These chewy little berries made an appearance in my breakfast again this morning!
Goji berries!
A few of you asked me about goji berries when they popped up in my yogurt bowl on Monday morning. Here is some more information for you from my package of Sunfood goji berries:
They’re a little too chewy for me to snack on by the handful like raisins, but I love tossing them into yogurt bowls or overnight oats which is exactly what I did this morning.
Last night I prepped a bowl of overnight oats using a combination of almond milk and coconut milk and absolutely loved the way the oats soaked up the coconut flavor of the creamy milk. I topped them with chopped roasted almonds and goji berries and loved every last bite!
Question of the Morning
- What is your favorite yogurt or oatmeal topping or do you prefer to eat your yogurt and oats plain? Or do you simply hate yogurt and oatmeal?
I think candied pecans will always be my favorite topping for yogurt and oatmeal… and ice cream. I love ‘em!
I always put an apple, Craisins, and peanut butter in my oatmeal. It’s my breakfast just about every morning!
I always put sliced bananas and almond butter in my plain greek yogurt. yumm!
I love almond butter and a banana…delicious!
Who on earth hates oatmeal & yogurt (weirdo alert ;))! I love topping my yogurt with applesauce & roasted almonds!
The goji berries do look good. I love trying new things. The packaging suggests trying them in a smoothie. Have you tried them that way?
I usually like to eat my yogurt just as is, but if I do add something my favorite is grape nut cereal. I eat a ton of oatmeal too so I just add a little brown sugar or maple syrup and milk.
I’ve never tried them before, but I feel like magazines are always writing about how they’re “super foods” to include in your diet.. That term, “super foods,” makes me feel like the little gogi berries should be wearing capes. 😉 I think I need more sleep haha.
A little splash of almond milk, peanut butter, and blueberries!
I’ve never had goji berries – they do sound good though! My favorite topping on oats is definitely some sort of nut butter. As for yogurt, I’m a fan of fruit with granola. I love the extra crunch that the granola adds!
candied nuts are by far my favorite too, second place goes to granola and third place is maple almond butter!
I’m actually really strange and don’t like the texture of oatmeal! I eat my oatmeal raw (I know, weird) and will sometimes mix in nuts , raisins, etc. I love granola or nuts on top of my yogurt!
I sometimes like my oatmeal plain. When I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll add bananas, cinnamon or peanut butter. 🙂
Definitely peanut butter!
My favorite is blueberries, flax, almond butter and plain Greek yogurt on oatmeal or just in the yogurt.
I’ve never tried goji berries but really want to! I like yoghurts and oatmeal together but fresh fruit is always a brilliant add in 🙂
For yogurt – I love plain greek with a few drops of stevia and raspberries.
For oatmeal – nothing beats white chocolate wonderful peanut butter or regular peanut butter with coconut butter and mini chocolate chips!
I’m one of the few nonlovers of oatmeal and yogurt. I can stomach oatmeal occasionally with a little almond butter mixed in!
I love granola, peanut butter, or fruit as toppings!
Loooove almonds and blueberries on yogurt! I keep meaning to try goji berries but then always forget about them when I go shopping 🙁
I always do banana and a little brown sugar in oatmeal. It never gets old to me!
I like to soak goji berries in 1/4 cup of hot water.
It really softens them and cuts the bitter taste! Afterwards, you can drink the fruity water 🙂
And I like to add a nut butter to my oats to make it extra creamy!
Great idea soaking them in hot water (& drinking the water). I’m smacking myself for not thinking of that!
Great idea!!
Goji berries are just ok to me. I, too, think they’re too chewy just for snacking. I put them in oats usually. Recently, I put them on a raw kale salad; they absorbed a bit of the oil/lemon juice dressing, and I enjoyed them better that way. I top my yogurt/oats with anything on hand, but banana, cinnamon, pecans, and maybe a drizzle of nut butter is probably my favorite combination.
Typically a strawberry/blueberry combo (very patriotic looking) but this morning I added a dollop of peanut butter on top, and it was AWESOME!!!
