Past updates:
- Weeks 8, 9 and 10
- Weeks 11, 12 and 13
- Weeks 14, 15 and 16
- Weeks 17 & 18
- 19 Weeks
- 20 Weeks
- 21 Weeks
- 22 Weeks
- 23 Weeks
- 24 Weeks
- 25 Weeks
Baby Updates
Baby is the length of a cucumber (about 12 to 14 inches)!
Weight Gained
I didn’t weigh myself, but I’d assume I’m continuing to gain and am up a few pounds from my 15.5 pound-weight gain at my 24 week checkup. I definitely feel like I’m carrying around more weight!
A combination of the usual: Spinning, BodyPump/strength training and a Pure Barre class over the weekend! I also walked half of the Girls On The Run 5K with Ryan (we stopped halfway through because that’s all his knee could handle right now) and took Sadie on her fair share of long walks in the morning and evening.
I wish I could have run in the GOTR 5K like I did back in December when I was newly pregnant, but there’s just no way I can right now. The heaviness I feel down there the instant I start running makes it feel all wrong and I’m trying my best to be cautious and listen to my body. I’ve also eliminated or significantly modified certain plyometric exercises I used to love to do pre-pregnancy. (Stay turned for an upcoming post about pregnancy workout modifications!)
I am a peeing machine. It’s kind of ridiculous. I will go to the bathroom and then what feels like five minutes later, I’ll be in there again… Repeat this approximately 10 times a day.
I’ve also noticed I cannot comfortably roll from one side to the other in bed anymore. I have to plant my feet, lift my hips and use the momentum to get my belly to roll from right to left or left to right. My belly is slowly becoming a force of nature!
The acne I struggled with so much during early weeks of pregnancy finally seems to be under control. Thank goodness!! Having zits pop up all over my face and chest started to make me feel really self conscious, so I’m glad my skin seems to be waaay better now. It began clearing up a couple of weeks after I started using the Belli line of skincare. I’m not sure if the face wash, moisturizer and spot treatment should receive all the credit for totally clearing up my skin or if my hormones are just constantly changing, but you better believe I’m going to continue using Belli products! If the Belli skincare products really were the miracle that helped my pregnancy acne dissipate, I feel like I should send the whole company flowers!
I also experienced some nausea a few times this week. No puking (thank goodness), but it caught me a little off guard and I hope it doesn’t stick around!
Food Aversions
Nothing too strong this week! There are still foods I definitely have no desire to eat that I loved pre-pregnancy (like tomato-based soups), but the simple thought of them no longer makes me gag.
Food Cravings
- Tuna salad (loving this but limiting the amount I eat, per most most pregnancy safety guidelines)
- Fresh fruit (especially watermelon, grapes, apples, pineapple)
- Yogurt
Lots of tossing and turning, but the Snoogle definitely makes sleep about 10,000 times better. I wake up a lot in the night, but it’s usually just because I have to pee… again.
Looking Forward To…
Vacation!!! Ryan and I have a pretty amazing vacation to ALASKA planned for the end of the month. I cannot wait! My fingers are crossed that my lifelong dream of seeing whales in the wild will come true.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?
I didn’t buy anything new this week but I made myself really sit down and spend some time working on our baby registry. It is so, so overwhelming and makes me feel 100 percent clueless. Thankfully you guys have helped me SO much. SO, SO much! THANK YOU for weighing in on the PBF Facebook page and sharing a bit more about what we need and may not need once our little one arrives. I’ve gone over your comments about a million times.
My friend Leah also typed up an extensive list for me that has proven very helpful. I reference it every single time I update our registry and it’s been a lifesaver! I’ve had a bunch of fellow moms-to-be request a blog post about creating a baby registry and I’ll try to have this up soon. I toooootally understand how overwhelming it can all feel!
Belly Button In Or Out?
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time?
Any Movement?
Yes!!! Ryan both felt the baby move and saw the baby move for the first time this week! It was the coolest thing! I noticed he was making some pretty strong movements when we were sitting on the couch together, so I lifted up my t-shirt and told Ryan. He looked over at my belly and within five seconds, our baby gave a big kick and we saw my belly move. Ryan’s eyes got so big and he hurried over to put his hand on my belly and almost immediately felt another movement. I think he said, “I can’t believe it!” or “That was so cool!” about five times before bed that night.
haha you think you’re peeing a lot now…. just wait, girl!!!! i remember seeing baby william move for the first time…. crazy to see him move from the outside when he’s still inside!!
