We are so thrilled to share that we are expecting a baby in the beginning of September! I am 19 weeks pregnant and my belly is getting harder and harder to hide!
This baby is one we hoped and prayed for and love so much already. To be completely transparent, after our third miscarriage, I began to worry about whether or not I could emotionally handle another pregnancy or loss despite such a strong desire in my heart to have more children. This pregnancy has come along with no shortage of anxiety but thankfully we had a wonderful appointment at maternal and fetal medicine last week and now, nearly halfway through my pregnancy, I’m beginning to let myself believe we will be having another child. It feels good to let myself dream of the moment Chase and Ryder meet their little brother or sister in a few months. Adding another child into our chaos feels exciting, intimidating and right.
As for how the boys are handling the special news, they are thrilled! Well, technically Ryder just says, “baby” over and over again and doesn’t really get it but around 15 or 16 weeks, Chase asked if there was a baby in my belly because it was already so noticeable. He’s now all in on brainstorming names for his little brother or sister. (His latest suggestion for a boy was Flipper… and Ryder which might get just a little confusing. For a girl, he’s suggested Gigi, Sparkle Pants and Runner “so she will be really fast.”)
I’ll share more about my first and second trimester (so far) in an upcoming post and am happy to answer any questions you may have about this little one, how things are going so far, our plans in the coming months, etc. Just let me know what you’d like to read about in a followup post and I’ll be happy to address everything soon.
Thank you guys so, so much for following my life and my family and giving us such an amazing outpouring of love and support over the years. I know so many of you have been reading since the early days when Sadie was our only baby and I am so grateful for your continued love and kindness. I cannot wait to introduce you to the littlest member of our family in a few short months!
I cannot ever share a pregnancy or baby-related post on this blog without thinking about those of you reading from a place of longing, loss or pain related to miscarriage, loss of an intensely loved little one or infertility right now. My mind and heart changed deeply after we lost three babies during pregnancy and I know that pregnancy announcements in particular can be just plain hard to read when you’re hurting. I hope and pray my news doesn’t cause you pain right now but if it does, I get it. The longing for a baby and the pain of loss is horrible and unfair and heartbreaking. I’m thinking of you and holding a space for you in my heart.
Oh yay!! Congratulations! Such wonderful news! I’m so happy for you and your family 🙂 And I’m so happy that you got pregnant before all of this pandemic craziness kicked in, so you don’t have to wonder whether or not you should be TTC right now. I know several people who planned to TTC this year and are on the fence now, so while I’m sure being pregnant during this time is a whole other level of stress, I am very happy that you don’t have to make that decision about whether or not you should be trying, because that’s got to be a huge challenge. I would also once again like to make an argument for having your baby on September 18 – I believe Leslie came close with Callie, but you can do it! (Unless your due date is September 1 – then maybe don’t try for September 18 😛 ). As a lifelong owner of a September 18 birthday, I can attest that it is easily the best day to be born 😉 Haha!
Congratulations! Such wonderful news. Many prayers for the rest of your pregnancy and if it’s a girl, I vote for Sparkle Pants!
First of all, congratulations! This is very exciting news for any mother, but especially after miscarriages! I had my first baby a little over a year ago (with a plan for another sometime, hopefully), but I had 4 early miscarriages before him. Second, I need to say thank you so much for your understanding that some people may be struggling with getting pregnant or having had a loss and it can be so difficult to hear these announcements. I have been working on a post for my own blog as to how to navigate these types of situations and nothing I have written for advice thus far has felt right. Thank you for giving me the inspiration to try to write my post again.
On a side note, this is my first time on your blog and this is the first post I read so I am very excited to read more.
Congrats! Happy for you!
Oh, Julie, I’m so thrilled for you guys. I have been a long time reader, and the first time I had ever heard of a MMC was when you shared about it. As painful as it was to share publicly, I’m so thankful you did as I experienced my first (and only) MMC last year. I went to my 13 week appointment and found the baby had stopped growing around 10 weeks, and your experience and knowing you were able to survive it really helped me in those next moments. I went on to conceive and birth our rainbow (third child) two months ago, and I am so so happy you’ve gotten another sweet rainbow baby on the way. Sending lots of love and prayers your way! ?
Gah!! Congrats Julie & family. I am so excited for you. What a journey it has been. I’d love to know what you’re wearing that’s comfy while you chase two sweet boys around.
Congratulations Julie and family!! So happy for you! ?
What great news❤️
Congratulations Julie! Long time reader here with a 4 year old boy and a loss in 2017 so we have shared many of the same high’s and lows. I am now 18 weeks pregnant and like you have only just managed to come round to the idea of this pregnancy resulting in a baby that comes home. Everything crossed for both of us to get our rainbow babies. I am excited to have you to blog your journey to help me along with mine. Lots of love and best wishes
Congrats!! But, if it’s a girl you HAVE to name her Skye!! 🙂 it would complete the Paw Patrol crew!
Aww, what wonderful news!! Congrats Julie! I’ve loved following along with your pregnancies (my girl is almost exactly Ryder’s age) and look forward to hearing how you’re doing through this one, too. Hugs to you and your sweet family!
Hope when you are having down days, you go back to reading all these posts sending out the love! Congratulations to you all! If Runner likes to run, does Flipper like to swim? I like Gigi, the name feels like a nod to a special spunky grandmother.
Did you do anything special to share your good news with your close family or friends?
Best wishes for a low stress pregnancy and easy delivery for your rainbow baby Sparkle Pants!
Congrats Julie! What wonderful news. You are so genuine to share your news with both excitement and grace (reflecting on past miscarriages). I’m a midwife that currently blogs at: amidwifenation.com – if you’re looking for anything pregnancy related or for encouragement – I’ve got you covered.
Wishing you the best with this pregnancy!
Thank you, Jamie! And thank you for sharing your blog with me — I’m excited to check it out! And random fun fact: Chase and Ryder were both delivered by a midwife (the same amazing woman) and so was I years ago! <3
Congratulations to you and your family!! I wish you a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I’ve been reading your blog for years and I have to say, my favorites are your posts on your weekdays with the boys and your weekend adventures with your family. With that being said, you and Ryan are gonna rock as a family of 5 (6 counting Sadie ?). You bring so much joy into an often negative world. Thank you for being a light and congrats again on baby #3!!
Congratulations!! So sweet and I’m right there with you with the intimidating factor of 3 kids. I am pregnant with our third as well, scared but so excited! Praying for ya’ll!
Congratulations Julie and family!! I’ve been following your blog off and on for years. I suffered an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage a few years ago, and it took a long time to heal from, if ever! I’m not about 10 weeks pregnant and this is the farthest I have ever come. LOTS of fear and anxiety. Reading all your advice and suggestions has been so helpful. Thank you!! I also live in Charlotte with my fiancé and our dog, Winston!
🙂 Ava