It’s Wednesday morning and I began the day with a big smile on my face because our little one decided to greet me with two BIG kicks that I could both feel on the inside and SEE on the outside (<—a new thing for me!). His movements are the most reassuring thing to me right now and after a few days of either not feeling him move at all or only feeling some light flutters here and there, this was such a wonderful way to start the day! Hi, baby!
Ryan and I are getting more and more excited to meet our baby boy in the future but Sadie still seems to be living in ignorant bliss about everything. Although she has taken to assuming that every baby toy that arrives is a gift for her. I tell her “no” and take the toy upstairs to the nursery but last night Sadie decided the small stash of nursery toys are officially her new toys. She came prancing into the living room with a stuffed giraffe in her mouth and looked so darn happy and proud of her new discovery that I didn’t have the heart to take it away from her.
Merry Christmas, Sadie!
This morning began with baby kicks and breakfast! I made myself a bowl of banana egg white oatmeal topped with cinnamon and served it with a Honeycrisp apple and a hot mug of decaf coffee made with almost equal parts soymilk.
In an effort to continue my goal of becoming the most hydrated human on the planet, I filled up my big water cup to sip on while typing up this post and then this happened…
And the exact same thing happened yesterday, too! I don’t know what is going on with me lately but I have morphed into the clumsiest person in the world. I’ve been banging my elbows (yes, plural) on everything, dropping things constantly, tripping over my own feet and spilling food and water like it’s cool. I clearly need to get it together!
On that note, I’m outta here! It’s time to work, but I’m hoping I can sneak away during break time for a BodyPump class!
You’re not alone! My husband calls me Crash when I’m pregnant because I’ve broken so many glasses! Anytime I drop anything my husband says, “uh oh, are you pregnant?!” Lol