Oh heeey! Fancy seeing you here!
Yes, that is puppy Sadie. It felt like the kind of morning that should start with puppy pictures. I’m not sure why, but let’s roll with it.
Fun fact: Sadie was once featured on The Daily Puppy! I submitted her pictures several years ago because I was (am?) clearly an overly proud puppy parent. I then got a bunch of my coworkers at the time to submit pictures of their puppies that were also featured on the site. It was puppy paradise! (For all the pug lovers out there, check out my friend Katie’s adorable pug, Rex!)
Ain’t no shame in being a little too in love with your dog. There’s a place for people like you and it’s called Peanut Butter Fingers. Welcome!
After that nice little tangent, let’s move right along into the food and fitness side of things.
I based today’s workout on the scheduled Best Body Boot Camp workout for the day but changed things up a bit since some of the exercises targeted deltoids and triceps and I worked those muscles yesterday in my Cardio + Arms Workout. I subbed in back and abdominal exercises instead and called it a day.
Breakfast this morning was wonderful!
I made a batch of my peanut butter oatmeal cookie dough overnight oats last night and topped them with a drizzle of natural peanut butter this morning before digging in.
They are so, so good. And filling!
I hope you guys have a great Wednesday!
Questions of the Morning
- Big dogs or small dogs?
- What is your favorite dog breed?
I’m a big dog lover through and through, but I have a soft spot for French bulldogs. They are so darn cute! As for my favorite dog breed, I’m a little partial to vizslas but I also love Great Danes and German shorthaired pointers. (Running basset hounds are pretty phenomenal, too. Especially #4.)
Hi Julie! I just began following your blog a few months ago and it has quickly become my favorite blog. I have been wanting to try your overnight oat recipe for sometime now and I was just wondering, do you have an estimate of calories/nutritional info for this recipe?
Big dogs! We have two labs, and they are definitely my favorite breed of dogs. Puppy Sadie is so cute!
I’ve never had a dog, but I think Goldens are so beautiful! I think I like bigger dogs, small ones can be cute though!
I have a German Shepherd and will eventually get a Siberian Husky when I have the space! My puppy is 7 months old and weighs about 70lbs right now. She is SUCH a snuggle bug though and I love it! I am not a fan of little dogs, I think at that point you should consider a cat : )
Random.. but I have a 7 month old Shepherd and a 2 year old Husky! I love my girls!
I’m partial to big dogs or small dogs and don’t really like the ones in between. We have four (yes, FOUR) dogs – two Golden Retriever mixes and two Yorkies. The Yorkies are older and I’ve had them since college so they are pretty self sufficient at this point, so they don’t really count. As far as my favorite breed, I love Goldens. My fiancé has grew up with a Weimeraner and Vizslas and his dad actually has a Vizsla now. She requires so much attention and has SO MUCH energy. How do you guys do it? Haha!
Aww Sadie was so cute as puppy! I currently have a siberian husky who’s a little on the crazy side…She’s a sweet girl, but get the idea in her head that she’s going somewhere with you
and then you don’t take her she flips out! Separation anxiety is no fun! Any who, I’d love a little teacup poodle or a cavalier king charles super cute!
Awww Sadie made the cutest puppy! You must be such a proud puppy momma 🙂
We just got a Tibetan Terrier puppy on Sunday! (Here’s a post for some pics: http://www.lisafine.org/my-blog/2013/05/meet-our-new-puppy-maple.html).
I’m partial to smaller dogs, having grown up with a Bichon Frise, and having allergies, I’m also partial to dogs that don’t shed.
I have come to love corgis. They have such smiley faces. We ended up with our dog, who is a white German shepherd corgi mix, while searching for corgis on Petfinder. Of course she is the cutest dog in the world.
Well…I have had pug’s all my life so I LOVE those little pork chops! But, a couple of years aog, we adopted a french bulldog (Madeline) and just a few months ago we also got a boxer puppy (Augustus). I am IN LOOOOVE with the Boxer breed. He is so sweet and is such a lvoer!
Of course I’m in LOVE with English Bulldogs, i own 2! 🙂 But I’m also a Siberian Husky Lover, i’ve wanted one for my whole life! hopefully, maybe can talk the hubbs into one, one day… maybe 😉 But i’m pretty much an ALL dog lover.. I can’t resist a cute puppy!
