My Tuesday morning began with a muffin!
I woke up needing some kind of sweet, bready carb and reheated one of Chase’s beloved whole wheat pumpkin muffins that I pulled out of the freezer to take the edge off my nausea while I read my devotional and eased into the morning. Once I felt a little better, I moved onto breakfast number two which looked like a smoothie bowl that I whipped up with frozen banana, frozen cauliflower, almond butter, light coconut milk (from a can) and a scoop of chocolate protein powder.
I topped everything off with a sprinkle of cacao nibs for some crunch and ate my breakfast as I worked on the computer until Chase was up and it was time to switch into mom mode.
We hung out around the house until 9 a.m. or so, mainly because I didn’t want to leave until Chase pooped in his potty.
Once that happened, we celebrated, danced and high-fived because pooping in the potty is a BIG deal around here right now!
Yes, my friends, we are smack-dab in the middle of potty training in our house! We actually started last week and so far things are going fairly well. (We’re mostly following the advice found in the Oh Crap! Potting Training book with some definite wiggle room since every kid is different. Oh and before you think we had potty training nailed in three days like the internet will have you believe is easy peasy, the first few days were a BEAST and potty training is definitely a work in progress.) One quick question for the potty training pros: At what point did your kiddos begin to actually TELL you they have to go potty? Right now we’re mostly reminding Chase to use the potty and prompting the majority of his trips to the bathroom which I am assuming will last for a while. I’m curious as to when kids transition into regularly telling you they need to go? We’ve had a handful of those moments but right now Chase seems to need quite a bit of prompting and reminding, though accidents are already pretty minimal.
Oh and another challenge? Chase refuses to wear underwear. He’ll wear pants and shorts all day long but he’s commando under his pants right now. Ha! Any advice as to how to make him think underwear is THE COOLEST? We have Thomas the Train and Paw Patrol underwear on hand but they’re getting the side-eye from Chase at the moment and a full-on meltdown occurs if we try to get him to wear underwear. There’s always something, right!?
With two successful potty trips under our belt, I felt confident we could make it to the gym without any issues, so Chase and I piled into my car and headed off to the YMCA for a workout!
Chase hung out in childcare (accident free!) and I completed a biceps/triceps/shoulders workout that looks liked this:
It was a quick but effective one and after more than my fair share of rest days last week, it felt good to get back into the gym.
Once I scooped Chase up from childcare, we drove to his swim lesson. After four months on a wait list for an early afternoon class, we finally got in (our previous early evening time was killer for rush-hour traffic) and Chase and I had a blast splashing and playing in the water. When we were done swimming, we changed into dry clothes and dug into some of the food I packed for us in the lobby.
I threw a banana and a packet of almond butter into my bag for myself but packed a Bento Box filled with Chase’s lunch for him to eat after our swim lesson as well. Chase loves watching the big kids swim and I figured we could have a mini picnic in the lobby while Chase ate lunch and watched the other children.
By the time we made it home, Chase’s naptime was on the horizon, so we played fetch in the backyard with Sadie for a bit before making our way upstairs for a couple of stories.
While Chase slept, I grabbed a shower and actually washed my hair for the first time since Thursday (bless you, dry shampoo) and then assembled a salad for lunch.
My salad came together quickly thanks to leftover salmon and roasted potatoes from Monday night’s dinner.
I ate my lunch and began working at the computer, feeling awfully proud of myself for actually consuming a decent number of vegetables, until I was hit with some serious nausea that had me feeling all kinds of sweaty and sick. Just thinking about my salad less than five minutes after I ate it made me want to puke. (Pregnancy is cah-ray-zee.) Thankfully I never threw up but I ended up sitting on the bathroom floor for a solid 30 minutes as I waited for the feeling to pass. Once it did, I ate a small bowl of cereal which also seemed to help settle my stomach and got back to work.
