It’s Wednesday morning and I began the day with a big smile on my face because our little one decided to greet me with two BIG kicks that I could both feel on the inside and SEE on the outside (<—a new thing for me!). His movements are the most reassuring thing to me right now and after a few days of either not feeling him move at all or only feeling some light flutters here and there, this was such a wonderful way to start the day! Hi, baby!
Ryan and I are getting more and more excited to meet our baby boy in the future but Sadie still seems to be living in ignorant bliss about everything. Although she has taken to assuming that every baby toy that arrives is a gift for her. I tell her “no” and take the toy upstairs to the nursery but last night Sadie decided the small stash of nursery toys are officially her new toys. She came prancing into the living room with a stuffed giraffe in her mouth and looked so darn happy and proud of her new discovery that I didn’t have the heart to take it away from her.
Merry Christmas, Sadie!
This morning began with baby kicks and breakfast! I made myself a bowl of banana egg white oatmeal topped with cinnamon and served it with a Honeycrisp apple and a hot mug of decaf coffee made with almost equal parts soymilk.
In an effort to continue my goal of becoming the most hydrated human on the planet, I filled up my big water cup to sip on while typing up this post and then this happened…
And the exact same thing happened yesterday, too! I don’t know what is going on with me lately but I have morphed into the clumsiest person in the world. I’ve been banging my elbows (yes, plural) on everything, dropping things constantly, tripping over my own feet and spilling food and water like it’s cool. I clearly need to get it together!
On that note, I’m outta here! It’s time to work, but I’m hoping I can sneak away during break time for a BodyPump class!
blame pregnancy brain. then once baby is here, you can blame mom brain lol
haha! there’s always an “out” right!? 🙂
Eeek glad your computer escaped the water! Sadie is so cute! I love that you let her keep her new toy! 😀
I had that same thought! And I’m glad I spilled my water and NOT my coffee — easier cleanup!
Ha!!! I love that you talk about how clumsy you are lately and immediately follow it up with that you’re going to Body Pump… Careful!! 😉
Sadie is just so darn cute- love her little personality!
Ha — I didn’t even think about that!! I’ll be EXTRA careful today!!
No joke… pregnancy makes people clumsy!
And a word of warning… the clumsiness and pregnancy brain (mommy brain) doesn’t always go away after birth… It’s getting better, but I still bump into stuff way too much! LOL
good to know i’m not alone!! haha!
Oh I love Sadie!! My little dog did the same over an Xmas present I got. She just took it out of the paper and took it to her bed. I’ve never been able to reclaim it!
I’m glad baby is giving you some good firm kicks/punches 🙂 I’m looking forward to the same.
Me too, but I did get it back once she realized she couldn’t get it to squeek! So cute..
As a person who has always hits elbows, knees, falls down an embarrassingly amount of times (seriously, the hubbs doesn’t even worry anymore….), and am the self-proclaimed Mrs Drops-A-Lot …. I understand. Just take a small bow, because whether anyone is watching or not, it takes talent and skill to creatively bump, fall, drop and spill. I just wish my God-Given talents could give me a career like Jon Bon Jovi, but I’ll settle for entertaining those around me.
Have a good day!
My Bichon thinks all toys are his and since he always was the ‘baby’ of the house I did not have the heart to take them away either. I actually had a stash of toys for him when people came over with baby gifts because he was depressed that no one was fussing over him. I quickly realized I was fighting a losing battle keeping separate dog and baby toys ! Now the toys are a free for a lll. I was reassured by me pediatrition that the baby cannot ‘catch’ anything from the dog and that studies show that it actually builds the child’s immunity. Sadie looks adorable with her giraffe!
I am pregnant as well (about ten weeks behind you) and I too have morphed into the clumsiest person ever. I dropped my iPad last week and completely shattered the screen 🙁 My husband keeps asking what happened to his wife. So don’t worry, it is happening to all of us preggo ladies 🙂
A little dog drool never hurt anyone! Sadie is so cute. Our dog knows she can’t take a toy until it’s been given to her (we didn’t do anything special to train her to be like this, I think we just lucked out!) and last Christmas she discovered her unwrapped stuffed toy under the tree. She proceeded to stare and whine at it until we caved and gave it to her early #spoiled I think she’ll do the same when we start getting baby toys!
this is so adorable!! dogs are the best and most ridiculous animals ever. 🙂
I’ve been super clumsy lately too. I don’t know what it is- changing temperature? Something? I can’t blame pregnancy lol! It seems like every time I get my keys in the morning I drop them, and I have tons of bruises on my legs from running into stuff. Luckily I haven’t spilled any food or liquids lately (knock on wood!)