I LOVE MY ENGLISH BULLDOG!!! <3 they are the best!!!
they are the best! I’d love to see a picture of the baby! 🙂
hmmm….I am on instagram and facebook–but I don’t have a blog. She is all over both fb and instagram….dotsie924 on IG and Dotsie Chlup on FB.
My favorite breed is definitely golden retrievers! I’m a big dog person as well.. I just don’t get little dogs. Medium, sure that’s fine, but the ones that can fit in your purse? Not my thing…
We don’t mind any morning that starts with cute puppy pics 😉
I’m a big dog person and have had them all my life. My top favorite breeds are pitulls(which I have now), German shepherds & huskys which I’ve had in the past
Big dogs are my fav though I definitely have a soft spot for certain small dog breeds like pugs and Frenchies. My doberman, @doberdogg on twitter (yup, my dog has his very own twitter account) is amazing and should be featured far more often on my blog.
Sadie is so cute! I had a golden growing up and I’d love a Great Dane. Sadly, my landlord doesn’t allow pets, which is a shame because I’ve read the Great Danes make great apartment dogs since they basically think they’re lap dogs! 🙂
I’m not having the best day, so seeing these puppy pictures on your blog made it a lot brighter 🙂 Thank you! I am big dogs all the way. My boyfriend has a black lab and lucky me, I moved in with him and inherited the dog. I am biased, but I think he is the sweetest dog in the world! Labs have become my favorite breed, but I always loved beagles. Your blog, believe it or not, introduced me to vizlas, and now, I am in love. My boyfriend and I have a pipe dream of adopting a vizla to keep our lab company.
My husband and I are thinking of adopting a dog. He is a 5 year old boy, Yellow Lab/Corgi mix. Any suggestions/advice for first time dog owners? 😉
I love all breeds. Yes, even the squishy face kind of dogs. ha. But I’m in love with my Aussie 🙂 Basset hounds are wonderful, my MIL has one. But I would love to get a Rhodesian at some point or a Vizsla. This half Hungarian girl needs a Hungarian dog breed 😉
BUT I would totally pick a dog from a rescue group or a shelter. Every little pup, young and old, needs a forever home.
Ahhh puppies! My family just got a puppy a few days ago, and I’m trying to take all the pictures I can to document her puppyhood. 🙂 She’s an American Cocker Spaniel/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix and she’s the most adorable thing to exist on this planet (along with Sadie, of course :P).
To be honest, I love all breeds. Our family wasn’t able to get a hunting dog because we don’t have the time every day to give it the exercise it needs, but my dream one day is to own a Weimaraner, a German Shorthaired Pointer, or a Vizsla. I’m kind of obsessed with the 3 of them.
Okay, every time I see those overnight oats I start to drool. I am going to have to make those soon. I love our chocolate lab! I feel like big dogs tend to be more gentle. 🙂
When shouldn’t we start our mornings with puppy pictures?!
I only like small dogs. I think it is because my fiance had 5 large dogs in a small house when he grew up, and I have just been turned off! My brother has a Shiba Inu and I am in love with it!
I’m a huge animal lover and advocate! I love ALL dogs, but my baby is an Olde English bulldog and I love her so, so much! Her photos are all over my cube at work 🙂 <3 Growing up I had German Shepherds and rottweilers. As far as size–I like ALL sizes!
<3 I a crazy dog lady.
I am so obsessed with dogs! My family has always had black labs growing up and right now Simon, my just-turned-6 year old is my baby! We are also getting a black lab puppy in two weekends, I cannot wait! Dogs are just the best 🙂
I love small dogs and Josh loves big dogs. I also love poodle mixes, theyre smart and dont shed. We’re compromising by getting a goldendoodle or a labrodoodle one day! 😀
Mmm, that looks so peanut buttery! Always my goal with oatmeal, obvi.
I’m a total big dog lover!! I have black lab-mastiff cross and he is my baby 🙂 I also have a soft spot for pugs though!
I’m definitely a big dog lover! I’m really partial to Australian Shepherds. My Aussie, Max, is the smartest dog I’ve ever seen!
I’m partial to big dogs – my fiancee wants a lab or a german shepherd…as long as he vacuums up after it, it’s cool by me! I’ve always wanted a greyhound – I know they don’t do much but I think they’re beautiful animals!