Since the nausea train is unpredictable around here, I wasn’t sure what to expect over the course of the next few hours but the rest of the day ended up being a good one! I was able to eat an afternoon snack and a sweet treat before Chase woke up and the two of us headed off to a late afternoon prenatal appointment.
Just to clarify since I realize it probably seems like I was just at the doctor’s office, yesterday’s appointment was the standard third trimester bi-weekly OB/GYN visit which is why it occurred so soon after last week’s appointment with a specialist.
My doctor was wonderful and let Chase help squeeze the warm goo on my belly and control the Doppler which he thought was really neat! We were in and out of the doctor’s office in half an hour and left feeling grateful for a positive update!
Before heading home for the night, we swung by a local park to meet up with my friends Carrie and Alexis and their kids so our little ones could run around and enjoy the sunshine. We stayed for just about an hour before driving home where Ryan arrived home from work about 20 minutes later!
Dinner was a simple one and came together quickly once I cooked some quinoa in vegetable broth with a little taco seasoning. I paired the cooked quinoa with a can of black beans, avocado, green onion, shredded cheese and leftover chopped green beans and topped everything with a bit of Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Easy, filling and delicious!
Oh and before you think Chase is an amazing quinoa-eating toddler, I know from past experience there is a zero percent chance he would’ve liked this meal, so his dinner looked more like mac and cheese served with a quinoa-free deconstructed version of our dinner.
Once we were all full, we played around the house for a bit before doing the whole bed time routine. A number of you recommended The Last Mrs. Parrish to me a while ago, so I began reading it last night and so far it’s an easy read that roped me in almost immediately. We’ll see how it ends up!
And that was our Tuesday in a nutshell. Thanks so much for stopping by PBF today!
Oh potty training, we had a little commando for a while too, not sure what it was about lol. I took my son to actually pick out his own underwear and that seemed
to be a great motivator for him.
Good morning Julie – sounds like Chase is doing great with potty training!
Have you tried reading any of the Underwear books to him- there are ones like Pirates Love Underwear, Dinosaurs Love Underwear, Monsters Love Underwear, etc. I know Chase loves books so much. Just an idea..
That’s a GREAT idea!!! We have some potty books but none that emphasize underwear. Definitely looking for this!! Thanks Becki!
You are very welvome.
PS. Hope today the nausea stays away!!!
Ditto on this! Love the pirate version
Good luck with the potty training! Your pregnancy really seemed to fly by!!
I would’ve picked the mac and cheese too – I’m with Chase!
I’d love to hear more about your potty training techniques and any tips you have. I bought that book too and tried following it, but my son never even peed on the potty, let alone poop! He would just hold his pee all day so we took a break. I’m going to give it another try soon!
I’d also love to hear how the first few days went, when you had to stay at home all day. I’m gearing up to potty train my daughter and am anxious about that part!
I followed that book and my daughter has done the same thing (we’ve tried three different times now)! It’s so frustrating, I almost think it’d be easier if she was having accidents rather than holding it all day. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone, though!
I JUST started reading oh crap potty training a few days ago so it’s really fresh in my mind – the author says the first MONTH is parents prompting the child to go, so not kids don’t start telling you they need to go until after a month at least. And she recommends going underwear free for a little while as well! So don’t stress, nothing wrong with going Commando! Lol
Underwear took awhile for us too. I ended up bribing him haha. I think I used candy or a new toy! He started telling me eventually. Just be consistent and ask every hour/half hour. Also, don’t push too much and treat it like no big deal and it’s less stressful that way for parents and toddler. We just finished potty training 1 month ago so it’s all very fresh! Also illness or injury will most likely cause a regression so if he gets sick just be aware that could happen and is totally normal. When my son got the flu, it set his potty training back a few weeks. Good luck! Potty training is an interesting time :p
That makes me feel better! I’ve chatted with some of my friends and Chase is the only kid I know right now with an “underwear aversion” haha!!
