Toward the end of my pregnancy, I fully expected to still be pregnant on my due date. At my baby shower, I predicted Chase would arrive on August 12, but he had other plans! Our little boy is 12 days old today and I can hardly believe I’ve been holding him and snuggling him for 12 days already. We had his two-week checkup appointment at the pediatrician this morning and everything looks good! Chase has gained exactly one pound since he was born and we should have a seven-pound baby on our hands very soon.
For as incredibly overwhelming and exhausting as life is with a newborn, I already cannot imagine life without Chase and could truly stare at his face for hours every day. I have been telling everyone that he has the ability to make 2,000 different facial expressions in 2.5 seconds and each one is cuter or more ridiculous than the last. He can go from looking like the sweetest little newborn to an old man to a curious little baby in a flash and I have a feeling I will never tire of watching him yawn, purse his little lips and raise his eyebrows… all seemingly mundane things that somehow feel like a shot straight to my heart as I stare at his face and try my best to force myself to commit all of his adorable expressions to memory.
So how have things been going over the past week and a half? GREAT. You guys, I am honestly shocked at how much I love being Chase’s mom.
I want to be completely honest here and say that I was really, really nervous about how I would adjust to life with a baby. I just couldn’t picture it and that both worried me and made me feel a little anxious about how I’d handle everything. Would I feel the undying love I hear moms talk about?
The first day in the hospital, I think the feeling of disbelief took over more than anything. I spent every waking moment holding our baby and feeding him and trying my best to wrap my head around the fact that this tiny person was my son. By day two, I felt the most extreme attachment I have ever felt in my life. I felt incredibly protective and absolutely enamored with this tiny baby. And right now? I feel happier than I ever could have imagined and so incredibly in love with this little dude.
I feel very fortunate that breastfeeding has been going well so far and Chase seems to be a good eater. I feel a bit like an always-topless milk machine at the moment! My nipples are sore (bless you, nipple cream), my boobs are hard and engorged and I’ve ruined at least two tops already due to leaky breast milk stains. Chase seems to think daytime is snack time and nighttime is meal time, but hearing that he is gaining weight and looking healthy at his first two pediatric visits was the best news. Grow baby, grow!
(Sadie is getting braver and braver around Chase every day! So proud of her!)
On Wednesday last week, I took Chase to the Nursing Mother’s Place for an appointment with a lactation consultant. It was fantastic. Chase was eating regularly and latching well, but the minute I sat down and started to feed him during our appointment, the lactation consultant chimed in with lots of different tips and tricks to help make breastfeeding more efficient and comfortable for both of us. It was very informative and incredibly helpful!
During my appointment, I used the My Brest Friend nursing pillow and knew I had to buy one the minute I left. I had been using the Boppy up until then and while I still like it, the My Brest Friend pillow offers more support and closes up the hole between me and Chase to make it easier to support him as he feeds.
I am hoping to type up a blog post all about the things that surprised me most about the first few days after birth and life with a newborn – what I didn’t expect, what no one told me about, favorite baby/nursing/new mom care products and more – because I feel like I am learning new things every day as I get to know our new baby. Stay tuned for that one when my brain is working a little better and I have the ability to write about something other than loving on Chase.
Also, I want to say a quick thank you to all of you. I really appreciate your understanding right now as I try to navigate life with a newborn and blog when the time is right while still doing my best to prioritize caring for and cuddling with Chase. Watching him grow so much right before my eyes is the perfect reminder to slow down and cherish these precious days with our sweet baby.
I hope all is well with all of you and that you all had a wonderful weekend!
Such a beautiful family! My little (her name is Sadie!) is 7 weeks old today and everything you wrote resonated with me so much. I hope you find the balance that you want with the blog but I also hope you never feel obligated to it. Most Moms don’t return to work for at least 6 weeks and you jumped in from day 2! Take as much time as you need to enjoy that baby. Your readers will be here when you’re ready!
those pictures are just so sweet 🙂 it’s easy to see how loved and blessed chase is to have you & ryan as his parents!
The sweetness! He is so tiny <3 Such an angel!
Chase is so adorable! Enjoy every minute you spend with him!
Chase is adorable and absolutely perfect! Congratulations and enjoy every single second of it!
My goodness, he’s adorable! The love between a mother and child is so amazing. I can’t wait to follow your family along on this new step in your journey. 🙂
This is the most adorable thing ever. A million congratulations and enjoy this so much. You look so stunning and happy! 😀
I love that picture of you, Chase, and Sadie all snuggled on the couch! You and your two kids 🙂
Chase is beautiful! And you’re such an adorable family. Continued happiness and blessings to you all!
