Today’s mid-day meal included a salad.
In the bowl:
- Bed of fresh spinach
- 1 large yellow pepper, chopped
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- Leftover pulled salsa chicken
- Pace black bean & roasted corn salsa
The chicken, salsa and yellow pepper all competed against each other for the star ingredient of this salad.
I loved all the different tastes and textures in this bowl.
Dessert was nabbed from the candy jar in my office.
Yesterday the dumpy peppermint candies were replaced with chocolate and my coworkers and I have been riding a chocolate high ever since!
Onto your daily does of fashion until I can get the fashion page of this blog up and running…
- Beige shrug with peach satin bow: Say What? (via TJMaxx)
- Army green tank top: Forever21
- Flare jeans: People’s Liberation
- Beige bangle: Random booth in the mall (Yes, they actually got me!)
- Army green suede pumps: Nine West
And now for some fun blogging talk that will hopefully interest you bloggers out there and will likely bore the rest of you to tears. For those of you totally uninterested in blogging, please enjoy this picture of Sadie. 😀
My Number One Tip for Bloggers
Over the past few months, I’ve received an increasing number of emails from other bloggers or readers who hope to start up a blog. The emails contain a myriad of questions on topics ranging from starting a blog to growing a blog to finding the time to blog.
To be honest, I’ve avoided talking about this on my blog because I don’t feel like my blog is “legit” enough to really be a sounding board of advice. I absolutely love blogging and would whole-heartedly encourage anyone interested in starting a blog to do so, but I feel awkward giving advice on the topic since I don’t exactly feel qualified. Maybe I’ll muster up some courage to do so in the future, but for now I figured I would share the one thing I’ve always kept in my mind ever since I started Peanut Butter Fingers:
Create a blog you would want to read.
The blogs I most enjoy reading focus on living a healthy lifestyle, as mine does. But one thing that keeps me going back to my favorite blogs is the way they also let their personalities shine and give readers a peek into their day-to-day lives and relationships.
Most of the time, I breeze through posts that hone in on recipes but linger over ones where the blogger did something exciting with her girlfriends or went on an adventurous date with her husband. (Double points go to bloggers who saturate their posts with pictures of their pets!) To me, this is what I find most interesting to both read about and write about, so that’s how I frame my blog.
I address workouts, recipes and healthy living topics, which I also adore writing about and truly find interesting, but I honestly feel like the real essence of my blog comes from simply living. What did I do today that I found particularly amusing? What makes me tic? What random things excite me and make me laugh? This is my blog fodder.
I love reliving fun events in my life and blogging about random musings like love languages or debates I have with Ryan. These are things that I find interesting! I would hope that if I weren’t the one writing this blog, I would still want to read it.
In a nutshell, my one piece of totally unfounded and unresearched advice would be to simply be yourself and write a blog you would want to read. Chances are if you find it interesting, someone else out there may get a kick out of it, too.
Now I ask you…
If you could only provide one piece of advice to bloggers, what advice would you give?
Love this tip! Definitely true!!!
I’ve only been blogging since October so I’m still a “baby” in this blogging world, but my piece of advice would be to allow your “voice” to grow. I feel that a lot of bloggers struggle in the beginning to write something that they think their audience will like. Write for yourself- your “voice” will develop and you will find your niche. I know I cringe when I look at my first few posts. I definitely did not have much to share and didn’t really know how to blog. I am still finding my “voice,” but my writing has gotten better and I’m more interesting (at least I think I am ;))
exactly. it’s hard sometimes. i think it becomes easier the longer you blog. once you realize your blog is YOUR space and no one else’s, it becomes easier to be yourself and talk about things you want to talk about, not just what everyone else talks about.
Are all the Forever 21 tanks that long? I love the long tank look (and I promise I don’t suffer from the big-gut-making-your-shirt-short syndrome, even though what I write about on my blog might indicate otherwise).
My piece of advice to bloggers: Write with personality, and make sure your posts have information in them. Otherwise, what’s the point?
no they’re not. i had to dig to find it! i bought it probably 1.5 yrs. ago and i bought it in 4 different colors b/c it was hard to find one so long!
PERFECT advice!! i guess im at a point where I want to start talking more about my life.. but its hard opening up since Im quite fresh to blog world.. but im sure it just takes time for me to feel i can open up! i def think having a bloggers voice is important.. i write JUST how i would speak in person!
