This morning my grandma made me laugh out loud when she tried overnight oats for the first time.
Last night before bed I made myself a bowl of overnight oats for breakfast. My aunt and grandma were rather skeptical when I told them about the combination of oats, Greek yogurt and milk, but promised me they’d try it in the morning.
My aunt and grandma tried the oats this morning and my grandma’s reaction cracked me up.
“Well isn’t that just the strangest taste!?”
Priceless! I’m not sure overnight oats are her thing.
I ate the rest of my bowl along with a sliced apple before my mom and I drove to spend the afternoon with my other grandma at her senior living community center.
We arrived just in time for lunch and joined my grandma in her dining hall and met a bunch of her friends over cheesecake. Some of the women absolutely cracked me up when they started talking about the men who live in the senior community center, saying they’re “always in the way” and that they “think they’re God’s gift to women.” They were so sassy!
My grandma’s room is decorated with a bunch of her favorite collectables (she collects little shoes) and pictures of our family.
That is my dad’s senior photo from high school. My mom said this picture was taken the year she started dating my dad! My mom and dad were actually in the same kindergarten class in Gettysburg, but didn’t officially start dating until my dad was a senior in high school and my mom was a junior. High school sweethearts!
It was sad to say goodbye to my grandma but we had a very nice afternoon together.
When we arrived back at my other grandma’s house, I dug into her box of chocolates.
After biting into one with a nasty cherry-like nougat filling, I learned my lesson and used the little key chart to select a chocolate truffle and coconut chocolate which appealed to me much more!
Much better!
It’s just about time for dinner, so I’m off to grab the roasted vegetables out of the oven and hang out with my family. Shrimp and scallops are calling to me!
Question of the Day
- Have you ever convinced someone to try a funky food that you love? What did they think of it?
Awww! What a fun family day. LOVE that your parents were HS sweethearts. That’s such a cool story.
Oh, and overnight oats aren’t much my thing either. Hahaa.
LOVE that quote about the titanic. Amen.
I am with ya….I am not a fun of overnight oats…too mushy for me! Love the shoe decor, so cute!
honest question – howd they go from same kindergarten class to being a senior and junior? is one a baby genius?
HS sweethearts rock! I’m going on 10 years with mine! 🙂
And what, you don’t like to play chocolate roulette? It’s a favorite game of mine. They played it in The Vow– such a good/sappy movie!!
You are always so tan! What is your secret?!
My grandma had pretty much the exact same reaction — and they’re right! It is a peculiar taste, but I love it!!
I used to volunteer in a retirement community and loved how sassy all of the folks were, they never ceased to make me smile!
haha. I’ve definitely learned the mystery chocolate lesson the hard way too. Now I ALWAYS check the key. It’s the only way to go, really. Unless you’re super daring, but I’d probably be more likely to repel down a building than to pick a chocolate from a mixed box blind. (I might be exaggerating, but not by much!)
Haha your grandma’s reaction was great. I convince my husband he needs try all sorts of my crazy concoctions… Most of them he scrunches up his nose as he is very much a fan of more of the “traditional” recipes and dishes. Borrrring! 😉
its my daily struggle to get my boyfriend to try my morning green smoothie, he’s a very healthy guy but the colour really doesn’t appeal to him 🙂
One of goals is to get the boyfriend to try a green smoothie. No matter how much I try to convince him that you can’t taste the spinach he always makes a face when he sees me drinking one. 🙂
My fiance has this fun (and by fun, I mean pretty hilarious and annoying) habit of repeatedly trying foods he knows he doesn’t like. He’ll take a sip of my coffee, or my green smoothie, or any number of other foods that he has tried and rejected in the past, just in case his “tastebuds have changed.” Guess what? They never, ever seem to—and he always seems shocked when he still finds this foods repulsive. Gotta love it.
Jess (my husband) always tries something I’ve made that he considers “healthy” and never likes it, ever. He will sometimes have a “smoothie” but doesn’t want the protein powder so he puts in his nesquick, nice right?! My mom and brother actually ended up loving Kale chips after I introduced them 🙂
I love the quote on the mirror!
You and your mom look so much alike!
Oh the map is definitely where it’s at when it comes to picking chocolates! I used to love the strawberry cream filled ones in the Pot of Gold boxes but never liked the kind that just had nuts inside. Now I think my preferences are the other way round! And that conversation with your grandma about the oats is still making me crack up because I can just imagine my own grandma saying the same thing. Gotta love em! 🙂
I coerced my dad into trying kale chips (he is a hater of all things veggies – but he’s getting better!) Much to the surprise of my mom and myself, he didn’t hate them! He said they tasted like leaves, but still kept going back for more haha!
I once had my sister and her husband try a red bean pastry from our local Japanese marketplace. It was hilarious to see the look on their faces when the tried it. I love them, but I’m sure there’s a bit of an acquired taste . . . . lol!
I got my dad to like greek yogurt! it took a few brands though.
I do I was going to like this post as soon as I saw the title 🙂 I’m constantly getting people in my life to try new foods. I can’t really think of any epic fails, but I’ve definitely had some that certain people will never try again!
Your grandma’s reaction is hilarious!! Is it safe to assume she’s not a fan of Greek yogurt?
