Ryan is not one to fuss over his hair or try on numerous outfits before we go out. In fact he’s so laid back about his hair that he lets me cut it.
This evening our backyard became a mini-barbershop as I trimmed and cut his hair.
In less than 10 minutes Ryan was rockin’ his short and easy ‘do.
I think he’s so handsome. 😉
For dinner this evening, I made us Asian salads because it was H-O-T outside and we wanted something cold.
Our salads contained:
- Spinach
- Chopped cabbage
- Zucchini
- Water chestnuts
- Shrimp
- Asian sesame dressing
My favorite part of the salads were the water chestnuts.
What are water chestnuts? A vegetable? A weed? I dunno, but they’re delicious!
This cold dinner was perfect after sweatin’ a bit while taking Sadie on a 2.5 mile walk. Sadie actually got another one-mile walk after dinner, putting her total mileage today at 8.5 miles (including our morning 5-mile run). She is currently bringing us toy after toy to play with because apparently 8.5 miles is child’s play to her. 😀
I’m off watch the second half of So You Think You Can Dance on DVR with Ryan! Love this show. I wish I could dance…
Question of the Evening
- Do you prefer a guy’s guy or a metrosexual guy?
I like a guy’s guy too. I’m kind of a tomboy, so I couldn’t be with a guy who was more girly than me! Luckily, my husband is definitely a guy’s guy, and I love it!! 🙂
i love a guy’s guy too!!
the asian salad looks SO GOOD! I’m not sure what water chestnuts are either, but i LOVE them!!! 🙂
i will def. be making this yummy salad in the near future. i love all ur meals and they all look so yummy and extremely healthy!!
I love So You Think You Can Dance. They make it look so easy! If only I had stuck with those ballet lessons I took when I was 4. Lol.
I definitely prefer a Guy’s Guy. I can’t handle guys who spend more time grooming than I do. Weird….
I like a mix between the two- some sports loving but he needs to know how to dress well, order wine and cook!
Totally a guys guy. I freak out cause I’m not very girly and some guys are WAY more girly than me- that is not okay- I’m not emotional so it makes me uncomfortable when guys are
Guy’s guy definitely! Ryan reminds me of my boyfriend, relaxed, laid-back with no fuss. You two are so cute!
I think I like a little bit of both in my guy 🙂
I used to cut Jay’s hair too when we were in high school…until I clipped his ear (oops!)
lol 😀
such a guys guy…and this s exactly what jason is…he loves working, construction, trucks, beer, he could live in his garage which is scary hahaa
yummmmay dinner!
guys’ guy! I like a rugged/manly man! I also need that guy to be able to watch bad reality tv with me 😉
I have a guy right in the middle. He likes having his hair cut in a specific way that is more styled that just the buzzed cut I can do. But he’s also very strong and is always working on things. I love watching that man work with his hands.
I love that while he likes sports, he can also pass on watching them. Yes he enjoys it when he gets the chance, but we don’t have to build our life around it!
I love a guy’s guy too!! and I LOVE So you think you can dance..although I was sad Anthony didn’t make the top 10!
Guy’s guy all the way!
“She is currently bringing us toy after toy to play with because apparently 8.5 miles is child’s play to her. ” Lol’d at that one. It amazes me sometimes the things that fail to wear my dog out!
And you’re making me want shrimp, BAD. Is that just salad dressing, or something else? I bet some Thai peanut sauce would also be really good on that!
it’s just the dressing! it’s a pretty thick asian sesame dressing.
Guy’s guy! I need someone who can keep up with me, not give me fashion advice…
Love love love SYTYCD!
I have read your blog for a while but never commented, just wanted to let you know, I love it! That salad looks delicious!
As far as men goes……too manly turns me off, I need someone balanced. Moderation, like all things, is key for me. Sure, I want him to play sports and eat burgers shamelessly, but I also want him to have a soft side, that will be “man” enough to cry watching the notebook. I’d hate someone to be too Macho.
I love water chesnuts 😀 They’re so crunchy! Perfectly summery and a great salad addition. Good job on the hair cut 🙂 You two are so good looking, especially together!
I like manly kinda guys too. SYTYCD is pretty much the best show ever =) enjoy!
Definitely a little of both. Guys guy, but not to the point that there is no other side to him. I want someone who wants to talk about feelings and deep things with me, but not over a pedicure 🙂
My boyfriend is a guys guy! He’s a good balance for me 🙂
I def prefer a guy guy. My first boyfriend of 3 years was metro and holy moly I could not stand it. I am not very high maintenance to begin with so the fact that he cared more about matching, his hair, clothes, and emotions than I did was horrible
Guy’s guy all the way for me! My Husband is a lot like how you described Ryan. I also cut his hair last night actually lol. I am high maintenance enough for the both of us 😉
For SURE a guy’s guy!!
I like a guys guy as well. My husband just grabs whatever is on the top of the clean pile, wets his hair and he’s good to go. I think he’s handsome too. 🙂 I love that he isn’t a pretty boy…even though he’s sooo pretty (handsome!).
He has long-ish hair – for a guy, curly dark locks, girls would kill for it, it’s still short, but too long for me to cut!
So You Think You Can Dance is the best show…Its definitely my favorite of all the dancing shows!!
I think I would like a mix of the two…which is what I think Keith is! 🙂
I like a mix, which my husband is. Perfect fit!
Guys, guy all the way here! My husband is the same way:) I thought I was the only wife who cuts their husband’s hair – guess not!
Awwww. Boyfriend used to let me buzz his hair, until his cousins wife opened her own salon. I’m ok with him supporting the family business, though!
WATER CHESTNUTS are my FAVE!!! I try to mix them in EVERY recipe! Yum!
Definately a guy’s guy! But he can’t be an obstinate jerk. He has to be nice and sweet, too. That’s such a hard combo to find in high school! I wish I had Sadie’s energy.
I’m a guys guy too!!! And I am so lucky that my hubby is one!!!
Love So you think you can dance as well…
I like a guys’s guy too, can’t you tell?? 😉