My Lena would agree – tennis balls are the rule all be all of life! As for blogging, I would have to say “take lots of pictures!” Sometimes I’m bad at my own advice though 🙁
Could not agree more!!! I love your blog because it shares topics I find interesting and fun recipes…but it also shares YOU. And fun things of your life. And just realness. That’s what keeps me coming back to blogs. It’s also what I hope to show in my own. 🙂
you absolutely do, and that’s why i love your blog! no one else has your voice, your personality or your candid openness and i love it.
Wear Sunscreen
Totally agree 🙂 Your blog is awesome cos we get an insight into you!
The Sadie pictures also don’t hurt!
Now I just gotta get myself a Sadie….working on it! 😛
Love your outfit today!! How do you like those jeans? I’ve been wanting to find a new pair that fits my curves and I’m wondering if those would do the trick?! Thanks! 🙂
i like them a lot. if you decide to get them, definitely order a size down from your normal size b/c they run big.
Awesome thanks for the tip Julie!
I’m no expert, but I really think humor is what I look for in a blog. Someone who doesn’t take themselves to seriously but is still informational and “real”.
I really like this post. You gave such great advice! I just started my blog over the summer and I have learned so much since then. I really enjoy blogging and I love reading other people’s blogs, who like you said not only just focus on food and healthy eating but they show you about their life. I really enjoy reading about that 🙂
I agree with Paula; I most enjoy the blogs in which the authors don’t take themselves so seriously.
P.S. cute sweater!! I’m loving the fashion posts!
My advice is to make sure you have your name somewhere on the front page easily visible. Since we all like to employ some sort of catchy name, it’s hard to know what the actual blogger’s name is. When I do know it, I automatically feel more of a connect 🙂
Similar to what so many wonderful commenters have already said…
Blogging is about sharing YOU. Sharing what you are finding, uncovering, discovering, enjoying and doing.
I always try to imagine sitting down and chatting with a good friend when I write. 🙂
i love that thought!
Great tip, Julie! And stop it, your blog is TOTALLY legit! 😛
One thing I am really working on is incorporating lots of good, colorful photos. Since my camera is on the “outs,” I am using my camera phone a lot and I find myself wishing my pictures were as crisp and awesome as some of yours! I’m sure it’s just a work in progress and I can work up to it, but I certainly know that I LOVE blogs with lots of great pictures.
A question — how do you keep track of all of them?? I need to bust out the external hard drive I got last year for Christmas!
ehhh i need to work on my photo storage. i currently just have them in one big folder, sorted by date and labeled w/ the name of a recipe i made or an event that took place that day. i’ll go through & delete various folders from time-to-time. it’s definitely a work in progress.
haha, that is a lot more organized than mine 🙂
I totally agree with your advice. It’s so true that you should write a blog that you would like to read. I test my own blog once every 2 months or so by reading back over some of my newer posts to make sure I still keep a voice that I love to read. Doing this has allowed me to also see how my writing has grown since I began, which is very encouraging!
I also agree with Paula – humor is something that keeps me coming back for more. On my blog I try to mix humor in with thoughtful posts about my life – both past and present – and I find that my readers keep coming back for more, too!
i do this too, though whenever i read back over my past posts i always seem to find a spelling or grammatical error & it drives me crazy!! 🙂 note to self: MUST PROOF READ MORE…
Oh yes! I find mistakes in mine too and I always ended up kicking myself because usually they are blatantly obvious ones. 😀
WHAT, Julie?! How is your blog NOT legit?!?! It’s amazing!! 😀
I love reading blogs where people show their personality, like yours! I think that is the most important thing- being yourself, and letting others see that 🙂
SO true – great tip. If you are authentic and true to what you write, peole will want to come back to your blog over and over again.
i absolutely LOVE your blog. it’s really funny timing that you write this post because i just started my own blog. as in yesterday just started. i feel like it mirrors yours a lot, but that is just bc that is the type of blog i like to read. hopefully as my blog grows so will its personality.
i absolutely LOVE your blog. it’s really funny timing that you write this post because i just started my own blog. as in yesterday just started. i feel like it mirrors yours a lot, but that is just bc that is the type of blog i like to read. hopefully as my blog grows so will its personality.
My advice would be to be yourself and just exactly as you said, blog about what interests you and excites you. My blog truely is just a online journal for me where I go to write, vent, and share stories. I love your blog and look forward to reading it every day!
I LOVE your outfit today!! Can’t see the entire shoe but I think those are probably my fave part! (I’m a bit of a shoe-a-holic). I totally agree with your blog tip. After all, you’re the one that looks at, reads, and writes your blog every day, so you’ve gotta love it, right?! Have a great afternoon Julie! 🙂
Ahhh I LOVE this post!!! And I completely agree with you. 100%.