My toddler has been potty trained for several months and I still have to remind her to go! Not every 30-45 mins like before, but every 2-3 hours I ask her if she needs to go!
I would also not be surprised if he has a regression with the new baby – that is really common, and they actually do not recommend potty training quite so close to such a big life transition anyway.
That’s so exciting that Chase is getting so good at potty training already! I remember from when I sued to nanny how frustrating that can be for both mom and the child, so kudos to you for doing it, especially while pregnant!
Hey!! Way to keep up the workouts : ) I know you had mentioned wanting to see a pelvic floor specialist post pregnancy, but after having a baby 6 months ago, I’ve been immersing myself in what you can do during and after pregnancy to help with your bodies recovery. Two fabulous resources I want to share that have been super educational and helpful (I wished I knew about them years ago) – Olivia Cagle of Fitabulous Moms on facebook (she’s a prenatal and postnatal exercise correction specialist), and the book Diastasis Recti: The Whole Body Solution to Abdominal Weakness and Separation by Katy Bowman. Katy also has multiple podcasts on diastasis and pelvic floor health if those are more practical to listen to, but the book is really great. All that to say, I’m learning how our everyday movements impact everyyything core, and wanted to share the love so you can start benefiting now and maybe adjusting some workouts 🙂 I’ve always known ‘correct form’ for workout moves, but feel like I’m starting over learning how to move and workout right with proper body alignment (which is key to everything!)
Thank you for sharing this!!! Focusing on smart postpartum pelvic floor recovery is so important to me & I’ll absolutely look into these resources before birth. Thanks so much!
Hi! First, thanks for keeping me sane and inspired to be better…
Which chocolate protein powder would you recommend (based on the flavor)?
I like chocolate AfterBurn, SFH & Pure Protein!
Thank you!
It took about 6-8 weeks for our son to start asking to potty on his own – and even now if he hasn’t asked in a while, I just make him go. I think what helped him the most was hearing other kids in his class at pre-school ask to go! But until then, just stick with you telling him to go! He has been potty trained for 5 months, but even now, if we are going to be out and about for the day, I put a pull-up on him just to be extra safe. My sister told me a horrifying story of when her son tinkled on himself in the chick-fil-a playplace on a very crowded day and they had to shut the whole area down and she was so embarassed 😀
That is hysterical about the underwear though…kids are SO funny!
That’s good to hear about picking up asking to go from other kids. Our daughter is about to turn 3 and move into the 3 year old room, so I’m hoping she’ll pick it up in there. In the 2 year old room, she’s pretty much the only kid that is potty trained.
I think being around other kids who are asking about it is so helpful! Chase was already REALLY curious about the potty before we started and would come home from preschool telling me about how two of his friends used the “big potty” which intrigued him. Hopefully other kids asking about going to the potty will be a good prompt for him to do the same!
I would say it will be several months where you have to remind him to go potty and maybe take him to the store and get him to pick out his undies. He might like the control of that.
I agree! With both of my kids it took a few months before they were going on their own, unprompted. My son is 3.5 and can just recently do everything all by himself (pulling pants down, using step stool, going potty, pulling pants up, etc). It’s a process! Sounds like Chase is doing really well!
Also, Julie, I sent you a screen shot of the boxer breifs we love on insta!
At least he’s wearing pants?? My little guy prefers to go 100% commando and when we’re home we’ve kind of given up the battle forcing bottoms! I think every kid is different though in knowing when they need to go. My daughter picked it up right away and only needed reminders when we left the house. My son knows when he has to poop now but often has small pee accidents before he catches himself. He was totally peeing himself before so it’s good progress! He’s been at the potty training for 2 months now. I think he just doesn’t have the same bladder awareness/control. At least summer is here! Peeing himself in a snowsuit is so much laundry :/
Haha! When we’re at home, anything goes! 🙂 And Chase seems to be the same way as your son regarding poop and pee — I think he “gets” the feeling of anticipating a poop but pee is a little harder for him to grasp, so most of our accidents are pee right now.
