What a day! You know those days when you have 5,000 hours of work that you somehow need to cram into one working day?
Fortunately I got a lot accomplished this morning, but I have some techy stuff I need to finish up on the blog this afternoon that will likely be time consuming but exciting at the same time. I’m crossing my fingers for a smooth transition!
I took a break around noon for lunch at Greens & Grill. I met up with one of my former bosses, Mark, to catch up and chat.
I worked as an intern for Mark for about a year during my senior year in college. I applied for the internship when one of my favorite professors at UCF told me that her husband’s company was looking for an intern.
When I got the job, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed my experience since I was mostly writing about power companies! It was a great experience and working under Mark was a great fit for me. He is the kind of boss you respect both personally and professionally. Plus, I thought the company was awesome. When I worked there, they had every employee take the Myers-Briggs personality test so everyone had a head’s up about their coworker’s personalities. It was really neat because the results were then posted outside your office and you knew before approaching a colleague how to better communicate with them.
Mark and I ended up chatting for nearly two hours. I hadn’t seen him a couple of years so we had a lot of conversation to cram into a quick lunchtime meet up!
Greens & Grille makes some awesome salads! The highlights of my salad included tart apple slices, edamame and sautéed onions.
What better way to wash down a salad than with a cup of fro yo?
On my way home from lunch, I swung by a frozen yogurt shop and enjoyed a cup of peanut butter and Nutella frozen yogurt, topped with brownie chunks, whipped cream and Butterfinger pieces.
(Don’t you miss my in-the-car-on-the-way-to-work photos? )
A winning combination!
Now it’s time for the big announcement… which you probably skipped ahead to anyway.
For those of you who are actually reading these words, HI! I LOVE YOU THE MOST!
Also, the Fashion page was updated so have a field day and check it out if you’d like!
The Big Announcement
No, I’m not pregnant.
No, Sadie isn’t getting a boyfriend, brother or sister.
No, we’re not moving out of Florida.
But we are moving out of Orlando.
Ryan and I will be moving to Ocala, a small town located about an hour north of Orlando.
A couple of weeks ago Ryan interviewed for a new job. Remember that one Tuesday when I blogged from Starbucks and Ryan and I went on a random mid-week date?
Well I kind of blog-lied.
I didn’t “just feel like getting out of the house” to work that day. I accompanied Ryan to Ocala where he had a long interview scheduled for a new position with a prominent company in the area. While I worked and blogged from Starbucks, he interviewed and then I picked him up and we ate dinner in Ocala before heading home.
And remember last weekend when we were searching for houses to rent all day long? It took so long because we had to drive the hour to Ocala and then we drove all around the town, trying to figure out which areas would be best for us to live.
And that fancy-schmancy dinner last weekend? That was a celebration dinner for Ryan! He officially accepted his new job last Friday and on Saturday I planned a surprise date for us to celebrate this exciting step in his career.
The Decision
Ryan’s decision to accept the position in Ocala was one we made together and one we made very carefully after many nights of long discussions about where we see ourselves in the future and Ryan’s career goals. We said over and over again how lucky we feel that my job can be done from anywhere, making the decision to move a bit easier since I won’t be out of work.
While the position itself seems like a good one and is one that aligns with the future goals of our family and Ryan’s career, we are obviously a bit nervous about moving to Ocala. Those of you who live in Florida likely understand our feelings, but for those of you who have never heard of Ocala, this little tidbit of information should help paint a picture about the new town we’ll be living in for you: More Kentucky Derby horses come out of Ocala than anywhere else in United States.
Let’s just say you would’ve thought Ryan and I saw Santa Claus when we drove past a Target last weekend!
Though we’ve obviously heard a lot about the stereotypes of Ocala, as we explored the area, it definitely had more to offer than we expected. A mall, Best Buy, Joann’s, Ulta (!!!), Starbucks, Bonefish Grill, TJMaxx and many other stores we’ve become accustomed to in Orlando also have locations in Ocala. Ocala is also home to some amazing hiking trails, parks and camp grounds, which excites us a lot! Plus, it’s only an hour from our friends in Orlando and about two hours or so from our families in St. Pete and Sarasota.