Oh my gosh, I cannot imagine peeing more than I am right now!!! It is ridiculous!
Can I just say I never understood the heaviness you talked about.. Umm.. Now I do.. I can’t run anymore either because of it, well and the fact that I am carrying so much more weight lol. It is amazing that we are due at the same time, but our bellies look sooo different! And totally jealous of your Alaska trip..
It’s crazy, right!? It hit me right around 15 – 16 weeks and hasn’t really let up at all!
I found that yoga stretches helped relieve that heaviness feeling (especially laying on your back and doing butterfly pose, pigeon, bridges). I believe I had that feeling from weeks 14-18, and I credit pre-natal yoga with helping me still be able to run (I am currently almost 29 weeks).
ive been doing yoga all along during my pregnancy (im 34 weeks) and unfortunately running wasn’t in the cards for me either during this pregnancy!! Walking even feels uncomfortable.
I agree with Linz! The peeing-machine feeling only gets worse!
I can’t believe that you are halfway through- it goes so fast!
Alaska, wow. That should be amazing!
Speaking of baby registry…how fun is that?!!! Just wanted to share something I got not from my registry but something we’ve purchased ourselves cause buy buy baby doesn’t sell it. We originally registered for the 4moms playard with the bassinet so the little one could sleep next to us at night, but decided to give the Nuna Sena a try from Nordstrom….LOvE it! Its perfect for our baby girl to sleep in, use as a travel cot to grandmas and a use as a playard for when she gets bigger. She’s due in a few weeks! I’ll let us know if she likes it as much as mommy 😉
Love reading these updates 🙂 Alaska sounds so amazing and is on my bucket list! I’ll be eagerly awaiting your review and recap of the trip!
ALASKA?! Jen = Jealous! I hope you get to see whales and get pictures so I can live vicariously through you! lol
You look great!! I’m glad to hear your acne is clearing up. That is the worst and most depressing symptom for me!
I’ve been craving tuna my entire pregnancy- it’s so crazy! I only tolerated tuna before pregnancy, but now I can’t get enough of my once a week treat! (ha! That sounds funny to say)
Have so much fun in Alaska! Whales in the wild are majestic! And it’s where I learned to love salmon . . .
Thank you! I am so ridiculously excited to see whales in the wild. I cannot wait!
You definitely look pregnant now and it’s adorable! This is such a good time to wear those body-hugging maternity clothes to show off that bump instead of trying to hide it 🙂 It’s amazing how much bigger the bump looks in clothes that are meant for it.
I have an 8 month old and just created the ULTIMATE Clueless Lady’s Baby Registry Guide: I hope/think that you’ll find it helpful! I know I was searching for something like that on the internet when I was pregnant…
Thank you!!!
Wow, Alaska?! That sounds incredible! I’ve always been intrigued by Alaska and I’m so eager to see your experience there!
So fun! I personally haven’t felt a baby move so I can only imagine how crazy that feeling must be the first time it happens!
You are going to LOVE Alaska! Are you doing a cruise or on your own?
I went years ago and it was amazing. Such gorgeous nature. I hope you see a whale, it’s definitely a big possibility!
A cruise!!
I did a cruise as well. So wonderful! (Although we were by far the youngest people there.)
Definitely do excursions. I’d recommend the helicopter and glacier walk. Truly amazing!
Can’t wait to see pictures and relive it through you. 🙂
I’ve always wanted to travel to Alaska – I can’t wait to see your recaps!
Yay for kicks!!! 🙂 The vacation sounds amazing!!! Now’s the time do all the me things before baby arrives, lots of you and Ryan time 🙂
I’ve always wanted to see a baby move { through a bump..}. My coworker always tried to show me, and I could never see it haha I started to wonder if something was wrong with my eyes.
Alaska! So exciting!
My hubby has gone several times and you would never believe the video of whales breaching uber close to his fishing boat!!! Crazy! I have NO desire to go fishing, but I’d love to see the whales!
My “baby belly” just turned 2 years old, and I still really miss feeling her move in my belly.
One time, I had gone to visit my family in my hometown when I was about 9 months along. We went to church and I was on the very end of a pew (near the door to the basement/bathrooms) and my nephew was on the other end of the pew. I was watching my belly jump around and noticed my nephew was leaning out, looking at my belly, too, with a look of happy awe on his face. It is one of my favorite memories. 🙂
How fun you are going to Alaska!! I’d love to go there one day!! I really want to see the Norther Lights!