Just a quick comment on the undies…have you thought about boxers? I think the aversion is the constriction, and boxers are just like shorts so that may work.
I haven’t but I LOVE this idea!! Ryan wears boxers and Chase is all about what Dad does, so this might be the key for us. Off to Google toddler boxers now…
Haha! Is there anything cuter than the words “toddler boxers”? Maybe the image of cute little Chase in boxers?? Love this.
Yes! That was going to be my suggestion. Let Ryan and Chase buy new ones together. If he is like most boys, whatever daddy wears/does, he will want to do to!
My two wore pull ups for a bit while we were potty training so they got used to wearing something, and then I took them to pick out their big boy/girl underwear. My son has both briefs and boxer/briefs so maybe its the type?
We are four months into potty training our almost 3 year old daughter, and she still hasn’t prompted us that she has to go. So . . . there you have it.
She’s also mostly potty trained (still working on poop), and stays dry for hours and goes when asked. But hasn’t requested to sit on the toilet herself.
Is there any way you can read The Wife Between Us before The Last Mrs. Parrish? Trust me on this Julie!!! As a fellow book lover 🙂 I read both books and remember thinking, “I am sooooo glad I read The Wife Between Us” first. I wish I could explain why but I can’t!!! But, if you end up finishing The Last Mrs. Parrish and then reading The Wife Between Us, at least I’ll get your take on reading them in that order. 🙂 I can’t wait to hear what you think of both books!!
I haven’t read the comments so I”m sorry if I repeat what somebody else said. Have you thought about the style of underwear? My little boy didn’t care for the character ones (the brief style) because he said they hurt – I am assuming just felt too tight to him. He loves the boxer briefs though and has no issues with them.
This is SUCH a good idea! Another reader suggested something similar above and I’m on a mission to find toddler boxers/boxer briefs now! I think this could make a big difference for Chase!
I don’t have potty training advice because it took us forever to potty train our son, but I just wanted to say that you’re doing great! Potty training boys is so incredibly difficult, and it really took us forever. Just remember that he will eventually be potty trained and all will be well and try not to worry about it (like I did). And I want to say that William, our now 3.5 year old, wasn’t telling us prior to needing to go until he was around 3, which I hear is pretty standard for boys.
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Helen!! <3 I appreciate it!!
Maybe take Chase to the store and let him pick out his own underwear.
The return of the smoothie bowl is fun to see! And good luck on the potty training – one of the most encouraging things I’ve ever heard someone say to another mom was, “it’s going to be okay, you don’t see a lot of teenagers wearing pullups, so it will happen!” (This is not to ignore anyone with actual physical issues who may need extra care and support around bladder/body control, but for the most part, most kids catch on at some point!) You will get through it, just like you did all the other stages! I’m so happy you have such helpful readers in the comments.
Yes! You guys are doing great. It’s frustrating for sure, but my favorite advice from a seasoned mom friend is: “Kids change so quickly that before you know it, you’ve forgotten why you stressed about something. time will help before you know it.”
Try Hanna Andersson.
I just had someone recommend these to me on Instagram Stories as well! They’re ADORABLE and she told me that the lining is extra thick which sounds great for potty training/small accidents. Thank you for the tip!
jw if you still use a swim diaper since you’re smack in the middle of potty training! I’m planning on potty training my daughter this summer and also want to do swim lessons but not sure about the diaper situation….!
