Last night Ryan and I headed to the movie theatre to see the latest Batman movie. I really liked the first two Batman movies with Christian Bale and while the second one is probably my favorite, both Ryan and I really liked the third one a lot.
It held my interest the entire time and included a plot twist that shocked me. Plus, anytime I get to see a whole lot of Christian Bale for two hours, I’m a happy camper. I think he may be my number one celebrity crush as far as looks are concerned. Ryan loves Jessica Biel. I love Batman. It all works out.
I did have one complaint about the movie though…
I must’ve asked Ryan what the beck Bane was saying 10 times and every time Ryan replied, “I have no idea. This is ridiculous.”
Apparently Bane’s lines weren’t that pivotal because we were able to follow the plot even though we only understood five words that he said. If I were Batman, the first thing I would have done was throw one of my bat spears at Bane’s facemask and rip it off so I could actually understand all the trash he was talking.
I had so much fun at the gym this morning hopping around like a madwoman thanks to Lindsay’s Do Anywhere Tabata Workout. The workout included a bunch of different exercises that had me sweating in no time. It absolutely flew by because it was incredibly fast-paced. Just the way I like it!
If you’re looking for a challenging workout you can do anywhere, definitely check it out!
Breakfast this morning came courtesy of Ryan. I had a freelance piece I needed to wrap up and he prepared a yummy pancake breakfast for us that I ate while I typed.
Ryan always tops his pancakes with syrup and butter and did the same to mine today. I never grew up topping pancakes with butter and syrup (we were just a syrup family), but the salty flavor of the butter mixed with the sweet syrup took these basic pancakes up a notch. Great way to kick off a Saturday!
I’m not sure what this afternoon holds for us. We have to do something with Sadie because she’s going insane since we haven’t walked her yet.
See ya in a bit!
Yep. All I heard Bane say was, “Blah blegh bloo blah BLEEE blah.” Which doesn’t really translate well in text. But it doesn’t translate on screen either!
exactly! how that made it past editing, i’ll never know.
that drove me nuts during the movie!
We loved it. My husband was so excited about the movie, we went to the 11am showing last Friday. Def not disappointed.
Is it a continuation of the other Batman films? Havent seen the others which is why I’m hesitant to watch it!
it is. you could probably watch it w/o seeing the other two, but you might be a little confused at some parts. the other two are worth seeing though, so i’d probably watch them first!
I never buttered my pancakes either, and I don’t even use syrup most of the time. I prefer chocolate chips inside, and then I eat it like a cookie 😉 haha
I LOVE the Christian Bale Batman movies! He’s definitely a favorite actor for me 🙂
haha my dad is the same way with pancakes… he loooves his butter– he’s also from the south haha… I never liked either though, I’m more of a honey person when it comes to pancakes, or some PB 🙂
Mmmm – I could definitely go for some pancakes this morning!
I loved that movie! I usually have trouble with anything over two hours (I get antsy) but that one definitely held my attention. And Bane was a little bit hard to understand sometimes, but overall, it still made me happy. 🙂
I always used to do butter and syrup on pancakes when I was younger, it’s the way to be. It does make a huge difference, I’ll have to start doing it again!
I am not a huge batman fan…so we shall see if I ever end up seeing it. Hah. But I HATE movies where I can’t hear or understand the main lines! LAME!
Have a great Saturday!
I grew up in a butter and syrup household but for a while I stopped using the butter and I thought it was still good. That is until one time I ended up putting both on again and now I won’t go back! There is just something about the two together that syrup along will not do.
Hi, Julie! I read your site so often and I know you are living in Florida.
I am going down there for about 10 days in November and I wonder what cities/sites/activities to explore. Since Florida is such a great travel destination, is there any way you could maybe write a post about like “Top 10 Things to See on a Florida Vacation”? Or, tell me now?
That would be really helpful! Thanks! Love your page!
I’m not big on butter (in general) so I don’t really like to add it to anything if I can help it. My favorite thing for pancakes though is a little peanut butter, banana and then just a bit of syrup or agave nectar. YUM!
I’m a HUGE Christian Bale fan, too. I’ve loved him since his “Newsies” days!! 🙂
Would you believe that they actually re-recorded Bane’s dialogue after people complained they couldn’t understand him in the early trailers? There was a big debate about it because Christopher Nolan wanted the movie to be authentic, but they did end up having the actor voice over his original dialogue. Just think, you could have understood nothing he was saying.
Excellent movie! And I totally agree with you. I asked my husband twice and he shrugged so I just decided to fuhgedaboutit.