But not only should you write what you would want to read about…write about things you are passionate about! That way, you’ll attract readers who are genuinely interested in you and the same things you like, and relationships and community can be built from there! I know that there are blogs solely dedicated to just recipes… and I think they’re great, but I need a read that is more than just food. I like being able to see experiences and healthy living tips from others, too. And that’s why i love your blog!
I just started my blog a few weeks ago, so I am still trying to build my readership. But to be honest, it doesn’t bother me that I hardly have any readers. I am doing this blog for ME and I am loooving that I can just be like “hey mom, did you check out my blog today? I posted another one about Happy” and then she gets to share what she thought about all the pictures I posted (she’s has zero clue on how to leave a comment, ha maybe one day!) Anyway… if you haven’t already, I suggest you check out my blog! I think you’d find it interesting since I talk about my actual life and the people in it, and my different goals…and of course I talk about my pup (I mean, the blog’s name comes from her afterall!) I have even dedicated a day to blog about her — Sunday’s are my “Oh, Happy Days!”
That’s another point to make. I think having a blogging “schedule” is good if you want your readers to know when to expect a post. But on the flipside… you should postwhen you FEEL like posting and when you are able to do so… blogging shouldn’t feel like a chore… it’s all about balance, sharing and having fun!
awesome, awesome comment. i couldn’t agree more. it’s SO important to blog for YOU. don’t blog because you want to be popular or have a large following. you need to be driven by something way deeper… your own passions. well said!
Byyyy the way, they let you wear jeans at work!!??!? You are SO lucky and I am completely jealous!!! Okay. I’m done commenting. I know I just left you a novel up above, and now an addendum. I will refrain until your next post…
Very good advice! I always look forward to reading your posts – I love how you effortlessly tell us stories along with your day’s happenings.
Since my blog is more of a recipe blog than a ‘here’s what happened today’ blog, I try my best to loop in stories with my posts. I feel it’s slightly more interesting than just saying, “I made these cookies. They taste great! You should make them.” 🙂
Oh, I forgot – the Pioneer Woman once said you should blog like you’re writing your sister an email!
Awesome tips…I’ve been wanting to start a blog and this gives me some great stuff to work from!
You are too modest. Your blog rocks! Say it Julie – “My blog rocks!”
Thank you so much for this wonderful advice. I’m brand new to the blogosphere, and I can use all the help I can get.
Sometimes I worry that my life just isn’t interesting enough to write about. You seem to have so much to talk about, and you’re able to do it so effortlessly. I’m always impressed!
You inspire me to believe I can somehow make my mark in cyberspace 🙂
my life really isn’t interesting! if you really break it down, i feel like i do what everyone else does… work, eat, sleep, workout & hang w/ my husband/family/friends. your life is more interesting than you think!
GREAT TIP! i still struggle to find my focus…i’m all over the place, but then again, i’m all over the place so i guess it suits me. ;p
random blogs are some of my favorites!
I picked 5 love languages for my book club book as my husband loves to refer to it…I’m interested to start reading it!!
Thank-you for this post! I looove reading your blog and have recently just started one of my own. This is all very good advice!
My best tip would be to go beyond the basic workout and food routines and share about nights out and relationships. I really enjoy how your blog is focused on healthy eating and fitness, but also includes a lot of personality and other life experiences!
Hopefully I can get mine to do the same 🙂
I think that’s an amazing tip!!! And you are totally legit…that’s why people are asking 🙂
My #1 piece of advice is take good photos and make them big enough to see on the blog. There’s a few blogs that are off topic from what I’d normally read, but if the photos are good, I keep coming back!
Blog like you’re writing your sister an email.. love that! haha
I’m so jeal you get to wear jeans to work. 😉
I completely agree. I wanted to have some focus on food (because duh, I’m obsessed like all of us), but find that when I talk about my pup, funny internet laughs I found, and funny happenings in my life, it’s just more FUN.
Your piece of advice is the best one. The only thing I’d add is don’t be afraid to share pictures! I generally feel like I’m overdoing it on the picture front, but people like to see ’em. 😉
Great advice. 🙂
That’s great advice. I think if you are truly passionate about whatever you are writing about, people will see that and keep coming back. I also think it’s important to read and comment on other blogs. It introduces you to the community and helps people find the blog!
Great tip. I would agree in saying that being yourself would be my number one tip, because if your blog doesn’t reflect who you truly are, people aren’t going to believe it and you won’t be as passionate about producing it.
The only other tip I would suggest is to POST GOOD PICTURES. Not even inherently professional ones, just BIG ones so readers can actually see what you ate, wore, saw, did….I like reading blogs that have lots of fun commentary but am most attracted to the ones with good pictures.
