I slept pretty horribly last night. I have a lot on my mind right now and woke up frequently throughout the night, unable to roll over and quickly drift back to sleep.
When the alarm went off this morning, I was awfully tempted to skip the gym but somehow talked myself into a workout and I’m so glad I did.
My morning five mile run got my day started on a positive note. Beginning the day with a workout does so much for me mentally. It sets the ball rolling and I am generally ten times more productive.
Here’s to a productive day!
Breakfast this morning began with a cup of vanilla Greek yogurt that I paired with a plate of scrambled eggs, ham, zucchini and mushrooms.
It did the trick!
Of Possible Interest
- 5 Sweet and Savory Latke Recipes for a Healthy Hanukkah (FitSugar.com)
- 33 Healthier Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth (Greatist.com)
- Look at This Instagram (CollegeHumor.com) <—If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me tweet about this video last week, but it is absolutely hilarious if you’re an Instagram fanatic like me!
Sleep went horribly for me last night; only about 2.5 hours! And I have classes all day… but I’m hoping a nap around lunch time will kick me into gear! A walk or run would feel so great right now… But finals are hurting me hard!
good luck!!!
That is one sleepy looking pup in those sheets! Looks just like my dog every morning. Does Sadie always sleep with you or just sometimes? Glad you had a good run to set your day on track – that’s the best feeling, especially when you almost gave up on it first.
I’m constantly having on and off weeks with sleep. 🙁 Sorry to hear about your struggle last night, I definitely sympathize. Hope you have a great day ahead!
Hopefully you can get a rest or a good night’s sleep tonight. I’ve often skipped a workout when I haven’t felt like it but have NEVER regretted when I went even when I wasn’t feeling the vibe. good for you!
Good for you for working out Julie 🙂 Hope whatever is troubling you works itself out! Positive vibes your way!
Sadie looks so sleepy & adorable!! Good for you on getting your workout in even though you were tired. That was me yesterday. lol Hope you work through whatever is on your mind & have a better day!! 🙂
I’ve been struggling with morning workouts for the last week or so. It’s true that “you’ll never regret a workout”, but I certainly wish I had more to bring to them right now! Hopefully once school is over I’ll get my workout mojo back.
You may have said this before previously, but I am new to your blog and was wondering, do you take your photos with your phone and then blog right from your phone? Or is it a combination of phone, regular camera, and computer? Just curious! Your breakfast looks delish!:)
That video cracked me up! Awesome!
Sorry you didn’t sleep well last night! I totally agree about having a more productive day when I work out first thing in the morning! That instagram video is hilarious, we watched in one of my classes this week and everyone was laughing.
Hope everything’s ok! When my pup looks at me with those sleepy eyes, I find it so hard to get out of bed! I’d much rather stay and cuddle with him!
My coworker showed me that video last week and I laughed so hard- so true!
Doesn’t look like Sadie slept well either. I’ve spent the last several days cleaning, so I have slept well. Hopefully your mind quiets down soon. I hate when I’m exhausted, physically, but my mind won’t go to sleep.
I haven’t slept well lately either–too many things on my mind!!
That Instagram video/song is pretty funny though 🙂
Go you for getting up and running 5 miles even with a crappy night of sleep! That’s inspiration right there!
That Instagram video is HILARIOUS! I saw it last week and had it stuck in my head… “Lo fiiiiiiii, lo fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.” 🙂
Isn’t Greek vanilla yogurt just the best?? It is so simple, but so delicious! Plus, I love adding extras (fruit, peanut butter, pumpkin butter) to it to spice it up!
I had the same problem last night! Drives me crazy when that happens 🙁 Throws my whole day off. Hope your run this morning set a positive tone for the rest of your day!
I did not get the best sleep last night either, and I managed to get myself out of bed to workout too 😉 always feels great when done. that my workout is done and I got the whole day to do other things!
Amen to that! Even on nights that I don’t sleep very well (which is a lot lately since I’m 8.5 months pregnant), if I get a workout in, I am golden for the rest of the day. It’s amazing what exercise can do!!
