Me and My Faithful Steed
Today we’re celebrating Halloween at work so I am currently surrounded by Waldo, a sea captain, a golf player and a zombie. I threw my costume together this morning using stuff I had around the house, namely a shirt I’ve had since high school. You never know when the good ol’ Abercrombie button-up will warrant a wear.
Breakfast today was mmm, mmm good!
My friend Minda gave me a big ol’ box of Brothers-All-Natural fruit crisps after she bought them and wasn’t a big fan (Thanks Minnie Minn!), so I got to try a new flavor.
Strawberry Banana Crisps
I loved these! The freeze-dried banana was soooo flavorful and tasty. At only 45 calories a pack and one ingredient (freeze dried fruit!), you can’t go wrong.
I used these to beef up my Greek yogurt. I also added a bag of Kay’s Naturals honey almond protein cereal to the mix.
Honey Almond Protein Cereal
This cereal is SOOOOO good. It was my first time trying it and wow-zaaa. It was flavorful, light and oh-so-tasty.
Overflowin' Yogurt
Can you tell I love cramming as many extra toppings into my Greek yogurt as possible?
Thick and Crunch-ay!
I’m excited to check out some other costumes around the office today! I love Halloween!
What was your best Halloween costume?
I think my best costume was in sixth grade. I dressed up as the Energizer Bunny in a bright pink sweatsuit with bunny ears, sunglasses and a drum my mom made featuring the Energizer logo.
(Picture from EnergizerCanada.ca)
That night I was a trick-or-treating mad woman. I just kept going and going and going… 😉
My best costume was with my best friend when I was 10. We were a pair of dice. HUGE boxes with arm and head holes. We wore black hats and black and white clothes underneath.
I love freeze dried fruit!
I dressed up as The Little Mermaid and my mom made this sprakly, fantastic mermaid bottom with shells for the bra. It was amazing!!!!!!!!!
YAY! Glad they didn’t go to waste! Have a wonderful wedding filled weekend-XOXO
I love yogurt mixes. I’ve never seen that cereal before, but it looks good – and protein is good for being filling of course.
My best costume was when I was in highschool, me and my boy were archaeologists. We had paper scrolls, leather whip, gun, and all the other accessories. Really like Indiana Jones 😀
I hope you have a great time 🙂
My favorite costume was a rabbit in a hat – when I was like 8.
I’m being a cowgirl this year too – quick and simple!
My best costume was Mary Katherine Gallagher a.k.a. Superstar from SNL! I had so much fun with that.
The next year my husband and I dressed as goths. It was so much fun and I think we pulled it off well b/c people would walk by us and say “I don’t get goths. Why wear ripped clothes”?
what a cute costume! so random all the costumes that are surrouding you at work hahaha
my best costume…I was a bag of M&M’s…I blew up ballons, threw them in a clear plastic bag and wore it. I made a sign on the outside of the bag…it was great 🙂
My best costume was a lobster in the 2nd grade 🙂
My favorite costume was the year I dressed my daughter as Pipi Longstocking!!! she was adorable. And your “faitful steed” is quiet handsome!! What a cute picture!!