It seems like this year has been jam-packed with travel for me. Since visiting and exploring new places brings me a lot of joy, this is a great thing, but it can also make it hard to stick to a fitness routine.
If I’m on vacation, I don’t really worry about missing a workout here and there, but if travel is a frequent occurrence in your life due to work or other obligations, you may wish to find a way to remain active while you’re on the go. Running is probably my favorite out-of-town workout because it allows me to sneak away and check out a new destination on foot in the quiet of the morning. Sometimes running outside isn’t always an option due to weather or safety concerns, so a quick hotel room workout is a great standby!
Here is one of my go-to 20 minute travel workouts that I can do before the craziness of the day sets in. It doesn’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere. Just be aware of anyone sleeping below you!
More travel workout options can be found in the following posts:
- Travel Workouts
- At Home Workouts
- Fast Functional Workout
- Outdoor Run/Walk Workout
- Sunrise Circuit Workout
I hope these workouts help get your heart pumpin’ the next time you hit the road!
Question of the Morning
- Do you travel often?
- When you travel how do you maintain an active lifestyle?
When I travel, I enjoy walking around and exploring a new area and will use that as my main way to remain active, but if a trip doesn’t allow for a lot of activity, I like to get up early and go for a run. It’s a great way to take in a new place and check out some unseen areas before the hustle and bustle of the day sets in.
i love working out while on vacation! i always feel more laid back and not pressed for time while on vacation so itz nice to workout without rushing to get ready for work after or whatever. also, i think itz fun to check out new gyms and new scenes while out of town!
I do travel often with my family and I love quick, functional workouts like this one that get me sweaty in little time with little space! I also try to use fitness facilities if available. Thanks for sharing this!
great hotel workout! i try to go to a gym or walk around a lot too when im on vacation, but sometimes its really hard to do even those things! i think its a great idea to have a few go-to exercises that you can do in your hotel room to work up a sweat.
My fiancé and I have essentially been homeless since July traveling across the States. I’ve been pole dancing for awhile and love to take a class at studios wherever we go! It’s a great way to meet people of the area, learn new tricks, and get a great workout at the same time!
This is a great idea for a workout. While I’m not traveling often at this point, I’ll absolutely keep this in mind for my future travels. This looks like a perfect one for the gym too!
I don’t travel often for work, but when I am going somewhere on vacation or for a long weekend I try to stay somewhere that has a treadmill or small gym that I can go to even if just for an hour or so before the day begins!
I don’t travel too often but when I do, I like to get a workout in whenever I can. This will be perfect!
I’m definitely a runner when I am traveling. I will also utilize hotel gyms in the morning. I know that evenings when you are traveling for business tend to fill up quickly so the morning is the best time.
Since I’ve been in college, I haven’t traveled as much. I’m defiantly looking forward to traveling once I’m out!! I always thought about hitting up the treadmills, but now I will defiantly be hitting up the pavement! I never thought about seeing the city and exploring while I’m running. I’ll be keeping that in mind 🙂
Great idea for a travel workout! I’m always looking for simple routines for traveling!
When I do travel I always print out your hotel room workouts, love them!
I like to run when on the road, too. Run gear is pretty efficient to pack, and it can be a bit if an adventure! I don’t travel a whole bunch now, but possibly will be with my new job in the near future.
I don’t typically travel, except for a few times during the summer. I do the same as you- go running to explore, but don’t beat myself up over not getting a workout in. I don’t want to miss out on the relaxation and family time, so I typically plan a few workouts and leave a few days open!
I love your circuit workouts! Keep them coming!
I think it depends what vacation I’m on if I workout or not. Sometimes I’m really feeling burning off some extra energy, but other times I could care less.
It’s always fun to squeeze in some short intervals and workouts like these that you can do anywhere just for some extra workout time…it never hurts I suppose!
Awesome circuit- I like when I actually know what all the exercises are!! 🙂 Thanks for the idea!
It depends on the vacation! If I know I’ll be active all day (aka Disneyland) then I don’t workout. However, if it’s a vacation with mostly driving, I’ll usually squeeze in a workout!
I travel a lot and am definitely not the best of keeping up with my workouts when I’m on the road. I do love running outside in new cities though! It’s the best way to see everything if I’m in a good/safer area. I even stop to take pictures sometimes haha.
running is definitely my go to workout on vacation. If I am staying in a hotel that has a gym I will usually hit that up as well but I am more motivated to get out and run on vacation.
I travel a lot for work, so I always try to get out and run on the first day before I get too worn out. I also meet up with a lot of the same people when I travel, so I have running buddies. We definitely motivate each other to get out and run at least once while on a trip.
I don’t travel often but when I do, I often just make running a priority and try to make it happen either on a treadmill in the hotel gym or out and about. If that means getting up at the crack of dawn, I’ll do it just to maintain my sanity!
I’m the same way about vacation travel vs habitual travel and my workouts. Thanks for the routine!
I love to travel and do it as often as I can. The funny thing is, I tend to exercise more when I travel…but only by accident! I walk around so much and explore ALL DAY! At home I only fit in an hour of so of exercise. If I wasn’t eating so much while I travel I would probably lose weight!
I currently travel every week (“just” 4 days/ week) for work, so this topic is near and dear to my heart! I try to prioritize my workout in the morning, because work will almost always squeeze the opportunity away if I don’t get it done first thing. Running is always a go-to (and it’s fun to explore new places!), but I keep a good stash of hotel-room circuit workouts like this one pinned so that I can get a quick, effective workout in even if I don’t have much time. Adding this one now!
