Even though temperatures are supposed to surpass 90 degrees in Ocala today, I am riding the October high and reminding myself that Halloween and Thanksgiving are right around the corner so I don’t feel too weird breaking out the fall décor when it feels like summer outside.
(I spy our Turkey Trot hats!)
Ryan and I have plans to decorate the house with all of our autumn flare this evening. The grass and leaves are bright green outside, but the inside of our house will look festively fall with oranges, yellows and reds.
I think it’s safe to say that fall is my favorite season. When I think of the fall, I think of carving pumpkins, corn mazes, Ryan’s birthday, two-ingredient pumpkin spice cookies, adorable trick-or-treaters, my mom’s homemade stuffing, boots, scarves and all things cozy! Can you tell I’m ready for cooler weather?
Workout + Breakfast
Today started out with an early morning workout like most Mondays seem to around here.
Ryan and I drove to the gym where I spent 20 minutes on the elliptical before completing a lower body workout. I have a feeling my hamstrings are going to be quite sore!
Once we arrived back at home, I fixed myself a super-fast breakfast thanks to leftovers from Sunday’s birthday brunch.
My mother-in-law sent us back to Ocala with lots of food, including breakfast sausage and scrambled eggs.
I wasn’t sure how scrambled eggs would taste reheated, but they were totally fine and the texture wasn’t weird at all. My mother-in-law also made the scrambled eggs with half and half, bacon and cheese so perhaps that’s why they were so good? Extra rich!
I’m planning to spend the rest of the day studying for my personal training certification. I was previously locked out of NASM’s eLearning center, so they reset my test date when I informed them of the issue and now I don’t need to take the test until February. Considering I was away from home a lot in September and my studying was rather sporadic, I am grateful for the extended deadline, but still hope to take the test as soon as I can once I feel comfortable with the information.
Time to study!
Question of the Afternoon
- What are you most excited about this fall?
Out of curiosity, how cool does it actually get there? I always think of Florida as just outrageously hot all the time.
it IS outrageously hot all the time. 🙂
we actually have cooler weather nov. through feb. – we’ll randomly get some cool days in october and march, too.
🙂 Well, that can’t be easy on someone who enjoys fall as much as you do! Here’s hoping you have unusually cool next couple of months!
We just busted out our Fall decor–and I must say, it makes it so much more festive! It too is pretty hot here still…but the chill mornings are nice!
YAY for leftovers. It makes for an easy meal indeed 🙂
And you got married in October!!
This fall, I’m most excited about my brother getting married this weekend =)
ah! totally forgot about that! yesss… two years! my mind is on ryan’s bday this friday, apparently. i can only do one gift at a time. 🙂
Fall is my favorite – especially October! One year wedding anniversary,Halloween, and my pups birthday 🙂
I’m psyched about not being boiling hot all the time. I hate summer because I hate being hot. Also, I got a plaid pea coat last spring, but never got a chance to wear it! So ready to start bundling!
I love Fall! Being from Illinois, I can’t imagine having such hot fall weather!
I am so jealous, I didn’t know that you were studying to be a trainer. That is something that I’ve really wanted to do for a few years now but can’t justify spending the money when I know that I won’t utilize it right now…..
What program are you using?
NASM. it was highly recommended to my by the trainers i spoke to and seems to be a very reputable certification. from what i’ve read so far while studying, i recommend it. lots to learn!
Scrambled eggs with cheese are soooo good!
I love all things about fall but this year I am definitely most excited about getting married!! 2 weeks and counting. I have a feeling this will be the best fall ever!
I can’t believe it’s supposed to be that hot in FL! I am definitely feeling the fall weather here, but I love it!
Good luck with you’re studying—I didn’t know you were doing that! I know that extra study time can sometimes be a blessing and a curse, but I think more time is always better than less. How long is the studying/test-taking process??
love fall decor, especially acorns and pumpkins 🙂 your eggs look delish, too. Good luck studying.. I am sure you just want it over with but having more necessary time isn’t too shabby!
I wish we had sunshine in Denmark – it is raining all day every day in Denmark all through fall! I want to like in Florida 🙂 Your breakfast looks delish 🙂
My sons Birthday is Friday too! He’s turning 3.
I’d love to hear more about the process of getting your personal fitness certification…I’m thinking about doing it myself.
aw, happy birthday to your son!! and i hope to do a Q&A post about my experience once i’m done since it seems like a lot of people are interested in the certification.
Apple cider, riding boots and sweaters. I’m use to fall in New England which is so amazing but decorating my apartment while I’m in the south is a good substitue. Can’t wait to finally carve pumpkins either!
I couldn’t imagine the leaves still being green at this time of year! Up here we already have some trees that have lost all their leaves, and the oranges/reds/yellows have been out in full force for a while now. But at least you can still get all festive insides your home 😀 The colors and foods are definitely my favorite part of Fall.
I’m excited to actually go to a haunted house 😀 but other than that, I’m hoping to find some cute boots lol
People are so not in to it as much in Ireland; they’re in to Halloween but that’s it and it only lasts a couple of days! I on the other hand am fall made! Pumpkin oats, smoothies, pumpkin cookies, bread, pancakes…and anything else pumpkin I can think of! Love the cosy jumpers, crisp fall leaves and the dark nights! It’s dark by like half 7 here already!
Fellow fall lover here too 🙂 Eggs stay great for a while, for example: scramble egg/sausage burritos frozen, quiche which is like a egg pie, you can throw whatever in there, bake and have for the week. The neat thing is you can make with lo-cal/hi-protein ingredients and supper yummy and can also be served for breakfast/lunch/dinner. You can also serve without the crust but then I guess it would be called a frittata or something of the sort. Google…..they are yummy:)
You will do great on your test!