I’ve been getting my parents to try Greek yogurt and hummus. They seem to really be liking the hummus, especially to dip veggies.
I got my husband on board with overnight oats! It took a few trys, but he finally came around.
yes yes yes!! just this weekend I made a tart topped with goat cheese and zucchini and my boyfriend wasn’t entirely convinced until his first bite.. he liked it so much we had it AGAIN with dinner tonight..I’m so proud 🙂 I also love converting people to Greek yogurt, it’s one of the best snacks/breakfast foods out there
I got my younger sister to hop on the overnight oats wagon, but the rest of my family won’t touch the dish with a 10-foot pole! Oh well; it’s their loss. 😉
My boyfriend will eat anything I set in front of him, but I’m not sure that counts. After talking about quinoa enough tho, I did get my mom to try it, aaaand, she liked it.
Kale chips!!! I have given them to my mom, husband and both kids. Three out of the four loved them and I admit, I was kind of shocked!!
You have the most adorable family…warms the heart! I love Mimi’s reaction to the oatmeal, and Nana’s shoe collection!
My husband is originally from Ghana, and we met in college. One night we were studying in the computer lab and I had a protein bar for a snack. I let him try it for the first time and the scrunchy face he made was priceless! He now buys his own protein bars!
Love the pictures of you and your grandmother! My mom was actually weary of overnight oats but she eventually tried them and now she loves them!
I hate the cherry nougat filling! That is just evil!
My fiance’s grandparents crack me up. They are 98 and 96 but still live on their own and take the town by storm. The last time we visited them, his grandma was telling us how her husband was bragging about how nice his father’s horse was when they were first dating. She was rolling her eyes and I couldn’t help but laugh about him trying to impress her with his mode of transportation back in the 1930s.
Noth your g-ma’s are so adorable! Love that you are getting quality family time with them!
That chocolate looks sooo gooood! And I’m really trying hard to keep the temptation away since i ate horribly on Sunday at Top of the River (which you should totally take a trip to go eat at the one in LAKE GUNTERSVILLE, AL. SEAFOOD!!They actually have a really cool lodge right next to the restaurant with the beautiful view of the lake!)
My dad loved the overnight oats i made for him a while ago. So i taught him how to make them, and now he’ll make his own. My mom is a little iffy about them because she hates the taste of greek yogurt.
Family is so important! Glad you got to see your grandmothers!
I once got my dad to try turkey bacon.. he liked it til I told him what it was haha.
just have to let you know – ur moms haircolor looks awesome!
I’ve made my family try my spinach smoothies as well as quinoa, and they weren’t sure what to think of it at first. I turned my sister into a spinach smoothie lover, and my dad seems to really like quinoa so I consider it a success!
I have convinced a lot of people to try sushi! Once they get past the fact that it’s raw fish, most people seem to like it!
I constantly try to get Greg to try things I love to eat (he’s not a very adventurous eater). He’s usually game to taste it, but usually looks at me like I’m crazy for liking whatever I made him eat. I think my last attempt was him trying my Angel Food smoothie from Smoothie King. He wasn’t a fan.
Hi, I’m new around here! Your grandma is so cute 🙂 I love your blog!
Your grandmas are so adorable! What a fun trip!
You fed me TOFU?
I thought it was mushrooms.
Oh my god! I ate soybean curd.
…And I liked it! 🙂
…Still cracks me up 20 yrs later!!!!
Love that you got to visit your grammas … And your mom’s new hair colour is spectacular!
Those stories of both your Grandmas are so precious and funny. It makes me really miss my Grandma. So glad you and your Mom had the opportunity to visit and give some loving 🙂
Ha well I hear with a box of chocolates you never know what you’re gonna get. My mom wasn’t a fan of overnight oats when I made them for her either. Oh well. More for me!
Haha that’s funny! My husband didn’t really like overnight oats either. But I seriously can’t get enough of them! Love your pictures 🙂
Does salmon count as a funky food? My husband never liked it before we started dating. He also didn’t like coffee. Now he can’t get enough of either one! (I might be getting him to like shrimp too!)
Just saying I love your FUN family day … you’re the best! xo
Have u told your grandma about your blog? Two years later and my grandmother is still confused by this “hobby” of mine 😉
I call my grandma “Nana,” too!
My dad is chief recipe taster in my house so he’s on call for all my recipe experiments!
I made my husband try a kale smoothie and he actually liked it. I had to take pictures to prove it.
Aww this post made me miss my g’ma!
Haha — I love that you got your grandma to try overnight oats. It sounds odd, but is so good!!
On Sunday I made a garlicky kale marinated salad — when I asked my husband to try a bite, his response was “you know I don’t like that kind of stuff” but he still gave it a taste. His reaction….”see, I told you….I like it.” LOL — I didn’t really expect him to like it and I was thrilled when he did!!
Everyday! My family and coworkers are my guinea pigs for testing new recipes! Even when there is nothing to outlandish in the recipe they always pause and ask,”ok, what’s in here!?”
That quote is awesome – I’ve never thought about it like that! I love inspirational quotes about trying different things. My favorite one is “Do something every day that scares you”. I think of that one almost every day and try to rationalize how I accomplished it.
Check out the quote I posted on my blog yesterday!