I love big dogs, and I have two basset hounds. They may be short, but definitely aren’t small dogs! I love it when they run but it doesn’t happen much 😉
Big Dogs!
I’ve always grown up with German Shepard all my life. They are so smart, protective, and wonderful companions.
Julie, I thought of you today when I was browsing iTunes and notices Straight No Chaser has a new album!
Aww thanks for the cute puppy pics. I needed some cheering up.
I love all dogs but my favorite breed is Carin Terrier. Probably because I have one lol He’s such a sweet smart boy
I love big and small dogs, but we currently have a King Charles Cavaliar Spaniel named Maddie and she is our spoiled only child. Love, love, love her. I also love English Bulldogs and find myself thinking of a different names for them all the time!
I always thought I wanted a small dog until we rescued Bella from the pound. They told us…she’s gonna be about 80 pounds but I was so in love with her from the first minute that I didn’t care! Now I can’t even imagine not having her giant body next to me every night!
I’ve always loved big dogs! My Vizsla mix is about 65 pounds. The only thing is that there are so many weight restrictions while renting in California (I’m sure it’s similar everywhere) that it can be a burden to have a big dog. I’d definitely consider getting a smaller Sadie size dog!
Sadie was (and still is) such a cutie pie- I love puppy pictures! I like dogs of all sizes, but I’m pretty partial to pit bulls- I’m the proud momma of two sweet bully girls!
Aw Sadie is too cute!!! I am a big dog fan, but some small dogs like bull dogs and pugs I love too.
Boston Terriers!! I have a little girl named Stella. She makes me smile everyday!! I love dogs of all breeds though. Dogs RULE!
I have a four month old vizsla, Mya. After reading about Sadie on your blog and lots of research, I decided a crazy vizsla was exactly what I wanted. She’s so cute, and we can’t go anywhere without at least three people asking us what breed she is!
aw! this makes me so happy!
I am totally an obsessed dog mama–my instagram says it all. We have two australian cattle dog (blue heeler) mutts who keep us very active and happy. They’re quite similar to Sadie with the nonstop energy!
How stinkin’ cute!! Sadie was one adorable puppy dog :).
Aww little Sadie is so cute!! I am a Veterinary Technician so I must say I love all dog breeds. My personal favorites are Great Danes and Flat Coated Retrievers. Both are beautiful to look at with great personalites.
I love small dogs, yorkies of course.. My Paisley is amazing.
French bulldogs and their English counterparts are adorable! I love their wrinkly faces! I’ve never owned a dog, but I worked at a pet store for a while and big dogs were always my favorite, their so much more chill and friendly than little dogs.
Nice timing! We’re just about to get a dog and I’m really loving the Great Pyrenees/Akbash breed (the puppies are SO cute!!!) Check ’em out: http://www.littleroulettes.com/SaleBarn.html
Other loves: Labs/retrievers/cocker spaniels/German Sheps
Dogs I REALLY dont like: poodles, chihuahuas, pugs, and bulldogs. ick.
Awwww…the puppy pics are adorable! I made a batch of your PB oatmeal cookie dough overnight oats last night and ate them for breakfast this a.m. too. They’re awesome! And your right…so filling!
Medium! I have an English springer spaniel named Charlotte. <3 that girl. My husband (and now I, obv.) also have a black lab named Carrie – and no, we didn't plan their names…(Sex and the City) Love seeing pics of your dog; one of my roommates had a vizsla and she was full of energy.
I’ve had both large and small dogs, but I have to say big dogs are my favorite! I have a 6 year old, 80 pound golden doodle named Charlie – he is actually like a human sized teddy bear! I love being able to snuggle up with him 🙂
I’m definitely partial to small dogs, but tbh I love all dogs! I have a 4lb Chihuahua who I am absolutely in love with, and before him I had two ridiculously adorable shih tzus. My dream would be to get a poodle, of any size! Oh how I love poodles! 😀
I have a standard poodle named Lucy. I really love all dogs. But I believe 35-55 pounds is the best size. Big enough to go on a run, but small enough to lift in case of an emergency. Lucy is a small standard. She has never weighed more than 50 and I am glad. Getting her in the tub can be a pain.