I am so happy for you both. The pictures are beautiful, as are you, your hubby and your sweet baby. Love the fluffy downy hair! You will be surprised at how big that boy will grow. I had boy/girl twins 4 weeks early. They were just under 6 lbs each and my boy was about the same length as Chase (my girl was about 17.5 inches).While my daughter has continued to be petite, my son quickly grew into the 90th and above percentiles and has stayed there for most of his life. He is now a 16-year-old. About 6 feet tall and 185 lbs. No worries. That baby will grow and then start eating you out of house and home!
Oh my goodness, Chase is so adorable!! Congratulations to you two on your beautiful little boy! Hopping back a few posts to read your birth story now 🙂
It sounds like everything is going great, and that’s wonderful news! Babies grow fast, so enjoy your time with him:) He’s so adororable how could you not stare at him all day! haha. I had family in town visiting this past weekend, and we celebrated my youngest nephews 1st birthday…can’t believe he’s one already!! Again, babies grow fast! I also found out my sister in law is expecting again, and my younger sister is expecting her first! It was a baby announcement kind of weekend;)
So beautiful <3
This post was just beautiful. I can’t wait to hear more!
Chase is sooooooo adorable! I would have a hard time not staring at little Chase’s face too (and my own baby or any baby’s face). Babies. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Thanks for sharing more photos with us! I’m all up in the baby fever right now, (my friend had her little boy two days after you!), and I’m loving this glimpse into such a joyous time for you and your family! Seriously, man, Chase is CUTE.
I’m curious about so many things. Like, how is Ryan adjusting to being a dad? How do you feel physically? How has family helped? How have you all been sleeping? <—rhetorical for now, as you will probably address all these things organically, naturally, someday/eventually.
I'm glad your first 12 days have been love-filled and blessed! (And now I feel like singing the 12 days of christmas…)
Chase is so sweet. Congrats. Not to put any pressure on you but I look forward to the pics and stories of your beautiful family. Enjoy!
Sounds like you are doing wonderful as a new mom! It is so heartwarming to hear that they are growing and healthy 🙂 He is seriously perfection 🙂
Everything about this post totally warms my heart. Your family is both beautiful and inspiring and all the pictures are so stunning!
He is absolutely beautiful, Julie. Congratulations!
Wow, this was so nice to read! I am so happy you and the baby are healthy. Chase is so adorable. I can’t wait to watch him grow!! <3
Chase is the most perfect looking little baby, I can’t stop looking at his photos! What a little sweetheart, enjoy!
I love this post. You sound so happy. He’s gorgeous, and I’m so happy for your little family. 🙂
Chase is beyond adorable. You must be so happy and proud of your family! Question: Could the Snoogle work for breastfeeding too if you wrap it around your body for support or do you think My Brest Friend is a must? I’m approaching 36 weeks and still have a good amount to get done, but your early labor story is motivating me to kick it into gear! (Watch my girl be two weeks late though, lol!)
Thank you so much for taking the time (and energy!) to share an update with us and so many BEAUTIFUL pictures too! You all sure seem to be doing great and I’m so glad to hear all is well. Chase is simply adorable!
These are beautiful pictures! Chase is too darn cute so happy for your family 🙂 What camera did you use for these?
I can’t wait for that blog post you are planning!! My husband and I are just starting to try and I love hearing about what people didn’t expect when having a baby…and especially what no one told you!!!
Love the updates, congrats on your beautiful boy
Such beautiful pictures – you all look great!! 🙂
That’s awesome that you saw a lactation consultant! Breastfeeding is challenging, but so rewarding and it’s important to take steps in the beginning to ensure future success. So happy for you!
You guys are the parents of one of THE cutest newborns on the planet! Chase is so adorable! I just want to hold him! And I have to say, if you feel like you need to be blogging even less, please don’t feel obligated to us to keep it up if you need to slow down more. To be honest, I am amazed by the amount you have been able to post with a new baby. As much as I LOVE your baby posts (well, ALL you posts), I (we?) totally understand that circumstances are going to be constantly changing with a new baby, and we are fine with rolling with it! 🙂 I’m a huge fan of yours, girl! Hugs! <3
You look so happy and Chase is such a cutie! I’m glad breastfeeding came easily!
I remember the feeling when my due date came and I had a one week old! I figured I would still be pregnant as well but of course God had other plans 🙂
I feel you on that anxious feeling about being a mom! I’m a pediatric nurse and no matter how many kids of all ages I’ve taken care of, NOTHING prepares you for motherhood until it happens. You look like a natural and I’m glad that little man is so healthy and happy!
The best advice my best friend gave me for those hard days and nights was “it will get better.”
I can’t wait for your post on what shocked you, and what no one told you about! My husband and I are trying right now and I can’t get enough info, especially since people love to say “oh, you will find out”.
He is adorable!!
He is so beautiful! As are you, mama!
this is just so fantastic! could not be happier for you guys 🙂
YES! I found the Breast Friend to be superior to the Boppy for nursing early on ALSO! Unlike you, though, I didn’t find out until my babe was about three months, so I wish someone had told me sooner. Your baby is so sweet! Congrats!