Within 30 minutes of publishing my afternoon blog post yesterday, I received a text from Southwest Airlines notifying me that my flight to New Orleans was canceled.
After exploring other options and to make a very, very long story short, I am no longer heading to Louisiana for my friend Leah’s bachelorette party today.
I’m hoping I can overnight some of my contributions to the bachelorette party to the hotel (like the craft project I’ll share with you guys once it’s seen by the bride-to-be!). I’ll be there in spirit!
My initial reaction was to feel really bummed about missing such a fun weekend to celebrate Leah’s upcoming wedding with some of my best girlfriends, but after feeling disappointed, I gained some perspective and know Hurricane Isaac affected a lot of people in far, far worse ways and my thoughts are with them. Safety is always the most important thing and I hope those affected by the hurricane are able to find access to important resources and can find comfort during this difficult time.
Someone was awfully happy about the change in my travel plans.
She got all huffy and wiggled all around the kitchen when I walked through the door.
Since my travel to Louisiana fell through, it was business as usual around here this morning and I did an upper body and cardio combination workout at the gym before heading home for breakfast.
When I went to snap photos of my morning meal, I could not find the SD card for my camera for the life of me, so a blurry phone photo will have to suffice.
Breakfast included a hot mug of coffee and a bowl of steel cut oats cooked on the stovetop with a banana, ground flax seeds and egg whites. (<— I just typed the word “egg shits” on accident and laughed out loud.)
Who is ready for a long weekend? Any awesome Labor Day plans out there!?
I do NOT want egg shit in my oatmeal. My cookies, sure, but not my oatmeal.
ha!! i don’t even know what “egg shits” would be…
Aww, Julie I’m sorry your flight was canceled. Curse on Southwest!! I’m sure Leah understands… that is one long-a** drive from Ocala to Louisiana. You’re good people for always being able to look on the optimistic and realistic side of things! 🙂
Ugh! Bachelorette parties are so fun, that really stinks you had to miss out. I know I would have been a whiner for the rest of the weekend haha. Your positivity is so inspiring! Thanks for being a great example for these types of situations. 🙂 I just started reading your blog and this is one of the reasons I love it so much!
i was bummed out and mopey yesterday and gained perspective from some tweets from readers. it really could be WAY worse and while i’m disappointed, i feel like i can’t complain about the hurricane when you think about how it’s affecting others. :/
Do you really think you are inspiring? Just curious. I would be creeped out of some stranger on the internet kissed my ass like that. Just sayin’.
Such a bummer about the flight being cancelled, but that is completely out of your control. I’m thinking of referring to egg whites as egg shits now
I’m guessing, based on the photo in your post, that Sadie loves chicken jerky. Not sure if you saw this, but the FDA is warning dog owners not to feed their pups chicken jerky right now:
yes! thanks for sharing. chicken jerky is her favorite.
Im glad you gained some perspective regarding hurricane Issac.
Your tweets last night were insensitive to everyone who is actually dealing with the effects of Issac directly.
i agree. i was upset about the cancelation of my flight but my canceled plans pale in comparisson to those directly affected.
I think in the heat of the moment, you had every right to be ticked and right then and there you don’t think of how much worse it REALLY could be you just think “that damn Hurricane”. You were being you!
It really does take time to gain perspective after a big let down (like a full weekend with you besties!) and see the bigger picture which you eventually did but I think its great that you took to your Twitter to be honest about how you were feeling.
Just think though… not long and you’ll be in HAWAII! 🙂
Agree … I think Gabrielle needs to realize that you were writing “from the heat of the moment” and were upset that you would miss seeing your friends that are scattered all over the country).
… You were being you….I undoubtedly would have been the same way. No one wishes for hurricanes and their effects so reading your news with a grain of salt would be wise.
Happy Hawaii!!! Hope Sadie survives without you 🙂
I didn’t see your tweets, Julie, but I have to say I’m always impressed that you just admit when you’ve made a mistake or wish you’d acted differently. I have a hard time taking back my words in person and I can’t imagine how hard it is to do it on the interwebs! I hope you get to see your friends really soon. These trips are more than just lots of fun, they help keep our friendships strong!
Sorry about your flight- its so disappointing when exciting plans fall through!
“My initial reaction was to feel really bummed about missing such a fun weekend to celebrate Leah’s upcoming wedding with some of my best girlfriends, but after feeling disappointed, I gained some perspective and know Hurricane Isaac affected a lot of people in far, far worse ways and my thoughts are with them.”
