Happy Things I’m Loving Friday!!!
I hope your day is off to a great start, but if it’s not there’s always the weekend to look forward to and that’s something to smile about, right? Hopefully some fun and relaxing plans are on your agenda!
My weekend is sure to be a good one because one of my best friends from college is coming to visit. Ashley arrives tomorrow and we’re planning to fill her time in Charlotte with hiking, brunch, dinner Uptown, a game night and plenty of quality downtime. I am so happy to have her visiting again!
But first I must make it through today. I am teaching two classes at the gym this morning: Barbell strength + PiYo! Thankfully I have a short break between them, but I usually use that time to grab a snack and brush up on my PiYo choreography. I wish I was someone who could learn a PiYo routine once and never have to look back, but I find myself going over the choreography before every class to help continually grow my confidence as I teach a class that’s definitely out of my usual comfort zone. I’m enjoying the challenge!
Well, after that lovely little tangent, I think it’s time to dive into your usual Things I’m Loving Friday post when we all chat about what we’re loving most each week. Please feel free to chime in and participate in the comments section below. I always love hearing from you!
Things I’m Loving Friday
- Publix Subs
Even though I don’t usually share Things I’m Loving Friday items in any particular order, I think it’s safe to say Publix subs would claim the top spot this week if I did. Is that pathetic? Maybe. But my goodness they are delicious! I am so, so happy Publix opened close to our house within months of our move to North Carolina so I didn’t have to go too long without it! I know it may seem silly to be so in love with a grocery store, but there’s just something about Publix that makes me feel at home. I think their delicious subs have something to do with it. The best!
As someone who all but lives in sports bras, you think I’d be itching to get out of them all the time, but for some reason that’s not the case. Though I do still wear real bras from time to time, lately I’ve been gravitating toward the stretchier bralette and LOVE the flirty, feminine look of Free People bralettes. I ordered my first one from HauteLook a while ago (this one in mustard yellow) and after wearing it to death, I began shopping around for a couple more to add to my collection.
I think bralettes are great for casual loungewear when you don’t want to wear something as restrictive as a sports bra, but aren’t afraid to have a cute, lacy bralette peek out underneath a slouchy tank, sweater or sweatshirt. I recently ordered this one (in black) and this one (in taupe – thanks to a Christmas gift card) and can’t wait for them to arrive in the mail. And just FYI, if you like this style but aren’t so sure about it and don’t want to spend a bunch of money on it, these blue and teal bralettes from DailyLook are only $7!
- G.H. Cretors Simply Salted Organic Popcorn
In the past I’ve blogged about my love for G.H. Cretor’s Chicago Mix popcorn (the cheddar + caramel combination is sweet + salty heaven), but when I’m in the mood for something on the lighter side, I adore their simply salted popcorn. It sounds like it would be super bland and boring, but for a bag of popcorn with only three ingredients (popcorn, sunflower oil and salt), it’s surprisingly flavorful and delicious!
- Matisyahu – One Day
If you’re on the lookout for a beautiful and wonderfully relaxing cool down song, I highly recommend “One Day” by Matisyahu. It’s not a new song or anything, but it is a fabulous one I’ve loved for years that I recently added to some of my group exercise class playlists to use during the stretch portion of class.
- Forelle Pears
Have you guys seen these teeny little pears? I found them at Publix earlier this week and thought they were too cute not to buy. They’re quite tasty and even though I have to eat three in one sitting to equal one real pear, I kind of love them. They are crisp, sweet and also rather pretty!
File this one under something I am trying to love, more so than something I’m actually loving, but I really am trying to get better about sharing blog stuff on my Google Plus page and would love to connect with you guys there, too! And yes, I definitely did make a ridiculously large picture of Sadie the backdrop of my page. I mean, what did you expect!?
- Celestial Seasonings Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Cassie G.! Cassie was emailed first thing this morning. Thanks to all who entered!!
Question of the Day
- What is one thing you are loving this week?
I am loving my little man this week. He’s home sick with me today while I work, but he’s been such a sweetie. 🙂 Thanks for the heads up on Matisyahu. I didn’t know he had out any new stuff (I’m assuming it’s new… I have no idea.)
it’s from 2009, I think 🙂
Those bralettes look awesome, and that sub has my mouth watering!! I wish I had a Publix close to me 🙁
I need to click on your bralette links! I am always looking for comfy ones! You and Ryan should make popcorn at home, it’s super easy. We make it with coconut oil or bacon fat in a big pot on the stove, then you can top it with whatever you like!
My husband and I moved away from Georgia over the summer and I was upset that there wasn’t a Publix near our new home. Then, one opened near work. The girls I work with thought I was crazy for being so excited about a grocery store until I made them try the subs! Now they’re hooked too! LOVE Publix!!
just got a sub again for lunch today!! 🙂
One Day has been one of my all time favorite songs for years. That and Amazing Grace by Il Divo (loud and beautiful) are my go to when I’m feeling the need for some Zen from stress.
Love LOVE the bralettes and I’m so ordering them. thanks so much. ~T
One of the few downfalls of living in the beautiful Bay Area is the void of Publix supermarkets. And bralettes? I love to sleep in those! 🙂 This week I’m loving the fact that I got a new car. After being a walker in the city for sooo long, it’s nice to be back behind the wheel cruisin’!
I just went to the Sam Hunt concert last night and I’m LOOOOVVVVING HIM! I already did, but after last night…SO much more. Are you a country music fan at all?
yes! love country!