Yes we are! Our swim school actually requires a swim diaper for babies and toddlers of a certain age whether they’re potty trained or not. 🙂
So Adeline also refused to wear big girl undies, and much preferred wearing pullups or going commando. We just let her go commando at home, and didn’t really fight it, until we decided that no, she really needed to get used to wearing panties because duh! She would never listen to us about ‘how cool’ wearing big girl panties was until her teachers at school said they thought she was ready to wear panties to school. So we had them kind of encourage her and she listened and took a lot more pride in it because her TEACHERS were telling her that panties were cool and she could wear them. And she’s been wearing them out and about ever since! So maybe have a third party that Chase looks up to really encourage him, and maybe he’ll listen? 🙂
Hi Julie,
I know you are sensitive to this because you have mentioned this before, but I have noticed you seem to complain about parts of this pregnancy quite a bit. I say this as someone who can’t have kids, this comes off as very painful and hard to hear, and I hope that you are more mindful of this in the future.
Hi Kate! Thank you for this feedback! Causing anyone pain is truly never, ever my intention and I am so sorry if sharing certain aspects of my pregnancy has been painful for you to read about. Sharing some of the more challenging aspects of pregnancy is actually something I’ve waffled back and forth about sharing on the blog because I don’t want to paint a “rainbows and butterflies” view of pregnancy when, in reality, this pregnancy hasn’t been a breeze for me and I’d hate for anyone to think I’m painting an unrealistic view of pregnancy. Still, there’s not a single part of me that doesn’t feel 1,000 percent grateful for this pregnancy and this baby. I actually addressed my hesitations in sharing some of the not-so-great aspects of pregnancy in this blog post (under the 31 Week subheading): I will absolutely try to be more mindful of this in the future and appreciate you bringing it to my attention in a kind way.
Hi Julie,
I actually REALLY appreciate your honesty about some of the tough things during your pregnancy. I think you’ve been quite thoughtful about how grateful you are to be pregnant and I would find it quite annoying and unrealistic if you only talked about the positives. So, please do continue to be honest when you are comfortable doing so. I don’t think the majority of your readers mistake your honesty for ungratefulness.
Hi Julie! I had to help remind both my kids (a boy and a girl) for months and months. It takes awhile for them to know that feeling and go by themselves. Also, the book, Bear in Underwear, is awesome! Good luck! It takes a village 🙂
I found fruit of the loom toddler boxer briefs on Amazon . They are size 2T/3T, but they fit my average size 2.5 year old really well. Since they are intended to be snug, they may work for Chase even if they fit a little looser than intended.
Nothing wrong with commando! did Chase get to pick his underwear out? With my oldest I took him to target, he picked the underwear out and rang it up at self check out. He helped me put them in the wash and put them away. Maybe that would help? He takes charge of his own undies? Wearing them on your head as a joke also helps ? but that can backfire, too.
Try the boxer briefs from Hanna Anderson, they are organic cotton, great prints and super durable.
Sorry to hear about the nausea! I just ordered these on Amazon to help with mine, fingers crossed they actually do something!
I may be repeating a previous comment but, try getting him underwear similar to what Dad wears. This worked wonders with my two sons. They were not fans of the themed underwear.
I feel sort of silly for not thinking of this on my own! I am hoping to nab some toddler boxers/boxer briefs ASAP and think this could work well for Chase! Thank you for weighing in!
I potty trained last week using that book, my son is 2y10m. He holds for hours, so that is our challenge. Days 2-6 were awful I felt such despair, but thankfully we are over the worst. I’d love to hear more details of how the process went and maybe a 1m update?? I am hoping it’s much easier at 1m in.
Also I saw cute Tucker and Tate brand boxer briefs at Nordstrom, maybe he would like those? Triple points this week if you have a card!
It took our daughter a few months to tell us when she had to go, so we just kept prompting her every hour or so. We also made it routine at certain times of the day (right at waking up, before leaving the house, before meals, when we got home, before bedtime, etc). The worst was pooping. She hated to poop on the potty and it took a few weeks to get that figured out. Good luck! She loves the book Vegetables in Underwear if that helps!