I think this is a beautiful sentiment and it’s great you can look at it this way. Plus, your dog is adorable. That must help a little too!
(And you still have Hawaii to look forward to, yay!)
Good for you for being optimistic, Julie! Hey, you have Hawaii to look forward to! Have a good Labor Day!
I was thinking of you yesterday wondering if it was safe for you to head out that way. Bummer that you won’t be partying with your girls but glad you are safe.
Have a great day!
Gotta love typos LOL
I’m sorry that you were unable to attend your friend’s Bachelorette Party. I’m sure she understands though and I appreciate you putting things into prospective. That is the most important thing.
I’m so sorry to hear about your travel plans being affected by Isaac! That’s annoying but you’re right, it’s much better to be safe than sorry. This weekend I am headed to Maryland to celebrate my friend Maya’s birthday — should be fun!
have fun and happy birthday to maya!
I’m sorry about your flight! I think that your reaction was probably normal as most people would be disappointed, too. At least next week you will be on sandy beaches and sun in Hawaii! And you can still party it up with your girlfriends at her wedding! There is always a silver lining 🙂
Isaac is going to ruin any and all plans I had for the long weekend… it will be here in Illinois tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday. Maybe that is what I need, though, a nice relaxing weekend at home. I see alot of baking in my future! 🙂
Have a GREAT weekend, Julie!
I’m sorry that the plans fell through Julie, but this always pops into my mind when I’m traveling or issues come up…Just thought I’d share ” Sometimes you get delayed where you are because God knows there’s a storm where you’re headed, be grateful” Have a nice weekend 🙂
i like that a lot, katie. thanks for sharing!
Love that quote!
I would be pretty disappointed too, but I think you have a great outlook on the situation.
The only thing I have planned for the long weekend is helping the boyfriend move Sunday. I think the rest of the time I’m going to take it easy and relax!
I totally agree. While I do think it’s important to realize that people are being affected in very terrible ways, that doesn’t mean you can’t be disappointed about missing this special time with your friends. Hope you find something fun to do this weekend and enjoy your trip to Hawaii!
You have every right to be disappointed that your flight plans fell through. Sadly, there are people being affected by Isaac in ways more major than a cancelled flight but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to be upset over it. You are having to miss out on bonding with good friends that you don’t get to see often and I am sure mot people would be sad if they put themselves in your shoes.
However, it is nice to see that you are able to look on the “bright side”. I would probably still be a bit mopey.
I agree completely!
Such a bummer! Hopefully you can get together with your girlfriends soon. At least you still get to go to Hawaii with Ryan next week! That’ll be fun! 🙂
What a bummer but at least you are safe and sound. On the bright side I am sure Ryan is a little relieved to be able to have you for the flights to be there for support!
Sorry about your travel plans, I’d be bummed too, but it’s better to be safe. And you still have Hawaii to look forward too!
This post made me laugh – more so the pictures of your dogs with the captions. Sometimes it’s nice when travel plans are cancelled so you can have a nice relaxing weekend with loved ones. I’m spending Labor Day with my dog, Cora and my parents dog, Shelby!
Sorry to hear about your change of plans. It sounds like you have a good attitude about it though. Hope you have a fun weekend!
A Tsunami watch was issued for Hawaii after an earthquake in the Philippines.. just thought I’d let you know!
I am running my first half marathon on Sunday! Woohoo! My goal is to finish in under two hours! Any tips for me? =)
ahhh! very exciting! you can do it! my main tip would be to stick with whatever worked for you during your training when it comes to water/fuel consumption. and have a motivational mantra to think about if you find yourself struggling. i used “it’s okay to be uncomfortable” when i was really pushing myself to get a sub-2 hr. half.
Thanks so much for the advice, although I feel like it’s hard for me to eat when I’m running. Water seemed to work well on my long runs though! I need to keep that in mind!! Sorry about your trip to New Orleans =( thats such a bust, but I love your positive attitude! and your blog =)
Ugh, that sucks. BUT Hawaii soon!
So sorry your flight got cancelled. Way to put a positive spin on it though…egg shits do the trick every time! 😉
I love typos. I repeatedly meant to type beer and typed beet last night, and I was seriously cracking myself up. Can you imagine people getting excited to go out for beets!?!? HA! It’s never not funny to imagine.
Gahh that’s a bummer, but life happens.. Another time! You’ll still have fro-yo!:)
That’s a bummer, but you’ve got the right attitude about it. Plus, there’s still Hawaii. Luuuucky.