I am so, so, so pumped about finding a nicer place to live. I become elated at the thought of living in a mouse-free apartment!
It seems like you can get more for your money in terms of housing in Ocala, so Ryan and I are hopeful that we’ll find a nice house to rent with a beautiful kitchen (my dream!), an office for me (our kitchen table isn’t cutting it), a fenced-in backyard for Sadie and possibly a pool. We finally heard back from the landlord of the dream house we found online last week and have plans to go see it on Monday. Yay!
Ryan will officially begin his new job on July 25, so we’re in quite a time crunch to pack up, find a place and move. Since we’ll be in Chicago all weekend for a wedding, the pressure will be on when we return!
I really am looking forward to this next chapter in our lives. I think we’re ready for something new.
I’m also really grateful that we’ll still be close to Orlando because we have great connections with friends, colleagues and other bloggers in the area, and it’s only an hour drive to see everyone.
Also, if any of you live in Ocala, please speak up because I’m going to do my best to coerce you into being my friend. This will be us:
Deep in
love like. Great, now you already think I’m totally creepy. Seriously though, I need a friend… that’s a human and not a horse.
Omg Julie that is so awesome for you guys! Congrats to Ryan :). My grandpa actually lives in Ocala! It’s fun to visit there. They live on a small runway and everyone flies their own small planes. I will have to come visit and then I could meet you! My bf will be in Boca Raton starting in August so perhaps I will have to make some side trips when I visit him so I can see my grandpa and maybe you!
How exciting! Major congrats! 🙂
Congrats on the changes!!! I hope you and Ryan have a smooth transition. I know once my husband comes home there will be a lot of changes with our living situation.
Here’s to being Mickey free! 🙂
Congrats! A new adventure is always exciting… Although I selfishly wished that you weren’t moving since I always check out the restaurants that you recommend. My husband and I are new to Orlando and I found your blog very informative about fun places to go in the area! 🙂 I am sure you’ll discover all the fun and yummy places in Ocala in no time!
Wow, how exciting! Congrats to Ryan with the new job and good luck with house hunting; I’m sure you’ll find something perfect!
Congratulations to you both! This sounds like a really fantastic opportunity for Ryan. I hope all goes super duper well with the landlord on Monday. Yay for new chapters in life!!!
totally irrelevant, but did you notice that the pb on the spoon (to the right of the page) has an image of a mouse with a tail? maybe i’m seeing things haha but it’s a coincidence!
!!!!! Congratulations!!!
Congrats on your new move!! Lucky you with all the stores you have, when I had to make my big move last summer I came to a small town consisting of one major grocery store and a Scooter’s coffee house…although I am only 30 minutes away from the city so it is not all that bad.
That sounds amazing Julie!! Good for you! Good luck with everything and yay Chicago!
Congrats!! This is so awesome… reading the whole post is a MUST on PBF!
I’m in Mt. Dora but we’ve been planning to do a lot of the hiking trails in the Ocala National Forest. It’s not very far at all!
mt. dora is gorgeous!
I read the whole thing, hee hee! Congratulations!! I moved from Vancouver (millions) to Lethbridge (90 thousand) and couldn’t be happier. I love the small town feel– great to raise a family and no traffic, lol! I first thought– oh no, what about the nearby lake and gym but I read your comment responses and it seems like it has walking trails. Can’t wait to hear more!!! Xx
Yay congratulations! Small towns are always a good change of pace. I grew up in one, went off to school, anddddd I’m back 🙂 I’m a small town girl what can I say! Hey, you’ll save money on gas AND there’s no doubt that you’ll make friends because EVERYONE knows EVERYONE in a small town!
Congrats! Everything always seems to work out for you guys and I’m sure you’ll have no trouble making friends. 🙂 You always have support here and I doubt anyone skips any part of your posts! Always fun! I know I don’t! Good luck in your new journey….and packing! Ugh. Those movers sound like a great idea!