Love the Oh Crap Potty training book! We used that last May (Can’t believe its been a year now!) when potty training our son. Its funny, I cannot remember when he started telling us he had to go potty, but I think it was awhile because I remember thinking (Oh my, we are going to have to tell him to go potty FOREVER!) But alas, that is not true 🙂
My guy is a week older than Chase and we did Oh Crap about 6 months ago. I still prompt him w/ the pee. I think he tells his nanny sometimes that pee pee is coming, but we normally prompt him. Poop he’s been trained with since before 2 (basically he thought poop and toilets were so funny, so he was highly motivated to do on his own – we didn’t train him for that). But he is VERY clear when he knows he doesn’t have to go and will let that be known 🙂
We did commando for a long time – like over a month I think. I still feel like he is less likely to have accidents when he is without undies on.
Fun times!
So I’m babysitting my 3-year-old niece today who is currently having trouble learning to poop in the potty…I was scrolling through your blog while she watched TV, then she glanced over, saw the picture of Chase, and asked “who’s that?” I told her he’s a little boy about her age who just went poop in the potty — “doesn’t he look happy?”. She asked me “Is Chase from Paw Patrol?” I couldn’t stop laughing. 🙂
Haha!! So cute!!
And I’m pretty sure anyone thinking my Chase is from Paw Patrol would be the best compliment of his life so far!!
Potty training: My boys are now teens but I remember that well. First thing i’d say is that the kids often will tell YOU when they are ready for it full blown (based on personal and friends). Trying to force it if they aren’t ready sometimes makes us way more anxious.
Remember, he knows that your home is about to change big time and sometimes those changes will manifest itself by not cooperating, by regressing into babyhood, or by just being disinterested. Plus supposedly boys do it later than girls (if you believe those old wives tales). And he may not even know that is affecting himself, but it can and often does in my experience. (We had these types of things when baby 2 was on way and when house move was on way)
Best advice I have on this whole thing is that: Pretty much, nobody goes to K in diapers, so don’t sweat it. If he doesn’t quite get it now, let him have an accident or two and he’ll get it pretty quick (or not) and he will still be OK in the end. Real scientific, huh! Good luck with him and the last few months of this pregnancy.
COngrats on potty training! You will probably be prompting for a while. I know for me in the beginning I felt like prompting was a failure and that potty training wasn’t working. I had to change my mindset and see any poop or P in the potty as a success. We still prompt two-year-old and he has been potty trained for six months. Chase will get better at telling you when he needs to go but if he is having successful trip to the potty that is huge! Congratulations!
Also, I am newly pregnant and felt like I was going to puke looking at your lunch from yesterday! I’m impressed that you were able to eat it and glad that you got over your nausea from the lunch so quickly! I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with the nausea all throughout the pregnancy. I know that must be extremely difficult.
Oh man I could not LOOK at Instagram food accounts or food blogs for a long time without gagging unexpectedly over random food photos on the internet for a while there. I feel ya! I hope your nausea dissipates soon!! <3
You can find toddler boxers at Old Navy and also Hanes carries them (I got them at Walmart). I had to take the waste in a little for my son so I just hand stitched like 2 stitches on either side. Then when he grew a little I snipped the stitches and he was good to go!
I remember when my daughter was potty training (which was 9 years ago) I remember being very nervous because not once had she ever told us that she needed to go (even though she had been going on the kiddie potty in the morning/evenings for over a year) so the first time we were out of the house sans pull-up (which was several weeks after she started going to pre-school/daycare in underwear) and she announced she had to go, we didn’t know if we had 5 seconds or 5 minutes! There were a lot of rushed trips to the bathroom (which resulted in nothing!). Very exhausting (especially since we also had a 4 month old at the time).
As for underwear, my son (who didn’t toilet train until he was 3 1/2 – second kid, we didn’t bother until he was ready – unlike his sister, not once did he ever, ever go on the potty, then 1 day he was ready, used the big toilet (though he didn’t #2 on the potty for another 3-4 months, but he’d go put the pull up on himself and do his thing) never cared for the kid underwear and he never liked tighty whiteies – even with characters. He liked plain (colored) boxer briefs from day 1 (for reference, no my husband didn’t wear boxer briefs at the time – for a second my son wanted boxers like dad, but I thought those would be too much work for him to have to tuck his boxers in ).