Thank goodness I’m not the only one who had those same Bane issues. My nerdy Batman enthusiast theatre friends took me, and I felt like an idiot trying to figure out what Bane was saying.
Mmmm, those pancakes look scrumptious! I wish I had made some instead of oats!
I never put butter on my pancakes either. I made your banana protein pancakes today and they were yum! I ate them plain/topped with nothing as the flavor from the banana and vanilla protein powder were perfect.
Btw tell Ryan his pancakes are perfectly round and not burned at all. He makes a good pancake!
I definitely can’t wait to see the new batman movie! 🙂
I heard that they had a screening a while ago and the audience wasn’t able to understand Bane, so they dubbed it over with the recorded script. But still, it was a little difficult to understand.
Pretty pancakes! Ryan did a great job!
I didn’t know there were people who didn’t use butter and syrup on pancakes. I find them far too dry without butter.
Ha! I feel strange because I don’t think there was one time I had a hard time understanding Bane…not sure if that makes me a really good “translator” or just a nut! 🙂
But I agree, the second one is definitely my favorite. For me, Heath Ledger’s adaptation of the Joker made that movie!
Same here! All of his dialogue seemed pretty clear to me. I’m usually the one who needs subtitles with every DVD I rent . . .
Thanks Julie, now I don’t feel so bad anymore about not really undestanding a word Bane said! I wish they had just used subtitles… I thought I had problems because I’m German and I still have some difficulties understanding English in movies, so I’m glad that native speakers had the same issues! It really annoyed me during the movie.
Totally agree about Christian Bale – that man has got it goin’ on!!!
hahaha just like everyone of you, I feel better knowing that I couldn’t understand a lot of it…I thought something was wrong with me! 😛 But I LOOOOOOOOOOOVED this movie!!!! I love Christian Bale b/c he’s so charismatic and such a great actor~and plus, many people think my husband looks like him. Hehe! But that’s just opinion.
I can not wait to see the movie, I heard it is amazing. Christian Bale does not hurt the eyes either 😛
I just watched Batman and Bane talked really clearly. I just thought his voice sounded weird. I also had pancakes for breakfast too! 🙂
I can never hear anything people are saying in movies. I think I’m going partially deaf but I’m too scared to go to the doctor and check in case its slightly true haha.
I’ve done Lindsay’s tabata workout and loved it as well! The workouts that fly by are the best.
Thank you so much for the shout-out!! I’m so happy that you liked the workout! And I totally couldn’t understand Bane throughout the movie either haha. Chris loves Jessica Biel too….apparently she’s a popular lady with the men 😉
Your pancakes look amazing!
ugh … bane’s mumbling was a downer but the ending was so awesome!! christian bale was awesome! and those pancakes look awesome!!! 🙂
since y’all like hiking you may enjoy alafia state park. we did some biking trails this morning but the hiking trails are great and pets are welcome too. 🙂
Haven’t seen Batman yet but now a little hesitant because I’d probably get frustrated to easily LOL
I checked out Lindsay’s site for the workout you did (looks awesome) but wanted to mention that don’t you find her boyfriend looks a bit like Ryan?? heh heh just something I noticed
Hope you’re having a good afternoon
I’m glad you enjoyed the movie- we are seeing it today I think. Mmm pancakes! What a lovely hubby 😉
I could understand Bane perfectly. I guess I’m in the minority though based on the other comments.
I’m glad you liked the movie! I haven’t seen the 2nd or 3rd, but I loved the first one. And we always did butter and syrup on our pancakes growing up! Soooo good!
Another Christian Bale lover!!!! Yessss 🙂 He is also my favorite actor! and did you hear about how he visited the victims in Aurora? Real life hero too hahaha
I saw Batman on Saturday and also had a hard time understanding Bane! My fiance’s friend works in the movie industry and said they actually fixed the sound to make it easier for everyone to understand once the bad reviews came out before the movie hit theaters. If this was an improvement I can’t imagine how bad it was before.
I kept thinking the voice sounded familiar and Jay and I joked that he sounded like Sean Connery with a Darth Vader mask on.
I really did like the movie though – I LOVED the ending! Not at all what I was expecting. I really hope they do more.
I went to see Batman yesterday and I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one that could not understand Bane. The movie was awesome, I totally loved it and Bane’s character was incredible, I was literally scared of him.
And ever since Inception I have a huge crush on Joseph Gordon Levitt who played Robin, I just adore he’s looks, especially those eyes 😛
I had a hard time understanding Bane too and I also thought his voice sounded really weird, like it wasn’t coming from him. I also had no complaint about seeing Christian Bale on screen for a couple hours, and my boyfriend liked Catwoman.