As I set up my weights, Sadie became awfully suspicious and tried to coerce me into puppy playtime instead of a workout by placing three toys from her toy bin right next to my weights.
She takes needy to a whole new level.
I started my workout and she ran circles around me, body slammed into me and barked a few times before trying a new tactic.
Apparently she thinks I find rubbing her belly irresistible. And you know what? She’s right.
When she rolls over like that she looks so pathetic and gives me her feeble “you should probably pet me right now” eyes and I fall for it every time. I’m such a sucker.
As you can probably tell, today’s workout wasn’t exactly killer since it was peppered with plenty of Sadie breaks, but I still managed to work up a sweat.
Lunch today was reheated simple summer chili leftover from last night’s dinner.
Plus the last three Wilbur Buds I brought back to Ocala with me from Gettysburg.
Easy and satisfying!
Question of the Afternoon
- Do you ever workout at home?
- Do any obstacles get in your way?
I head to the gym for most of my workouts because I get distracted at home by Sadie or my to do list! I’m much more likely to get a better workout if I leave the house and admire people who can motivate themselves to regularly workout at home… especially those with children! You guys deserve a gold star.
just wondering what weights you use for arm circles?
I LOVE working out at home. I save time driving back and forth to the gym and it gives me much more flexibility. I use Cathe Friedrich videos as well as Valerie Waters workouts. You should definitely check out Cathe’s latest workouts-“To the Max” and “Crossfire”. They are killer!
All the time! Our UREC is always packed so sometimes it’s much easier to just go for a quick run and come back to the apartment to do circuts. Space is definitely an issue though living in an on campus apartment with three other roommates who sleep a lot but they put up pretty well with some of my sillier looking workouts
I am all about working out at home! I feel more comfortable and less self-conscious so I push myself much more! And it’s free! I really like free!=)
I love the gym. Love it. But once in awhile it’s fun to just break a sweat at home –convenient & easy. 🙂
Sadie is just too sweet and cute to help you workout. I do workout at home, with treadmill, elliptical, stability ball, free weights, and kettlebells. I try to mix things up. I might join a gym one day.
My dogs do the same thing! They are also weirdly obsessed with my exercise mat. As soon as I lay it down, they go nuts–they want to chew their bones on the mat, wrestle on the mat, sleep on the mat, etc. I have to fight them everytime I need to go back to the mat for floor work….the crazy stuff dog owners put up with! I even think it’s cute 🙂
Great workout! I’m more of a gym person- it gets me in the zone!
The cats are great for getting in the way, especially during any attempt at yoga. One more reason NOT to do yoga.
The Kidless Kronicles
I’ve started working out more and more in my apartment during marathon training because after all the running I just want a quick circuit to do on cross-training days. I’ve used several of yours! And I don’t even try and workout when I’m watching my brother’s dog. I can barely stretch because she either sticks a toy in my face or starts licking me!
I don’t have a gym membership, and the “gym” in my building is more like a collection of orphaned workout equipment, so I’ve become a big workout at home sort of person. I did a living room circuit on Tuesday that kicked my behind, and I think I’m going to do this one when I get home today! Love me some easy-to-do-at-home workouts!
Great workout!! I’m a huge fan of arm circles, which I feel like are often forgotten! They’re perfect to do while watching TV. 🙂
When I was living in my old apartment, any time I did crunches on a stability ball, my roommate’s cat would jump on my lap to “help.” LOL
I can’t really motivate myself to workout at home, unless I have a video to follow or am feeling like the ultimate lazeball then I will force myself to do something. I did the workout you had posted last week yesterday and it was a good one, totally feeling it today!
That’s so funny. My golden retriever, Madison, likes to lay on my yoga mat, so if I’m doing one of my yoga dvd’s I’m constantly fighting her off. Her best move is to dive under me when I move into down-dog.
I prefer to do my circuits with free weights at home actually! I’m not a huge fan of gyms though. My pup gets in the way too so she usually gets gated up during my workouts
Maybe I’m just totally dense today but whats a plank on arms then on elbows?!
here’s picture demos:
as the morning temperatures are dropping at home workouts are becoming more and more appealing… I don’t have pets that interfere with my workout but my growling stomach often causes me to call it quits before I would normally if I were at the gym
Ok, it is so cute that she lined up her toys next to your weights!
oh man if I try to work out at home between the 2 year old and Cocker Spaniel I can’t get anything done! I go to CrossFit for the 5am class 4 days a week!
i try to do yoga at home and always fail! my dog likes to come and crawl under me if i’m doing plank and lick my face, or crawl on top of me, or if i start moving my arms and legs with big motions, he’ll start barking….it’s a doggy snuggle nightmare! lol
I work out at home if it’s rainy and I don’t feel like going out in the morning. But I also don’t belong to a gym; I feel too self-conscious to use the equipment in front of other people. I’m sure that will change though when I have kids.
This sounds like a really good workout. I workout at home most of the time and run outside the other times. I probably go to the gym 5 times at the most in a year. I use to go to classes at the gym but now I’m not as close to one and don’t think the added expense is necessary right now – I also have a one year old.
I’ve tried to workout at home but it just doesn’t happen! Plus, my kids thinks its steal mommy’s exercise ball and try to throw it off the roof time.
I like at home workouts when I have a hard video to follow and motivate me. I struggle with being able to motivate myself enough. Have you ever tried insanity? I can not do it everyday because it is hard on my body but it is an awesome workout.