Old Navy in Canada has boxer breifs
Hi Julie,
Long-time reader, never-commenter here. I want to let you know that you are not alone in feeling immense gratitude for your pregnancy, while feeling the not-so-picture-perfect parts of pregnancy AT THE SAME TIME. One feeling does not detract from the other. Pregnancy is hard, even if it is the most wanted thing in the whole world. I had a miscarriage (my 2nd) around the same time as you, and am now 28 weeks along with twins (surprise of a LIFETIME!). I am feeling extremely grateful, scared, uncomfortable, etc. at the same time, and trying to limit the guilt about it. I think you have been so, incredibly compassionate and sensitive when talking about your pregnancy in this space. PLEASE don’t feel guilty for being honest with your readers. That’s part of why we love you!
First of all, re: potty training! Ethan took several months to say “I have to go potty” so we just got in the habit of sitting him on the potty every couple of hours until he was consistent with it.
Second of all, undies! I love the cup of jo post from Monday, which was a great reminder of sometimes, it’s ok to say yes if it’s not actually that important. For us, pants without undies were just not a big enough deal to fight about. When we dropped pushing them 100% – he started to want to wear undies! It worked for us, which is great, and that or something else may work for you, which is great.
Third of all, while I am sorry if reading your posts causes people pain, I want to support you in writing YOUR truth. You are so deeply compassionate, mindful and caring of others. If I were to read something that caused me pain, I would personally A) stop reading that thing and B) do some focusing on my own healing instead of someone else’s journey. I love reading your blog partly because of your genuine compassion and …”grayness?” meaning that you allow yourself to be in the gray, both joyfully grateful and physically uncomfortable. I just want to throw you so much support in continuing to do YOU!
I’m still avoiding potty training over here- haha!
Owen has been using the potty for about a year now, but still won’t tell us when he has to go. He only started wearing underwear about two months ago. He really wanted to play with a pin and I told him it was only for big boys that wore underwear. Fortunately he lost the win before he hurt himself and the underwear stuck. He still has accidents all the time though. I’m started to think he can’t tell when he has to go yet.
My daughter has never been a fan of tight clothing. She wears a size up in underwear from her pant size. Thank goodness the pants hold them up ?. I am careful about which type of elastic they use too.
Julie, I appreciate your honesty during pregnancy. I’m currently pregnant (and internet jealousy), but I’m totally envious how you’re able to workout. I’m still super nauseous most days and working out feels like a far reach. Thanks for sharing all the aspects. It helps me feel not alone and you’re right – sometimes you just can’t predict how you’re going to feel and what you’ll be able to do. I hope the nausea subsides for you!
I have no experience with potty training yet but I will be following along because I think we’re probably a few months behind you! I bought a stand-alone potty and a toilet insert thing (I don’t even know if there are terms for these things – haha!). I thought it was going really well on day 1 because she was so curious and excited about the new “toys”. But it turns out it was just that – the novelty, and it wore off on day 2 and since then she doesn’t want anything to do with either. Right now I’m going to let her lead and see what happens over the next couple of months.
My son is only days older than Chase and we used the same book/method!! We started a week after he turned 2 and I feel like I was prompting forever. Can’t remember when he started telling us, but now I usually tell him he has to go before we leave the house or bed but otherwise he tells us. It will happen for you when he’s ready, don’t worry about it! He also started wanting to only go in the toilet, not the potty chair, with no prompting from us. It’s like they just figure it out.
My guy is super tiny too- wears 18 month to 2T bottoms. I just get the 2T/3T size for him since it’s the smallest I could find and they are big, but stay up so it works! Let us know if you find smaller sizes 🙂