com)
- Lightened Up “Guy Food” (CookingLight.com)
- How to Create Your Own Workout Plan (Fitnessista.com)
- Weightloss Story: How One Woman Lost 65 Pounds by Putting Herself First (ThatsFit.com)
Q & A Time!!!
It’s time for another Q & A post! After this post, I’m almost all caught up! Woohoo!
As always, feel free to post any questions you may have on my Q & A page or click here to ask me an anonomyous question.
Heeere we gooooo! 😀
Have your periods ever been irregular due to how active you are?
How many boyfriends did you have before Ryan? This is really random, but it just amazes me how perfect you two look for each other.
Before Ryan and I started dating I had one other serious boyfriend, who I dated for a little more than three years.
What do you eat before and after doing cardio or strength training?
On weekdays when I workout at 5:45 a.m., I typically workout on an empty stomach because I get serious cramps if I eat within an hour of working out (and I’m not about to get up at 4:45 a.m. just to eat). If I work out later in the day, I’ll usually eat something like an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter or string cheese microwaved on a whole wheat tortilla (quesadilla-style).
My post-workout eats are almost always posted on the blog (my breakfast on the weekdays is the first thing I eat after working out). Typical post-workout meals include Greek yogurt with fruit, a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and banana or a smoothie made with fruit and protein powder.
Have you ever lost a significant amount of weight, or were you always this size growing up? You and you sister are so slim that I’m guessing you’ve never really had to lose 15 – 20 pounds?
I lost around 10 pounds about a year after I graduated from college. The weight loss occurred naturally (I didn’t count calories or change my exercise routine) and happened when I stopped eating Lean Cuisines and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all the time and discovered vegetables. I like to eat A LOT, and adding veggies to my lunches and dinners really helped fill me up on nutritious and voluminous foods, so I wasn’t starving an hour after eating.
Do you eat Larabars, Luna bars or Clif bars? If so what is your favorite flavor of each?
I am maybe the one person in the Blog World who doesn’t like Larabars all that much. I think they’re way overrated and they never leave me feeling satisfied (maybe it’s the lack of protein?).
I do like Luna bars (Lemon Zest & Nuts Over Chocolate are my favs) and Clif bars (Peanut Butter Pretzel & Mountain Mix are my favs) a lot! Their texture and flavors really appeal to me.
Random question: Do you make your bed in the morning?
Nope… Unless we have guests coming over.
How many magazines do you subscribe to?
I subscribe to Cooking Light, Clean Eating, Oxygen, OK! and O (the Oprah magazine).
Are you on Goodreads (goodreads.com)?
No, I never heard of it before this question, but the site seems awesome!
On average, how much do you spend on groceries per week?
My grocery bill is typically around $45 a week. Once a month or once every month and a half or so it’ll be significantly more when I run out of more expensive items like spices and cheese or pantry staples.
What kind of car do you drive? What was the first car you ever drove?
I’d rather not answer this question for safety purposes, but I drive an SUV and I LOOOOVE it. My first car was a teal 1994 Toyota Corolla that I loved with all of my heart. That car was the BEST! My sister got it after me and loved it as well.
What time do you usually wake up?
I wake up at 5:30 a.m. on most days. You may read about my morning routine here.
Do you think you’ll ever move away from Florida? If you could move anywhere for one year, where would it be?
I love Florida but I’m not so attached to the state that I would never move away. The thing that would really prevent me and Ryan from ever moving out of Florida is my family, his family and our jobs. That being said, if all things were perfect and our families would move with us, I could see us in North Carolina. We love all the parks, trails and mountains up there.
If I could move anywhere for a year, it would be to Hawaii. Please let me know if you would like to sponsor this endeavor. 😉
What brand of sneakers do you wear? I’m looking to get a new pair and your blog has motivated me to get out there!
I run in Mizuno Wave Riders. You may see my post about them here.
Where do you buy Carba Nada pasta?
I buy Carba Nada pasta online at Netrition.com. The site has $5 flat rate shipping, so I usually buy a bunch of things at once to make the shipping cost worth the expense.
WHOA CRAZY! i’ve never seed a purple pepper, but it looks AWESOME! is it sweeter than a red one?
it reminded me more of a green pepper in taste. very yummy!
beautiful lunch! Ive been eating a lot more “veggie plates” lately and they are so nice bc you can just snack and snack on them–all day long and you know you are doing good things for your body!
Here’s what I think about larabars: LOVE EM! or the taste at least. BUT I agree with you. Its like 3 bites for 200 calories and you are done and you just want to eat another. So that sucks–so, if you are a volume eater, they definitely ARENT for you.
exactly… and i’m definitely a volume eater, so they don’t work for me.
I want to find a purple pepper!! But that is really weird that the inside is white.
On another note – I couldn’t imagine y’all not making the bed. hahaha. Random, I know. The rule in our house – the last one out of the bed, makes the bed. So that means I usually get out of having to do that chore.
The purple pepper is so pretty!
That purple pepper is so crazy! I’ve never seen anything like it!