Congrats on Ryans new job & the move! I for sure thought you were pregnant. I even went back to the fashion page to check the recent pics for a baby bump : ) Congrats on everything again, I’m sure you’ll love your new town!
congrats! how exciting!
Congrats!! I can understand your nervousness about moving from a big city to a small town, but trust me, you can do it! I live in a town of about 6,500 people and love it.
Even though we’re at least an hour from a mall or department store, one major bonus is that traffic is seriously non-existent. And when you need to get your big city fix you can make a day of it and hit up all your favorite stores, stock up on supplies, and eat out at your favorite restaurants.
I’m sure it’ll take some adjusting, but I know you’ll make it work 🙂
I would love to move to a small town only if there is a Starbucks and at least one fast food place I like. Otherwise I may not make it. LOL
The hubs and I are stuck, sorta. We both agreed that we’d rather be in a small home near family then in a big place away from family. But I do dream of that big place with a yard for my three doxies.
Congrats to Ryan on the new job. Best of luck on the move. You appear to be a ‘roll with the punches’ kinda family. I’m sure you three will do awesome no matter where you go.
thanks danielle! we are determined to make the best of it.. and there’s a starbucks. 🙂
That is so exciting!! Congrats to you guys!
congrats on the move! we drive through there going to disney 2-3 times a year. 🙂 sounds like a great opportunity for Ryan, I hear ya about being fortunate to work from anywhere, we were very blessed in that as well when we moved in march. good luck finding a house!
Congratulations to both of you! Ocala is absolutely beautiful! My parents live in Trinity FL which is just over an hour south of Ocala and I try to visit at least a few times a year. Good luck in the move!
Congrats on moving! I can (sort of) relate. I may be a teenager so I don’t know all of the ins and outs of moving/selling and buying houses but we are moving in 30 days also into our newly renovated house after living in a teeny tiny apartment for 1 year. Thank goodness, it’ll be so nice to move out! Good luck with everything, I’m sure you’ll find a great place! 😀
Such an exciting post – first I was pumped about the NUTELLA frozen yoghurt – how have I not seen this/eaten my bodyweight in it? Then the even more exciting news about your move and Ryan’s job! Congrats, enjoy 🙂
Congrats Julie! My boyfriend’s parents have a house in the Villages, not far from Ocala!
I totally know what you mean about Ocala! But there are tons of fun outdoor-sy things to do which will be great! And you get a lot of bang for your buck there too 😉
Change is always a good thing and I’m sure things will work out just fine!
Congratulations to you both!!! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you guys with the big move and the new job!
how exciting for you guys! i am in a transitional new job/new home period in my life right now, too, and it is both nerve wracking and exciting! good luck on getting your dream house! 🙂
What fantastic news!!! I am so happy for y’all!
Ha ha, I now understand why you weren’t Iinterested in Longwood. Congrats and good luck in Ocals. I’ll miss seeing your Orlando related posts!
Funny story about Ocala…
My family friend/third grandpa has lived there forever and we always loved going to visit and go sailing stuff. Since he’s a big boat guy, his wife threw his 70th birthday at the Ocala “Yatch Club”. So hearing the venue of the party, I got dressed up…like cocktail dress, heals, the whole bit. Come to find out, after driving down the dirt road, parking in gravel, and stumbling my way through the grass and sticks in heals, the “Yatch Club” is basically a barn, and everyone was wearing jeans and boots. Ya…fun party though!
I’m pretty sure there was a My Super Sweet Sixteen in Ocala…the night club owner’s daughter.
Congrats on all the fun news! Oh and you’re wedding has been all the rage on pinterest!!
John Travolta owns a place in Ocala!!! Just think of all the Grease duets you can have together if you become his next door neighbor!
That’s awesome that everything is coming together for you and Ryan! I’m about to experience my first big move from Orange County in California to Fort Walton Beach, a small beach and military town in Florida. It’s funny that you mentioned that they have all the stores you like. 🙂 I made sure my area had a TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Sephora etc lol But no Nordstrom Rack :/ Favorite stores are very important! Good luck to you guys and I look forward to reading all about your new city when you move there! Always looking for new road trips in FL!
