Since it’s Friday, how about a little somethin’ somethin’ to make you smile?
I had to post that because it made me laugh out loud and I really cannot stand Comic Sans. It is a horrific font that I loved (and retired) in sixth grade. Now I’ve moved on to bigger and better things. (No, not Wingdings or Papyrus.) I hope I’m not the only one out there who finds font humor funny. Such a dork.
Can you tell I’m feeling quite random today? My to-do list is all over the place, as is my mind.
Let’s just back up a bit, shall we?
Early this afternoon, I headed over to the offices of What’s Up Ocala magazine to say hello and pick up a check for my latest freelance work.
I was pretty excited to see that my most recent contribution received a pretty awesome spot in the magazine.
Hopefully the next round of content I send their way will be well received!
When I arrived home, it was lunchtime.
Leftovers made lunch a breeze.
Earlier this week, I made a batch of my butternut squash mock risotto, but instead of wheat berries, I used barley and also added cauliflower and chicken to the pot.
The leftovers were just as tasty the second time around.
Even though I wasn’t really hungry, I made myself a small bowl of ricotta cheese cheese topped with a chopped apple and cinnamon about 30 minutes after lunch because I was craving an apple like mad!
Today is one of those days where literally everything sounds delicious and I want to eat bites of just about anything I come across in our pantry and fridge. I can see dinner tonight being the most random meal in all the world.
I’m not sure what tonight has in store at the moment, but I’m excited for a fun weekend ahead. My sister and her boyfriend are coming in town tomorrow and spending time with them is always a blast!
Happy Friday!
Ugh I can’t stand Comic Sans!!! I think my 14 year old self thought it was pretty great at the time, but now it’s one of my least favorite fonts. Call me boring, but I’m more of a Calibri girl!
Bahahah comic sans all caps…. Very 6th grade!
Congrats on the magazine spread! And.. Comic Sans makes me laugh – it totally reminds me of when everyone used to have AOL Instant Messenger! It was always the choice of font haha!
hahahahh that is SO funny!
You aren’t Sarah. Don’t sweat it.
This is just a very, small tiny thing in life. I say keep enjoying comic sans.
Ha…thanks ladies. I think I’ll be okay. The only thing I really change the font on are kindergarten newsletters and craft projects. Those are kind of along the same lines as lemonade stands and unicorn poems anyway. So we’re good. 🙂
I like Comic Sans! Why am I always the last to know when things aren’t cool anymore?!?
Haha! I was thinking the exact same thing!! You aren’t alone 🙂
I do too! I’m glad to know I’m not alone. 🙂
Meeee tooo. As a graphics designer ….. I like that font!
When you use 12 pitch …..w/ blue ink, nice, easy read. Hey, as long as your words are good ….. readable, understandable. Right?
Actually, I like most all fonts for different things.
Wingding? No. That isn’t an A-Z option. Ha.
What does Crate and Barrel use? Helvetica right? Very clean ….. simple and popular.
Nice weekend Julie!
I love that sign! I loathe comic sans. I am usually pretty picky on fonts. I am glad I am not the only one who hates it!
YAH congrats on the magazine article!! You work hard–so it is very cool that they notice that.
Have a fun night–with all those yummy bites-you’re sure to 😉
Ha! I loved this, Comic Sans is such a no no. It’s on the graphic designers grievous sins list right along with designing a print piece in Power Point. I think my favorite font (that is really hard to pick) is probably Mrs Eaves, its classy and a bit fancy!
Wow! Congrats on the magazine achievement, that is awesome! Oh and on the comic sans – have you seen this one? 😉
Great Spread!
So hilarious! I love when you share silly tidbits like that. You’re so smart to get yourself featured in local magazines! I remember reading your tips on freelancing and thinking how clever you were to find different avenues to publish your work. Congrats on the great article placement! Hope you, your sister, Ryan and Ross have fun this weekend! 🙂
Ha well, I totally didn’t get it until you explained it. My mind went to comic (like “comics”) and sans (like “without”). I’m thinking please don’t use comics without what?! Okay, I’m lame. That is allllll! 😛
It’s really nice to see some of the awesome projects you work on 🙂
Haha, I get it. I just saw something on pinterest about only using comic sans if you’re 8 and are writing a poem about a unicorn. 🙂
LOL I used to LOVE comic sans in middle school!! I used to use that font for every poster projects…
Now, I like to use Kristin ITC for projects. I’m still a lil girl inside. hahahahha
haha! This post and all the comments made me laugh!