Northern** Lights
A trip to Alaska! Awesome!! I got to see whales off the coast of San Francisco when I first moved here, which was awesome. And have you thought of wearing that supportable belt strap around the lower tummy for some jogging? Having no kids, I’ve never tried, but heard good things. Happy Wednesday!
Your pregnancy cravings are so healthy! 🙂
I researched Alaska cruises a few months ago, and if I remember correctly, you’re going to Alaska at peak whale time, so hopefully your dream will come true!
I’m so excited for you! It seems like you’re having a pretty good pregnancy, so yay!
Kim .. CASUAL!
Wow, you’re brave to head to Alaska this far along in your pregnancy, especially a Cruise! My doctor recommended not to fly after 28 weeks and/or vacation in remote spots.
BUT, like I said, you’re braver than I am and are taking all precautions for the little one. Have fun!!!
SO sweet that you Ryan was able to see AND feel your little guy move! I’ve been feeling our little girl move for a few weeks now, but Cody has yet to feel her. I’m guessing it’ll be in the next couple weeks though because her movements are definitely getting stronger and more obvious! I can’t wait for him to feel her. 🙂
I totally know what you mean about the registry stuff. I remember spending countless hours “shopping” online, reading reviews, researching baby gear, etc. It’s all very overwhelming! There’s just SO many options out there, and everyone has their various opinions. I’m glad you’ve been able to get good advice from your friend and other PBF readers – I’m sure that has helped a ton!
Check out Lucy’s List. She does a ton of research on a lot of products and has a nice registry list that has different price points. It was a great place for me to start. I used it as a reference and then checked reviews to see if it was something I was interested in.
I loved the bamboo Aden and Anais anything…. Crib sheets, swaddle blankets (that I never used for actual swaddling but a great for the car seat or just snuggling), and burpy bibs. Also, my friend swore by the Swaddle Me swaddles. I have used all of the stages they offer (except for the newborn) and they are Awesome! Changing pad liners are still proving to be a great asset almost 6 months later.
Pottery Barn Kids hooded towel and wash cloth set is awesome and so soft.
I like the Nose Frieda, but I still need and use the regular nose suction bulb a lot. The Nose Frieda is great for when they have a cold, but sometimes you just don’t need it. I like the suction bulbs that come apart so I can wash them.
Register for things baby will need a little later on, too. Like bowls and spoons. They were nice to have on hand when my daughter started pureed foods. Also, if you are planning on making your own baby food, I would totally suggest the Infant Baeba Babycook Pro. I received it from my co-workers as a shower present and it is amazing and makes it so easy to make baby food and freeze it for later.
Is this trip your “babymoon”? Haha have you heard of that? Apparently, it’s a thing and couples take their last trip together before the family becomes 3.
That is so so awesome Ryan could feel & see baby boy moving! YAY! That is the best <3
I agree-baby registry stuff is SO overwhelming. My sisters helped me a ton though. People will always buy you clothes & toys ps, so I wouldn't register for too much of that stuff IMO.
I went to Alaska in 2009 and OH MY was it amazing!! My bro-in-law is from there so we stayed in his parents' cabin on a lake and went on a mini wildlife cruise–so so amazing. We ate salmon his dad had caught, etc. Saw so many animals (including whales). Just amazing. I hope to go with my husband (wasn't married then) sometime in the next few years. I'm so excited for you guys!
I will say don’t go crazy buying everything on all the lists. You will find that you won’t use half of it or that it won’t work for your baby. I recommend like 10 things tops to new moms.
I would recommend buying big purchases from Buy Buy Baby. They always have coupons and will take back everything for money back. So when your daughter after 2 months still could care less about that $250 mamaroo, you take it back and get your money back!
How exciting about the kicks! I too am peeing all.the.time. (I’m 27 weeks.)
You should check out Lucie’s List — it has the most helpful registry and gear guides!
Those big baby movements are the best!!
Girl you are going to love Alaska! We went last July and we fell in love. Actually last night my husband said, if we can get a good deal, he’d go back to Alaska this year. We saw humpback whales on our excursion in Juneau. It was awe inspiring. To me they looked so prehistoric, like they’re not part of our today’s world. Hard to explain. The scenery is just captivating and the small towns are so sweet and take you back in time. Enjoy! I have a Pinterest board just for packing because I was clueless. Main tip is to bring layers and your Uggs. My Uggs saved me while walking around the ship. (Assuming yall are going on a cruise).