Good job. I always feels so much better When i get a Good workout in Even When i dont feel like it
We all have nights like that, when you just can’t seem to shut your mind off. Hope everything’s ok! And getting a workout in always makes me 10x more productive too.
Hope everything is ok <3
I'm in the same boat…G decided (for the past two nights) that it's so much fun to hang out rather than sleep through the night. Good times had by all 😉 Thank goodness for coffee, right?!
Aw I hope you feel better soon! And I hope you get a better nights sleep tonight!
umm.. thank you for totally making my day with the instagram video.. i laughed my ass off and totally needed it this morning.. and dammit! … i just posted a picture of my nails! lol 😉
Isn’t waking up to a sleepy Vizsla one of the best feelings in the world? I love how my Vizsla puppy’s face goes into instant “grandpa mode” when she’s tired. Sadie is so stinkin’ cute 🙂
Also, your breakfasts always trump mine by 13872891%. I need to start putting in more effort! Do you take the time to plan breakfast the night before?
Whenever I’ve had less than 6 hours of sleep, I always stay in bed instead of work out and then I usually end up tossing and turning until I need to get up anyways so I wish I exercised!
Hope your sleep improves soon! I saw that Instagram video… hilarious! Lofi! Lofi!
When I worked nights I always started my day off with a gym session and I felt really good! (my start to the day was about 2pm!) Everyone else was in the gym either getting off work or a mid day workout and I was doing my morning workout! haha
Good for you for getting the workout in! I woke up at 2am this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, my body has just been in a funk lately so I decided to take the day off from working out even though it usually makes me feel much better, I think my body needs it today.
Very funny video!
I cranked out 3.2 miles on the treadmill this AM and am happy that I have the rest of the day ahead of me and my workout behind me.
I agree. Starting your day with a workout is great. I always hate it when the alarm goes off at 4:30 or 5am. I am never disappointed when I get back from a run, though.
I hope everything’s ok & hope you get more sleep tonight!
Hate when that happens! I had a migraine Saturday-Tuesday. It caused me not to sleep more than two hours each night. Horrible. Made me less that fun to be around. Thankfully, the migraine left and I have been able to sleep the past two nights. Much happier camper now!
I agree, I’m much more productive when I start the day with a good workout!
Hope everything is ok! Remember to breathe, that usually helps me. I also find that working out helps me destress too.
I slept HORRIBLY on mon night. So bad. Then I had to teach BP at 530 a.m. Ick. But I felt a lot better later in the day–hope you shake off the sleepyness 🙂
Isn’t it crazy how one simple lazy thought turns into a 5 mile run? It goes to show how far positive thinking can take you!
Just found your blog via Pinterest (gotta love pinterest!) and am enjoying all your workout & recipe info! I look forward to trying some of both soon. I also have a quick question for you….do you eat breakfast before you go to the gym? If so, how long do you wait before you begin your workout after eating?
That instagram video is hilarious! Have you heard of snap chat? That’s the new teenage craze here. I love how the teens are totally into something and we old folks take it over, so they leave and find something else.
Hope you have a better nights sleep tonight…and also that it’s nothing too terrible that’s on your mind. Nothing beats a morning workout, especially a run.
I have been having trouble sleeping this week also (finals), and today was a off to a horrendous start (post-workout)…
When I can’t sleep, it sometimes helps me if I write down everything that’s on my mind. PS: that omelette looks amazing!
And this is just proof you never regret a workout. I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well but I hope that run turned your day around! 🙂
I haven’t been sleeping well either lately! I think it’s the time of year too. There is just so much going on that it’s hard to turn off at night. Here’s to a good nights rest tonight, for the both of us! 😉
Ugh, I hate sleepless nights! I never sleep well the night before a morning race. I went to bed early with a sore throat on the night before the Cleveland Turkey Trot and probably got about 3 hours of sleep. Fortunately, the race was my best yet. I had a lot of fun writing that race recap!
Hope everything is okay with you 🙂 My day started off fantastic, as I woke up to a beautiful text from my boyfriend. OH the awesome breakfast and workout that followed was also the cherry on top!