As an acupuncturist, we use gogi berries all the time with patients. They are actually a chinese herb. They are great for eye health, energy, and to build blood! Keep eating them:)
I think my favorite combo is: oats, plain yogurt, chopped green apple, a sprinkle of kashi go lean crunch and a glob of creamy PB 🙂 oh and cinamon!
Peanut butter is my fave oatmeal add in. I usually have other things with it, but a scoop of PB always!
I love any dried fruit and nuts in my oats. I have to try overnight oats using coconut milk. That’s an awesome idea, Julie!
I remember thinking goji berries were the weirdest tasting dried fruit that I’ve ever eaten, but they strangely seem to grow on you. When it comes to yogurt toppings, I love cereal, fruit, and almond butter the most; and with oats, I tend to keep it pretty simple and just toss in a banana and some almond butter.
I love adding anything with texture: granola, nuts, berries, or cereal!
I like to top oats with lots of cinnamon, a hand-full of raisins, and a few almonds!
I always forget about Goji berries! I used to eat a trail mix that had them & it was delish. As far as toppings go, I always need something crunchy!
I like Special K and berries in my yogurt. As far as my oatmeal goes, raisins, cinnamon ( I am seriously addicted to cinnamon), slivered almonds and a sprinkle of brown sugar.
I think I am going to have to go hunt down gogi berries this weekend. Definitely want to try them out.
I always pair my oats with banana and cinnamon. They feel naked when I don’t 🙂
Peanut butter all the way! Well, maybe not so much with yogurt, but it’s a must with my morning oats. 🙂
I love putting fresh blueberies and Bear Naked’s Granola Maple Pecan in plain greek yogurt! It’s one of my faves 🙂
Peanut butter will always be my favorite topper of oats…and anything else for that matter!! But I’ve neen on a pecan and maple syrup oat topper recently. So good!
I put pb2 on mine!
Favorite yogurt topping/mix-in is peanut butter! Mixing pb in either vanilla or strawberry greek yogurt is amazing!
For yogurt, I have to have cereal- preferably puffins! With oatmeal, it’s gotta be nut butter 🙂 the meltiness is just to die for!!
I need to try goji berries. I’ve seen them at the store and wanted to try them, but I wasn’t so sure I would like them. I could top oats and yogurt with pretty much anything….nuts, nutbutter, cereal, fruit {dried or fresh}, chia seeds, flax or crumbled muffin.
I love to top my yogurt with coconut flakes, cacao nibs, and a little honey. It’s like an almond joy!
I love mixing plain yogurt with a mashed banana, a handful of rolled oats and adding pumpkin spice on top. It’s absolutely delicious!!
I like to take frozen raspberries put them in a bowl and microwave them for about 1min or until they are warm and juices have escaped. Then I pour french vanilla yogurt on top. It’s so good it’s like desert!
I love chia seeds and chocolate chips and cheerios in my yogurt. Is that weird?
For oatmeal, I prefer sunflower butter and banana and crumbled something delicious that I have sitting around! 🙂
With oatmeal, I like it plain with brown sugar and cinnamon. It tastes like a cinnamon bun in mushy form! I’m not a yogurt person unless it’s froyo, and then the toppings get a bit out of control 😉
I’m not crazy about oatmeal; unless in cookie or bar form. I can make myself eat it but not thrilled. Yogurt is another story; anway anyhow!
Ha ha! Oatmeal in cookie form is the best. 🙂
I have to have nut butter (90%) of the time on my morning oats. It makes the meal for me!
My favorite oatmeal topping lately is peanut butter, banana, and walnuts. Delicious combo!
Favorite add in for yogurt would have to be berries…any kind will do! I also like to add chia seeds or granola if I have it. And oats? I hated them when I was little, so I’m trying to add them in to get a better bang for breakfast!
I like oatmeal and eat it with cinnamon & maybe some nuts – usually sliced almonds or chopped pecans/walnuts. However, I HATE yogurt! I’ve tried for years to like it in many forms – full fat, low fat, plain, flavored, Greek…just tastes like rotten food to me 😉
I go through phases where I won’t even look at yogurt or oatmeal. Right now my favorite yogurt toppings are berries and French Vanilla granola from Target. The hazelnut granola isn’t bad either.