When I saw Chocolate Covered Katie post a recipe for baked pumpkin oatmeal for one, I immediately jotted down the recipe and tucked it away.
As with most recipes I randomly write down or rip out of magazines, I totally forgot about it until I was sorting through a small stack of papers last night.
There it was! And my breakfast for this morning was born.
I followed Katie’s recipe exactly and prepared my baked oatmeal last night in a mini loaf pan.
I let it cool overnight in the fridge and this morning I served my individual portion along with a sliced nectarine, dusted with nutmeg.
I loved every last bite of this breakfast. The baked oatmeal tasted fantastic nice and cold, though I’m sure it would be amazing hot as well. The texture was dense and the flavor reminded me of oatmeal pumpkin spice cookies.
I cannot wait to make this recipe again! I have a bunch of different ideas for add-ins including coconut, protein powder, nuts and berries… and butterscotch chips once Lent is over.
I inhaled this breakfast while Sadie chewed on a ginormous stick.
I think she got the short end of the stick on that one, eh? 😉
Breakfast was enjoyed after a good workout! Today’s gym session included 10 minutes of incline walking with Ryan followed by BodyPump (killer lunge track!) and 15 minutes on the elliptical.
So Long, Sweets: The Action Plan
As you know, last night I said I am giving up sweets for Lent. I want to make sure to clarify this a bit to avoid any confusion!
My definition of “sweets” is anything I consider to be a “dessert-type food.”
For example:
- Cake = Sweets
- Brownies = Sweets
- Ice cream = Sweets
- Chocolate and Candy = Sweets
- Yogurt = Not Sweets
- Granola Bar = Not Sweets
See? I am not giving up sugar, only foods I consider sweets… or “desserts.” Hopefully that answers any lingering questions. I’m not going sugar free for lent… only dessert free! 😀
So how do I plan to succeed?
- I will not be buying any sweets. None. I cannot have them in my house. Fortunately, I’ve been planning to so this for a while, so the only sweets we have in our apartment at the moment are a couple of pieces of dark chocolate and fudgesicles. I’ve already placed the dark chocolate in the back of the freezer because I’m very much an “out of sight, out of mind” girl. Luckily Ryan is 100 percent supporting me in this endeavor and has agreed to make our apartment a sweets-free zone. Thank goodness.
- I plan to really focus on eating regularly… especially on the weekends. Though I already eat five to six mini-meals a day, on the weekends I may let this slip because we’re running around a lot and that’s always when I find myself craving sweets. A missed snack will often lead to me eating 5+ cookies. Fo’ real! I’m going to make a serious effort to keep my blood sugar levels more stable by eating very regularly to hopefully ward off any hankerings I may have for sweet treats.
- I will not go within one mile of a frozen yogurt place. Seriously. No fro yo will be my biggest challenge and I plan to stay as far away from frozen yogurt joints as possible.
Honestly, I think I can handle it. Boo-ya! (Please remind me that I said this when I want to sprinkle sugar on my arm and eat it.)
The only event I see in my future that will really tempt me is a wedding that Ryan and I will be attending at the end of the month. I love wedding cake, so that will be a tough one to resist!
Before signing off, I want to let you all know how much I enjoyed reading about your personal goals during Lent. From personal sacrifice to self improvement, I think your goals are amazing and I wish you all the very best of luck! We got this! 😀
Having a plan of attack always = success! You got it, lady! 🙂 Plus, who needs sweets with breakfasts like that?! 😉
yep! Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! soo true <– from experience.
Oh my GOSH! Julie, this post just made my WEEK.
Your photos are so incredible, and now I want to try your genius idea to make a mini baked-oatmeal loaf. How cute is that???
Almost as cute as Sadie :). Almost.
Anyways, thank you so so much, sweetie, for SUCH a sweet post. I especially love the second photo. I think you mentioned once you were taking a photography class? (I might be thinking of someone else, but I thought it was you.) It shows; your photos are beautiful.
Your blog is always such a joy to read.
*Ends longest comment ever*
That oatmeal bake looks amazing! P.S. I should be giving up sugar too…especially soy chai lattes… 🙂
oh gotcha!! sounds like a good plan!! and if you wnt a fro-yo fix.. then just freeze one of your greek yogurts then blend it and you have froyo soft serve that isnt considered ‘sweet’ at all!
The baked oatmeal looks so good! I’m giving up candy + d.coke…good luck with your Lenten goals!
I wish you luck in your no sweets mission!