Great workout! I always try to look for hotels with a gym in them so I can get some kind of workout in depending on what they have available. When I was in Philly, though, I let my day be my workout since I walked everywhere!
I try not to stress about exercise while traveling. If it happens, it happens, if it doesn’t, eh, it’s vacation, and I know I’ll get right back to it when I get home. I do always like to have a few workouts in my pocket like this one that I can do to keep things quick and simple though!
I love the sound of this workout! I travel a ton for work and play… when I’m on the road for fun, I always try to build lots of walking and exploring into my agenda, hopefully with “bonus” activities like hiking and paddle boarding that count as a workout too. When time doesn’t allow for that (usually when on the road for work), I love my morning runs and sometimes bust out a hotel room circuit workout. A couple rounds of this has been my go-to recently:
I don’t think I travel quite enough for it to be any kind of problem, but when I do I love to walk around as much as possible, and if I can fit in a run then that’s great as well!
I never travel (boo!) so I don’t have to worry about it. However, that workout looks great. Quick and too the point! I’ve found that with these short, functional workouts it always helps me to be properly warmed up before doing them.
I’m not traveling a ton lately but will be trying this at home. I just quit my gym so have been looking for new ways to switch up the workout 🙂
I’m back to home workouts too! This and barre ballet DVDs are the best! 😉
Which barre DVD do you use? I’ve been looking for a good one!
I use Leah Sarago’s ballet body DVD!!! I luv it sooo much and it’s the only program I’ve committed to up to date. 🙂 I feel like it actually helped me get stronger and more balanced.. and is making my muscles more streamlined and longer looking. i reviewed all 4 on my posts in case you want more details. Have a beautiful evening!
when traveling- my favorite thing is to walk around the city- great for keeping active! then at nights {or early in the am} I like to fit in a quick bodyweight circuit 🙂
Welcome to Canada! You’ve picked a beautiful time of year to enjoy one of our most beautiful cities!! I’m from the East Coast but Ottawa will alway have a special place in my heart. Be sure to wander around the Rideau Canal at sunset- breathtaking, also a perfect spot for a run! (Also be sure to stop by D’arcy McGee’s Irish Pub on Sparks St. if you’re looking for a flavourful evening!)
I def always try to squeeze in some sort of workout when I travel–so this is perf!
I haven’t travelled too extensively this year. I visited NYC and Vegas earlier in the year (definitely no workouts on the Vegas trip haha), Seattle last month and will be going to Arizona in November but every trip has been just an extended weekend, so I usually just postpone working out until I get back.
I don’t travel much although I’d love to! Hehe. But when I do I have the same philosophy you do and if time allows i get a short run or do these types if exercises in my room. It’s a great way to remain active for sure!
Great workout! I always try to squeeze in a quick workout on holiday, especially when eating not so great as I would at home!
I don’t travel that often, but when I do I definitely do a LOT of walking and try to get in a quick HIIT workout in the morning every couple of days (either running or a body-weight workout like the one you posted above) so that I don’t feel that post-vacay sluggishness when I return home 😉
I just do a quick ZOWW youtube video…20 minutes of intense HIIT and I’m done 🙂
I don’t travel too often – I’m a stay-at-home mom with 2 young boys – but when I do I usually try to check out the hotel gym. It’s fun to see what machines they have and I’ll get a jolt of motivation to try new exercises/workouts/routines because I’m in a new surrounding! It’s exciting! And you had me at “20 minutes”…I will be trying this in my living room! Thanks Julie! 🙂
-Sammy @
I definitely try to run when I travel, or I look for yoga studios or gyms where I can get a cheap trial. Circuits without equipment are great too!
I love working out while on vacation! One of the first things I tend to do upon arrival at a hotel is find the gym. I like to stick to my routine, even when traveling, so I try to squeeze in fitness where I can.
I don’t travel too much, but when I do I always fail to workout because I don’t have a quick, equiptment free option. Love this!
This is the perfect on-the-go workout. I used to travel a lot for work. Luckily most of the hotels had gyms and one of the main places I went was LA…where we happened to stay on the beach. So, I was lucky because I got to run on the beach every morning!
When I travel, I usually make a point of finding a picture of the hotel gym. Call me crazy, but I love trying out new gyms, no matter how big or small. Also, if I’m in a city, I’ll always try to go for a run to explore the city. I’m not as good at doing these types of workouts in my room (prefer to have space in a gym), but I could definitely do it if it was necessary.
Love this! PERFECT!
My favorite ways to work out on vacation are to run outside or to try out a fun workout class that I don’t have at home!
Great workout! Since at the moment I don’t belong to a gym (closest one is 25 miles away) I can use this as an awesome home workout 🙂
I like to bring my yoga mat when I have to travel for work! Depending on the stress of the trip, I either do a meditative flow in the morning or a power yoga sequence if I know I will be sitting lots!
My husband and I just traveled to northern California to see his parents, but we had to stay in a hotel room for 6 days. We walked and ran a few days, but we certainly had our share of hotel workouts. We kept ours extremely simple and did 20 squats, 20 pushups and 20 mountain climbers 10 times each with little rest. It was actually pretty effective.
If you love it in Ottawa then you have to visit my home, Vancouver Island, BC! Vancouver is such a beautiful city 🙂
I work at a hotel. A lot of hotels have upgraded fitness centers and swimming pools!