Thanks guys!
HAHA. i thought i was the only one who thought different fonts evoked different feelings. oh and your granola is a huge hit over here!
oooh as a graphic design major, you should have HEARD the hate on comic sans!
That definitely made me giggle. From the looks of the comments, a lot of us have a hate on for ol’ comic sans…
Funny how Font’s makes people feel, I have certain ones I really dislike and some I love. Love the humor of it
Congrats on the magazine spot!
I don’t LOVE Comic Sans…but as an elementary education/special education major, I have a feeling that I will probably use it…a lot. 🙁 I mean the letters are formed correctly for the most part and it’s the most kid-like font.
But I do agree, from a graphic design standpoint, it’s pretty much the worst choice.
I’ve seen the “comic sans” photos before, I always laugh! Congrats on the article!!
Dude, I totally get you on the Comic Sans. It’s trashy. Times New Roman is pseudo-intellectual. I dig Arial size 10 font. It’s the best.
bahaha I love that kind of humor. Too funny! Congrats on your article!
Comic Sans is hands down the worst font! It should be banned from professional emails.
hahaha oh comic sans totally takes me back to 6th grade for sure!
I hate Comic Sans too! And Century Gothic! I do remember back in grade school during computer class, I would test out EVERY font before I chose one to use in my project! Ha, times have changed!
i haaaaaaate that font! i always have haha. i spend time downloading new free fonts now…i love them! so nerdy lol.
Hehe, I used to think Comic Sans was such a fun font! I hate seeing it now.
That picture is great!
have you seen this julie? it’s hilarious. “cats as fonts”
amazing! font nerds will appreciate 🙂
We did. Very clever.
How do folks find these things?
Agreed! Some fonts are just plain annoying.
Congrats on the magazine spread; it must never get old seeing your name in print I would think. Haha to Comic Sans. When I was working, we could only use a couple fonts, that was that. Have a great weekend with Leslie and Ross! 😉
“‘FONT’ is the worst of the four-letter words” – the quote that was my desktop wallpaper at my old job.
After being a designer for 10 years and working in a print shop for six of those years, Comic Sans KILLS me!! There are a gazillion fonts out there people, tons for free. Expand your horizons a bit, please.
I totally agreeee! At my law firm one of the partners has his signature in bright blue comic sans, it legit makes me tweak every time I see it on an email to clients. So unprofessional!! Maybe I should leave him a note saying we are a law firm, do not use comic sans….
I can’t even imagine what Comic Sans font looks like, but I feel like it’s something I used when I was little…
You need to watch this video if you love font humor!!
It’s hilarious
Congrats on the article! From what I can see of the pictures they look gorgeous and BIG!!
Congrats on being in the magazine!!!
Georgia font is the best! Congratulations on the magazine! 🙂
LOL I love that you posted about this – my friend and I talk about how bad Comic Sans is all the time!! The worst is when I have to read recommendation letters written in it! I can’t take them seriously!
That was pretty hilarious! I hate comic sans too, it always annoyed me. Congrats on the mag spot 🙂
I am a huge lurker (love your blog) and never comment, but I promise this is worth it:
HATE comic sans. DESPISE comic sans. lol
I use comic sans all the time! I’m a fifth grade teacher, so if I typed their assignments and quizzes in, say…Times New Roman, it would look way too formal/scary to them!
haha omg i was ALL about comic sans in 6th grade! LOL
Congrats on the magazine feature. Have a great weekend!
My favorite piece of font humor
OMG!! I saw the same thing on Pinterest this week about Comic Sans font & cracked up laughing!! Font humor… Too funny LOL! 😀
I love this! lol….. Someone at the office I used to work at wrote their e-mails in comic sans. I wanted to strangle them every time I opened an e-mail from them!