Aw, I wouldn’t have the heart to take it from that sweet face either. Our dog Cody is constantly getting our son’s toys and my husband freaks out about it every time. How are they supposed to know though? The baby toys look just like doggy toys a lot of the time.
That is hilarious about Sadie! And, I actually read some old wives tale yesterday online that said if you are really clumsy it means you’re having a boy! Which, obviously you are 🙂 What a coincidence!
When I was born, our dog refused to acknowledge my presence. She was 2 years old already and thus the “oldest child” of the house. But when I’d be sitting in my swing, she’d sit in the doorway as a lookout – never looking at me, I was not good enough for that, but ensuring I was not disturbed! And when my brother was born, she began sleeping in the hall between our two rooms, again as our guardian. I think dogs are like kids in the roles they play in a family – she was the eldest, and when she passed our new Lab Sasha became the baby of the family (and acts like it – with so many toys, and so much confidence she can always choose the best spot in a room to take over, from which to receive all the attention)!
Haha, I think it’s just humpday struggles. I almost left my house without shoes on today, and I’m not even pregnant! Just one of those crazy weeks I suppose 🙂
Just wondering, when you found out you were pregnant, did you decide to eliminate all caffeine? Or are you just limiting your intake? I’m always curious about how different people modify their diets while pregnant and was just wondering what you were doing!
Poor Sadie….. she has NO idea!!!!!
I’m clumsy all the time, so those scenes are all to frequent for me. I hope you move past the phase soon.
That’s so cute about Sadie. Can’t blame her for having no clue what’s going on!
I was so clumsy when I was pregnant. I think it was because I wasn’t used to my changing body. At least you aren’t falling.
I was clumsy after giving birth too. I wasn’t used to having bib boobs for breastfeeding and they got in the way of everything! Ha!
Hahaha, I swear, I was 10x more clumsy while I was pregnant!
Aw, Sadie is too cute!! 🙂 I wouldn’t want to take the toys away from her either!
Sadie looks so proud of her new giraffe!
Sadie is so cute with the giraffe!
i can’t remember if you said this – has ryan felt him move yet? that’s always the most precious!!
Oh Girl, I’m with you…I’ve been SO clumsy lately too! It seems silly to me that it could be because of pregnancy, but I hear it’s a real thing, so I’m going with it. 😉 Yay for baby kicks! Best feeling ever.
You will probably continue to be clumsy! I couldn’t seem to keep anything in my hands while I was pregnant. I would also go the grocery store and put what I thought I needed in my cart, only to come home and find out I had grabbed the thing next to it. This happened so many times with canned goods!
I’m really in for it when I get pregnant then, maybe I should start creating a bubble to put myself in! 🙂 I’m already super clumsy, always bumping into and dropping things. Sadie that face. No wonder you couldn’t take it away from her!
When I was pregnant, we took a “dogs and storks” seminar at our local doggie day care / shelter all about introducing dog to baby. It was HUGELY helpful…and actually the best tip we got was that the dog will probably be more stressed about all the stuff that comes with a baby then with the actual baby. The trainer encouraged us to set up the swing, bouncy chair, etc, leave toys out, and even wear the baby carrier/wrap around the house (especially if your dog is a jumper), while pregnant so she could get adjusted to all of it before the baby arrived, and being curious could result in injury to baby. It was a big adjustment for our pup, and still continues to be now that our little lady is mobile, so I’d highly recommend something similar if it’s offered near you!
Aww Sadie is so cute haha. She probably thinks the whole nursery is now her very own room!
That’s CRAZY that you can see your baby boy kicking. I have several friends that are pregnant, and nine nieces/nephews, but actually experiencing that sensation personally has to be memorable to say the least!
Excited to check out your link to BodyPump class, too. I’ve always heard about it, but have never taken one myself. Guess I just might have to take the jump. 🙂
Pregnancy made me SO clumsy and forgetful. One time I got on the wrong expressway and ended up 20 minutes in the wrong direction. Oye. Luckily my brain has returned with the arrival of our little one. Now we just deal with the lack of sleep 😉
Sadie is so cute, and she’s got some real competition about to enter the building hehhhe! Clumsiness? I wonder if that is pregnancy related. Nonetheless, keep hydrating! Happy pumping too! 🙂
I love how proud dogs look when carrying things in their mouths. It’s so innocent and you can tell how happy they are. I’m glad you let Sadie keep the giraffe. Baby will never know the difference. Also, your island is pretty 🙂
Whenever I got nervous about not feeling the baby kick, I would drink a glass of orange juice and the sugar would wake him right up and I’d feel movement within a few minutes. (I know you have to be mindful of sugar as a preggers; but, anxiety releases stress hormones that aren’t good for baby either. I pretty much didn’t eat any added sugar during pregnancy so with my ob’s okay I felt fine drinking OJ.)