I don’t know how you’re going to go without frozen yogurt, but I look forward to reading about the journey 😉
Love that your breakfast looks kind of like a flower…spring time is here in FL 🙂
And, I’m with you on the no frozen yogurt! I got yo’ back 😉
I will definitely be trying that baked oatmeal–I’m pretty sure I have a stray can of pumpkin left 🙂
I’m giving up sugar for Lent so these next 40 days should be interesting :). I think for my ice cream fix I’m going to be relying a lot on banana soft serve lol. Good luck!!
Your breakfast looks delicious. Yum!
This is awesome! I have a big sweet tooth too, but since I quit diet soda (a whole WEEK ago ;)) I have definitely noticed a decline in my need for some real sugar! Good luck!
I gave up coffee/caffeine for Lent (going to be very hard for me!!), but you have inspired me to give up sweets as well. I have a huge sweet tooth and sometimes it gets out of control as well. Good luck!
I probably shouldn’t mention this but did you know that you can get 1 cheat day on the weekend during Lent when you can “indulge” in whatever you gave up? At least this was the rumor when I went to Catholic school back in the day!
That baked oatmeal bar looks AMAZING! I think it is time I get creative with my oats 😉
It sounds like you have a solid no-sweets plan. Be strong!!!
Your breakfast looks awesome! And you can definitely do this, I’ve done it before and it’s not that bad! Good luck at that wedding. I’m actually SO fun that I’m giving up sweets two days before my bahcelorette party! Ha! Oh, and my birthday will be encompassed in this. Luckily, it will be over by the time my wedding comes so I can enjoy my own wedding cake 🙂
I already have a sugar withdrawal headache! Did you eat “one last sweet” last night? I had some Cupcake Pebbles Treats (Rice Krispie Treats using Cupcake Pebbles instead of the RK) that I made my fiance to take to his bachelor party. It was a great way to kiss sweets goodbye…they’re so good!
you know i did! i had 5,000 peanut butter bars! 🙂
Would “quick cook” oats work for this recipe?
i’m sure they would, but it might not be as thick/dense.
Yum! That baked oatmeal looks so good. I actually saved Katie’s recipe for that too and have been wanting to try it out!
GOOD LUCK on the no sweets thing! I’m not religious so Lent is not significant to me but I’ve been inspired by others who are giving up sweets during this time, so I’m going to do it too! I have been wanting to do a cleanse and cut sugar out of my diet for a while so I figured, why not do it now? I think it’s going to be a rocky ride! But it will be worth it 🙂
I seriously need to do this baked oatmeal thing! Your breakfast looks fantastic! Good luck on your no-sweets plan. Over time, I’ve definitely reduced my sweet cravings, and now I crave savoury snacks far more. You can do it!
That baked oatmeal bar looks amazing! Good luck on your no-sweets thing! 🙂
My boyfriend and I are also giving up all sweets for Lent! I did it about 3 years ago and at first it’s tough, but you gradually get used to it and stop craving sweets altogether. Best of luck and I look forward to seeing any dessert alternatives you post about!
After commenting last night, I thought about it and realized I probably could give up sweets too …. I think I was thinking of what I also consider sweets like PB or a protien bar/granola bar, or a smoothie (homemade), or a latte. That would be hard!
Good luck chica 🙂 You have much more willpower than I 😉 If I was catholic I suppose I’d give up dairy because my stomach would thank me. I just can’t give up the Greek yogurt!!!! haha
I am giving up chocolate candy & dessert! I consider chocolate a main food group. I do it every year for Lent and every year it’s hard! I feel your pain, girl!
Good luck! I know that you can do it! I think for me, I am going to give up baking. The only sweets I consume are those that I bake, and I bake when I’m STRESSED (which has been a lot lately). When I bake, I end up eating half of the batter, which is frustrating!
You can do it! The first few days seem like hell, but then it’s not so bad. But always remember to remind yourself that no one is perfect 🙂
I’ve been doing no sweets for about a week and a half now. It gets SO MUCH BETTER the second week. Trust me.
So good luck! You just need to past all the tables you’ll want to smash in the first week and then you’re good to go!
Your posts today and yesterday have me thinking. Growing up in an extremely Protestant environment Lent was very foreign to me until I started expanding my horizons. Now that I have learned more each year I think about giving up something for Lent…I almost decided not to this year but I think I will.
I am going to do something almost exactly like yours, giving up sweets. It’s something I know that I need to do, just to get myself out of the nibbling habit so I’m excited to see how this goes.
I, too, am giving up sweets — but was having trouble defining ‘sweets’ to others too! I went all out on some delicious ice cream last night knowing I would be missing it until April!
I need to try baked oatmeal! I love your idea of prepping it the night before- what’s deterred me in the past is the fact that I never have that much time in the AM!