THANK YOU!!! SUPER helpful!
I am going to Alaska too at the end of this month for the first time! My best friend from college is from Fairbanks and I’ll be visiting her there, and going to Denali National Park and Valdez! I’m so excited. Where in Alaska are you going?
So fun!! We’re going on a cruise that’s stopping in Ketchikan, Skagway, Juneau and Victoria British Columbia.
You look beautiful Julie!!! 🙂 Also, pretty awesome that you are headed to ALaska this month. It will be beautiful there. I’m headed to CALI and cannot wait!!!! 🙂
xo, Lauren @
You deserve an award for cutest pregnant woman!
Alaska!! My husband and I went two summers ago and we’re going back in July! Are you flying in and then driving or taking a cruise? What cities do you hope to hit? We LOVE Kenai and Seward Alaska!! Ya’ll should totally try salmon fishing and then watching the bears when they sit on side of the shore and catch/eat the salmon. Kind of sad but SO cool!
We are going on a cruise. It’s stopping in Ketchikan, Skagway, Juneau and Victoria British Columbia! I am so excited! I am dying to see whales and bears in the wild. 🙂
Uh oh….I’m already usually a peeing machine!! If I ever get pregnant- haha I’m going to have to set up shop in there!
And Alaska is so exciting! I’m headed there at the end of the month myself- for an internship! Can’t wait to hear where you’re going!! I’m one of 8 interns (!) going to Nome to work with the Summercise program, and I couldn’t be happier or more excited:) Good luck and HAVE FUN on your trip!!
You look great! And whale watching is SO fun! So excited for you two!
Feeling (and watching) baby move was one of the coolest parts of pregnancy!!! I can’t believe you’re already 26 (27 weeks!!)
Alaska! Oh my word! Talk about a dream vacation! I think my parents are STILL trying to conjure up a way to get there! My doctor recently told my I’m carrying “super low” which means…peeing ALLLLLLLL the time. I feel your pain! It’s like I’ll go, and literally two seconds later, I feel like I could go again. I may as well just work from the bathroom all day! And I’m not even 20 weeks yet! AHHH!!
ALASKA to see whales is literally the #1 thing on Scott’s bucket list! YES! Please take lots of pictures <3 <3
All i want is tuna too! I tried to steer clear for a while and then one day caved and i want it every day! i limit myself to once a week…and i had it yesterday, but now you posted that picture and its all i can think about! =p
Have fun in Alaska!
I am a peeing machine too! I can’t get it under control, ha. The worst is going, thinking you got it all out, and then 5 minutes later the feeling is back. I understand the pressure when running. I am still running but taking it down a notch. I actually haven’t done plyo moves in a while. I thought about trying them again. Where are you registering? I’m thinking Babies R Us and Target but not sure!
We registered at Target and 🙂
OOOOH trip to Alaska?! That is amazing!! Cannot wait to hear all about that! 🙂
My husband and I are going on an Alaskan cruise too! We leave May 31 from Seattle. That’d be funny if it was the same cruise!
We are also leaving out of Seattle, but we get back on the 31st! I hope you have a blast!
Awesome, we can’t wait! I hope you blog about it when you get back.
Seeing whales in the wild is my #1 bucket list item. Please take and post plenty of pics!
I love tuna salad, but try not to eat a ton because of the mercury. I’ve found that chickpea salad is a good (and vegetarian) substitute! You literally make it the same way you would tuna salad, but with mashed chickpeas instead of tuna!
ooh! thanks for the tip! i’ll try this!
My friend and I are going on a similar cruise at the end of June! We leave out of Vancouver, and end in Seward. Can’t wait to hear your trip recap!
Hi Julie, fun post! If you like whales in the wild….check out Southern California! We go out on weekly whale watching boats to see the whales that migrate up the cost from about march-may. And we generally see about 4-6 whales each boat trip we’ve taken out (about 3 hours). Amazing! Alaska must be unreal too! Have a fun trip. 🙂
I hope you have a great time coming here! The weather in interior Alaska is beautiful right now and I hope it is just as nice for you in Southeast AK. I can’t wait to see pictures of your adventures because I am so proud of this beautiful state I live in! You’ll definitely see amazing things!
These updates are SO exciting! I am 4 weeks post partum with my second child and am remembering similar thoughts and feelings in each of my pregnancies. You look beautiful mama!