Hahah omg Sadie reminds me of my dogs when I try to do a workout at home. I’m trying to lay on the floor and do yoga and suddenly I have one puppy underneath me, one on me, and tons of puppy kisses on my face. ;p
I’ve been so busy with work, this is a perfect little at home workout to get my blood flowing and heart pumping! I usually stress about making time to make it to the gym, but knowing I can do something equally as great at home is a relief!
I workout most mornings at home before I head to the gym for some cardio as my gym doesn’t open until 7am and some mornings not until 9am! Prefer working out in the gym when I can though…my bedroom is the attic room so I tend to wake people up with my burpeeing! 🙂
I know this is a random question but what dog toys do you have that Sadie loves? My boyfriend and I are trying to figure out the best ones (stuffed ones don’t work because our dog chews them in a matter of hours) to keep her entertained during times we aren’t in the house with her.
she LOVES her petstages frisbee! here’s a link: she’s had it for nearly 2 years and it’s just now beginning to fall apart.
aww Sadie is too cute haha my cat does that when I do yoga.. he’ll sit down right when I’m doing down ward dog and smile up at me haha
That sounds just like my dog. He thinks anytime I’m done on the floor is his time and he should be pet. I can’t tell you how many sit-ups I’ve done with a dog head on my lap.
I workout at home. I find it “easier” with my daughter. Recently, she has found it fun to grab on to my barbells while I’m trying to lift. My favorite thing she does is when I’m in the middle of a move or something that requires balance, she’ll slam into me full force and yell, “NEED HUG!” My black lab used to bark at me during cardio workouts, now he just ignores me.
My apartment’s on the small side, so my obstacles revolve around things like smacking my arms on a wall or jumping into the refrigerator. 🙂
I workout at home a couple days per week and hit the gym a couple times per week, too. I like to mix it up!!! Home workouts can be hard though because of a needy little four year old, lol!! Actually, he likes to join in and do push ups, burpees, ect with me which really is quite cute :-)!!
I actually prefer to work out at home or outside if I can. I enjoyed working out at the gym when I was more serious about my routine, but now that I don’t follow any kind of workout schedule, I just prefer to get some quick bouts of activity in at home.
The last time i tried to workout at home (a yoga workout) I was interrupted by my dog going under me, and the cat trying to rub my face. It was a no go. I gave in… call me a sucker for cuteness.
I am gong to do the living room workout tomorrow. I’ve been loving all your workouts lately!!
I’ve been working out at home a lot lately since we don’t have a gym super close to our house and we’re also trying to save some money. My dogs drive me up the wall if I’m trying to workout too, so I just put them outside for a bit. And I think once you have kids, you just do what you gotta do and learn to get creative!
I feel like I get “in the zone” easier at the gym and I’m more likely to get a great workout in there. With that said, there are times that I’d just rather do some random exercises in my living room! Lately, if I’m watching TV, I’ll use commerical breaks to do jumping jacks. Thanks for the ideas!
I definitely prefer to take classes at the gym or run outside, but every once in a while I’ll work out at home. I had to this morning since I had an early call for work and the class at the gym wouldn’t work with my schedule. I did a Jillian Michaels DVD – definitely harder to stay motivated, but I’m glad I did it!
I used to be a strictly-gym worker outer. Since I moved, I have opted for more home workouts because I had the space. The only equipment I have are two sets of weights, mat, stability ball, figure 8 band, rope less jump ropes, gliding discs, and a bender ball. There are so many options of things to do! I only get to the gym now when I teach, or have the itch to get on the treadmill/spin bike (about 2 times/week)
I always workout from home, and as long as I do it first thing, I can usually get in a good workout. As the morning drags on, I tend to lose all motivation and get distracted by anything and everything, including my laziness. I have 2 sets of weights and would like heaver ones someday, but for now they get the job done. I can’t imagine working out with a dog like Sadie around! You must have some skills.
I just bought a treadmill so I’ve just transitioned to working out completely at home. I’m always looking for strength workouts I can do at home. Thanks!
I normally like to go to the gym but lately I’ve been doing a lot of at home workouts. My dogs are definitely my obstacle. I have 3 and they all take turns jumping on me and vying for my attention during a workout. They’re small so anything standing I’m usually fine but if I try do sit ups it’s like forget it. I’d get smothered in kisses before I’d actually complete 10. 🙂
I usually don’t workout at home. There isn’t enough space or equipment. I think I would workout at home if I had a home gym though…
I usually work out at the gym (Body Pump and Turbo Kick are so much fun!!!!), but when I do the occasional yoga video at home, my cat always walks under me and even lays on my stomach during some of the poses! He’s nuts!
I love this, Julie! With a toddler at home it’s rare that I make it to the gym, but I could definitely squeeze in a quick workout (in between working, showering, and eating, ha!) while she’s napping. Thanks for the motivation!
oh i’m so glad! hope you like it!
I do manage to workout at home pretty often, but you’re right, it’s nearly impossible to do it with a dog running around licking you or trying to play! I usually do workouts in my bedroom with the door shut, that way no animals can surprise me! Much more efficient to get it done quick
I don’t have a dog to distract me if I workout at home, but my to-do list definitely gets in the way most of the time and so I find it necessary to head to the gym.
And I was starting to think Sadie lined up her toys because she was hoping to JOIN in the circuit? (They are kind of lined up like your free weights). 😉
Im a stay at home mom to two kids and a 90lb german shepherd and workout at home 5 days a week. It gets tough but its completely doable and FREE! I tried the whole gym thing but my kids kept getting sick from all the germs in the “kid area.”
Wait, you have a job? I had no idea! Congrats!