My long weekend is going to be an extra long 5-day weekend. I can not wait for this day to be over. Big plans – county fair! And hopefully get my cabinets refinished and put back together in kitchen!
Aww I’m so sorry Julie! That sucks so much!! I know your friends will be thinking of you and you’ll be thinking of them though! And if it’s any consolation, you do get to fly to Hawaii in a few days! 😀
aww bummer about your trip! At least you still have Hawaii to look forward to 🙂
Such a bummer! since you are saving money not going out with the girls this weekend you should treat yourself to a mani pedi and a little shopping 🙂 no need to make this weekend feel ordinary when you were supposed to do something special!!!
“Egg shits” Oh my god, you’re killing me. So funny.
Sorry your plans fell through! That’s no fun :(. My mom was supposed to visit today, but she got the stomach flu. I hate when plans get cancelled!
I live in STL and we have been told all week to expect Hurricane Isaac’s remnants to hit our area all weekend. I was supposed to go camping yesterday until Saturday and we cancelled that. I’m supposed to go to my first Mizzou college fball game on Saturday, I’m waiting to see if that gets cancelled and we woke up to dark skies which puts a damper out. So I hear you on the disappointment level but maybe you can attend via Skype?
Egg shits- LOL!
I’m sorry about the bummerness (??) of not being able to go. I know you were excited! But, cheers to not having to pack for it, right?
Have a GOOD day, lady! You get to go to HI soon!
Ahhh I’m so sorry! That’s a bummer that you aren’t able to make it there, but I’m sure they will really miss you! And hey, you’ve got a trip to Hawaii to make up for it!
Sorry about the bachelorette party plans!!! 🙁 At least you are going to Hawaii though!!! 🙂
I am going to the U.S Open this weekend and I am very excited! 🙂
Your positivity is inspiring!! I would be so, so bummed if I missed out on this weekend. At least you still have the wedding to look forward to (and Hawaii) but I’m sure it still stings. Are any of your other friends missing out due to weather?
Egg shits? HAHA! I’m trying not literally laugh out loud at work
Such a bummer!!!!
My long weekend will kick off with my bday today!
Sorry about your cancelled plans. Getting ready for a trip myself and your Total Body Weights II was the perfect start to my day. Thanks!!!!
Oh man, such a bummer! It sounds like you have a much better perspective on it than I would have had! Haha.
Yay! I’ve only been following your blog for a few days now, but when I realized I wouldn’t have a new blog post to read over my morning coffee at the office, I was kind of disappointed. I’m so sorry your plans were canceled but definitely better to be safe than sorry 🙂
Also, I just wanted to thank you for writing such an enthusiastic & positive blog about maintaining your health and fitness. It really offers us readers some fabulous motivation! I especially appreciated your post about morning workouts and have even started joining in on the 5am sweat-fests! I never knew that so many people were at the gym that early! It has drastically improved my ‘actually going to the gym’ rate and has eliminated every single one of my excuses as to ‘why I can’t get there’.
THANK YOU! Have a great time in Hawaii! 🙂
hahaha god i love your blog so much! “egg whites. (<— I just typed the word “egg shits” on accident and laughed out loud.)" TOTALLY cracked me up and made my crappy day a bit better!!
Super disappointing that your plans got canceled, but it’s definitely better to be safe rather than sorry. I’m going to a fair with my family this weekend…I’m really excited! There’ll be all sorts of junk food and silly farm-themed events and I just can’t wait. Hope you have a good weekend despite the change in plans.
What a bummer 🙁 I totally agree with you on looking toward the bright side. Issac has been horrible to so many people. I hope your friend Leah still has a great party.
Ha! Egg shits – love it! Too funny! I love how open and willing you are to allow yourself to share those silly asides with your blogging friends 🙂
I couldn’t help but think that it was a ‘Freudian slip’ after you’ve been commenting these last few days that your morning egg dishes have been less than satisfying. Sometimes that good ol’ bowl of oats is all we’re really after!
Every time I heard an update about Hurricane Isaac, I thought of you. I’m sorry your fun weekend was cancelled — you seemed like you were so looking forward to it. Though you do have Hawaii to look forward to, so I might not be feeling TOO bad for you…
I’m starting a stretch of seven overnight shifts in a row tonight. Pretty sure I’m going to be a zombie come this time next week … Enjoy the long weekend — I’ll enjoy it vicariously through you!
Sorry your flight got cancelled! I hope you have an awesome weekend anyways.
Egg shits? Curious as to what part of the egg that would be exactly…:p