I recently discovered a wonderful substitution for the noodles: spaghetti squash.

Sliced Spaghetti Squash
To begin making tonight’s dinner I preheated the oven to 375 degrees and had Ryan cut the squash in half (it’s very tough, so be careful).
I removed the seeds and placed the squash face down on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray.
Seeded Spaghetti Squash
Ready to Bake
I let the squash bake for around 40 minutes, though you could bake it for a little less time if it’s a smaller squash. Once the squash was tender, I forked out the “spaghetti” strands.
The "Noodles"
This squash yielded a lot of “spaghetti.”
Lots of Squash
I placed a large amout of the squash in a bowl and topped it with roasted zucchini, squash, marinara, Morningstar Farms crumbles and Parmesan cheese.
Morningstar Farms Crumbles
Dinner Time
Dig In!
Once I stirred it all up, it looked a lot less attractive, but tasted phenomenal!
Looks Gross, Tastes Good!
I have a tendency to love disgusting-looking food. I think I get this from my dad. Our plates at Thanksgiving are utterly repulsive. We mix everything together: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, peas… the works!
I’ll never forget one of my first dinners at Ryan’s mom’s house. She served mashed potatoes with gravy and peas and I stirred mine all together. She said she knew I was “one of them” when I turned such an attractive meal into a plate of delicious mush! I guess this will be a tradition Ryan and I will continue together!
Question: What is your favorite nasty looking food?
I definitely want to make spaghetti squash asap. I only recently discovered such a thing and it looks a-maz-ing!
Me too! I’ve never made it before, but it always looks so yummy when bloggers like Julie make it and post pictures! Plus, I love pasta with tomato sauce so it looks like a great healthy option!
I make a pumpkin soup that is awesome but kinda looks like baby puke! It is one of my favorite fall things but it isn’t the prettiest thing ever.
I would agree with Mellissa that most creations I make with pumpkin looks pretty nast but taste so good!
This spegetti squash thing is quite the revelation! I had no idea! I’m making that next week 🙂 I’m doing your pork and apples tonight (extra apples)!
I’m the same way at Thanksgiving. My Plate is one big pie of delicious mush and I love it! Glad you did a post on the spaghetti squash, I still havent done it!
i made speghetti squash last night too! it looked JUST like yours! it was soo tasty! its amazing how naturally sweet it is!! AMAZING! adn your meal looks fab!
too funny i make this meal all the time with the soy crumbles, but never tried the zucchini…looks yum!
This looks good and interesting at the same time. I’ve never had it. It makes me want to go and buy everything to make it right now.
You’ve soooo given me hope!! I ruined a spaghetti squash the last time I tried to cook it and got so frustrated that I never wanted to try it again. I cant wait to try it your way now. Thanks a heap!