Hi Julie,
If you ever decide to move to North Carolina let me know – I live in Raleigh and would be happy to answer any questions. Love your blog!
that purple pepper looks awesome! I’ve never seen would but would love to try it one day. I accidentally left my lunch at home today and that sandwich is making me drool haha
I love the purple pepper! Thanks for sharing where you buy your pasta from! I’ve been curious since I’ve never seen it in stores before.
Mmm, that sandwich looks so good. I love avocado on sandwiches. Fun Q&A!
The purple pepper is so cool looking! Did you know there are purple green beans as well? The only bummer is that they lose their color when you cook them! I loved reading the Q&A answers. The peanut butter pretzel Clif bar is amazing!
Ohhh!! That purple pepper is cool. It looks like a big hunk of red onion sliced up. LOL
Loved reading all the Q&As!
I’ve never seen a pepper like that but it’s so pretty! I’d love to use that when I entertain. I bet it’d be so pretty in a salad.
I have never seen the purple pepper, that’s interesting. Nice find.
Um, I don’t really did Lara, I too am a Luna gal.
And you gave me the sweet Shape mag link for a subscription. So I get that and Women’s Health now:)
I live in Tampa, FL now but am from the mountains of NC … a little west of Asheville. It’s a beautiful area. Everytime I go back to visit my sisters and parents, I feel so lucky to have grown up there and to have lived there. So beautiful ….
I grew up in NC and went to UNC-A for college. I want to move back so bad! I am now living in St. Louis, MO. It is so beautiful and peaceful, and easy to live in Asheville.
Ooo the purple pepper would add so much color to so many meals. I need to seek one out.
People sure do ask some interesting questions 😉
I remember the first time I had a purple pepper, I thought it would be sweet, but they’re definitely not! Still refreshing though!
You’re so good about your Q&A!
mine reminded me a lot of a green pepper!
Thanks for sharing all the random tid-bits of information!! They are always fun to read!
I don’t like Larabars either – I actually wrote a frustrated post once after I ate one for breakfast even though I knew it wouldn’t fill me up! I also like Luna and Clif bars, though 🙂
That purple pepper is crazy!!! Love your Q&A
Julie…I just read your morning routine and must ask: what time do you usually go to sleep at night to wake up so early?! I’m in college and it’s so hard to go to sleep early with all the night owls 🙂
oh lord, i NEVER could’ve had that schedule in college (i lived in a sorority house that only functioned from 11 a.m. – 3 a.m. 🙂 we try to be in bed around 10 p.m. every night.
i’ve never seen a purple pepper before! i’m going to keep a lookout for them.
hmm…maybe i need to cut out those lean cuisines!
Great Q&A…as always.
i dont like Larabars either. but i luuuurrrve Lemon Zest Luna!!! they are the only bars i will buy!
I’m a sucker for oddly colored veggies. They usually taste delicious though, so it’s all good 🙂
That purple pepper is so cool looking! I’d love to try one; I must find one!
I like the taste of Larabars, but I agree they don’t leave me feeling satisfied whatsoever!
I love your blog! I came across it on skinny runner. Where did you get your watch?
Filling up on veggies is a great trick….I try to add them to my meals all the time.
I’ve never seen a purple pepper. I’ve had purple cauliflower, though. It didn’t taset any different from the regular cauliflower but I liked the color a lot better, lol.
I can’t believe how cheap groceries are down in the States. I pay twice that up here in Canada!
I agree with you on the Lara Bars, I’m not a fan of the taste and they don’t fill me up. I’d rather have a Luna Bar mmmmm
I absolutely hate lara bars. I don’t know what it is about them but they taste nasty to me.
i don’t like larabars either. never have and don’t think i ever will. i need to convince my mom that so she’ll stop buying them because they’re “healthy bars”. haha.
and LOVE mixuno wave riders! i still have an older version and need to upgrade asap!
Great post!
Eh, I don’t care for Larabars either; I keep trying to eat them every now and then in different flavors thinking maybe I’m just not trying the right one (since so many seem to rave about them!)…but I just really think they’re kinda gross. So, you’re not the only one. 😉
$45 a week??? That’s amazing!! How do you do it? I can’t get under $100 a week and I don’t even buy that much!
I am totally with you on the larabars!!! So glad I’m not the only one lol. I feel like they’re kinda bland. They’re good, but not thaat great. Luna and cliff are for sure better.
I don’t do bed in the morning and I don’t like larabars either!!! hahahha….
How do you do 45$ a week? Groceries are my weakness! Do you buy organic?
Your bagel-wich looks delish! How do you keep left over avocado from turning brown and icky?
Hey Julie! I love your blog! I just started blogging a week or so ago, and am really inspired by you! This is a techie question: how do you get the cute smileys? Have a great day!
i just make them like you would in an email with a colon and a parenthesis & they just show up! 🙂
While we are in the area of Peanut Butter Fingers » The Purple Pepper (+ Q&A!), The main medicinal property of Cayenne comes from a chemical called capsaicin. This is the main ingredient that gives Cayenne Peppers their heat. Other than adding heat to the capsaicin in Cayenne Peppers also help in reducing platelet sickness as well as relieving pain.