Definitely doesn’t feel like Fall where I am–supposed to be over 100 degrees today and tomorrow! This season I’m looking forward to cooler temps (more opportunities to do outdoor activities in areas where it’s been hot all summer) and a weeklong vacation.
Just the usuals… football and cooler temps!
Did it say your username could not be found? Because I’ve been having the same issue….
yes!!! that was the issue. i called them and they fixed it within 24 hours and reset my test date. 🙂 i didn’t even ask about resetting my test date, but they just did that anyway. good luck!
It’s good to know you can re-heat scrambled eggs, I would have thought they’d taste weird! And definitely go for the decorating no matter how hot it is! I looooove Fall!
I’m so excited for all the changing leaves, the crispness in the day, baking!, thanksgiving next weekend (in Canada), Halloween, mine and my mom’s birthday (both today!). And um…I basically love everything about Fall;)
I’m excited for the cooler temperatures, pumpkin flavored foods, apple picking, Thanksgiving dinner and celebrating my 7 year dating anniversary with my now husband 🙂
I was just telling my boyfriend last night how excited I was for people to start decorating there houses for Halloween!! Alas, it’s still triple digits where I live and doesn’t feel quite like fall. But I’m ready to wear some boots and scarves already! 🙂
our neighbors put up orange lights yesterday and it made me so excited!
GREAT reminder!! I will now spend the remainder of the day putting up fall decorations. Squeee!! 🙂
fall marathons! wooooo!!
I am most excited for….My birthday! It’s on wednesday =)
I’m also excited for Halloween, going to a corn maze with my cousins, and watching all the leaves turn!
happy almost bday, melissa!
thank you! =)
I love fall too. I’ve been in fall mode already for the past few weeks. 🙂 I love boots, scarves, & sweaters; the cooler weather; and all of the fall foods!
I love Fall!
I am so excited for the cooler weather (love big sweaters, scarves, leg warmers, etc.), my birthday, Halloween but most of all finding out the sex of our baby which is due in March!!
that is so, so exciting! congrats to you, lindsey! do you already have any name ideas?
Thanks Julie!
We have a few ideas but I guess we’ll have an easier time once we’re only picking one set of names….i can’t imagine picking for twins LOL
Fall is my favorite season by far!! It’s a super chilly Fall-ish day here in NC and you better believe I wore a comfy sweater and leggings out of sheer excitement 🙂
We just moved to a new house this weekend and I’m trying to convince my husband that finding the Fall decorations box is a #1 priority!
I am looking forward to fall colors! In LA it is a little bit of a downer at times because there’s not quite the fall spirit that I had when I lived in the midwest, but I love the fall colors! I love the leaves and the wreaths and decorations! Just the colors make me happy! 🙂
I am most excited about the beauty of the changing trees. Things are beginning to change around here now. It’s so pretty. Nature is just so beautiful. Have a great week. ^_^
I decorated for Fall yesterday too. Even though I live in South Florida! It just feels like home 🙂 Even if it is 90 degrees outside!
South Florida resident here, so I’m also looking forward to the temperature drop! however, that won’t be til probably December, but it does drop into the 30s/40s sometimes! gotta love fall & winter fashion plus the holidays & my birthday 😉 being a native New Yorker, I really do miss the changing of the leaves but maybe i’ll decorate this year. oh yeah, cant forget about football! GO GIANTS!!
Most excited about: my birthday! 3 weeks from Wednesday. 😀
I’m excited about actually having little Trick-or-Treaters coming to my place! Last year, I worked all night on Halloween so I didn’t have that experience. I was the kid who used to volunteer to make little Halloween goodie bags for my mom when I was younger, and I can’t wait to do the same again! And it’s an excuse to eat candy in the process 😉
PS-I made those pumpkin spice cookies the other night and LOVE them. My puppy is a fan too!
Fall is one of the things I love MOST about the Northeast! I’ve lived in Florida my entire life and there were no real seasons, but I didn’t realize that until I moved to Boston. Lately it’s been sweatpants and changing leaves and hot chocolate galore up here and I couldn’t love it more!
Blah. I’m not a fan of fall because it is followed by winter. I would rank fall 3rd in my list of favorite seasons. But I do LOVE Halloween! It is my all-time favorite holiday and is just a few days after my birthday.
I love the fall too. Must be hard to love fall so much and live in florida! I just love cool weather.
I’m in So. Cal & the weather here is also screaming SUMMER. But, I don’t care! I’m in Fall spirit. Good thing pumpkin spiced lattes taste just as delicious on ice as they do hot and fall boots look just as cute with skirts as they do with leggings ;).
I love watching the leaves change colour every year, also anything and everything pumpkin, great boots, scarves, halloween candy 🙂
I’m so excited to pick up some pumpkins and gourds to decorate for Fall!
I’m looking forward to celebrating our first wedding anniversary this month!
Love fall! This is my first year have a yard with lots of leaves to pick up! Should be fun 😉
And I am studying to be a PT through NASM too, just got my books a few days ago. Excited and nervous all at the same time. Good luck with your studying!!
Good luck studying! It’s different studying when you’re passionate about the subject matter
I’m not a big fall fan, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love the apples, butternut squash, and pumpkin that come along with the season. Pretty sure I demolished 2 cans of pumpkin during this past weekend alone!
My wedding! I am getting married on 10.27.12! 😉
Pumpkin spice lattes are one my favourite things about fall 🙂 Thanks for sharing the two-ingredient pumpkin spice cookies! I have been looking for recipe ideas to use the canned pumpkin I bought a couple of weeks ago.
Must be weird to decorate for fall when it doesn’t feel like fall!
I’m most excited about a trip to Las Vegas! 🙂