I’m not a blogger but I only look at blogs with good/fun/big pictures. I’m a visual person…
your blog is of COURSE legit! i really find it much more real than a lot of healthy living blogs out there. i’m a new blogger and still finding my ‘voice’ – I am nervous still about sharing too much of ‘me’ since people don’t know i i blog yet – but they will! do you ever censor what you write becuase you’re worried about what your readers’ reaction will be? or do you just write exactly what you want?
i do censor myself at times, but not b/c of my readers… b/c my mom and dad read this! i have a lot of wildly inappropriate jokes come into my head & keep those off the blog for the most part b/c i don’t want my mom and dad to pass out!
lol that’s probably a smart move…
yeah i do the same thing… a new blogger i’m finding it hard to find my ‘voice’ and a balance between writing anything i want and writing everything i want! i’m sure it’ll come with time. thanks! 🙂
Been following your blog for a while and love it! Wanted to start a blog for a while, but didn’t know whether i’d keep it up or how to do it etc. but bit the bullet today and made one. Check it out 🙂
I love this post, especially since I am a very new blogger. I always loved reading blogs, but now I am working on making my own mark in the blog world. I think the best lesson is to be honest and genuine as a blogger. Some days, I really dread a workout. Other days, I decide that eating a pound of cookie dough is a good idea. And I want my blog to reflect those days, not just the ones where I’m “perfect.”
Also, I really appreciate reading blogs where the author does not claim to be the “expert,” one where he/she invites readers to participate!
Delish looking lunch! And I love your outfit, too!
Great tip! As a relatively new blogger, I’m always looking for advice! =D
I started blogging last April. I love reading lots of different blogs but at times I feel like my blog lacks focus. I suppose it’s alright to be all over the place. I think the most important part is for your blog to be a reflection of you. PS. I’m dying to go to the Orlando farmer’s market and winter park area you frequent. I’m in Tampa/St. Pete area.
I love your advice and am going to take it! I am a new blogger, but try to include pics of my daughters and talk about things going on in my life 🙂 Great tip!
I agree – I love hearing about people’s lives when I read their blogs or just reading blogs that have their own spin in terms of motivation or being funny.
Its tempting to go out and copy the style, writing, layout, content, etc. of your favorite blogs and its okay to use them as models of inspiration but give yourself plenty of time to find YOUR own voice and YOUR own way of doing things.
While it is tempting to imitate someone else’s apparent “recipe for success” it will just look and sound hollow and fall flat if its not something organically “you”. If you are just after numbers, it will be evident and you won’t be blogging for the single most important reason : you! There is a transparency about blogging and if readers can tell you aren’t being sincere they won’t be too interested in coming back.
Give yourself time to feel what’s right for you and try out different layouts, writing voices, subjects, etc. That’s how many of our favorite bloggers started out anyhow, just check their earliest archives for proof!
If funny stories and pet or kid pictures, feel right and feel like “you” then do it; if it doesn’t feel right don’t keep doing it just because x blogger does it and she gets 2,000 hits a day.
Maybe you like anonymity and should blog under a pseudonym; maybe you prefer a few meticulously styled larger pictures instead of a bunch of small pictures of little stuff; maybe you don’t want to show your kid’s face or whatever else.
That way you blog about what you love and in a way that you enjoy.
try new things! When i read blogs where the author does the same thing every day..and eats the same things every day and really has no substance to their blog..i just click to a new page..expand your horizons and have fun with life!
That’s a wonderful tip..and really, it’s true!! Don’t try to copy anyone else’s blog- be original. Even if the content/style or what not isn’t 100% unique, make it your own and have your own “voice” that’s not fake or forced.
TRUTH. When I first started blogging I tried so hard to fit into a certain mold and really just focus on food, and looking back those posts seem so dry now! I think a lot of my “voice” has come from experimentation with different posting styles, as well as from following my favorite blogs for months. Just like you said, it’s made me realize what I find interesting, and therefore what I want from my blog! I identify best with blogs that share a lot of their LIFE, not just food. That’s why I love yours- it’s always friendly, fun, approachable and full of your personality. You may not see it as “legit,” but I know I’m not the only one of your readers who thinks it’s one of the best out there 🙂
My #1 tip for bloggers is to connect with other bloggers. It’s not necessary to become addicted to Twitter or have meetups every other day, but forming personal relationships through commenting and email really helps blogging be more fun. In order for so much computer time to be meaningful you need to have people to share it with!
i couldn’t agree more. people want to hear YOUR voice… not the voice you think you should have. well said, gabriela!