I think you’re gonna find that it’s easier to give up sugar than you think. The less you eat it, the less you crave it in general. And just think of how good dessert will taste on Easter Sunday 🙂
Good luck Julie! I usually give up sweets for lent, although this is the first year in a LONG time that I’m not (I have a hellish week of exams next week followed by spring break so I decided not to. Te very first time I gave up sweets for lent it was challenging. But honestly after about a week, the cravings diminish significantly. And on top of that, by the time Easter morning comes, you will be satisfied by sweets on a much smaller scale that it won’t take much to crush a craving.
This year I’m torn by not giving up sweets. Although I was much more dependent on them in years past. It would be a sacrifice but not as great of one. It sounds silly but my exam day chocolate rituals/superstitions are preventing me from doing so (2 dove promises and chocolate covered almonds to get through 3 hours of serious scantron bubbling). So I’m thinking of cutting back to 1 Starbucks per weekend.
Baked oatmeal is awesome!!!!! I can’t wait to try this out! =D
Your baked oatmeal looks delish! I need to mix up my breakfast offerings, so this looks like a great option! 🙂
I don’t live oatmeal but I do like it baked…I’m totally making this soon!
I’ve never tried baked oatmeal–this looks so good though! And as for not going near the frozen yogurt store: I FEEL you on this challenge! Even when I give up yogurt for a week I find it hard 😉
Julie, you are my motivation these days! I love how you get up early and workout and are so positive and hard working and beautiful!
I’m training for my 6th half ironman but more importantly my first full Ironman in August and where I live (Edmonton, Canada) its -31 degrees (celcius) today and really hard to train anywhere but the gym in the mornings. So, reading about your morning workouts really motivates me to get my butt going and work hard. Thanks for that!
you’re MY motivation!!! your SIXTH half ironman and a FULL ironman in august!?!? you’re amazing! keep up the wonderful work. 🙂
Ohh good luck! That is such a good goal. After lent, you probably won’t even crave sweets as much anymore. I always find that when I eat less sweets, I crave them less. And making it easier on yourself by not giving up all sugar is smart!
Oatmeal like that is my absolute favorite!
Yumm! It looks delicious!
This is awesome because you have THE REASON behind it all. I am sure that this is going to help you grow immensely in your faith! Good luck 😉
I finally figured out my lent goal! I’m giving up negativity and negative thoughts about food! Good luck again with the sweets!
Thanks to your post I figured out my breakfast this morning…delish! good luck with lent!
hey julie! definitely gotta make that for b-fast! In case you are interested, there is this facebook page filled with TONS of recipes of baked oatmeal..shakes..etc. I don’t know how I came across it- definitely check it out. Once you’re on the page, go to “Discussions” and you’ll find a bunch of categories of recipes (including oatmeal).. let me know what you think!
Heres the link:
I’ve decided to join in in the Dessertless lent! I kept looking for something to give up, and never had decided till I read your blog last night!
I have two bday parties alone this weekend, so it will be a challenge!!
Awesome! I attempted to give up cookies a few years ago and then forgot 3 days later. In middle school I gave up meat for Lent and that was TOUGH!
Baked Oatmeal sounds so good!! I hear ya on the frozen yogurt.. I am in love! And there are 5 like 5 miles from me haha. I am sure you can do it, just look for substitutes that I like to call “trickery desserts” haha.
Mmm that oatmeal looks so good! And I’m very impressed you are giving up sweets for Lent. You can do it!
Yum that breakfast looks delicious!
Oatmeal + Pumpkin Spice = pure heaven. That looks so delicious.
I’m giving you major props for going without sweets, but I know you can do it! It will be interesting to follow along.
I decided to give up some of my morning time for Lent. I always wake up early to get stuff done, but now I’m going to focus on using that time for more prayer, reading, reflecting, etc.
you inspire me, tina. 🙂 love your goal!
I love this too! Lent is a time to challenge yourself, but also to remember WHY you are giving something up…so you can replace that time and energy toward God. Good luck both of you!!
That baked oatmeal looks amaze!!! Good luck giving up sweets!! That’s going to be hard!!!
just wondering…
would these items count as ‘sweets’:
– chocolate/peanut buttery/sweet flavored snack bars
-blended coffee drinks like frappucinos or smoothies
-over 65% pure dark chocolate pieces
🙂 gooood luck to ya!
– no (to me, granola bars/larabars/clif bars are not sweets)
– yes
– yes
i consider dark chocolate “candy” and therefore a sweet. frappuccinos are SO delicious and i also consider them almost dessert-like. it’s gonna be tough!