Sadie cracks me up so much. I can’t even imagine when I have babies with my dog..he is so needy and is going to be so jealous of the change in attention!
Woo! So many bloggers I know right now are pregnant and it’s awesome to see all of you guys progressing along :). Baby fever isfrusterating to hit me (which won’t really turn into anything soon since I’m still in college haha) and I’ve been joking with my long-time boyfriend that I need to get preggers so I can join in on all the blogging fun ;). Totally joking of course!
Hope you have an amazing day!
That photo of Sadie with the toy is too darn cute!!
Feeling baby girl kick every day is the BEST thing ever over here too! And when my 1.5 year old kisses the bump—I die! <3
You’re clumsy now, because you’re getting it all out of your system so when the baby comes, you’ll be back to smooth sailing.
Sadie is so cute!!! 🙂
OMG…I thought I was the only one out there spilling things over my clothes or dropping things on the floor all the time… I guess pregnancy makes us clumsy…:)
Have a great day!
Those big kicks/movements never get old…even when they hurt! It’s so awesome when the husband gets to see them, too. I miss it! (Though I love my little guy more.)
And I echo the comments about pregnancy brain. I was beginning to think I had Parkinson’s or some other awful illness because I dropped–& still drop–so many things. Mommy brain is slightly better but still challenging!
I went through that too and I hate to tell you for me it only got worse. Around 6/7 months I started dropping EVERYTHING on my when I would eat lol I would have to carry spare shirts around it was embarassing!
…being completely flat chested normally I couldn’t get used to my pregnancy/breast-feeding boobs-they put me off balance! Also, at the end of the day, by the time my bump was so huge my boobs practically rested on it (nice), I would find crumbs in my bra!! I’m sure I don’t normally leave a trail of crumbs!
I just ordered toy storage bins for our little guy as a few of his toys have shown up in the dogs bed! Our dog has inherited a few toys since Bryce has arrived! lol
At least you’re not crying over it. When I was pregnant, I spilled a glass of water in the living room and it was the water that broke the camel’s back. I cried hysterically because I was so sick of being so clumsy. I don’t know why it’s like your whole body has new boundaries when you’re pregnant, but it is. How can your elbows suddenly feel like they’re in a new place and you don’t know how to keep them out of the way? Don’t worry, this weird clumsiness disappears immediately after giving birth!
aw this made me both laugh and feel for you!! <3 and it's good to know I'm not alone!
As many have already mentioned… pregnancy brings on extreme forgetfulness, stupidity and clumsiness. Oh the joys! I blame it on the baby. 🙂
I absolutely loved feeling my little girl move! She wasn’t a big mover and didn’t move nearly as much as the doctor’s said she “should”, but she was just fine, she just didn’t like to move 🙂 Except at night ha! She was nocturnal 😉
Oh my gosh something about pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones makes my hands useless sometimes! I randomly drop stuff all the time and my grip is weaker. I’ve heard it gets better once you’re done breastfeeding. Here’s hoping!
Sadie’s just “breaking the toys in” for baby!
Not sure someone has told you this already, and baby might need to get a little bit bigger, but if you drink very cold water apparently the baby will move away from the coldness in your stomach and usually you can always feel them move. I always stressed about movements when I was pregnant too! So if I was having a stress moment I would drink cold water and lay down and almost feel him move immediately. So reassuring
Good to know!! Thank you!
Pregnancy Brain, it a REAL thing!!
I’m 29 weeks and wanted to share an experience with you. At around 22 weeks, I was feeling kicks the same way you describe but between 24 and 27 weeks, I was barely noticing them at all. Naturally I freaked out and googled the crap out of it, but this seems to be a pretty common occurrence during that time frame. From what I read, it seems to be some sort of growth spurt thing where the baby sleeps more and is less active OR some babies move into a position where it’s harder to feel the movement. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you experience the same thing. Don’t freak out! Most doctors won’t even tell you to start counting kicks until week 28 because that’s when they become more consistent. Happy growing!!
I think it’s safe to blame pregnancy brain on all your spills & accidents! I can’t even begin to tell you the goofy things I’ve done. Oh PS I’ve been making your protein oatmeal for 2 weeks straight now… I’m 32 weeks prego & I wake up super hungry plus I’m lazy lately! My favorite combo— cashew butter & strawberries on top!
That picture of Sadie was too adorable!!! I’m glad she was able to share the giraffe … hehe!!