I nearly forgot about that song by Matisyahu so thanks for reminding me- I LOVE it! & I’m also trying to love Google+…it’s a tough one to crack!
Do you find that these bras also provide ‘visual support’ hahah! I always want to wear sports bras to work, but they make me look so flat chested and my clothes look weird. I hate regular bras and I wish I was part of the ‘burn your bra’ generation lol!
they definitely don’t add any “oomph” or support but I don’t find them nearly as flattening as sports bras!
I love that popcorn! I’m a sucker for plain or just-salt snacks. This week I am loving that my mom is in town! She lives in DC and I live in Oregon, so getting to see her is always a treat 🙂
Google Plus is such a love/hate relationship. We always encourage our clients to get on it, but we hate it ourselves! I don’t ever share blog stuff on my personal G+ page, but instead made a “page” for my blog, using the pages/businesses feature. That way I keep everything separated, and none of my friends or professional connections on G+ have to see what I’m posting all the time, haha, which is also partly because I am still embarrassed sometimes!
bah, I can’t get into google plus either! Hmmm one thing I’m loving today is soup! It’s so cold out so soup for lunch was amazinggg 🙂
Things I’m loving hint waters, I just got another shipment I now have an official problem. I am not loving google + I’ve been there I’ve tried and like the rest of world I’m skipping it. It’s so cumbersome the tags are all squirly. I get it for google business pages using it for SEO but jesh want to yell into a canyon? Start with Google + you can hear the echos in there.
Those free people delicates are super cute! What I’m loving lately is the Ingredient1 app to discover new healthy foods!
Hi Julie! Do those bralettes have padding at all? Or a liner? I don’t necessarily need a push up, but just can’t wear the bras that are sheer with no inserts.
Thank you!
I moved from Atlanta years ago and haven’t lived in a city with a Publix since. Your post just reminded me of those subs. Man I miss them!!! So, so good!
Publix is the best! I moved away from Florida last year and it’s probably what I miss most! After my friends of course…
I am loving San Diego. I went for a REALLY short tripbut I had a great time. 🙂
I’m intrigued by the bralettes you posted! As someone who also basically lives in my sports bras, I definitely understand sometimes wanting a cuter, flirtier look without the restriction of a real bra. I’ve always been skeptical of the support (or lack thereof) in a bralette, but maybe I’ll give them a try!
This week I’m loving acing a veterinary exam that I wasn’t sure I’d do well on. Definitely feeling the good vibes heading into the weekend :).
congrats on your exam!!!! that’s amazing! i have a girlfriend in vet school and cannot imagine how hard the exams must be. you should be very proud!
I am loving homemade cashew milk that I rediscovered this week and my second Huff Post article being published (ok that’s two). Have a great weekend!
If there’s one thing I am loving this week (or lately on general), it would have to be banana and pear smoothies. I initially used it as a hold over until we could get to the grocery store for some more fruit, but I have fallen in love with it and had it 4 times a week for the past two weeks or so. I think I’m obsessed, haha.
I too really love that song! And, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed those pears before; I’ll have to check them out. Great post as usual! 🙂
thanks amanda!! <3
I’ve been loving festive cupcakes lately. Not really the most healthy thing to like, but it is what it is.
I went to target specifically because of the tea you featured in your giveaway and they didn’t have it!! I checked the valentines day aisles and also the tea aisle and I couldn’t find it! 🙁 I’m hoping they pop up online
oh no!! i’ll email celestial seasonings today to see what’s up!
I can see why that sub tops your list, it looks amazing!
That Chicago popcorn is my favorite- we always buy the jumbo bags at Costco. I should be embarassed how fast we go through a bag.
I love Matisyahu! I need to learn to utilize Google Plus.
Thos bralettes look amazing! I am all about comfort as soon as I get home from uni/work! One of my favourite things this week has been my Pure Purple perfume, it’s made a comeback in my life and smells so good! 🙂
I am a long time reader of the blog & up until today have always been too cautious to comment. The adventures of Julie, Ryan, & of course, Sadie bring me so much humor & inspiration. Today I saw a documentary called “Food Chains”. It is about the enormous power wielded by the grocery store giants in this country & the fair labor practices (or lack thereof) implemented by these businesses on the people who harvest their produce. Although certainly not the only chain involved in questionable practices, Publix was featured prominently in this documentary. When the name Publix was first mentioned, my mind went immediately to Peanut Butter Fingers because I had only heard of them through this wonderful blog. By the time “Food Chains” was over I kind of wanted to comment about it here. However, when I got to this page & saw the great “Things I’m Loving” Friday post & saw Publix featured in the form of a sandwich (does look tasty btw), I KNEW I had to leave a comment. I know Julie is a kind, intelligent, free-thinking woman & I also know the PBF readers are awesome & compassionate. So, all I am trying to make clear in my long comment is this: Please Julie & fellow PBF readers, check out the documentary “Food Chains”!
thank you very much for taking the time to share a little bit about this documentary — -did you watch it on netflix? definitely interested in checking it out! and thanks so much for taking the time to comment and email me, andrea! i really appreciate your readership and kind words about my blog <3 <3
Thanks so much for replying Julie! I actually rented this documentary from a local dvd rental store (they still exist around here 🙂 ). I looked it up on Netflix, & to my disappointment it wasn’t listed, perhaps because its still too new. I just now went on youtube to look for it. I typed in Food Chains & the full movie came up under a company called Popcornflix Too. Happy to know you’re interested! Your blog rocks 🙂
I happened upon the tiny pears over the weekend & thought of you. So cute!