That’s great news! Congrats! 🙂
Yeah! that’s so exiting!!! I’m happy for you both and I’m sure you’ll love the place. Living in a small town can have a lot of advantages, not too much noise, people, crowd, more space, you can meet new people, that’ll be fun! And maybe you can have a bigger apartment, or will it be a house? Anyway, congrats to Ryan for his new job, that’s great news.
Wow, congratulations! What exciting news! I think one of the most amazing parts about it is how impeccable God’s timing is…..the fact that you are now able to work from any location allowed Ryan to pursue a job opportunity that doesn’t also involve you having to find a new job, which I’m sure was a huge relief (especially in a small town)! And it’s also even more affirmation that you becoming a full time blogger is all part of God’s plan and you made the right choice. 🙂 Looking forward to hearing about your new journey!!!
I’ve been lurking for a while, pretty much reading every day. Now…congratulations!! Way to go Ryan! I’m sure y’all will find the perfect home (including the perfect kitchen!) for your family. You’ll have a good time this weekend and be ready to go at it next week.
Thank you for what you’re doing, I appreciate your down to earth posts. You make it seem easy – I make smoothie bowls now. 😉
I’m not even a dog person and I think Sadie is ADORABLE.
Julieeeeee! I’m so extremely happy for you and Ryan! I’m not gonna lie though- me and Orlando are seriously going to miss you like crazy!
We NEED to get together before you leave! 😀 WOO HOO OCALA! (that was not sarcastic, btw hehe) I don’t have any doubts that you will find new friends supah fast! You’re just too awesome not too!
Congrats!! This is so exciting!
Your blog is the first and last thing I read everyday! Congrats on the job and the move to come! My boyfriend and I are doing the same thing with looking for a house/apartment. SO much to look at! I’m actually a little over an hour away from you in Orange City, only about 30 min from Orlando though. Good Luck with the home search, move and trip to chicago! I’m very excited to see what you end up doing with your hair for the wedding, being a hair stylist I get excited about that sort of stuff 🙂 Congrats again!!
Are you quoting Will Hoge in your title? Because if so, I would love you even more!!! So pumped for you & Ryan on his good news!!
I live about 15 minutes South of Ocala! I come up to go shopping there all the time and I do all of Ocala Road Runners races! You are going to love it here!
OMG YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! Ocala is SO gorgeous–one of my favorite places on earth with all those live oaks! AHHH, and there’s BEAUTIFUL horses EVERYWHERE! Whenever we drive through to see my aunt down in Naples, I always make sure we stop overnight just so I can get my yearly dose of that wonderful place… I would give anything to be you and move to the horse capital of the world!! YOU ARE SO LUCKYYYYYY!!!
That is awesome news! What a great new adventure for you guys. Ocala is so up and coming right now but still a sleepy little town. Good luck with your move. Congratulations to Ryan!
I moved to a new city a couple years ago so my husband could go back to school. I know the feeling of not having friends near by… I made do by joining a couple of groups related to things I like (running and reading) but I am sure you will find a bunch… In no time you will have tone of new friends…. good luck with the move
OMG I live in Ocala!!! I hate to say it but it is boorrrinnnngggg for younger folks! I hope you like it more than I do.
Wow!! Congrats to Ryan on the new job and you both on the move!! What a fun and exciting new adventure! I wish I lived in Ocala so we could be best buds and I could work for you in your blogging office and make smoothies all day….ahhh a girl can only dream 🙂
Can’t wait to follow you both along in this journey, good luck!
So, i may be a few days late to read this… but i am a detailed oriented kind-of-gal and not only did I backtrack to get to this post, but I even read the whole thing! And squeeee I can’t express how excited I am for y’all and this new chapter in your lives!!!
I love that you aren’t letting anything hold you guys back… i bet you’re going to love the small-town feel! I’ve driven thru Ocala many-a-time on my way from NC to my mom’s house in South FL. So if you haven’t made any friends come December time, I could make a pitstop and be your friend for a few hours and Sadie and Happy could play!
So excited for you guys, Julie!